pt -- the MacPorts port tool Copyright (c)2007,2008 Alexander Barton, History & Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pt 0.1.0 (2008-06-27) - Imported source code into GIT. - Removed (never used) CVS $Id$ tags. - New command "freshup" to update port database and list outdated port(s). - Added the command "outdated" to the usage help text. - Makefile: ignore .git/ on "dist" target, fix output of "check" target. pt 0.0.9 (2007-11-15) - Implemented "make install". - New target "info": show information to specified port. pt 0.0.8 (2007-09-10) - fixed the function which checks if a port is installed or not: Port_Installed always returned false. - New target "outdated" (aka "list-outdated"): show outdated ports. - Fixed the return code of some functions, for example "update". pt 0.0.7 (2007-05-09) - Added "check" and "distcheck" make targets. - Display number of inactive ports as well, if any. - Check for "Maintainers:" field instead for "Platforms:", when using "port info" to check for a port. - Display number of required ports when listing dependencies. - Respect the terminal width when dumping "package state lists" like which packages are required for an installation. pt 0.0.6 (2007-04-16) - First "public" release, announced in #alt on :-)