From 0c739a3a842e471a84357e3e8bca04b85a0574f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexander Barton Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 13:52:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Remove doc/ directory, redirect to GitHub So all the documentation files are always up to date and can be edited by users online and more easily. --- .htaccess | 8 + doc/.htaccess | 2 - doc/AUTHORS | 69 -- doc/Bopm.txt | 53 -- doc/COPYING | 339 ------- doc/Capabilities.txt | 28 - doc/ChangeLog | 1999 ---------------------------------------- doc/Commands.txt | 991 -------------------- doc/Contributing.txt | 60 -- doc/FAQ.txt | 109 --- doc/HowToRelease.txt | 80 -- doc/INSTALL | 367 -------- doc/Modes.txt | 95 -- doc/NEWS | 895 ------------------ doc/PAM.txt | 49 - doc/Platforms.txt | 140 --- doc/Protocol.txt | 256 ----- doc/README | 89 -- doc/README-AUX.txt | 67 -- doc/README-BeOS.txt | 53 -- doc/README-Interix.txt | 44 - doc/RFC.txt | 33 - doc/SSL.txt | 108 --- doc/Services.txt | 144 --- doc/Zeroconf.txt | 40 - doc/sample-ngircd.conf | 389 -------- 26 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 6499 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 doc/.htaccess delete mode 100644 doc/AUTHORS delete mode 100644 doc/Bopm.txt delete mode 100644 doc/COPYING delete mode 100644 doc/Capabilities.txt delete mode 100644 doc/ChangeLog delete mode 100644 doc/Commands.txt delete mode 100644 doc/Contributing.txt delete mode 100644 doc/FAQ.txt delete mode 100644 doc/HowToRelease.txt delete mode 100644 doc/INSTALL delete mode 100644 doc/Modes.txt delete mode 100644 doc/NEWS delete mode 100644 doc/PAM.txt delete mode 100644 doc/Platforms.txt delete mode 100644 doc/Protocol.txt delete mode 100644 doc/README delete mode 100644 doc/README-AUX.txt delete mode 100644 doc/README-BeOS.txt delete mode 100644 doc/README-Interix.txt delete mode 100644 doc/RFC.txt delete mode 100644 doc/SSL.txt delete mode 100644 doc/Services.txt delete mode 100644 doc/Zeroconf.txt delete mode 100644 doc/sample-ngircd.conf diff --git a/.htaccess b/.htaccess index dceec08..e86e908 100644 --- a/.htaccess +++ b/.htaccess @@ -2,3 +2,11 @@ Options +MultiViews Redirect /bugzilla/index.cgi Redirect /bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi Redirect /bugzilla/query.cgi +Redirect /doc/AUTHORS +Redirect /doc/COPYING +Redirect /doc/ChangeLog +Redirect /doc/INSTALL +Redirect /doc/NEWS +Redirect /doc/README +Redirect /doc/sample-ngircd.conf +Redirect /doc/ diff --git a/doc/.htaccess b/doc/.htaccess deleted file mode 100644 index 4a80697..0000000 --- a/doc/.htaccess +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -ForceType text/plain -AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 diff --git a/doc/AUTHORS b/doc/AUTHORS deleted file mode 100644 index 0248666..0000000 --- a/doc/AUTHORS +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2017 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- AUTHORS and CONTRIBUTORS -- - - -Note: -If you have comments, patches or something else, please feel free to post -a mail to the ngIRCd mailing list: (please see - for details) or join the ngIRCd IRC -channel: . - -Don't mail the people listed here directly, if possible! - - -Main Authors -~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Alexander Barton -Florian Westphal - - -Contributors -~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Ali Shemiran -Ask Bjørn Hansen -Benjamin Pineau -Brandon Beresini -Brett Smith -Brian Collins -Bryan Caldwell -Christian Aistleitner -Christoph Biedl -Dana Dahlstrom -David Kingston -DNS -Eric Grunow -Federico G. Schwindt -Gabor Adam Toth -Goetz Hoffart -Ian Chard -Ilja Osthoff -Jari Aalto -LucentW -Mantas Mikulėnas -Neale Pickett -Peter Powell -Rolf Eike Beer -Roy Sindre Norangshol -Scott Perry -Sean Reifschneider -Sebastian Köhler -Tassilo Schweyer -Tom Ryder -Unit 193 -William Pitcock -Yecheng Fu -xor - - -Code snippets -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Andrew Tridgell & Martin Pool: strl{cpy|cat}()-functions -John Kercheval: pattern matching functions -Patrick Powell : snprintf()-function diff --git a/doc/Bopm.txt b/doc/Bopm.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 338e5cb..0000000 --- a/doc/Bopm.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2014 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- BOPM.txt -- - - -I. Introduction -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Citing : "BOPM is an open source open proxy -monitor, designed for use with hybrid-based ircds, although it can be used -with slight modification on any server which has the ability to show connects -to opers and that supports KLINEs." - -Starting with Release 17, ngIRCd supports all required log messages that -BOPM requires to be useful. - -II. Installation -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Install BOPM as usual, please see the BOPM documentation for details. -Afterwards adjust the following configuration parameters that are important -for ngIRCd: - -a) BOPM "IRC" section: - - 1) Set "server" and "port" accordingly, - - 2) adjust the "oper" line to match an [Operator] block in ngircd.conf, - - 3) change "mode" to "+ci" or "+c". - - 4) Set "connregex" to the following string, everything in one line(!): - "Client connecting: ([^ ]+) \\(([^@]+)@([^\\)]+)\\) \\[([0-9\\.]+)\\].*"; - and comment out all the other "connregex" examples (that is, prepend a - "#" character). - - 5) Set "kline" to "GLINE *@%h :Open proxy found on your host!"; - and comment out all the other "kline" examples. - -b) BOPM "scanner" section: - - Make sure you configure a valid "target_ip" and "target_port" for the - configured scanners to test. And please note that you CAN'T USE the port - of ngIRCd, because ngIRCd doesn't send any banner message by default! - - So you need a service what sends a banner, so for example POP3, SMTP, - IMAP, or SSH daemons should work ... diff --git a/doc/COPYING b/doc/COPYING deleted file mode 100644 index d159169..0000000 --- a/doc/COPYING +++ /dev/null @@ -1,339 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along - with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General -Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/doc/Capabilities.txt b/doc/Capabilities.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0f160ed..0000000 --- a/doc/Capabilities.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2012 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- Capabilities.txt -- - - -This document lists and describes the "IRC capabilities" that ngIRCd supports -and can be requested by a IRC/IRCv3 client that supports the "CAP" command. - -ngIRCd implements the "IRC Client Capabilities Extension" as described here: - - - -I. Supported Capabilities -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -* "multi-prefix" - - When requested, the multi-prefix client capability will cause the IRC - server to send all possible prefixes which apply to a user in NAMES and - WHO output. - - See . diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog b/doc/ChangeLog deleted file mode 100644 index e540c52..0000000 --- a/doc/ChangeLog +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1999 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2017 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- ChangeLog -- - - -ngIRCd 24 (2017-01-20) - - - Make sure that ./contrib/ aborts when ./ fails. - - Update config.guess (2016-10-02) and config.sub (2016-11-04) files. - - Build Debian packages with OpenSSL instead of GnuTLS: OpenSSL allows - to reload used certificates on runtime for example (which is very - useful when using Let's Encrypt), and therefore is preferred. And - explicitly specify the "source format". - - Fix handling of connection pool allocation and enlargement: up to now, - the daemon only enlarged its connection pool when accepting new incoming - client or server connections, not when establishing new outgoing server - links, which could lead to problems when hitting the configured limit, - see "MaxConnections". Thanks to Lukas Braun (k00mi) for reporting this! - Closes #231. - - ngIRCd 24~rc1 (2017-01-07) - - Enhance systemd service file, and install it in Debian package. - - Update configuration of Debian package. - - Log privilege violations and failed OPER request with log level "error" - and send it to the "&SERVER" channel, too. - - Immediately shut down connection when receiving an "ERROR" command, - don't wait for the peer to close the connection. This allows the daemon - to forward the received "ERROR" message in the network, instead of the - very generic "client closed connection" message. - - Fix sending of entry duration (no negative values!) when synchronizing - "x-lines" (G-LINES). - - List expiration (G-LINES): use same log level as when setting, and log - this event to the &SERVER channel, too. - - Explicitly forbid remote servers to modify "x-lines" (G-LINES) when the - "AllowRemoteOper" configuration option isn't set, even when the command - seems to originate from the remote server itself: this prevents GLINE's - to become set during server handshake in this case (what wouldn't be - possible during regular runtime when a remote IRC Op sends the command) - and what can't be undone by IRC Ops later on (because of the missing - "AllowRemoteOper" option) ... - - Make scripts and init-files in ./contrib executable. - - Fix building ngIRCd with OpenSSL 1.1. Thanks to Christoph Biedl - for the patch! - - Fix code indentation warnings of gcc 6.2. - - Update config.guess (2016-04-02) and config.sub (2016-03-30) files. - - Fix warnings of the "shellcheck" linter in, contrib/ngindent - and contrib/ - - Update Xcode project for latest Xcode version (8.0), and fix "duplicate - symbols" error messages when building (linking) the binary. - - Add "Documentation" variables to systemd configuration files. - - Make sure that SYSCONFDIR is always set, which can be handy when - using source code linters when ./configure hasn't been run already. - - Add the new "PAMServiceName" configuration option to specify the name - used as PAM service name. This setting allows to run multiple ngIRCd - instances with different PAM configurations for each instance. - Thanks to Christian Aistleitner for the - patch, closes #226. - - Add an ".editorconfig" file to the project. - - Travis-CI: use "container-based infrastructure". - - Limit the number of message targets, and suppress duplicates: This - prevents an user from flooding the server using commands like this: - "PRIVMSG nick1,nick1,nick1,...". - Duplicate targets are suppressed silently (channels and clients). - In addition, the maximum number of targets per PRIVMSG, NOTICE, ... - command are limited to MAX_HNDL_TARGETS (25). If there are more, the - daemon sends the new 407 (ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS_MSG) numeric, containing - the first target that hasn't been handled any more. Closes #187. - - Test suite: Add new test for server-server logins. - - contrib/ngindent: Fix shebang line. - - Make contrib/ script more portable, and only show - "runs=Y" when the test suite really has been passed successfully. - - Code cleanup in the NJON handler and the function killing clients as - well as the function sending messages to a "mask" (cleaner code, more - fault tolerant, better code comments). - - Update and enhance documentation: README file, doc/Platforms.txt, - doc/Modes.txt, doc/Commands.txt, doc/PAM.txt. - - Fix NJOIN not propagating "half ops" status: ngIRCd tested for the wrong - prefix of "half ops" when processing NJOIN commands and therefore never - classified a remote user as "half op". - Thanks to wowaname for pointing this out on #ngircd! - -ngIRCd 23 (2015-11-16) - - - Explicitly cast time_t to long when printing it out: this prevents - wrong sized data types on platforms where time_t doesn't equal a - long any more, for example on OpenBSD (which would result in garbled - output on those platforms). - - contrib/Debian/changelog: Fix email address. - - Documentation: Spelling fixes; update doc/Platforms.txt. - - ngIRCd 23~rc1 (2015-09-06) - - Add ".clang_complete" file, which is used by the "linter-clang" package - of the Atom editor, for example. - - Make server-to-server protocol more robust: ngIRCd now catches more - errors on the server-to-server (S2S) protocol that could crash the - daemon before. This hasn't been a real problem because the IRC S2S - protocol is "trusted" by design, but the behavior is much better now. - Thanks to wowaname on #ngircd for pointing this out! - - Make,, and ngircd.init more portable. - - Enables "reproducible builds" for ngIRCd: Use the optional BIRTHTIME - constant while building ngIRCd, which contains a time stamp for the - "Birth Date" information, in seconds since the epoch. - See . - - Update "contrib/ngircd.service" file for systemd. - - INSTALL: Add deprecation notice for "PredefChannelsOnly" variable. - - Use "NOTICE *" before registration instead of "NOTICE AUTH". "AUTH" is - a valid nickname so sending notices to it is probably not a good idea. - Use "*" as the target instead as done with numerics when the nick is not - available. This mimics the behavior in Charybdis, IRCD-Hybrid, InspIRCd - 2.2, Plexus 4, etc. Closes #217. - The "NoticeAuth" configuration variable (ngircd.conf) has been renamed - to "NoticeBeforeRegistration" accordingly, but the old name is still - supported for compatibility reasons. - - Implement new channel mode "N" (regular users can't change their nick - name while on this channel). Closes #214. - - README, AUTHORS: Update mailing list and issue tracker URLs. - - Remove doc/GIT.txt (it is outdated), update doc/Contributing.txt: - ngIRCd uses GitHub, and Git itself is quite common today. So don't - include an own Git "mini HowTo" any longer. - - Specify session context for OpenSSL clients. This enables some OpenSSL - clients, including Pidgin and stunnel 5.06, to reuse a session. - Patch by Tom Ryder , thanks! Closes #182. - - Keep track of who placed bans, invites, and excepts. - Idea and implementation by LucentW, Thanks! Closes #203. - - Make setgroups(3) function optional: For example, Interix is missing - this function, which prevented ngIRCd to build on this platform. When - setgroups(3) isn't available, a warning message is issued on startup. - - Implement numeric RPL_LISTSTART(321). lightIRC and other clients - expecting RPL_LISTSTART should now behave correctly. - Idea and implementation by LucentW, Thanks! Closes #207. - - Update ngircd.conf.5: "CloakUserToNick" hides user _and_ real name. - This closes #208. - - Fix case insensitive pattern matching: Up to now, only the the input - string became lowercased and was then compared to the pattern -- which - failed when the pattern itself wasn't all lowercase! - - Streamline the effect of "MorePrivacy" option: Update documentation - in ngircd.conf(5); don't hide channels for IRC Ops on LIST and don't - hide IP addresses/hostnames on WHOIS when "MorePrivacy" is in effect. - This closes #198. - - IRC operators now can kick anyone when "OperCanMode" is set. - Idea and implementation by LucentW, Thanks! Closes #202. - - Implement user mode "I": Hide channels on WHOIS: this mode prevents - ngIRCd from showing channels on WHOIS (IRC Operators can always see - the channel list). - Idea and implementation by LucentW, Thanks! Closes #197. - - INVITE command: Implement ERR_USERNOTONSERV(504) numeric and make sure - that the target user is on the same server when inviting other users - to local ("&") channels. - Idea by Cahata, thanks! Closes #183. - - INVITE command: Enforce 1 second penalty time, which prevents flooding - of the target client. - This closes #186. Reported by Cahata, thanks! - - MODE command: Always report channel creation time. Up to now when - receiving a MODE command, ngIRCd only reported the channel creation - time to clients that were members of the channel. This patch reports - the channel creation time to all clients, regardless if they are joined - to that channel or not. At least ircd-seven behaves like this. - This closes #188. Reported by Cahata, thanks! - - Update Xcode project for latest Xcode version (6.3). - -ngIRCd 22.1 (2015-04-06) - - - Update doc/Platforms.txt and doc/FAQ.txt. - - Fix spelling of RPL_WHOISBOT message text. - - Don't send nick name as default PART reason: No other IRC daemon seems - to do this (today?). Closes #185. - Reported by Cahata in #ngircd, thanks! - - Fix "WHO #" showing invisible users and hiding all visible, the - logic was reversed! This bug has been introduced by commit c74115f2, - "Simplify mode checking on channels and users within a channel", ngIRCd - releases 21, 21.1, and 22 are affected :-( Problem reported by Cahata - in #ngircd, Thanks! - - Fix typo in src/testsuite/README - - Auth PING: Fix our information text for manual sending of "PONG". Up to - now, ngIRCd doesn't send a valid IRC command at all, oops! - - Auth PING: Fix internal time stamp conversion and don't send a prefix in - our PING command. The prefix confuses WeeChat, at least, which doesn't - send an appropriate PONG in the case ... - Debugging and patch by "wowaname" on #ngircd, thanks! - - Fix syntax of ERR_LISTFULL_MSG(478) numeric. Pointed out by "wowaname" - in #ngircd, thanks! - - Enhance debug messages while sending CHANINFO commands. - - Reset "last try" timer when enabling a passive server. This results in - a new connection attempt as soon as possible. - - Change log message for "Can't resolve address" and for IP address - forgeries. - - doc/HowToRelease.txt: Add note about the bug tracker. - - Update "CipherList" to not enable SSLv3 by default. Idea, initial patch, - and testing by Christoph Biedl . - - Change ngIRCd test suite not to use DNS lookups: Different operating - systems do behave quite differently when doing DNS lookups, for example - "" sometimes resolves to "localhost" and sometimes to - "localhost.localdomain" (for example OpenBSD). And other OS resolve - "localhost" to the real host name (for example Cygwin). So not using - DNS at all makes the test site much more portable. - -ngIRCd 22 (2014-10-11) - - - Match all list patterns case-insensitive: this affects the invite-, - ban-, and except lists, as well as G-Lines an K-Lines. - Problem pointed out by "wowaname" on #ngircd, thanks! - - ngIRCd 22~rc1 (2014-09-29) - - Sync "except lists" between servers: Up to now, ban, invite, and G-Line - lists have been synced between servers while linking -- but obviously - nobody noticed that except list have been missing ever since. Until now. - Thanks to "j4jackj", who reported this issue in #ngircd. - - Allow longer user names (up to 63 characters) for authentication. - - Correctly check that a server has a valid hostname and port, thanks to - David Binderman who reported this bug. - - Fix the function which generates complete "IRC masks" from user input, - don't destroy the source buffer and use all provided parts (nick, user, - host name). This fixes GLINEs/KLINEs from not working in some situations. - - Increase MAX_SERVERS from 16 to 64: There are installations out there - that would like to configure more than 16 links per server, so increase - this limit. Best would be to get rid of MAX_SERVERS altogether and make - if fully dynamic, but start with this quick and dirty hack ... - - Debian: Don't adjust path names that are correct by default and correctly - set and use "docdir". - - Update config.guess and config.sub to recent versions. - - Test suite/ Detect when tests have been skipped. - - doc/Bopm.txt: Update "connregex" and "kline" for current ngIRCd. - - Allow "DefaultUserModes" to set all possible modes, including modes only - settable by IRC Operators. - - Spoofed prefixes: Really kill connection on non-server links. - - Implement user mode "F": "relaxed flood protection". Clients with mode - "F" set are allowed to rapidly send data to the daemon. This mode is only - settable by IRC Operators and can cause problems in the network -- so be - careful and only set it on "trusted" clients! - User mode "F" is used by Bahamut for this purpose, for example. - - Handle "throttling" in a single function: ngIRCd implements "command - throttling" and "bps throttling" (bytes per second). The states are - detected in different functions, Conn_Handler() and Read_Request(), but - handle the actual "throttling" in a common function: this enables us to - guarantee consistent behavior and to disable throttling for special - connections in only one place - - Use server password when PAM is compiled in but disabled. - - Streamline punctuation of log messages. - - Return ISUPPORT(005) numerics on "VERSION". This is how ircd-seven, - Charybdis, Hybrid, and InspIRCd behave, for example. - - configure: Only link "contrib/Debian" if it exists, which isn't the case - on "VPATH builds", for example. - - Show the account name in WHOIS. This uses the same numeric as Charybdis - and ircu families: WHOISLOGGEDIN(330). - - Pattern matching: Remove "range matching" in our pattern matching code - using the "[...]" syntax, because [ and ] are valid characters in nick - names and one has to quote them currently using the "\" character, which - is quite unexpected for users. - - New option "-x", don't regenerate build system and - allow using separate source and build trees. - - Test suite: explicitly enable glibc memory checking. - - Make "MODE -k" handling more robust and compatible, send "fake '*' key" - in all replies. - - Update ngIRCd requires GNU autoconf 2.61 for generating its - build system, so update the build system accordingly and implement all - changes that autoupdate(1) suggests: Update AC_PREREQ and AC_INIT, use - AC_LINK_IFELSE, AC_RUN_IFELSE, and AC_COMPILE_IFELSE, and remove - AC_TYPE_SIGNAL (we don't use RETSIGTYPE). - - portabtest: Actually test the functions snprintf(), strlcpy(), strlcat(), - and vsnprintf() for correctness, not only existence (which was quite - useless, because if they weren't available, the program could not have - been linked at all ...). - - Implement new configuration option "Network": it is used to set the - (completely optional) "network name", to which this instance of the - daemon belongs. When set, this name is used in the ISUPPORT(005) numeric - which is sent to all clients connecting to the server after logging in. - - Update doc/Platforms.txt. - - Various code cleanups, remove unused code, streamline error handling. - Remove all imp.h and exp.h header files, support non-standard vsnprintf() - return codes, and fix some K&R C portability issues. Streamline - DEBUG_ARRAY, DEBUG_BUFFER, DEBUG_IO, DEBUG_ZIP definitions. - - Increase penalty time to 10 seconds when handling OPER commands with an - invalid password. - -ngIRCd 21.1 (2014-03-25) - - - Don't ignore but use the server password when PAM is compiled in but - disabled. Thanks to Roy Sindre Norangshol ! - - doc/Platforms.txt: Update from master branch. - - Really kill connections that send "spoofed prefixes" on non-server links. - This fixes commit 6cbe1308 which only killed the connection when the - spoofed prefix itself belonged to a non-server client. - - CHARCONV command: Fix handling conversion errors, don't overwrite already - converted text! - - doc/Services.txt: Update information for Anope 2.x. - - Correctly use cloaked IRC masks on "INVITE nickname": The cloaked IRC mask - of a user is his visible mask, so the daemon has to use it for generating - the "one time" entries for the invite list of the given channel, and not - the "real" mask which will never match while the target client is "+x", and - even worse, will disclose the real mask on "MODE #channel +I" commands :-/ - Bug reported by Cahata on #ngircd, thanks! - - configure: Only link "contrib/Debian" if it exists. This isn't the case on - "VPATH builds", for example. - - Use $(MKDIR_P) instead of $(mkinstalldirs) in Makefile's and test for - "mkdir -p" using AC_PROG_MKDIR_P in "configure". - - Fix configure script and "make check" for TCP Wrappers (problems spotted on - OpenBSD): add missing #include's and static variables, and add libwrap at - the end of the configure run because if libwrap becomes added earlier, - other tests may fail. - - configure: add support for the LDFLAGS_END and LIBS_END variables to add - linker flags and libraries at the end of the configure run (CFLAGS_END has - been implemented already). - - and Don't use "test -e", it isn't portable. - - Update Copyright notices for 2014 :-) - - Fix permanent {G|K}LINES (with a timeout of 0 seconds). - - WEBIRC: Don't set the hostname received by the WEBIRC command when DNS - lookups are disabled, but use the IP address instead. - Reported by Toni Spets , thanks! - - Check for working getaddrinfo() function: At least AIX 4.3.3 and 5.1 have a - broken implementation of getaddrinfo() which doesn't handle "0" as numeric - service correctly. This patch adds a configure check for this case and - changes all calling functions to only use getaddrinfo() if it "works". - See - - Only use the unsetenv() function when it is available (AIX 4.3 doesn't - support it, for example). - - Make sure that the source code is still compatible with the "ansi2knr" tool - and builds using non-ANSI K&R C compilers. Tested with Apple C on A/UX. - - Fix building ngIRCd without support for ZLIB compression. Reported by - "der_baer" on #ngircd, thanks! - -ngIRCd 21 (2013-10-30) - - - ./contrib/Debian/ngircd.init: Make sure no stale PID file is left over - when (re-)starting ngIRCd. - - Change ./contrib/ and update ./doc/Platforms.txt to - allow user names up to 8 characters. - - Call arc4random_stir() in forked subprocesses, when available. This - is required by FreeBSD <10 and current NetBSD at least to correctly - initialize the "arc4" random number generator on these platforms. - - Update our own Debian package configuration and fix the default path - of the "HelpFile" of the "full" package variants. - - ngIRCd 21~rc2 (2013-10-20) - - Report the correct configuration file name on configuration errors, - support longer configuration lines, and warn when lines are truncated. - - Use arc4random() function to generate "random" numbers, when available. - - Detect clang compiler, and clean up GIT source tree - before building (when possible). - - Update (date of) manual pages. - - Update "Upgrade Information" in INSTALL file, add more systems to - doc/Platforms.txt, and fix spelling in NEWS and ChangeLog files =:) - - Fix remaining compiler warnings on OpenBSD. - - ngIRCd 21~rc1 (2013-10-05) - - Actually KILL clients on GLINE/KLINE. (Closes bug #156) - - Adjust log messages for invalid and spoofed prefixes, which cleans up - logging of commands related to already KILL'ed clients. And don't - forward KILL commands for (already) unknown clients any more to prevent - unnecessary duplicates. - - Add support to show all user links using the "STATS L" (uppercase) - command (restricted to IRC Operators). - - Fixed blocking of server reconnects in some error configurations. - - Don't ignore SSL-related errors during startup any more: abort startup - when SSL is requested by the configuration but can't be initialized and - don't continue only listening on plain text communication ports. - (Closes bug #163) - - Implement configurable SSL cipher list selection for GnuTLS and OpenSSL - using the new configuration option "CipherList". In addition, this - changes the defaults to more secure values: "HIGH:!aNULL:@STRENGTH" for - OpenSSL, and "SECURE128" for GnuTLS. - - Fix "TRACE": Correctly return ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS(461) (which basically - is "syntax error") when there are too many parameters. - - Clean up lots of permission and parameter checks in functions handling - IRC commands; and more consistently add penalty times on errors. - - Fix error numeric of WHOIS when no nick name has been provided: - as per RFC it should be ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN(431). - - Only log "IDENT ... no result" messages when an IDENT looked took place - and didn't return any data, not when IDENT has been disabled. - - Show connection flag "s" (SSL) in RPL_TRACE{LINK|SERVER} messages: now - you can check if a server-to-server link is SSL-encrypted or not using - the IRC "TRACE" command. - - Correctly discard supplementary groups on server startup. - - Save client IP address text for "WebIRC" users and correctly display - it on WHOIS, for example. (Closes bug #159) - - Implement the new configuration option "DefaultUserModes" which lists - user modes that become automatically set on new local clients right - after login. Please note that only modes can be set that the client - could set on itself, so you can't set "a" (away) or "o" (IRC Op), - for example! User modes "i" (invisible) or "x" (cloaked) etc. are - "interesting", though. (Closes bug #160) - - Add support for the new METADATA "account" property, which allows - services to automatically identify users after netsplits and across - service restarts. - - Enforce "penalty times" on error conditions more consistently and in - more places. Now most error codes sent back from the IRC server to the - client should result in a 2 second "penalty". - - Implement a new configuration option "AllowedChannelTypes" that lists - all allowed channel types (channel prefixes) for newly created channels - on the local server. By default, all supported channel types are allowed. - If set to the empty string, local clients can't create new channels at - all, which equals the old "PredefChannelsOnly = yes" setting. - This change deprecates the "PredefChannelsOnly" variable, too, but it is - still supported and translated to the appropriate "AllowedChannelTypes" - setting. When the old "PredefChannelsOnly" variable is processed, a - warning message is logged. (Closes bug #152) - - Add support for "client certificate fingerprinting". When a client - passes an SSL certificate to the server, the "fingerprint" will be - forwarded in the network which enables IRC services to identify the - user using this certificate and not using passwords. - - IRC Operator names, as defined in ngircd.conf, are logged now when - handling successful OPER commands. - - Some error conditions while handling IRC commands, like "permission - denied" or "need more parameters", result in more penalty times. - - The numeric replies of some commands became split too early which - resulted in more numeric reply lines than necessary. - - Implement a new configuration option "IncludeDir" in the "[Options]" - section that can be used to specify a directory which can contain - further configuration files and configuration file snippets matching - the pattern "*.conf". These files are read in after the main server - configuration file ("ngircd.conf" by default) has been read in and - parsed. The default is "$SYSCONFDIR/ngircd.conf.d", so that it is - possible to adjust the configuration only by placing additional files - into this directory. (Closes bug #157) - - Fix use-after-free in the Lists_CheckReason() function, which is used - to check if a client is a member of a particular ban/invite/... list. - - Xcode: fix detection of host OS, vendor, and CPU type, and update - project settings for Xcode 5. - - OS X PackageMaker: use relative path names in project files and package - with correct file permissions (requires root privileges on "make"). - - Add Travis-CI configuration file (".travis.yml") to project. - - Look for possible cloaked Masks in Lists. Users with +x user mode can - be banned with their cloaked hostname now. - - Don't read SSL client data before DNS resolver is finished which could - have resulted in discarding the resolved client hostname and IDENT - reply afterwards, because in some situations (timing dependent) the - NICK and USER commands could have already been read in from the client, - stored in the buffer, and been processed. - Thanks to Julian Brost for reporting the issue and testing, and to - Federico G. Schwindt for helping to debug it! - - Increase password length limit to 64 characters. (Closes bug #154) - - doc/Services.txt: Update Anope status and URL. - - Clean up Xcode project file, remove outdated files, add missing ones. - - Update Doxygen configuration file. - - configure: search for iconv_open as well as libiconv_open, because - on some installations iconv_open() is actually libiconv_open(). - iconv_open() is the glibc version while libiconv_open() is the - libiconv version, now both variants are supported. (Closes bug #151) - - ngIRCd now accepts user names including "@" characters, saves the - unmodified name for authentication but stores only the part in front - of the "@" character as "IRC user name". And the latter is how - ircd2.11, Bahamut, and irc-seven behave as well. (Closes bug #155) - - Lots of IRC "information functions" like ADMIN, INFO, ... now accept - server masks and names of connected users (in addition to server names) - for specifying the target server of the command. (Closes bug #153) - - Implement a new configuration option "IdleTimeout" in the "[Limits]" - section of the configuration file which can be used to set a timeout - in seconds after which the whole daemon will shutdown when no more - connections are left active after handling at least one client. - The default is 0, "never". - This can be useful for testing or when ngIRCd is started using "socket - activation" with systemd(8), for example. - - Implement support for systemd(8) "socket activation". - - contrib/README: add description for more files. - - Enable WHOIS to display information about IRC Services using the new - numeric 310(RPL_WHOISSERVICE) This numeric is used for this purpose by - InspIRCd, for example -- but as usual, other numerics are in use, too, - like 613 in UltimateIRCd ... - Please note that neither the Operator (+o) not the "bot status" (+B) - of an IRC service is displayed in the output. - - Exit message: use singular & plural :-) - - Check for autoconf/automake wrapper scripts - - Add missing punctuation marks in log messages, adjust some severity - levels, and make SSL-related messages more readable. - - AUTHORS file: Update list of contributors. - - Update systemd(8) example configuration files in ./contrib/ directory: - the "ngircd.service" file now uses the "forking" service type which - enhances the log messages shown by "systemctl status ngircd.service", - and the new "ngircd.socket" file configures a systemd socket that - configures a socket for ngIRCd and launches the daemon on demand. - - Enhance help system and the HELP command: now a "help text file" can be - set using the new configuration option "HelpFile" ("global" section), - which is read in and parsed on server startup and configuration reload, - and then is used to output individual help texts to specific topics. - Please see the file ./doc/Commands.txt for details. - -ngIRCd 20.3 (2013-08-23) - - - Security: Fix a denial of service bug (server crash) which could happen - when the configuration option "NoticeAuth" is enabled (which is NOT the - default) and ngIRCd failed to send the "notice auth" messages to new - clients connecting to the server (CVE-2013-5580). - -ngIRCd 20.2 (2013-02-15) - - - Security: Fix a denial of service bug in the function handling KICK - commands that could be used by arbitrary users to to crash the daemon - (CVE-2013-1747). - - WHO command: Use the currently "displayed hostname" (which can be cloaked!) - for hostname matching, not the real one. In other words: don't display all - the cloaked users on a specific real hostname! - - configure: The header file "netinet/in_systm.h" already is optional in - ngIRCd, so don't require it in the configure script. Now ngIRCd can be - built on Minix 3 again :-) - - Return better "Connection not registered as server link" errors: Now ngIRCd - returns a more specific error message for numeric ERR_NOTREGISTERED(451) - when a regular user tries to use a command that isn't allowed for users but - for servers. - - Don't report ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS(461) when a MDOE command with more modes - than nicknames is handled, as well as for channel limit and key changes - without specifying the limit or key parameters. - This is how a lot (all?) other IRC servers behave, including ircd2.11, - InspIRCd, and ircd-seven. And because of clients (tested with Textual and - mIRC) sending bogus MODE commands like "MODE -ooo nick", end-users got the - expected result as well as correct but misleading error messages ... - - Correctly detect when SSL subsystem must be initialized and take - outgoing connections (server links!) into account, too. - - Enforce serial test harness on GNU automake >=1.13. The - new parallel test harness which is enabled by default starting with - automake 1.13 isn't compatible with our test suite. - And don't use "egrep -o", instead use "sed", because it isn't portable - and not available on OpenBSD, for example. - -ngIRCd 20.1 (2013-01-02) - - - Allow ERROR command on server and service links only, ignore them and - add a penalty time on all other link types. - - Enforced mode setting by IRC Operators: Only check the channel user - modes of the initiator if he is joined to the channel and not an IRC - operator enforcing modes (which requires the configuration option - "OperCanUseMode" to be enabled), because trying to check channel user - modes of a non-member results in an assertion when running with debug - code or could crash the daemon otherwise. This closes bug #147, thanks - to James Kirwill for tracking this down! - - Fix build system to cope with spaces in path names. - - Code cleanups, mostly to fix build warnings on Cygwin. - -ngIRCd 20 (2012-12-17) - - - Allow user names ("INDENT") up to 20 characters when ngIRCd has not - been configured for "strict RFC mode". This is useful if you are using - external (PAM) authentication mechanisms that require longer user names. - Patch suggested by Brett Smith , see - . - - ngIRCd 20~rc2 (2012-12-02) - - Rework cloaked hostname handling and implement the "METADATA cloakhost" - subcommand: Now ngIRCd uses two fields internally, one to store the - "real" hostname and one to save the "cloaked" hostname. This allows - "foreign servers" (aka "IRC services") to alter the real and cloaked - hostnames of clients without problems, even when the user itself issues - additional "MODE +x" and "MODE -x" commands. - - RPL_UMODEIS: send correct target name, even on server links. - - Update to follow autoconf changes and only generate - the "configure" script when it is missing. - - Fix the test suite to correctly execute test scripts even when stdout - is redirected. - - Fix some compiler warnings on NetBSD and OpenBSD. - - ngIRCd 20~rc1 (2012-11-11) - - Update doc/Services.txt: describe the upcoming version of Anope 1.9.8, - then including a protocol module for ngIRCd. And remove our own patches - in ./contrib/Anope because they aren't supported any more ... - - Implement new "METADATA" command which can be used by remote servers - and IRC services to update client metadata like the client info text - ("real name"), user name, and hostname, and use this command to - configure an cloaked hostname (user mode "+x") on remote servers: - This prevents "double cloaking" of hostnames and even cloaked - hostnames are in sync on all servers supporting "METADATA" now. - - Fix error message when trying to join non-predefined channels and the - "PredefChannelsOnly" configuration option is set. - - Implement new IRC "SVSNICK" command to allow remote servers (and IRC - services) to change nicknames of already registered users. The SVSNICK - command itself doesn't change the nickname, but it becomes forwarded - to the server to which the user is connected to. And then this server - initiates the real nickname changing using regular NICK commands. - This allows to run mixed networks with old servers not supporting the - SVSNICK command, because SVSNICK commands for nicknames on such servers - are silently ignored and don't cause a desynchronization of the network. - - Make server reconnect time a little bit more random, so that two - servers trying to connect to each other asynchronously don't try this - in exactly the same time periods and kick each other off ... - - Don't accept connections for servers already being linked: there was a - time frame that could result in one connection overwriting the other, - e. g. the incoming connection overwriting the status of the outgoing - one. And this could lead to all kind of weirdness (even crashes!) later - on: now such incoming connections are dropped. - - New configuration option "MaxListSize" to configure the maximum number - of channels returned by a LIST command. The default is 100, as before. - - Implement user mode "b", "block messages": when a user has set mode "b", - all private messages and notices to this user are blocked if they don't - originate from a registered user, an IRC Op, server or service. The - originator gets an error numeric sent back in this case, - ERR_NONONREG_MSG (486), which is used by UnrealIRCd, too. (Closes #144) - - WHOIS: Not only show RPL_WHOISHOST_MSG to local IRC operators, but show - it to all IRC operators in the network. And don't show it to anybody if - the "more privacy" configuration option is enabled. (Closes #134) - - Test suite: make expect scripts more verbose displaying dots for each - reply of the server that it is waiting for. - - WHOIS: Implement numeric RPL_WHOISMODES_MSG (379) and show user modes in - the reply of the WHOIS command for the user himself or, if MorePrivacy - isn't set, for request initiated by an IRC operator. (Closes #129) - - Implement channel mode "V" (invite disallow): If the new channel mode - "V" is set, the INVITE command becomes invalid and all clients get the - new ERR_NOINVITE_MSG (518) reply. (Closes #143) - - KICK-protect IRC services. - - Implement channel mode "Q" and user mode "q": Both modes protect users - from channel kicks: only IRC operators and servers can kick users having - mode "q" or in channels with mode "Q". (Closes #141) - - Debian: require "telnet" or "telnet-ssl" for building and enable - CHARCONV in ngircd-full[-dbg] variants. - - Send RPL_REHASHING (382) numeric if a REHASH command was accepted. - - Fix spelling and variable names in some log messages. - - Allow users to "cloak" their hostname only when the configuration - variable "CloakHostModeX" (introduced in 19.2) is set. Otherwise, only - IRC operators, other servers, and services are allowed to set the user - mode "+x": this prevents regular users from changing their hostmask to - the name of the IRC server itself, which confused quite a few people ;-) - (Closes #133) - - New configuration option "OperChanPAutoOp": If disabled, IRC operators - don't become channel operators in persistent channels when joining. - Enabled by default, which has been the behavior of ngIRCd up to this - patch. (Closes #135) - - Allow IRC operators to see secret (+s) channels in LIST command as long - as the "MorePrivacy" configuration option isn't enabled in the - configuration file. (Closes #136) - - Enhance build system: Support new (>=1.12) and old (<=1.11) GNU automake - versions, update checks for required and optional features, enable - colored test output of automake (if available), rename to - more modern, include .mailmap and all build-system files in - distribution archives and no longer require a GIT tree to detect the - correct version string. - - Update documentation: add doc/Contributing.txt and include version - numbers in doc/Modes.txt. - - Free all listen ports on initialization: now listen ports can be - reconfigured on runtime using a configuration reload. - - Initialize SSL when needed only, and disable SSL on errors. - - Implement new (optional) IRC+ "CHARCONV" command to set a client - character set that the server translates all messages to/from UTF-8. - This feature requires the "libiconv" library and must be enabled using - the new "--with-iconv" option of the ./configure script. See - doc/Protocol.txt for details. (Closes #109) - - Allow limited punctuation in usernames, for better PAM integration. - - Correctly re-initialize signal handlers on RESTART commands. - - Show a warning on startup if the configuration file is not a full path: - ngIRCd is a long-running process and changes its working directory to - "/" to not block mounted filesystems and the like when running as daemon - ("not in the foreground"); therefore the path to the configuration file - must be relative to "/" (or the chroot() directory), which basically is - "not relative", to ensure that "kill -HUP" and the "REHASH" command work - as expected later on. (Closes #127) - - Make the "&SERVER" channel definable in a [Channel] configuration block, - which enables server operators to overwrite the built-in topic and - channel modes. (Closes #131) - - Don't limit list size of "WHO #channel" commands, because it makes no - sense to not return all the users in that channel, so I removed the - check. But if there are more than MAX_RPL_WHO(25) replies, the client - requesting the list will be "penalized" one second more, then 2 in - total. (Closes #125) - - Make ngIRCd buildable using the kqueue() IO interface on FreeBSD 4.x. - - Fix the "NoticeAuth" configuration option when using SSL connections and - enhance the message to show the hostname and IDENT reply of the client. - - Introduce numeric RPL_HOSTHIDDEN_MSG (396): This numeric is sent to the - client each time it changes its displayed hostname using "MODE +/-x", - and if "CloakHost" is set right after the MOTD has been sent. - - Fix USERHOST not displaying the correctly cloaked hostname. - - Implement user mode "B" ("Bot flag"): it is settable and unsettable by - every (non-restricted) client. This is how Unreal and InspIRCd do - behave, and so do we :-) - - Dynamically allocate memory for connection passwords: This a) saves - memory for clients not using passwords at all and b) allows for - "arbitrarily" long passwords. - - Implement channel mode "M": Only the server, identified users and IRC - operators are able to talk in such a channel. - - Block nicknames that are reserved for services and are defined using the - configuration variable "ServiceMask" in "Server" blocks; And this - variable now can handle more than one mask separated by commas. - - Now "make uninstall" removes the installed "ngircd.conf" file, if it is - still equal to our "sample-ngircd.conf" file and therefore hasn't been - modified by the user. If it has been modified, it isn't removed and a - notice is displayed to the user. And "make install" now displays a - message when no ngircd.conf file exists and the "sample-ngircd.conf" - file will be installed as a starting point. - - Add contrib/ngircd.service, a systemd service file for ngircd. - - Implemented XOP channel user modes: "Half Op" ("+h", prefix "%") can set - the channel modes +imntvIbek and kick all +v and normal users; "Admin" - ("+a", prefix "&") can set channel modes +imntvIbekoRsz and kick all +o, - +h, +v and normal users; and "Owner" ("+q", prefix "~") can set channel - modes +imntvIbekoRsz and kick all +a, +o, +h, +v and normal users. - - Implement hashed cloaked hostnames for both the "CloakHost" and - "CloakHostModeX" configuration options: now the admin can use the new - '%x' placeholder to insert a hashed version of the clients hostname, - and the new configuration option "CloakHostSalt" defines the salt for - the hash function. When "CloakHostSalt" is not set (the default), a - random salt will be generated after each server restart. (Closes #133) - -ngIRCd 19.2 (2012-06-19) - - - doc/Capabilities.txt: document "multi-prefix" capability - - ngIRCd 19.2~rc1 (2012-06-13) - - New configuration option "CloakHostModeX" to configure the hostname - that gets used for IRC clients which have user mode "+x" enabled. - Up to now, the name of the IRC server itself has been used for this, - which still is the default when "CloakHostModeX" isn't set. - - Correctly handle asynchronously re-established server links: a race - condition could let the daemon loose track of an already re-established - incoming server link while preparing its own outgoing connection. - Peers that both try to connect each other could have been affected. - - Log a debug message when SIGUSR2 is handled in debug mode. - - Only allow alphanumeric characters in user-supplied user names of - USER command and IDENT replies. - - Change wording of "TLS initialized" message to make it more consistent. - - Don't leak file descriptors on error path when creating "PID files". - - Add missing mode "r" to CHANMODES in 005 "ISUPPORT" numeric. - - Update doc/Modes.txt and doc/Platforms.txt documents. - - contrib/ correctly detect Open64 C compiler and handle - "CC=xxx MAKE=yyy ./" calling convention. - - Add instructions for setting up Atheme IRC services. - - Implement support for IRC capability handling, the new "CAP" command, - and capability "multi-prefix" which allows both the NAME and WHO command - handlers to return more than one "class prefix" to the client. - - Update Xcode project files: reference missing documentation files. - - Fix: Don't ignore "permission denied" errors when enabling chroot. - - FAQ: enhance description of chroot setup. - -ngIRCd 19.1 (2012-03-19) - - - Fix gcc warning (v4.6.3), initialize "list" variable to NULL. - - Fix typos: "recieved" -> "received", "Please not" -> "Please note", - and fix lintian(1) warning ""hyphen-used-as-minus-sign", too. - - Really include _all_ patches to build the Anope module into the - distribution archive ... ooops! - - Fix test case error for Debian using sbuild(1). - - Don't log "ngIRCd hello message" two times when starting up. - -ngIRCd 19 (2012-02-29) - - - Update build system: bump config.guess and config.sub files used by - GNU autoconf/automake to recent versions. - - Fix configuration file parser: don't accept "[SSL]" blocks in the - configuration file when no SSL support is built in ngIRCd. - - Fix building ngIRCd with old gcc versions (e. g. 2.7.2). - - Correctly re-open syslog logging after reading of configuration - file: Syslog logging has been initialized before reading the - configuration, so ngIRCd always used the default facility and ignored - the "SyslogFacility" configuration option ... - Thanks to Patrik Schindler for reporting this issue! - - ngIRCd 19~rc1 (2012-02-12) - - Enhance command limits for server links: the limit now is dependent - on the number of users connected in the network and higher while - servers are joining the network to make the login of servers faster. - - Log more information about server synchronization. - - Update preliminary ngIRCd protocol module for Anope 1.9.6, which now - is the only supported version. - - New numeric RPL_WHOISHOST_MSG(378), which returns the DNS host name - (if available) and the IP address of a client in the WHOIS reply. - Only the user itself and local IRC operators get this numeric. - - Implement channel exception list (mode 'e'). This allows a channel - operator to define exception masks that allow users to join the - channel even when a "ban" would match and prevent them from joining: - the exception list (e) overrides the ban list (b). - - PRIVMSG and NOTICE: Handle nick!user@host masks case-insensitive. - - Implement user mode 'C': If the target user of a PRIVMSG or NOTICE - command has the user mode 'C' set, it is required that both sender - and receiver are on the same channel. This prevents private flooding - by completely unknown clients. - - New RPL_WHOISREGNICK_MSG(307) numeric in WHOIS command replies: it - indicates if a nickname is registered (if user mode 'R' set). - - Limit channel invite, ban, and exception lists to 50 entries and fix - duplicate check and error messages when adding already listed entries - or deleting no (longer) existing ones. - - Fix both ERR_SUMMONDISABLED(445) and ERR_USERSDISABLED(446) replies. - - MODE command: correctly return ERR_UNKNOWNMODE(472) numeric for - unknown channel modes, instead of ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG(501). - - ISUPPORT(005) numeric: add "O", "R", and "z" modes to "CHANMODES", - add "EXCEPTS=e" and "INVEX=I", add "MAXLIST=beI:50". - - Limit the number of list items in the reply of LIST (100), WHO (25), - WHOIS (10), and WHOWAS (25) commands. - - LIST command: compare pattern case insensitive. - - Limit the MODE command to handle a maximum number of 5 channel modes - that require an argument (+Ibkl) per call and report this number - in the ISUPPORT(005) numeric: "MODES=5". - - Fix handling of channel mode sequence with/without arguments. - For example, don't generate wrong error messages when handling - "MODE #chan +IIIIItn *!aa@b *!bb@c *!cc@d *!dd@e *!ee@f". - - When sending data on a connection, only try to get the type of - the client if there still is one assigned. This could trigger an - assertion and end the daemon in some error paths. - - Don't try to close already closed/invalid sockets to forked child - processes. This could potentially crash the daemon in some cases - with IDENT lookups enabled. - - WHOIS command: make sure that the reply ends with RPL_ENDOFWHOIS, - don't answer queries for IRC servers, make sure mask matching is - case-insensitive, and that RPL_ENDOFWHOIS numeric is sent with the - unmodified mask (like it has been received from the client). - - LINKS command: support parameter to limit the reply. - - Add 1 second penalty for every further target on PRIVMSG/NOTICE - commands: this reduces the possibility of flooding channels with - commands like "PRIVMSG/NOTICE #a,#n,#c,... :message" a little bit. - Problem noticed by Cahata, thanks! - - Display correct error message when "Server{UID|GID}" variable in the - configuration file is invalid (not a number and no existing user). - - Update Copyright notices for 2012 :-) - - JOIN command: don't stop handling of channel lists when a single - channel cannot be joined (because of bad name, wrong key or channel - limit reached), but report an error and continue. And don't check - the channel limit and don't report with "too many channels" when - trying to join a channel that the client already is a member of. - - ISON command: reply with the correct upper-/lowercase nicknames. - - New configuration option "PAMIsOptional": when set, clients not - sending a password are still allowed to connect: they won't become - "identified" and keep the "~" character prepended to their supplied - user name. See "man 5 ngircd.conf" for details. - - Fixed handling of WHO commands. This fixes two bugs: "WHO " - returned nothing at all if the user was "+i" (reported by Cahata, - thanks) and "WHO " returned channel names instead - of "*" when the user was member of a (visible) channel. - - Fixed some spelling errors in documentation and code comments - (Thanks to Christoph Biedl). - - contrib/Debian/control: Update and complete "Build-Depends" and - update our Debian package descriptions with "official" ones. - - Fixed typo in two error messages. - - LUSERS reply: only count channels that are visible to the requesting - client, so the existence of secret channels is no longer revealed by - using LUSERS. Reported by Cahata, thanks! - - Unknown user and channel modes no longer stop the mode parser, but - are simply ignored. Therefore modes after the unknown one are now - handled. This is how ircd2.10/ircd2.11/ircd-seven behave, at least. - Reported by Cahata, thanks! - - README: Update list of implemented commands. - - Log better error messages when rejecting clients. - - Implement IRC commands "GLINE" and "KLINE" to ban users. G-Lines are - synchronized between server on peering, K-Lines are local only. - If you use "*!@" or "*!*@" masks, these connections - are blocked even before the user is fully logged in (before PASS, - NICK, and USER commands have been processed) and before the child - processes for authentication are forked, so resource usage is smaller. - - Xcode: update project file for Xcode 4.2 and define HAVE_GAI_STRERROR - for Mac OS X Xcode builds. - - ./configure: Fix logic and quoting of poll() detection code: only use - poll() when poll.h exists as well. - - Suppress 'Can't create pre-defined channel: invalid name: ""' message. - - whois-test: handle local host name = "localhost.localdomain" using the - pattern "localhost*" for valid local host names. - - sample-ngircd.conf: show correct default for "PAM" variable: The - default of "PAM" is "yes" when ngIRCd has been configured to use it, - so show the correct default value in the sample configuration file. - (Closes #119) - - Update GPL 2 license text to current version. - - Only close "unrelated" sockets in forked child processes: This fixes - the problem that ngIRCd can't do any IDENT lookups because of the - socket has already been closed in the child process. - The bug has been introduced starting with ngIRCd 17 ... :-( - (commit ID 6ebb31ab35e) - - Added doc/Modes.txt: document modes supported by ngIRCd. - - Implement user mode "R": indicates that the nickname of this user - is "registered". This mode isn't handled by ngIRCd itself, but must - be set and unset by IRC services like Anope. - - Implement channel mode "R": only registered users (having the user - mode "R" set) are allowed to join this channel. - - Test suite: bind to loopback ( interface only. - - New 2nd message "Nickname too long" for error code 432. - - Xcode: Mac OS X config.h: support 10.5 as well as 10.6/10.7 SDK. - - Xcode: exclude more Xcode 4 specific directories in ".gitignore". - - Disconnect directly linked servers sending QUIT. Without this, - the server becomes removed from the network and the client list, - but the connection isn't shut down at all ... - - contrib/ngindent: detect "gindent" as GNU indent. - - Handle unknown user and channel modes: these modes are saved and - forwarded to other servers, but ignored otherwise. - - Handle channel user modes 'a', 'h', and 'q' from remote servers. - These channel user modes aren't used for anything at the moment, - but ngIRCd knows that these three modes are "channel user modes" - and not "channel modes", that is that these modes take an "nickname" - argument. Like unknown user and channel modes, these modes are saved - and forwarded to other servers, but ignored otherwise. - - Correctly inform clients when other servers change their user modes. - This is required for some services to work correctly. - - Test suite: make work even when run as root. - - Spoofed prefixes: close connection on non-server links only. - On server-links, spoofed prefixes can happen because of the - asynchronous nature of the IRC protocol. So don't break server- - links, only log a message and ignore the command. (Closes #113) - -ngIRCd 18 (2011-07-10) - - - Update timestamp of ngircd(8) manual page. - - Add preliminary ngIRCd protocol module for Anope 1.9 to contrib/Anope/. - - Don't register WHOWAS information when "MorePrivacy" option is in effect. - - ngIRCd 18~rc2 (2011-06-29) - - Update documentation, fix some wording, and use a spellchecker :-) - - ngircd.conf.5: strip "SSL" prefix from variables in [SSL] section. - - ngircd.8: document debugging options. - - GnuTLS: use 1024 bits as minimum size of the DH prime. This enables - ngIRCd to accept incoming connections from other servers and clients - that "only" use at least 1024 bits again, like ngIRCd 17 did (and no - longer requires 2048 bits for incoming connections). - - ngIRCd 18~rc1 (2011-06-27) - - PAM warning message: make clear which "Password" config option is ignored. - - New configuration option "MorePrivacy" to "censor" some user information. - When enabled, signon time and idle time is left out. Part and quit - messages are made to look the same. WHOWAS requests are silently dropped. - All of this is useful if one wish to conceal users that access the ngircd - servers from TOR or I2P. - - New configuration option "ScrubCTCP" to scrub incoming CTCP commands. If - activated, the server silently drops incoming CTCP requests from both - other servers and from users. The server that scrubs CTCP will not forward - the CTCP requests to other servers in the network either, which can spell - trouble if not every oper knows about the CTCP-scrubbing. Scrubbing CTCP - commands also means that it is not possible to send files between users. - There is one exception to the CTCP scrubbing performed: ACTION ("/me - commands") requests are not scrubbed. - - Display configuration errors more prominent on "--configtest". - - Restructure ngIRCd configuration file: introduce new [Limits], [Options], - and [SSL] sections. The intention of this restructuring is to make the - [Global] section much cleaner, so that it only contains variables that - most installations must adjust to the local requirements. All the optional - variables are moved to [Limits], for configurable limits and timers of - ngIRCd, and [Options], for optional features. All SSL-related variables - are moved to [SSL] and the "SSL"-prefix is stripped. The old variables in - the [Global] section are deprecated now, but are still recognized. - => Don't forget to check your configuration, use "ngircd --configtest"! - - New documentation "how to contribute": doc/Contributing.txt. - - Slightly fix error handling when connecting to remote servers. - - GnuTLS: bump DH-bitsize to 2048: this solves the problem that some clients - refuse to connect to severs that only offer 1024. For interoperability it - would be best to just use 4096 bits, but that takes minutes, even on - current hardware ... - - contrib/ fix gcc version detection. - - Avoid needlessly scary 'buffer overflow' messages: When the write buffer - space grows too large, ngIRCd has to disconnect the client to avoid - wasting too much memory, which is logged with a scary 'write buffer - overflow' message. Change this to a more descriptive wording. - - Require server prefixes for most commands on RFC2812 links. RFC1459 links - (often used by services, for example) are not affected. - - Mac OS X: update installer functionality, texts, and add our logo :-) - - New configuration option "RequireAuthPing": PING-PONG on login. When - enabled, this configuration option lets ngIRCd send a PING with an numeric - "token" to clients logging in; and it will not become registered in the - network until the client responds with the correct PONG. - - New configuration option "NoticeAuth": send NOTICE AUTH on connect. When - active, ngircd will send "NOTICE AUTH" messages on client connect time - like e.g. snircd (QuakeNet) does. - - Generate WALLOPS message on SQUIT from IRC operators; so SQUIT now behaves - like CONNECT and DISCONNECT commands, when called by an IRC operator. - - Allow servers to send more commands in the first 10 seconds ("burst"). This - helps to speed up server login and network synchronization. - - Add support for up to 3 targets in WHOIS queries, also allow up to one - wildcard query from local hosts. Follows ircd 2.10 implementation rather - than RFC 2812. At most 10 entries are returned per wildcard expansion. - - ngircd.conf(5) manual page: describe types of configuration variables - (booleans, text strings, integer numbers) and add type information to each - variable description. - - Don't use "" in sample-ngircd.conf, use "". - - Terminate incoming connections on HTTP commands "GET" and "POST". - - New configuration option "CloakHost": when set, this host name is used for - every client instead of the real DNS host name (or IP address). - - New configuration option "CloakUserToNick": when enabled, ngIRCd sets - every clients' user name to their nickname and hides the user name - supplied by the IRC client. - - doc/Protocol.txt: Update description of the CHANINFO and WEBIRC commands. - - Doxygen'ify (document) much more source files; code cleanup ... - - Make write buffers bigger, but flush early. Before this change, a client - got disconnected if the buffer flushing at 4k failed, now regular clients - can store up to 32k and servers up 64k even if flushing is not possible at - the moment. This enhances reliability on slow links. - - Don't access possibly free'd CLIENT structure. Ooops. - - Allow "Port = 0" in [Server] blocks. Port number 0 marks remote servers - that try to connect to this daemon, but where this daemon never tries to - establish a connection on its own: only incoming connections are allowed. - - Configuration: fix 'Value of "..." is not a number!' for negative values. - - Enable WHOIS command to return information about services. - - Implement channel mode 'O': "IRC operators only". This channel mode is - used on DALnet (bahamut), for example. - - Remove support for ZeroConf/Bonjour/Rendezvous service registration - including the "[No]ZeroConf" configuration option. - - TOPIC command: test for channel admin rights correctly: this enables other - servers, services and IRC operators to change channel topics, even when - the client is not joined to this channel. - - Deprecate NoXX-Options in ngircd.conf and move new variants into our new - [Options] section: 'NoDNS=no' => 'DNS=yes', 'NoIdent=no' => 'Ident=yes', - 'NoPAM=no' => 'PAM=yes', and 'NoZeroConf=no' => 'ZeroConf=yes' (and - vice-versa). The defaults are adjusted accordingly and the old variables - in [Global] are still accepted, so there is no functional change. - - Fix confusing "adding to invite list" debug messages: adding entries to - ban list produced 'invite list' debug output ... - - Don't throttle services and servers being registered. - - Xcode: correctly sort files :-) - - Don't assert() when searching a client for an invalid server token (this is - only relevant when a trusted server on a server-server link sends invalid - commands). - -ngIRCd 17.1 (2010-12-19) - - - --configtest: remember if MOTD is configured by file or phrase - - Enhance log messages when establishing server links a little bit - - Reset ID of outgoing server link on DNS error correctly - - Don't log critical (or worse) messages to stderr - - Manual page ngircd(8): add SIGNALS section - - Manual pages: update and simplify AUTHORS section - - Remove "error file" when compiled with debug code enabled - - README: Updated list of implemented commands - - add doc/README-Interix.txt and doc/Bopm.txt to distribution tarball - - Merge branch 'numeric-329' - - add doc/PAM.txt to distribution tarball - - New numeric 329: get channel creation time on "MODE #chan" commands - - Save channel creation time; new function Channel_CreationTime() - -ngIRCd 17 (2010-11-07) - - - doc: change path names in sample-ngircd.conf depending on sysconfdir - - Fix up generation and distribution of sample-ngircd.conf - - contrib/ngircd-redhat.init: updated email address of Naoya Nakazawa - - contrib/ make command name quoting consistent - - ngIRCd 17~rc3 (2010-10-27) - - Xcode builds: detect version number correctly, updated project file - to use the Mac OS X 10.5.x SDK, disable pam_fail_delay() because it - is only available starting with Mac OS X 10.6, and generate a default - PAM configuration for the Mac OS X package of ngIRCd. - - Debian: updated standards version to 3.9.1, added libpam0g-dev to the - dependencies, and install a default /etc/pam.d/ngircd allowing all logins. - - Make contrib/ more portable. - - Fix connect attempts to further IP addresses of outgoing server links. - - ngIRCd 17~rc2 (2010-10-25) - - ZeroConf: include header files missing since commit a988bbc86a. - - Generate ngIRCd version number from GIT tag. - - Make source code compatible with ansi2knr again. This allows to compile - ngIRCd using a pre-ANSI K&R C compiler again. - - ./configure: check if C compiler can compile ISO Standard C. - - ./configure: check support for C prototypes again. - - Don't use PARAMS() macro for function implementations. - - Added m68k/apple/aux3.0.1 (gcc 2.7.2) to doc/Platforms.txt. - - Only try to set FD_CLOEXEC if this flag is defined. - - Only use "__attribute__ ((unused))" if GCC >=2.8 is used. - - doc/ don't set docdir, automake handles it already. - - ngIRCd 17~rc1 (2010-10-11) - - New configuration option "NoZeroConf" to disable service registration at - runtime even if ngIRCd is compiled with support for ZeroConf (e.g. using - Howl, Avahi or on Mac OS X). - - New configuration option "SyslogFacility" to define the syslog "facility" - (the "target"), to which ngIRCd should send its log messages. - Possible values are system dependent, but most probably "auth", "daemon", - "user" and "local1" through "local7" are possible values; see syslog(3). - Default is "local5" for historical reasons. - - Dump the "internal server state" (configured servers, established - connections and known clients) to the console or syslog when receiving - the SIGUSR2 signal and debug mode is enabled. - - Enable the daemon to disable and enable "debug mode" on runtime using - signal SIGUSR1, when debug code is compiled in, not only on startup - using the command line parameters. - - Signal handler: added new 'delayed' signal handlers, including fallback - to deprecated sysv API. And removed global NGIRCd_SignalRehash variable. - - IO: add io_cloexec() to set close-on-exec flag. - - ng_ipaddr.h: include required assert.h header. - - Conn_SyncServerStruct(): test all connections; and work case insensitive - - configure script: correctly indent IPv6 yes/no summary output. - - Don't reset My_Connections[Idx].lastping when reading data, so the - client lag debug-output is working again. - - Implement user mode "x": host name cloaking (closes: #102). - - Make configure switch "--docdir" work (closes: #108). - - Reformat and update FAQ.txt a little bit. - - INSTALL: mention SSL, IPv6, and changed handling of MotdFile. - - Change MOTD file handling: ngIRCd now caches the contents of the MOTD - file, so the daemon now requires a HUP signal or REHASH command to - re-read the MOTD file when its content changed. - - Startup: open /dev/null before chroot'ing the daemon. - - Allow IRC ops to change channel modes even without OperServerMode set. - - Allow IRC operators to use MODE command on any channel (closes: #100). - - Added mailmap file for git-[short]log and git-blame. - - Authenticated users should be registered without the "~" mark. - - Set NoPAM=yes in configuration files used for the testsuite. - - New configuration option "NoPAM" to disable PAM. - - Implement asynchronous user authentication using PAM, please see the - file doc/PAM.txt for details. - - Resolver: Implement signal handler and catch TERM signals. - - Don't set a penalty time when doing DNS lookups. - - Add some documentation for using BOPM with ngIRCd, see doc/Bopm.txt. - - Implement user mode "c": receive connect/disconnect NOTICEs. Note that - this new mode requires the user to be an IRC operator. - - ngircd.init: require "$network" and "$remote_fs" when stopping ngircd. - - Show SSL status in WHOIS output, numeric 275. - - Include correct header files when testing for arpa/inet.h (Closes: #105). - - Don't access already freed memory in IRC_KILL(). - - Fix "beeing" typo ... - - SSL/TLS: fix bogus "socket closed" error message. - -ngIRCd 16 (2010-05-02) - - - doc/SSL: remove line continuation marker - - ngIRCd 16~rc2 (2010-04-25) - - Updated some more copyright notices, it's 2010 already :-) - - Only compile in Get_Error() if really needed - - Fix gcc warning "ignoring return value of ..." - - Include netinet/in_systm.h alongside netinet/ip.h - - Include netinet/{in.h, in_systm.h} when checking for netinet/ip.h - - Only include if it exists - - Updated doc/Platforms.txt - - Enhance connection statistics counters: display total number of served - connections on daemon shutdown and when a new client connects using - the new numeric RPL_STATSCONN (250). - - ngIRCd 16~rc1 (2010-03-25) - - Various fixes to the build system and code cleanups. - - contrib/ Only show latest commit. - - Updated doc/Platforms.txt, added new README-Interix.txt documenting - how to tun ngIRCd on Microsoft Services for UNIX (MS SFU, MS SUA). - - Updated links to the ngIRCd homepage (bug tracker, mailing list). - - Added missing modes to USERMODES #define - - Show our name (IRCD=ngIRCd) in ISUPPORT (005) numeric - - Quote received messages of ERROR commands in log output. - - ngircd.conf manual page: document missing "Password" variable. - - Implement WEBIRC command used by some Web-IRC frontends. The password - required to secure this command must be configured using the new - "WebircPassword" variable in the ngircd.conf file. - - Don't use port 6668 as example for both "Ports" and "SSLPorts". - - Remove limit on max number of configured irc operators. - - Only link "nsl" library when really needed. - - A new channel mode "secure connections only" (+z) has been implemented: - Only clients using a SSL encrypted connection to the server are allowed - to join such a channel. - But please note three things: a) already joined clients are not checked - when setting this mode, b) IRC operators are always allowed to join - every channel, and c) remote clients using a server not supporting this - mode are not checked either and therefore always allowed to join. - -ngIRCd 15 (2009-11-07) - - - "ngircd --configtest": print SSL configuration options even when unset. - - ngIRCd 15~rc1 (2009-10-15) - - Do not add default listening port (6667) if SSL ports were specified, so - ngIRCd can be configured to only accept SSL-encrypted connections now. - - Enable IRC operators to use the IRC command SQUIT (instead of the already - implemented but non-standard DISCONNECT command). - - New configuration option "AllowRemoteOper" (disabled by default) that - enables remote IRC operators to use the IRC commands SQUIT and CONNECT - on the local server. - - Mac OS X: fix test for packagemaker(1) tool in Makefile and use gcc 4.0 - for Mac OS X 10.4 compatibility in the Xcode project file. - - Fix --with-{openssl|gnutls} to accept path names. - - Fix LSB header of Debian init script. - - Updated doc/Platforms.txt and include new script contrib/ - to ease generating platform reports. - - Fix connection information for already registered connections. - - Enforce upper limit on maximum number of handled commands. This implements - a throttling scheme: an IRC client can send up to 3 commands or 256 bytes - per second before a one second pause is enforced. - - Fix connection counter. - - Fix a few error handling glitches for SSL/TLS connections. - - Minor fixes to manual pages and documentation. - -ngIRCd 14.1 (2009-05-05) - - - Security: fix remotely triggerable crash in SSL/TLS code. - - BSD start script contrib/ has been renamed to - - New start/stop script for RedHat-based distributions: - contrib/ngircd-redhat.init, thanks to Naoya Nakazawa . - - Doxygen: update source code repository link to GIT. - - Debian: build ngircd-full-dbg package. - - Allow ping timeout quit messages to show the timeout value. - - Fix error handling on compressed links. - - Fix server list announcement. - - Do not remove host names from info text. - -ngIRCd 14 (2009-04-20) - - - Display IPv6 addresses as "[]" when accepting connections. - - ngIRCd 14~rc1 (2009-03-29) - - Updated Debian/Linux init script (see contrib/Debian/ngircd.init). - - Allow creation of persistent modeless channels. - - The INFO command reports the compile time now (if available). - - Spell check and enhance ngIRCd manual pages. - - Channel mode changes: break on syntax errors in MODE command. - - Support individual channel keys for pre-defined channels: introduce - new configuration variable "KeyFile" in [Channel] sections in ngircd.conf, - here a file can be configured for each pre-defined channel which contains - individual channel keys for different users. - - Remove limit on maximum number of predefined channels in ngircd.conf. - - Updated ngircd.spec file for building RPM packages. - - Add new and missing files to Mac OS X Xcode project, and update project. - - Reject masks with wildcard after last dot. - - TLS/SSL: remove useless error message when ssl connection is closed. - - Fix memory leak when a encrypted and compressed server link goes down. - (closes bug #95, reported by Christoph, - - Fix handling of channels containing dots. - (closes bug #93, reported by Gonosz Csiga) - -ngIRCd 13 (2008-12-25) - - - Updated documentation, especially doc/Services.txt and doc/SSL.txt. - - Make the test suite work on OpenSolaris. - - ngIRCd 13~rc1 (2008-11-21): - - New version number scheme :-) - - Initial support for IRC services, using a RFC1459 style interface, - tested with IRCServices ( version 5.1.13. - For this to work, ngIRCd now supports server-server links conforming - to RFC 1459. New ngircd.conf(5) option: ServiceMask. - - Support for SSL-encrypted server-server and client-server links using - OpenSSL (configure: --with-openssl) or GNUTLS (configure: --with-gnutls). - New ngircd.conf(5) options: SSLPorts, SSLKeyFile, SSLKeyFilePassword, - SSLCertFile, SSLDHFile, and SSLConnect. - - Server local channels have been implemented, prefix "&", that are only - visible to users of the same server and are not visible in the network. - In addition ngIRCd creates a "special" channel &SERVER on startup and logs - all the messages to it that a user with mode +s receives. - - New make target "osxpkg" to build a Mac OS X installer package. - - Debug mode: enable support for GNU libc memory tracing (see mtrace(3)). - - SysV init script: use LSB logging functions, if available. - - Added some more FAQ entries (regarding logging and IRC operators). - - Allow IRC operators to overwrite channel limits. - - Support for enhanced PRIVMSG and NOTICE message targets. - - More tests have been added to the test-suite ("make check"), and two - servers are started for testing server-server linking. - - Added a timestamp to log messages to the console. - - New configuration option "NoIdent" to disable IDENT lookups even if the - daemon is compiled with IDENT support. - -ngIRCd 0.12.1 (2008-07-09) - - - Allow mixed line terminations (CR+LF/CR/LF) in non-RFC-compliant mode - - Don't allow stray \r or \n in command parameters - - --configtest: return non-zero exit code if there are errors - - Update ngIRCd manual pages - - Add option aliases -V (for --version) and -h (for --help). - - Fix 'no-ipv6' compile error. - - Make Listen parameter a comma-separated list of addresses. This also - obsoletes ListenIPv4 and ListenIPv6 options. If Listen is unset, it - is treated as Listen="::,". - Note: ListenIPv4 and ListenIPv6 options are still recognized, - but ngircd will print a warning if they are used in the config file. - -ngIRCd 0.12.0 (2008-05-13) - - - Fix Bug: 85: "WHO #SecretChannel" that user is not a member of now returns - proper RPL_ENDOFWHO_MSG instead of nothing. (Ali Shemiran) - - Fix compile on FreeBSD 5.4 and AIX. - - If bind() fails, also print IP address and not just the port number. - - ngIRCd 0.12.0-pre2 (2008-04-29) - - IPv6: Add config options to disable ipv4/ipv6 support. - - Don't include doc/CVS.txt in distribution archive, use doc/GIT.txt now! - - Documentation: get rid of some more references to CVS, switch to GIT. - - Get rid of cvs-version.* and CVSDATE definition. - - Report ERR_NOTONCHANNEL when trying to part a channel one is not member of. - - Testsuite: remove erroneous ConfUID setting in config file. - - ngIRCd 0.12.0-pre1 (2008-04-20) - - Include Mac OS X Xcode project in distribution archives. - - Do not exit on SIGHUP or /REHASH if the config file cannot opened. - - Add IPv6 support. - - Install a LaunchDaemon script to start/stop ngIRCd on Mac OS X. - - Implemented IRC commands INFO, SUMMON (dummy), and USERS (dummy) and - enhanced test suite to check these commands. (Dana Dahlstrom) - - RPL_WHOREPLY messages generated by IRC_WHO didn't include flags (*,@,+). - (Dana Dahlstrom) - - IRC_WHO now supports search patterns and will test this against user - nickname/server name/host name, etc. as required by RFC 2812, Section 3.6.1. - (reported by Dana Dahlstrom) - - Add test cases for "WHO" command. (Dana Dahlstrom) - - Implement RFC 2812 handling of "0" argument to 'JOIN': must be treated - as if the user had sent PART commands for all channels the user is a - member of. (Dana Dahlstrom) - - Allow NOTICEs to be sent to a channel. (Fabian Schlager) - -ngIRCd 0.11.1 (2008-02-26) - - - Fix sending of JOIN commands between servers when remote server appended - mode flags. (Rolf Eike Beer) [from HEAD] - - Send "G" instead of "H" flag in WHO replies. (reported by Dana Dahlstrom) - - Under some circumstances ngIRCd issued channel MODE message with a - trailing space. (Dana Dahlstrom) [from HEAD] - -ngIRCd 0.11.0 (2008-01-15) - - ngIRCd 0.11.0-pre2 (2008-01-07) - - SECURITY: IRC_PART could reference invalid memory, causing - ngircd to crash [from HEAD]. (CVE-2008-0285) - - ngIRCd 0.11.0-pre1 (2008-01-02) - - Use dotted-decimal IP address if host name is >= 64. - - Add support for /STAT u (server uptime) command. - - New [Server] configuration Option "Bind" allows to specify - the source IP address to use when connecting to remote server. - - New configuration option "MaxNickLength" to specify the allowed maximum - length of user nicknames. Note: must be unique in an IRC network! - - Enhanced the IRC+ protocol to support an enhanced "server handshake" and - enable server to recognize numeric 005 (ISUPPORT) and 376 (ENDOFMOTD). - See doc/Protocol.txt for details. - - Re-added doc/SSL.txt to distribution -- got lost somewhere!? - - Fixes the wrong logging output when nested servers are introduced - to the network as well as the wrong output of the LINKS command. - - Update Mac OS X Xcode project file for Xcode 3. - - Adjust test suite to be usable on HP/UX 11.11 :-) - - Fix code to compile using K&R C compiler and ansi2kr again. - - New config option NoDNS: Disables DNS lookups when clients connect. - - Fixed propagation of channel mode 'P' on server links. - - Numeric 317: implemented "signon time" (displayed in WHOIS result). - - Fixed code that prevented GCC 2.95 to compile ngIRCd. - - Adjust path names in manual pages according to "./configure" settings. - - Added new server configuration option "Passive" for "Server" blocks to - disable automatic outgoing connections (similar to -p option to ngircd, - but only for the specified server). (Tassilo Schweyer) - - Don't connect to a server if a connection to another server within the - same group is already in progress. - - Added support for the WALLOPS command. Usage is restricted to IRC - operators. - -ngIRCd 0.10.4 (2008-01-07) - - - SECURITY: IRC_PART could reference invalid memory, causing - ngircd to crash [from HEAD]. (CVE-2008-0285) - -ngIRCd 0.10.3 (2007-08-01) - - - SECURITY: Fixed a severe bug in handling JOIN commands, which could - cause the server to crash. Thanks to Sebastian Vesper, . - (CVE-2007-6062) - -ngIRCd 0.10.2 (2007-06-08) - - ngIRCd 0.10.2-pre2 (2007-05-19) - - Server links are allowed to use larger write buffers now (up to 50 KB). - - ngIRCd 0.10.2-pre1 (2007-05-05) - - Fix compressed server links (broken since 0.10.0). - - Predefined Channel configuration now allows specification of channel key - (mode k) and maximum user count (mode l). - - When using epoll() IO interface, compile in the select() interface as - well and fall back to it when epoll() isn't available on runtime. - - New configure option "--without-select" to disable select() IO API - (even when using epoll(), see above). - - Added support for IO APIs "poll()" and "/dev/poll". - - Reorganized internal handling of invite and ban lists. - -ngIRCd 0.10.1 (2006-12-17) - - - Fixed validation of server names containing digits. - - Update the "info text" of the local server after re-reading configuration. - - Changed Numerics 265 and 266 to follow ircd 2.11.x "standards". - - Allow PASS syntax defined in RFC 1459 for server links, too. - - Enhanced ISUPPORT message (005 numeric). - - New configuration option "PredefChannelsOnly": if set, clients can only - join predefined channels. - - Code cleanups: use "LogDebug(...)" instead of "Log(LOG_DEBUG, ...)", use - "strcspn()", unsigned vs. signed, use "const", fix whitespaces, ... - -ngIRCd 0.10.0 (2006-10-01) - - - Fixed file handle leak when daemon is not able to send MOTD to a client. - - ngIRCd 0.10.0-pre2 (2006-09-09) - - Fixed build problems with GCC option -fstack-protector. - - Minor documentation updates. - - ngIRCd 0.10.0-pre1 (2006-08-02) - - Validate "ServerName" (see RFC 2812, section 2.3.1). - - Enhanced DIE to accept a single parameter ("comment text") which is sent - to all locally connected clients before the server goes down. - - The ngIRCd handles time shifts backwards more gracefully now (the - timeout handling doesn't disconnect clients by mistake any more). - - Internal: Restructured connection handling (the connection ID is equal - to the file descriptor of the connection). - - Internal: Simplified resolver code. - - JOIN now supports more than one channel key at a time. - - Implemented numeric "333": Time and user name who set a channel topic. - - Enhanced the handler for PING and PONG commands: fix forwarding and enable - back-passing of a client supplied additional argument of PING. - - Changed handling of timeouts for unregistered connections: don't reset - the counter if data is received and disconnect clients earlier. - - Removed unnecessary #define of "LOCAL", now use plain C "static" instead. - - Channel topics are no longer limited to 127 characters: now the only limit - is the maximum length of an IRC command, i. e. 512 bytes (in practice, this - limits the topic to about 490 characters due to protocol overhead). - - Reverse DNS lookup code now checks the result by doing an additional - lookup to prevent spoofing. - - Added new IO layer which (optionally) supports epoll() and kqueue() in - addition to the select() interface. - -ngIRCd 0.9.2 (2005-10-15) - - - Fixed a bug that could cause the daemon to crash when outgoing server - connections can't be established. - - Fixed a bug that caused the daemon to leak file descriptors when no - resolver subprocesses could be created. - - Fixed server NOTICEs to users with "s" mode ("server messages"). - - Fixed a format string bug in "connection statistics" messages to clients. - -ngIRCd 0.9.1 (2005-08-03) - - - The KILL command killed much more than desired (including server links!) - when the target user is connected to a remote server. Bug introduced in - ngIRCd 0.9.0 ... Reported by , Thanks! - - Changed some constants to be "signed" (instead of unsigned) to solve - problems with old (pre-ANSI) compilers. - -ngIRCd 0.9.0 (2005-07-24) - - ngIRCd 0.9.0-pre1 (2005-07-09) - - Fixed maximum length of user names, now allow up to 9 characters. - - Cut off oversized IRC messages that should be sent to the network instead - of shutting down the (wrong) connection. - - Don't generate error messages for unknown commands received before the - client is registered with the server (like the original ircd). - - Never run with root privileges but always switch the user ID. - - Make "netsplit" messages RFC compliant. - - Fix handling of QUIT Messages: send only one message, even if the client - is member of multiple channels. - - Don't exit server if closing of a socket fails; instead ignore it and - pray that this will be "the right thing" ... - - Implemented the IRC function "WHOWAS". - - Don't enable assert() calls when not ./configure'd with --enable-debug. - - Fixed ./configure test for TCP Wrappers: now it runs on Mac OS X as well. - - Enhanced configure script: now you can pass an (optional) search path - to all --with-XXX parameters, e. g. "--with-ident=/opt/ident". - - Removed typedefs for the native C data types. - Use stdbool.h / inttypes.h if available. - - New configuration option "OperServerMode" to enable a workaround needed - when running an network with ircd2 servers and "OperCanUseMode" enabled - to prevent the ircd2 daemon to drop mode changes of IRC operators. - Patch by Florian Westphal, . - - Implemented support for "secret channels" (channel mode "s"). - - New configuration option "Mask" for [Operator] sections to limit OPER - commands to users with a specific IRC mask. Patch from Florian Westphal. - - Write "error file" (/tmp/ngircd-XXX.err) only if compiled with debug - code ("--enable-debug") and running as daemon process. - - Don't create version information string each time a client connects - but instead on server startup. By Florian Westphal. - - New configuration variable "PidFile", section "[Global]": if defined, - the server writes its process ID (PID) to this file. Default: off. - Idea of Florian Westphal, . - - Code cleanups from Florian Westphal, . - - Raised the maximum length of passwords to 20 characters. - - Fixed a memory leak when resizing the connection pool and realloc() - failed. Now we don't fall back to malloc(), which should be sane anyway. - Patch from Florian Westphal, . - - Added support for the Howl ( - Rendezvous API, in addition to the API of Apple (Mac OS X). The available - API will be autodetected when you call "./configure --with-rendezvous". - - Made ngIRCd compile on HP/UX 10.20 with native HP pre-ANSI C compiler and - most probably other older C compilers on other systems. - - When the daemon should switch to another user ID (ServerID is defined in - the configuration file) and is not running in a chroot environment, it - changes its working directory to the home directory of this user. This - should enable the system to write proper core files when not running with - root privileges ... - -ngIRCd 0.8.3 (2005-02-03) - - - Fixed a bug that could case a root exploit when the daemon is compiled - to do IDENT lookups and is logging to syslog. Bug discovered by CoKi, - , thanks a lot! - (CVE-2005-0226; - -ngIRCd 0.8.2 (2005-01-26) - - - Added doc/SSL.txt to distribution. - - Fixed a buffer overflow that could cause the daemon to crash. Bug found - by Florian Westphal, . (CVE-2005-0199) - - Fixed a possible buffer underrun when reading the MOTD file. Thanks - to Florian Westphal, . - - Fixed detection of IRC lines which are too long to send. Detected by - Florian Westphal, . - - Fixed return values of our own implementation of strlcpy(). The code has - been taken from rsync and they fixed it, but we didn't until today :-/ - It has only been used when the system didn't implement strlcpy by itself, - not on "modern" systems. Florian Westphal, . - -ngIRCd 0.8.1 (2004-12-25) - - - Autoconf: Updated config.guess and config.sub - - Added some more debug code ... - - Fixed wrong variable names in output of "ngircd --configtest". - - Debian: Fixed the name of the "default file" in the init script for - ngircd-full packages. And do the test if the binary is executable after - reading this file. - - Enhanced the "test suite": please have a look at src/testsuite/README! - -ngIRCd 0.8.0 (2004-06-26) - - - Fixed wrong buffer size calculation for results of the resolver. - - ngircd 0.8.0-pre2 (2004-05-16) - - Enhanced logging to console when running in "no-detached mode": added - PID and log messages of resolver sub-processes. - - Fixed host name lookups when using IDENT user lookups. - - "make clean" and "make maintainer-clean" remove more files now. - - ngIRCd 0.8.0-pre1 (2004-05-07) - - Two new configuration options: "ChrootDir" and "MotdPhrase", thanks to - Benjamin Pineau . Now you can force the daemon to change - its root and working directory to something "safe". MotdPhrase is used - to define an "MOTD string" instead of a whole file, useful if the - "real" MOTD file would be outside the "jail". - - INVITE- and BAN-lists become synchronized between IRC+ servers when - establishing new connections, if the peer supports this as well. - - Reorganized and configure scripts. - - Fixed a wrong assert() which could cause the daemon to exit spuriously - when closing down connections. - - Better logging of decompression errors returned by zlib. - - Servers other than the destination server didn't clean up the invite - list of an "invite-only" channel properly when an INVITE'd user joined. - - Changed the reply of the MODE command to match the syntax of the - original ircd exactly: the unnecessary but missing ":" before the last - parameter has been added. - - Fixed TRACE: don't output "Serv" lines for ourself; display more info. - - Results of the resolver (host names and IDENT names) are discarded after - the client is successfully registered with the server. - - Better logging while establishing and shutting down connections. - - The type of service (TOS) of all sockets is set to "interactive" now. - - Added short command line option "-t" as alternative to "--configtest". - - Added optional support for "IDENT" lookups on incoming connections. You - have to enable this function with the ./configure switch "--with-ident". - The default is not to do IDENT lookups. - -ngIRCd 0.7.7 (2004-02-05) - - - The info text ("real name") of users is set to "-" if none has been - specified using the USER command (e. g. "USER user * * :"). Reason: - the original ircd doesn't like empty ones and would KILL such users. - - Fixed (optional) TCP Wrapper test which was broken and could result in - false results. Thanks to Fuminori Tanizaki ! - - Removed "USE_" prefixes of configuration #defines. - -ngIRCd 0.7.6 (2003-12-05) - - - Fixed abort() ("server crash") when INVITE'ing users to nonexistent - channels. Bug found by . - - Extended version numbering of CVS versions (added date). - - Enhanced/fixed doc/Protocol.txt; - -ngIRCd 0.7.5 (2003-11-07) - - - Fixed ban behavior: users which are banned from a channel can't no - longer send PRIVMSG's to this channel (fixes Bug #47). - - Fixed and enhanced the "penalty handling" of the server: commands that - require more resources block the client for a short time. - - Changed the internal time resolution to one second. - - New configuration variable "MaxConnectionsIP" to limit the number of - simultaneous connections from a single IP that the server will accept. - This configuration options lowers the risk of denial of service attacks - (DoS), the default is 5 connections per client IP. - - Fixed build problems under Mac OS X 10.3. - - Use "-pipe" when compiling with gcc, speeds things up a little :-) - - Added new configuration variable "Listen" to bind all listening - sockets of the server to a single IP address. - - Suppress misleading error message of diff during make run. - - Enhanced test-suite and made it work on GNU/Hurd. - - Fixed minor typo in debug output :-) - -ngIRCd 0.7.1 (2003-07-18) - - - Included files to build Debian packages (located in "debian/"). - - Updated config.guess and config.sub to newer upstream versions. - - NJOIN propagates user channel modes correctly again ... Upsa. - - Made Makefile more compatible with "make -j". - - Added support for GNU/Hurd. - - Fixed a compiler warning related to an unnecessary assert(). - - Enhanced VERSION command when using debug versions. - -ngIRCd 0.7.0 (2003-05-01) - - - "ServerName" is checked better now: a dot (".") is required. - - The KILL command verifies and logs more parameters. - - ngIRCd 0.7.0-pre2 (2003-04-27) - - CVS build system fixes (made more portable). - - Fixed compilation and test-suite on Solaris (tested with 2.6). - - New documentation file "doc/Platforms.txt" describing the status of - ngIRCd on the various tested platforms. - - Test for broken GCC on Mac OS X and disable "-pedantic" in this case. - - Disable "-ansi" on Cygwin: system headers are incompatible. - - The server tried to connect to other servers only once when DNS or - socket failures occurred. - - Fixed --configtest: There is no variable "ServerPwd", it's "Password". - - ngIRCd 0.7.0-pre1 (2003-04-22) - - New signal handler (more secure, actions are executed outside). - - GCC: the compiler is now called with more warning options enabled. - - Replaced a lot of str[n]cpy(), str[n]cat() and sprintf() calls with the - more secure functions strlcpy(), strlcat() and snprintf(). On systems - that don't support strlcpy() and strlcat(), these functions are included - in the libngportab now (with prototypes in portab.h). - - If the server can't close a socket, it panics now. This is an error that - can't occur during normal operation so there is something broken. - - The order of log messages during disconnects is more "natural" now ;-) - - Cleaned up handling of server configuration structures: modifying and - removing servers during runtime works more reliable now. - - Compression code from "conn.[ch]" is now found in new "conn-zip.[ch]" - - Moved some connection functions from "conn.[ch]" to "conn-func.[ch]". - - New command CONNECT to enable and add server links. The syntax is not - RFC-compatible: use "CONNECT " to enable and connect an - configured server and "CONNECT " - to add a new server (ngIRCd tries to connect new servers only once!). - - Added DISCONNECT command ("DISCONNECT ") to disable servers. - - Restructured the documentation: Now the main language is English. The - German documentation has been removed (until there is a maintainer). - - Enhanced killing of users caused by a nickname collision. - - Better error detection for status code ("numerics") forwarding. - - Moved tool functions to own library: "libngtool". - - New command TRACE (you can trace only servers at the moment). - - New command HELP that lists all understood commands. - - There should no longer remain "unknown connections" (see e.g. LUSERS) - if an outgoing server link can't be established. - - Added AC_PREREQ(2.50) to for better autoconf compatibility. - - Conn_Close() now handles recursive calls for the same link correctly. - - ngIRCd can register itself with Rendezvous: to enable support pass the - new switch "--with-rendezvous" to configure. - - Added support for TCP Wrappers library: pass "--with-tcp-wrappers" to - configure to enable it. - - Changed some configure options to use "--with"/"--without" as prefix - instead of "--enable"/"--disable": "--without-syslog", "--without-zlib", - "--with-tcp-wrappers", and "--with-rendezvous". - - Better error reporting to clients on connect. - - Enhanced manual pages ngircd(8) and ngircd.conf(5). - - Documentation is now installed in $(datadir)/doc/ngircd. - - Enhanced handling of NJOIN in case of nick collisions. - -ngIRCd 0.6.1 (2003-01-21) - - - Fixed KILL: you can't crash the server by killing yourself any more, - ngIRCd no longer sends a QUIT to other servers after the KILL, and you - can kill only valid users now. - - The server no longer forwards commands to ordinary users, instead it - answers with the correct error message ("no such server") now. - - WHOIS commands weren't always forwarded as requested. - - The server sets a correct default AWAY message now when propagating - between servers (bug introduced in 0.6.0). - - Fixed up and enhanced CHANINFO command: channel keys and user limits - are synchronized between servers now, too. - - MODE returns the key and user limit for channel members correctly now. - - Non-members of a channel could crash the server when trying to change - its modes or modes of its members. - - The server didn't validate weather a target user is a valid channel - member when changing his channel user modes which could crash ngIRCd. - - -Older changes (sorry, only available in German language): - -ngIRCd 0.6.0, 24.12.2002 - - ngIRCd 0.6.0-pre2, 23.12.2002 - - neuer Numeric 005 ("Features") beim Connect. - - LUSERS erweitert: nun wird die maximale Anzahl der lokalen und globalen - Clients, die dem Server bzw. im Netzwerk seit dem letzten (Re-)Start - dem Server gleichzeitig bekannt waren, angezeigt. - - ngIRCd 0.6.0-pre1, 18.12.2002 - - beim Schliessen einer Verbindung zeigt der Server nun vor dem ERROR - noch eine Statistik ueber die empfangene und gesendete Datenmenge an. - - der Server wartet bei einer eingehenden Verbindung nun laenger auf den - Resolver (4 Sekunden), wenn das Ergebnis eintrifft setzt er aber den - Login sofort fort (bisher wurde immer mind. 1 Sekunde gewartet). - - Connection-Strukturen werden nun "pool-weise" verwaltet; der Pool wird - bei Bedarf bis zu einem konfigurierten Limit vergroessert. - - Mit der neuen Konfigurationsvariable "MaxConnections" (Sektion "Global") - kann die maximale Anzahl gleichzeitiger Verbindungen begrenzt werden. - Der Default ist -1, "unlimitiert". - - der Server erkennt nun, ob bereits eine eingehende Verbindung von einem - Peer-Server besteht und versucht dann nicht mehr, selber eine eigene - ausgehende Verbindung zu diesem auufzubauen. Dadurch kann nun auf beiden - Servern in der Konfiguration ein Port fuer den Connect konfiguriert - werden (beide Server versuchen sich dann gegenseitig zu connectieren). - - Test-Suite und Dokumentation an A/UX angepasst. - - unter HP-UX definiert das configure-Script nun _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED. - - Server identifizieren sich nun mit asynchronen Passwoertern, d.h. das - Passwort, welches A an B schickt, kann ein anderes sein als das, welches - B als Antwort an A sendet. In der Konfig.-Datei, Abschnitt "Server", - wurde "Password" dazu durch "MyPassword" und "PeerPassword" ersetzt. - - Der Server kann nun zur Laufzeit die Konfiguration neu einlesen: dies - macht er nach dem Befehl REHASH oder wenn ein HUP-Signal empfangen wird. - - Channel-Mode "P" ("persistent") kann nur noch von IRC-Operatoren gesetzt - werden. Grund: User koennen den Server sonst leicht "Channel-Flooden". - - MOTD kann nun an andere Server geforwarded werden. - - IRC-Befehl "TIME" implementiert. - - Server-Server-Links koennen nun komprimiert werden, dazu wird die zlib - ( benoetigt. Unterstuetzt die Gegenseite die Komprimierung - nicht, wird automatisch unkomprimiert kommuniziert. Das Verfahren ist - kompatibel mit dem Original-ircd 2.10.3, d.h. beide Server koennen - miteinander ueber komprimiert Links kommunizieren. - - Handling der Schreibpuffer umgestellt: Server sollte schneller arbeiten. - - Prefix-Fehler werden besser protokolliert (mit verursachendem Befehl). - - SQUIT wird nicht mehr doppelt an andere Server weitergeleitet. - - Der Server versucht nun vor dem Schliessen einer Verbindung Daten, die - noch im Schreibpuffer stehen, zu senden. - - Source in weiteres Modul "irc-info" aufgespalten. - - Konfigurationsvariablen werden besser validiert: Laengen, Zahlen, ... - - neuen Befehl STATS begonnen: bisher unterstuetzt wird "l" und "m". - - bei ISON und USERHOST fehlte im Ergebnis-String der korrekte Absender. - - IRC Operatoren koennen nun mit KILL User toeten. Achtung: ein Grund muss - zwingend als zweiter Parameter angegeben werden! - - neue Konfigurations-Variable "MaxJoins": Hiermit kann die maximale Zahl - der Channels, in denen ein User Mitglied sein kann, begrent werden. - - neuer, deutlich flexiblerer Parser fuer den MODE Befehl. - - neue Channel-Modes l (User-Limit) und k (Channel-Key) implementiert. - -ngIRCd 0.5.4, 24.11.2002 - - - Fehler-Handling von connect() gefixed: der Server kann sich nun auch - unter A/UX wieder zu anderen verbinden. - - in den Konfigurationsvariablen ServerUID und ServerGID kann nun nicht - nur die numerische ID, sondern auch der Name des Users bzw. der Gruppe - verwendet werden. Beim Start des Daemons wird nun beides angezeigt. - - Besseres Logging von Prefix-Fehlern. - - angenommene Sockets werden nun korrekt auf "non-blocking" konfiguriert, - beim Senden und Empfangen werden Blockierungen besser abgefangen. - - RPL_UMODEIS hat Code 221, nicht 211 ... *argl* - - select() in Try_Write() hat falschen (keinen!) Timeout verwendet; - die "Zeit-Aufloesung" des Servers sind zudem nun 2 Sekunden (TIME_RES). - Insgesamt sollte die Reaktionszeit des Server nun besser sein. - -ngIRCd 0.5.3, 08.11.2002 - - - NOTICE liefert nun wirklich nie mehr einen Fehler, auch dann nicht, - wenn der sendende Client noch gar nicht registriert ist. - - ein "schneller Server-Reconnect" wird nur noch dann versucht, wenn die - Verbindung zuvor ordentlich (="lange genug") in Ordnung war; somit also - nicht meht, wenn der Peer-Server gleich beim Connect ein ERROR liefert. - Das vermeidet "Connect-Orgien". - - einige Datentypen aufgeraumt: z.B. sind viele INT32s nun LONGs. Das ist - auf Platformen mit 8-Byte-Integern kompatibler. - - RPL_YOURHOST_MSG ist nun ircII- und RFC-kompatibel ;-) - - Segfault unter hoher Netzaktivitaet behoben: in Conn_Close() wird die - Connection-Struktur nun frueher als "ungueltig" markiert. - -ngIRCd 0.5.2, 04.10.2002 - - - Buffer Overflow in Read_Resolver_Result() behoben. - - Format-String-Bugs, die zum Abbruch des Servers fuehrten, behoben. - - Maximale Laenge eines IRC-Prefix wurde falsch berechnet. - -ngIRCd 0.5.1, 03.10.2002 - - - in RPL_YOURHOST_MSG wurde ein fehlerhafter Versionsstring geliefert. - - Test-Suite:, und koennen - nun "manuell" von der Kommandozeile gestartet werden, - startet per Default nur noch 5 Sessions, eine andere Zahl kann auf der - Kommandozeile uebergeben werden (Syntax: " "). - - In bestimmten Faellen hat der Server versucht auf einen bereits wieder - geschlossenen Socket Daten zu schreiben; das fuehrte zu einem Abbruch des - Servers durch ein assert(). Nun wird geprueft, ob der Socket noch ok ist. - - im "contrib"-Verzeichnis befindet sich nun eine RPM-Spec-Datei, aus den - .tar.gz's koennen nun mit "rpm -ta " RPM's erzeugt werden. Danke - an Sean Reifschneider ! - - Syntax von RPL_MYINFO_MSG korrigiert: liefert nun vier Parameter. - -ngIRCd 0.5.0, 20.09.2002 - - - Dokumentation aktualisiert. - - Fehler bei Validierung von "AdminInfo2" behoben. - - Test der Flags fuer "ps" in der Testsuite verbessert, ist nun zu mehr - Plattformen kompatibler. - - ngIRCd 0.5.0-pre2, 17.09.2002 - - Fix in IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix() war "badly broken" -- behoben. - - ngIRCd 0.5.0-pre1, 16.09.2002 - - Manual-Pages ngircd.8 und ngircd.conf.5 begonnen. - - Wird der Netzwerk-Sniffer aktiviert (--sniffer), so schaltet der - ngIRCd nun automatisch in den Debug-Modus. - - auf Systemen, die inet_aton() nicht kennen (wie z.B. A/UX), kann der - ngIRCd nun dennoch auch aktiv Server-Links aufbauen. - - h_errno wird auf Systemen, die das nicht kennen (wie z.B. HP-UX 10.20) - nicht mehr verwendet. Somit compiliert der ngIRCd nun auch dort :-) - - um auf dem Ziel-System nicht vorhandene Funktionen nachzubilden wird nun - die "libngportab" erzeugt; genutzt wird dies bisher fuer vsnprintf(). - Nun compiliert der ngIRCd auch unter Solaris 2.5.1. - - "persistente Channels" (Mode 'P') implementiert: diese koennen in der - Konfigurationsdatei definiert werden (Sektion "Channel", vgl. Beispiel- - Konfiguration "sample-ngircd.conf") und bleiben auch dann bestehen, - wenn kein User mehr im Channel ist. Zu Channel-Operatoren werden bisher - nur IRC-Operatoren, die den Channel betreten. Die persistenten Channels - werden durch das Flag "P" gelennzeichnet, welches normal durch Channel- - Op's gesetzt und geloescht werden kann. - - bei "--configtest" werden keine leere Abschnitte mehr ausgegeben. - - Source in weitere Module aufgespalten: lists, irc-op und resolve. - - #include's aufgeraeumt: Header includieren keine anderen mehr. - - KICK implementiert (bisher kann nur ein User aus einem Channel geckicked - werden, Listen, wir im RFC vorgesehen, werden bisher nicht unterstuetzt). - - INVITE, den Channel-Mode "i" sowie Invite-Lists ueber den MODE-Befehl - (setzen, erfragen und loeschen) implementiert. - - Source an ansi2knr fuer pre-ANSI-Compiler angepasst; ansi2knr in Source- - Tree aufgenommen und in Build-System integriert; der ngIRCd compiliert - nun z.B. unter A/UX mit dem nativen Compiler von Apple. - - TOPIC lieferte bei unbekanntem Channel einen falschen Fehlercode. - - LIST versteht nun Wildcards und kann an andere Server geforwarded werden. - - wurde ein KILL fuer nicht-lokale Clients empfangen, so wurden die - Verwaltungs-Strukturen nicht korrekt freigegeben. - - empfangene NJOIN's wurden "zerhackt" an andere Server weitergegeben. - - neue Konfigurationsoption "OperCanUseMode" (Sektion "Global"): - ist sie aktiv, koennen IRC-Operatoren immer Channel-Modes setzen. - - Dokumentation des neuen IRC+-Protokolls begonnen: doc/Protocol.txt - - Protokoll- und Server-ID bei PASS-Befehlen auf neues Format umgestellt; - bei empfangenen PASS-Befehlen werden diese zudem nun auch ausgewertet. - Die unterstuetzten Flags sind in doc/Protocol.txt beschrieben. - - mit dem neuen Befehl CHANINFO synchronisieren Server, die das IRC+- - Protokoll unterstuetzen, Channel-Modes und Topics. - - neue Option "--disable-ircplus" fuer das configure-Script, um das - IRC+-Protokoll abzuschalten (per Default ist es aktiviert). - - Ban-Lists (setzen, erfragen und loeschen) implementiert. - - wird der Server mit "-n"/"--nodaemon" gestartet, so werden keine Mel- - dungen mehr ueber Syslog ausgegeben, sondern nur noch auf der Konsole. - - "Test-Suite" begonnen (in "make check" integriert): Dabei wird ein - speziell konfigurierter Server auf Port 6789 gestartet, mit dem dann - einige Tests durchgefuehrt werden (u.a. "Stress-Test" mit 50 Clients). - - zu lange Operator-Namen in der Konfiguration wurden falsch gekuerzt. - - kleine Anpassung an AIX 3.2.5: nun laeuft der ngIRCd auch dort :-) - - ADMIN-Befehl implementiert. Die Daten hierzu werden in der Konfig-Datei - im [Global]-Abschnitt mit den Variablen "AdminInfo1", "AdminInfo2" und - "AdminEMail" konfiguriert. - -ngIRCd 0.4.3, 11.06.2002 - - - Bei PRIVMSG und NOTICE hat der ngIRCd nicht ueberpruft, ob das Ziel - ueberhaupt ein User ist. War es keiner, so fuehrte dies zu einem - Abbruch des Servers [es wurde assert() aufgerufen]. - -ngIRCd 0.4.2, 29.04.2002 - - - LUSERS verzaehlt sich bei eigenen Server-Links nicht mehr. - - QUIT wird nun auch von noch nicht registrierten Clients akzeptiert. - - IRC-Funktion LIST implementiert; bisher werden allerdings noch keine - Wildcards (bis auf "*") unterstuetzt. - -ngIRCd 0.4.1, 08.04.2002 - - - Bei Server-Links wird nicht mehr an Hand der Anzahl der Parameter - eines empfangenen SERVER-Befehls, sondern "intern" erkannt, ob es - sich um eine ein- oder ausgehende Verbindung handelt und somit das - eigene PASS-SERVER-Paar gesendet werden muss oder nicht. Da sich - verschiedene Versionen des Original-ircd's anders verhalten, schlug - die Anmeldung je nach Gehenseite evtl. fehl. - - Bei einem NICK-Befehl eines lokalen Client konnte der Server ab- - stuerzen, da ein Format-String einer Log-Meldung fehlerhaft war. - -ngIRCd 0.4.0, 01.04.2002 - - - IRC-Befehle nochmal auf weitere Source-Dateien aufgespalten. - - WHO implementiert (bisher ohne komplette Unterstuetzung von Masks). - - Der AWAY-Mode wurde nicht ueber mehrere Server-Links weitergegeben. - - stderr wird nun in eine Datei umgelenkt (/tmp/ngircd-.err). - Laeuft der Server nicht im Debug-Modus, so wird diese bei Programm- - ende geloescht. Sollte der Server abstuerzen, finden sich hier evtl. - zusaetzliche Informationen. - - In Nicknames wird das Zeichen "-" nun als zulaessig erkannt. - - die Beispiel-Konfigurationsdatei (doc/sample-ngircd.conf) wird als - ngircd.conf installiert, wenn noch keine "echte" Konfigurationsdatei - vorhanden ist. - - bei WHO, WHOIS und NAMES wird nun nur noch der Status "Operator" oder - "voiced" geliefert -- nicht mehr beides. - - Server-Gruppen implementiert: es wird immer nur zu einem Server in - einer Gruppe eine Verbindung aufgebaut, klappt es beim ersten Server - nicht, so wird der naechste probiert (Variable "Group" in der Kon- - figurationsdatei, Sektion [Server]). - - IRC_PING() ist, wenn nicht im "strict RFC"-Mode, toleranter und ak- - zeptiert beliebig viele Parameter (z.B. BitchX sendet soetwas). - - die "Portab-Header" werden nicht mehr benoetigt, die System-Erkennung - wird nun ausschliesslich vom configure-Script durchgefuehrt. System- - abhaengige Definitionen finden sich nun unter src/portrab/. - - Clients und Channels werden nicht mehr ueber ihren Namen, sondern - einen Hash-Wert gesucht: sollte deutlich schneller sein. - - neuer Kommandozeilen-Parameter "--configtest": die Konfiguration wird - gelesen und dann die verwendeten Werte angezeigt. - - Client-Mode "s" (Server Notices) implementiert. - - mit dem neuen Kommandozeilen-Parameter "--config"/"-f" kann eine - alternative Konfigurationsdatei angegeben werden. - - nach dem Start kann der ngIRCd, wenn er mit root-Rechten laeuft, - zu einer anderen User-ID und Group-ID wechseln. - - URL der Homepage wird u.a. bei "--version" mit angezeigt. - -ngIRCd 0.3.0, 02.03.2002 - - - bekommt der Server ein HUP-Signal, so startet er neu -- genau so, wie - er auf den IRC-Befehl RESTART reagiert. - - FAQ um Hinweise auf den Bugtracker erweitert. - - neuer Kommandozeilen-Schalter "--passive" (-p): wird er angegeben, so - verbindet sich der ngIRCd nicht mehr automatisch zu anderen Servern. - Zum Debuggen manchmal ganz praktisch :-) - - direkt nach dem Start schreibt der ngIRCd nun die aktiven Kommando- - zeilenschalter in's Logfile (Passive, Debug, Sniffer ...). - - das Signal-Flag SA_RESTART wird nur noch gesetzt, wenn es auf dem - jeweiligen System auch definiert ist. - - bei ausgehenden Verbindungen wird nun der Ziel-Port protokolliert. - - neue Befehle VERSION und KILL implementiert. - - make-Target "check" (und "distcheck") mit Sinn erfuellt :-) - (die Tests sind aber bisher nicht all zu tiefgehend ...) - - Durch einen Ueberlauf konnte die Idle-Time bei WHOIS negativ werden ... - - Anpassungen an A/UX: gehoert nun auch zu den unterstuetzten Platformen. - - WHOIS wird nicht mehr automatisch an den "Original-Server" weiterge- - leitet: war eh nicht RFC-konform und machte mit Clients Probleme. - - an User wird nun immer ein "komplettes" Prefix (mit Host-Mask) ver- - schickt, Server bekommen nach wie vor kurze: das "Original" hat bei - bestimmten Befehlen (PRIVMSG) ansonsten evtl. Probleme ... - - NAMES korrigiert und vollstaendig implementiert. - - SQUIT wird auf jeden Fall geforwarded, zudem besseres Logging. - - Ist ein Nick bei der User-Registrierung bereits belegt, nimmt der - Server nun korrekt weitere NICK-Befehle an und verwendet diese. - - PRIVMSG beachtet nun die Channel-Modes "n" und "m". - - AWAY implementiert. PRIVMSG, MODE, USERHOST und WHOIS angepasst. - - der ngIRCd unterstuetzt nun Channel-Topics (TOPIC-Befehl). - - ausgehende Server-Verbindungen werden nun asynchron connectiert und - blockieren nicht mehr den ganzen Server, wenn die Gegenseite nicht - erreicht werden kann (bis zum Timeout konnten Minuten vergehen!). - - Wert der Konfigurations-Variable "ConnectRetry" wird besser beachtet. - - Channel- und Nicknames werden nun ordentlich validiert. - -ngIRCd 0.2.1, 17.02.2002 - - - NICK korrigiert: es werden nun auch alle "betroffenen" User informiert. - - configure-Script erweitert, u.a. bessere Anpassung an BeOS: dort wird - nun die "libbe" zum ngIRCd gelinkt, somit funktioniert auch syslog. - - Fehlerhafte bzw. noch nicht verstandene Modes werden nun ausfuehrlicher - an den Client geliefert. - -ngIRCd 0.2.0, 15.02.2002 - - - Nicknames und Channel-Namen werden etwas besser auf Gueltigkeit ueber- - prueft; ist aber nach wie vor noch nicht ausreichend. - - NJOINS von Servern wurden nicht an andere Server weitergeleitet. - - Begonnen Channel-Modes und User-Channel-Modes zu implementieren: der - Server versteht an User-Modes o und v, beachtet letzteres allerdings - noch nirgends. Bekannte (aber nicht beachtete!) Channel-Modes sind - bisher a, m, n, p, q, s und t. Diese Modes werden von Usern ange- - nommen, von anderen Servern werden auch unbekannte Modes uebernommen. - - Benutzer von connectierenden Servern wurden nicht in den Channels ange- - kuendigt, es wurden nur die internen Strukturen angepasst. - - Nach dem Connect eines Users werden LUSERS-Informationen angezeigt. - -ngIRCd 0.1.0, 29.01.2002 - - - User-Modes bei User-Registrierungen von andere Servern (NICK-Befehl) - wurden falsch uebernommen. Zudem wurden die Modes falsch gekuerzt. - - Server-Verbindungen werden nun nach dem Start erst nach einer kurzen - Pause aufgebaut (zur Zeit drei Sekunden). - - Hilfetext korrigiert: --help und --version waren vertauscht, die - Option --sniffer wurde gar nicht erwaehnt. - - FAQ.txt in doc/ begonnen. - - der IRC-Sniffer wird nur noch aktiviert, wenn die Option auf der - Kommandozeile angegeben wurde (bei entsprechend compiliertem Server). - - Channels implementiert, bisher jedoch noch ohne Channel-Modes, d.h. - es gibt keine Channel-Ops, kein Topic, kein "topic lock" etc. pp. - Chatten in Channels ist aber natuerlich moeglich ;-) - - neue Befehle fuer Channles: JOIN, PART und NJOIN. - - durch die Channels einige Aenderungen an PRIVMSG, WHOIS, MODE etc. - - neu connectierenden Servern werden nun Channels mit NJOIN angekuendigt. - - Signal-Hander geaendert: die Fehlermeldung "interrupted system call" - sollte so nicht mehr auftreten. - - "spaeter" neu connectierende Server werden nun im Netz angekuendigt. - - SERVER-Meldungen an andere Server sind nun korrekt sortiert. - - Clients werden nun korrekt sowohl nur ueber den Nickname als auch die - komplette "Host Mask" erkannt. - -ngIRCd 0.0.3, 16.01.2002 - - - Server-Links vollstaendig implementiert: der ngIRCd kann nun auch - "Sub-Server" haben, also sowohl als Leaf-Node als auch Hub in einem - IRC-Netzwerk arbeiten. - - MODE und NICK melden nun die Aenderungen an andere Server, ebenso - die Befehle QUIT und SQUIT. - - WHOIS wird nun immer an den "Original-Server" weitergeleitet. - - Parses handhabt Leerzeichen zw. Parametern nun etwas "lockerer". - - Status-Codes an den Server selber werden ignorier. - - Log-Meldungen und Log-Level ueberarbeitet und korrigiert. - - Kommandozeilen-Parser: Debug- und No-Daemon-Modus, Hilfe. - - ngIRCd wandelt sich nun in einen Daemon (Hintergrundprozess) um. - - WHOIS korrigiert: Anfrage wurde u.U. an User geforwarded anstatt vom - Server beantwortet zu werden. - - neue Befehle: LUSERS, LINKS - - Client-Modes von Remote-Servern wurden nicht korrekt uerbernommen. - -ngIRCd 0.0.2, 06.01.2002 - - - Struktur der Konfigurationsdatei geaendert: sie ist nun "Samba like", - d.h. sie besteht aus Abschnitten (siehe "doc/sample-ngircd.conf"). - - Es koennen mehrere IRC-Server-Opertatoren konfiguriert werden. - - Zombies der Resolver-Prozesse werden nun ordentlich "getoetet". - - NICK kann nun die Gross- und Kleinschreibung eines Nicks aendern. - - ein Server-Passwort ist nun konfigurierbar. - - neue Befehle: ERROR, SERVER, NJOIN (nur als "Fake"), SQUIT. - - Asynchroner Resolver Hostname->IP implementiert. - - Server-Links teilweise implementiert: bisher kann der ngIRCd jedoch - nur "leafed server" sein, d.h. keine "Client-Server" haben. Einige - Befehle sind auch noch nicht (optimal) angepasst: PRIVMSG funktioniert - aber bereits, ebenso wie WHOIS (letzterer wird immer an den Server, - auf dem der User registriert ist, weitergegeben). - - "arpa/inet.h" wird nur noch includiert, wenn vorhanden. - - Fehler bei select() fuerhen nun zum Abbruch von ngIRCd, bisher landete - der Server zumeist in einer Endlosschleife. - - Logmeldungen und Level an vielen Stellen verbessert. - - lokalen Usernamen wird nun ein "~" vorangestellt, da bisher noch keine - Ident-Anfragen gemacht werden. - -ngIRCd 0.0.1, 31.12.2001 - - - erste oeffentliche Version von ngIRCd als "public preview" :-) diff --git a/doc/Commands.txt b/doc/Commands.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c4bd3a1..0000000 --- a/doc/Commands.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,991 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2013 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- Commands.txt -- - - -This file lists all commands available on ngIRCd. It is written in a format -that is human readable as well as machine parseable and therefore can be used -as "help text file" of the daemon. - -In short, the daemon reads this file on startup and parses it as following -when an user issues a "HELP " command: - - 1. Search the file for a line "- ", - 2. Output all subsequent lines that start with a TAB (ASCII 9) character - to the client using NOTICE commands, treat lines containing a single "." - after the TAB as empty lines. - 3. Break at the first line not starting with a TAB character. - -This format allows to have information to each command stored in this file -which will not be sent to an IRC user requesting help which enables us to -have additional annotations stored here which further describe the origin, -implementation details, or limits of the specific command which are not -relevant to an end-user but administrators and developers. - -A special "Intro" block is returned to the user when the HELP command is -used without a command name: - - -- Intro - This is ngIRCd, a server software for Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - networks. You can find more information about ngIRCd on its homepage: - - . - Use "HELP COMMANDS" to get a list of all available commands and - "HELP " to get help for a specific IRC command, for - example "HELP quit" or "HELP privmsg". - - -Connection Handling Commands -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -- CAP - CAP LS - CAP LIST - CAP REQ - CAP ACK - CAP NAK - CAP CLEAR - CAP END - . - List, request, and clear "IRC Capabilities". - . - Using this command, an IRC client can request additional "IRC - capabilities" during login or later on, which influences the - communication between server and client. Normally, these commands - aren't directly used by humans, but automatically by their client - software. And please note that issuing such commands manually can - irritate the client software used, because of the "non-standard" - behavior of the server! - . - - CAP LS: list all available capabilities. - - CAP LIST: list active capabilities of this connection. - - CAP REQ: Request particular capabilities. - - CAP ACK: Acknowledge a set of capabilities to be enabled/disabled. - - CAP NAK: Reject a set of capabilities. - - CAP CLEAR: Clear all set capabilities. - - CAP END: Indicate end of capability negotiation during login, - ignored in an fully registered session. - - Please note that the must be given in a single - parameter but whitespace separated, therefore a command could look - like this: "CAP REQ :capability1 capability2 capability3" for example. - - References: - - - - - - doc/Capabilities.txt - -- CHARCONV - CHARCONV - . - Set client character set encoding to . - . - After receiving such a command, the server translates all message - data received from the client using the set to the - server encoding (UTF-8), and all message data which is to be sent to - the client from the server encoding (UTF-8) to . - . - This enables older clients and clients using "strange" character sets - to transparently participate in channels and direct messages to - clients using UTF-8, which should be the default today. - - References: - - IRC+, - - IRC+, doc/Protocol.txt - -- NICK - NICK - NICK [] - NICK - . - Set or change the of a client (first form) and register - remote clients (second and third form; servers only). - - References: - - RFC 1459, 4.1.2 "Nick message" (old client and server protocol) - - RFC 2812, 3.1.2 "Nick message" (client protocol) - - RFC 2813, 4.1.3 "Nick" (server protocol) - -- PASS - PASS - PASS [] - . - Set a connection . This command must be the first command - sent to the server, even before the NICK/USER or SERVER commands. - . - The first form is used by user sessions or (old) RFC 1459 servers, - the second form is used by RFC 2812 or IRC+ compliant servers and - enables the server to indicate its version and supported protocol - features. - - References: - - RFC 1459, 4.1.1 "Password message" (old client and server protocol) - - RFC 2812, 3.1.1 "Password message" (client protocol) - - RFC 2813, 4.1.1 "Password message" (server protocol) - - IRC+, - - IRC+, doc/Protocol.txt - -- PING - PING [] - . - Tests the presence of a connection to a client or server. - . - If no has been given, the local server is used. User clients - can only use other servers as , no user clients. - . - A PING message results in a PONG reply containing the , which - can be arbitrary text. - - Please note: - The RFCs state that the parameter is used to specify the - origin of the PING command when forwarded in the network, but this - is not the case: the sender is specified using the prefix as usual, - and the parameter is used to identify the PONG reply in practice. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.7.2 "Ping message" - -- PONG - PONG [] - . - Reply to a "PING" command, indicate that the connection is alive. - . - The is the arbitrary text received in the "PING" command and - can be used to identify the correct PONG sent as answer. - . - When the "PONG" command is received from a user session, the - parameter is ignored; otherwise the PONG is forwarded to this client. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.7.3 "Pong message" - -- QUIT - QUIT [] - . - Terminate a user session. - . - When received from a user, the server acknowledges this by sending - an "ERROR" message back to the client and terminates the connection. - . - When a has been given, it is sent to all the channels - that the client is a member of when leaving. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.1.7 "Quit" - - RFC 2813, 4.1.5 "Quit" - -- USER - USER - . - Register (and authenticate) a new user session with a short - and a human-readable . - . - The parameter is only used when received by an other server - and ignored otherwise; and the parameter is always ignored. - But both parameters are required on each invocation by the protocol - and can be set to arbitrary characters/text when not used. - . - If contains an "@" character, the full is used - for authentication, but only the first part up to this character is - set as "user name" for this session. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.1.3 "User message" - -- WEBIRC - WEBIRC - . - Allow Web-to-IRC gateway software (for example) to set the correct - user name and host name of users instead of their own. - . - It must be the very first command sent to the server, even before - USER and NICK commands! - . - The must be set in the server configuration file to prevent - unauthorized clients to fake their identity; it is an arbitrary string. - - References: - - IRC+, - - IRC+, doc/Protocol.txt - - -General Commands -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -- AWAY - AWAY [] - . - Provides the server with a message to automatically send in reply to a - PRIVMSG directed at the user, but not to a channel they are on. - . - If is omitted, the away status is removed. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 4.1 "Away" - -- HELP - HELP [] - . - Show help information for a specific IRC . The name - is case-insensitive. - . - Use the command "HELP Commands" to get a list of all available commands. - - The HELP command isn't specified by any RFC but implemented by most - daemons. If no help text could be read in, ngIRCd outputs a list of all - implemented commands when receiving a plain "HELP" command as well as - on "HELP Commands". - - ngIRCd replies using "NOTICE" commands like ircd 2.10/2.11; other - implementations are using numerics 704, 705, and 706. - -- MODE - MODE [{+|-}[] [{+|-}[] [...]]] - MODE [{+|-}[] [ [ [...]]] [{+|-}[] [ [ [...]]] [...]]] - . - Set and get user and channel modes. - . - When no mode parameters are given, the currently set user or channel - modes are returned. Otherwise the modes are adjusted accordingly - and the changes will be reported back to the client. - . - All user and channel "modes" are indicated by single case-sensitive - characters. - . - Please note that a user can only get and set his own modes, and not - all user "levels" are allowed to change all channel modes ... - . - The mode parameters can become quite complex, especially when dealing - with channel modes that require additional arguments: - . - {+|-} -- set or unset one or more modes. - + - -- set some modes and unset others. - + -- set (at least) two modes with arguments. - . - Some examples: - . - MODE nick +i -- set user to "invisible". - MODE #chan +tn -- set "topic lock" and "no external messages". - MODE #chan -t +l 50 -- remove "topic lock", set "user limit" to 50. - MODE #chan +ov nick1 nick2 -- set "channel op" and "voice" mode - to nick1 and nick2 in channel #chan. - . - A complete list of all modes supported by ngIRCd can be found online - here: . - - References: - - RFC 2811, 4. "Channel Modes" - - RFC 2812, 3.1.5 "User mode message" - - RFC 2812, 3.2.3 "Channel mode message" - - - - doc/Modes.txt - -- NOTICE - NOTICE [,[,...]] - . - Send a to a given , which can be a user or a - channel, but DON'T report any error. - . - The "NOTICE" command exactly behaves like the "PRIVMSG" command, but - doesn't report any errors it encounters (like an unknown ). - Please see the help text of the "PRIVMSG" command for a detailed - description of the parameters! - - References: - - RFC 2812, 2.3.1 "Message format in Augmented BNF" - - RFC 2812, 3.3 "Sending messages" - - RFC 2812, 3.3.2 "Notice" - -- PRIVMSG - PRIVMSG [,[,...]] - . - Send a to a given , which can be a user or a - channel, and report all errors. - . - The must follow one of these syntax variants: - . - - - - - - [%]@ - - % - - !@ - . - If the is a user, a private message is sent directly to this - user; if it resolves to a channel name, a public message is sent - to all the members of that channel. - . - In addition, IRC Ops can use these two forms to specify the : - . - - # - - $ - . - The can contain the wildcard characters "*" and "?", but must - contain at least one dot (".") and no wildcard after the last one. - Then, the is sent to all users matching this . - . - All warnings and errors are reported back to the initiator using - numeric status codes, which is the only difference to the "NOTICE" - command, which doesn't report back any errors or warnings at all. - . - Please note that clients often use "MSG" as an alias to PRIVMSG, and - a command "QUERY []" to initiate private chats. Both - are command extensions of the client and never sent to the server. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 2.3.1 "Message format in Augmented BNF" - - RFC 2812, 3.3 "Sending messages" - - RFC 2812, 3.3.1 "Private messages" - -Status and Informational Commands -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -- ADMIN - ADMIN [] - . - Show administrative information about an IRC server in the network. - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to - a specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. - The server of the current connection is used when is omitted. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.4.9 "Admin command" - -- INFO - INFO [] - . - Show the version, birth & online time of an IRC server in the network. - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to - a specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. - The server of the current connection is used when is omitted. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.4.10 "Info command" - -- ISON - ISON [ [...]] - . - Query online status of a list of nicknames. The server replies with - a list only containing nicknames actually connected to a server in - the network. If no nicknames of the given list are online, an empty - list is returned to the client requesting the information. - - Please note that "all" IRC daemons even parse separate nicknames in - a single parameter (like ":nick1 nick2"), and therefore ngIRCd - implements this behavior, too. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 4.9 "Ison message" - -- LINKS - LINKS [[] [] - . - List all servers currently registered in the network matching , - or all servers if has been omitted, as seen by the server - specified by or the local server when is omitted. - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to - a specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.4.5 "Links message" - -- LUSERS - LUSERS [ []] - . - Return statistics about the number of clients (users, servers, - services, ...) in the network as seen by the server . - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to - a specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. - The server of the current connection is used when is omitted. - - Please note that ngIRCd ignores the parameter entirely: it - is not possible to get information for a part of the network only. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.4.2 "Lusers message" - -- MOTD - MOTD [] - . - Show the "Message of the Day" (MOTD) of an IRC server in the network. - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to - a specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. - The server of the current connection is used when is omitted. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.4.1 "Motd message" - -- NAMES - NAMES [[,[,...]] []] - . - Show the list of users that are members of a particular - (and that are visible for the client requesting this information) as - seen by the server . More than one can be given - separated by "," (but not whitespaces!). - . - If has been omitted, all visible users are shown, grouped - by channel name, and all visible users not being members of at least - one channel are shown as members of the pseudo channel "*". - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to - a specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. - The server of the current connection is used when is omitted. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.2.5 "Names message" - -- STATS - STATS [ []] - . - Show statistics and other information of type of a particular - IRC server in the network. - . - The following types are supported (case-insensitive where - applicable): - . - - g Network-wide bans ("G-Lines"). - - k Server-local bans ("K-Lines"). - - L Link status (servers and user links). - - l Link status (servers and own link). - - m Command usage count. - - u Server uptime. - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to - a specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. - The server of the current connection is used when is omitted. - . - To use "STATS L" the user must be an IRC Operator. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.4.4 "Stats message" - -- TIME - TIME [] - . - Show the local time of an IRC server in the network. - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to - a specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. - The server of the current connection is used when is omitted. - - References - - RFC 2812, 3.4.6 "Time message" - -- TRACE - TRACE [] - . - Find the route to a specific server and send information about its - peers. Each server that processes this command reports back to the - sender about it: the replies from pass-through servers form a chain - which shows the route to the destination. - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to - a specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. - The server of the current connection is used when is omitted. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.4.8 "Trace message" - -- USERHOST - USERHOST [ [...]] - . - Show flags and the hostmasks (@) of the s, - separated by spaces. The following flags are used: - . - - "-" The client is "away" (the mode "+a" is set on this client). - - "+" Client seems to be available, at least it isn't marked "away". - - "*" The client is an IRC operator (the mode "+o" is set). - - References: - - RFC 2812, 4.8 "Userhost message" - -- VERSION - VERSION [] - . - Show version information about a particular IRC server in the network. - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to - a specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. - The server of the current connection is used when is omitted. - . - Please note: in normal operation, the version number ends in a dot - (".", for example "ngIRCd-20.1."). If it ends in ".1" (for example - "ngIRCd-20.1.1", same version than before!), the server is running in - debug-mode; and if it ends in ".2", the "network sniffer" is active! - Keep your privacy in mind ... - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.4.3 "Version message" - -- WHO - WHO [ ["o"]] - . - Show a list of users who match the , or all visible users when - the has been omitted. (Special case: the "0" is - equivalent to "*") - . - If the flag "o" is given, the server will only return information about - IRC Operators. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.6.1 "Who query" - -- WHOIS - WHOIS [] [,[,...]] - . - Query information about users matching the parameter(s) as seen - by the server ; up to 3 are supported. - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to a - specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. The - server of the current connection is used when is omitted. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.6.2 "Whois query" - -- WHOWAS - WHOWAS [,[,...]] [ []] - . - Query information about nicknames no longer in use in the network, - either because of nickname changes or disconnects. The history is - searched backwards, returning the most recent entry first. If there - are multiple entries, up to entries will be shown (or all of - them, if no has been given). - . - can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to a - specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network. The - server of the current connection is used when is omitted. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.6.3 "Whowas" - - -Channel Commands -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -- INVITE - INVITE - . - Invite to join channel . - . - does not have to exist, but if it does, only members of the - channel are allowed to invite other users. If the channel mode "+i" - is set, only channel "half-ops" (and above) may invite other clients, - and if channel mode "+V" is set, nobody can invite other users. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.2.7 "Invite message" - -- JOIN - JOIN {[,[,...]] [[,[,...]]] | 0} - . - Makes the client join the (comma-separated list), specifying - the channel keys ("passwords"). A is only needed if the - has the mode "+k" set. - . - If the channel(s) do not exist, then they will be created. - . - Using "JOIN 0" parts all channels at once. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.2.1 "Join message" (client protocol) - - RFC 2813, 4.2.1 "Join message" (server protocol) - -- KICK - KICK [,[,...]] [,[,...]] [] - . - Remove users(s) with (s) from (s). - . - There must be either exactly one parameter and multiple - parameters, or as many parameters as there are - parameters. The is shown to the users being - kicked, and the nickname of the current user is used when - is omitted. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.2.8 "Kick command" - -- LIST - LIST [[,[,...]] []] - . - List all visible (comma-separated list). - . - If is given, the command will be forwarded to for - evaluation. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.2.6 "List message" - -- PART - PART [,[,...]] [] - . - Leave (comma-separated list), optionally with sending a - to all the other channel members. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.2.2 "Part message" - -- TOPIC - TOPIC [] - . - Change or view the topic of a channel. - . - The topic for channel is returned if there is no - given. If the parameter is present, the topic for that - channel will be changed, if this action is allowed for the user - requesting it. If the parameter is an empty string, the - topic for that channel will be removed. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.2.4 "Topic message" - - -Administrative Commands -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -- CONNECT - CONNECT [ [ [ ]]] - . - Instructs the current server, or if specified, - to connect to the server named , which must be configured - in the server configuration file. - . - To use this command, the user must be an IRC Operator. To establish - a connection on a , you must have remote IRC operator - privileges. - . - If , and are given, these values override - the ones specified in the server configuration file. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.4.7 "Connect message" - -- DIE - DIE [] - . - Instructs the server to shut down. - . - The optional (and non-standard) text is sent to each client - connected to this server before all connections are closed. - . - To use this command, the user must be an IRC Operator. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 4.3 "Die message" - -- DISCONNECT - DISCONNECT - . - Disconnect and disable a locally linked server. - . - To use this command, the user must be an IRC Operator. - - References: - - This command is not specified in the IRC RFCs, it is an extension - of ngIRCd. - -- GLINE - GLINE [ :] - . - This command provides timed G-Lines (network-wide bans). - . - If a client matches a G-Line, it cannot connect to any server on - the IRC network for seconds. When is 0, it make - the G-Line permanent. - . - If no and no is given, the G-Line is removed. - . - To use this command, the user must be an IRC Operator. - . - "STATS g" can be used to list all currently active G-Lines. - - References: - - This command is not specified in the IRC RFCs, it is an extension - of ngIRCd. - -- KILL - KILL - . - Forcibly remove all users with a given from the IRC - network and display the given to them. - . - This command is used internally between servers, too, for example - to disconnect duplicate 's after a "net split". - . - To use this command, the user must be an IRC Operator. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.7.1 "Kill message" - -- KLINE - KLINE [ :] - . - This command provides timed K-Lines (server-local bans). - . - If a client matches a K-Line, it cannot connect to this server for - seconds. When is 0, it makes the K-Line permanent. - . - If no and no is given, the K-Line is removed. - . - To use this command, the user must be an IRC Operator. - . - "STATS k" can be used to list all currently active K-Lines. - - References: - - This command is not specified in the IRC RFCs, it is an extension - of ngIRCd. - -- OPER - OPER - . - Authenticates a user named as an IRC operator on the current - server/network. - . - This operator must be configured in the server configuration. - . - Please note that is NOT related to a nickname at all! - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.1.4 "Oper message" - -- REHASH - REHASH - . - Causes the server to re-read and re-process its configuration file(s). - . - While rehashing, no new connections are accepted, but all already - established connections stay connected. - . - To use this command, the user must be an IRC Operator. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 4.2 "Rehash message" - -- RESTART - RESTART - . - Restart the server. - . - While restarting, all connections are reset and no new connections - are accepted. - . - To use this command, the user must be an IRC Operator. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 4.4 "Restart message" - -- WALLOPS - WALLOPS - . - Sends to all users with user mode "+w". - . - To use this command, the user must be an IRC Operator. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 4.7 "Operwall message" - -IRC Service Commands -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -- SERVICE - SERVICE - SERVICE {|+} - . - Register a new service in the network. - . - The first form is used by directly linked services and isn't supported - by ngIRCd at the moment. The second form announces services connected - to remote "pseudo-servers" ("services hubs"). - . - The and parameters are ignored by ngIRCd. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.1.6 "Service message" - - RFC 2813, 4.1.4 "Service message" - -- SERVLIST - SERVLIST [ []] - . - List all IRC services currently registered in the network. - . - The optional and parameters can be used to limit the - listing to services matching the and that are of type . - . - Please note that ngIRCd doesn't use any service types at the moment - and therefore all services are of type "0". - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.5.1 "Servlist message" - -- SQUERY - SQUERY [,[,...]] - . - Send a to a given IRC service, and report all - errors. - . - The "SQUERY" command exactly behaves like the "PRIVMSG" command, but - enforces that the of the is an IRC service. - Please see the help text of the "PRIVMSG" command for a detailed - description of the parameters! - . - If a user wants to interact with IRC services, he should use "SQUERY" - instead of "PRIVMSG" or "NOTICE": only "SQUERY makes sure that no - regular user, which uses the nickname of an IRC service, receives - the command in error, for example during a "net split"! - - References: - - RFC 2812, 2.3.1 "Message format in Augmented BNF" - - RFC 2812, 3.3 "Sending messages" - - RFC 2812, 3.3.2 "Notice" - -- SVSNICK - SVSNICK - . - Forcefully change foreign user nicknames. This command is allowed - for servers only. - . - The "SVSNICK" command is forwarded to the server to which the user - with nickname is connected to, which in turn generates a - regular "NICK" command that then is sent to the client, so no special - support in the client software is required. - - References: - - ngIRCd GIT commit e3f300d3231f - - -Server Protocol Commands -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -- CHANINFO - CHANINFO + [[ ] ] - . - CHANINFO is used by servers to inform each other about a channel: - its modes, channel key, user limits and its topic. - . - The CHANINFO command is allowed on server-links only. - - References: - - IRC+, - - IRC+, doc/Protocol.txt - -- ERROR - ERROR [ [<> [...]]] - . - Inform a client or a server about an error condition. The first - parameter, if given, is logged by the server receiving the message, - all other parameters are silently ignored. - . - This command is silently ignored on non-server and non-service links - and shouldn't be used by regular IRC clients. - . - The ERROR message is also sent before terminating a regular client - connection. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.7.4 "Error message" - -- METADATA - METADATA - . - The METADATA command is used on server-links to update "metadata" - information of clients, like the hostname, the info text ("real name"), - or the user name. - . - The METADATA command is allowed on server-links only. - - References: - - IRC+, - - IRC+, doc/Protocol.txt - -- NJOIN - NJOIN [][,[][,...]] - . - The NJOIN command is used on server-links to add users with - and to a while peering. - . - The NJOIN command is allowed on server-links only. - - References: - - RFC 2813, 4.2.2 "Njoin message" - -- SERVER - SERVER - SERVER - SERVER - . - The first form registers the local connection as a new server in the - network, the second (RFC 1459) and third (RFC 2812) form announce a - new remote server in the network. - . - The SERVER command is allowed on unregistered or server-links only. - - References: - - RFC 1459, 4.1.4 "Server message" - - RFC 2813, 4.1.2 "Server message" - -- SQUIT - SQUIT - . - Disconnects an IRC Server from the network. - . - This command is used on server-links, but can be used by IRC Operators - to forcefully disconnect servers from the network, too. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 3.1.8 "Squit" - - RFC 2813, 4.1.6 "Server quit message" - -Dummy Commands -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -- SUMMON - SUMMON [ []] - . - This command was intended to call people into IRC who are directly - connected to the terminal console of the IRC server -- but is - deprecated today. Therefore ngIRCd doesn't really implement this - command and always returns an error message, regardless of the - parameters given. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 4.5 "Summon message" - -- USERS - USERS [] - . - This command was intended to list users directly logged in into the - console of the IRC server -- but is deprecated today. Therefore ngIRCd - doesn't really implement this command and always returns an error - message, regardless of the parameters given. - - References: - - RFC 2812, 4.6 "Users" - -- GET - GET [...] - . - Fake HTTP GET command. When received, the connection is shut down - immediately again to protect against crazy web browsers ... - - References: - - ngIRCd GIT commit 33e8c2480649 - -- POST - POST [...] - . - Fake HTTP POST command. When received, the connection is shut down - immediately again to protect against crazy web browsers ... - - References: - - ngIRCd GIT commit 33e8c2480649 diff --git a/doc/Contributing.txt b/doc/Contributing.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dd2b297..0000000 --- a/doc/Contributing.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2015 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- Contributing.txt -- - - -If you want to contribute to ngIRCd, please read the following paragraphs to -get an idea of how to do it the best :-) - - - Use GIT - - The source code of ngIRCd is maintained using GIT, see doc/GIT.txt. So if - remotely possible, use GIT for your work, too. It makes your and our lives - much easier ;-) - - - Don't forget to include documentation - - When adding features and new configuration options, don't forget to not - only code the features but to describe them in doc/sample-ngircd.conf, - man/ngircd.8.tmp and/or man/ngircd.conf.5.tmpl as well! - - - Be present on IRC - - If you intend to code some new features or do some code cleanups or better - documentation, please be present on and - discuss your plans early! So other developers have an idea on what others - are working on, can offer help, and can synchronize their own work. - - - Check and validate your work! - - Use "make check" to validate your work, and use "make distcheck" to - validate the resulting archives, especially when adding/removing files! - - - Send patches in "unified diff" format - - Please send patches in "unified" format, that is, use "diff -u". - Or even better: use GIT ("git diff"), see above. - - - Send patches to the mailing list - - If you have some code to present, send the patch(es) and/or pointers to - your GIT repository to the official ngIRCd mailing list for review, not - only to #ngircd: so it becomes archived and more people have a chance to - review your patch. - - Sure it is a good idea to post some notes to #ngircd, too! :-) - - And this is open source, your work must not be 100% finished and perfect, - work in progress is interesting, too: "release early, release often"! - -- Use GitHub to create "Pull Requests" - - ngIRCd is hosted on GitHub (), so please use the - tools available there and open issues (comment!) and create pull requests! - See for details. diff --git a/doc/FAQ.txt b/doc/FAQ.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3856ae0..0000000 --- a/doc/FAQ.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - (c)2001-2010 by Alexander Barton, -, - - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions -- - - -I. General -~~~~~~~~~~ - -Q: Is it possible to link the ngIRCd with non-ngIRCd servers? -A: Yes. ngIRCd is compatible to the original ircd used by IRCNet. Actually - this is being tested with version 2.10.3p3. Please note that newer - versions (2.11.x) aren't compatible any more! - -Q: Is there a homepage with further information and downloads? -A: Yes. Please visit . - -Q: Why should I use ngIRCd instead of the original one? -A: ngIRCd offers several benefits: no problems with dynamic IPs, easy to - configure, open source (GPL), under active development. - - -II. Compilation -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Q: I did a "CVS checkout" but can't execute ./configure because the script - is missing in the generated directory!? -A: When using development versions via CVS, the configure script as well as - the templates must be generated using GNU automake and GNU - autoconf. To simplify this task run the ./ script which will - execute the required tools for you; then continue with executing the - ./configure script as usual. - -Q: The ./ script complains "aclocal: command not found". -A: GNU automake is missing on your system but required for building CVS - versions of ngIRCd. Install GNU automake 1.6 or later and try again. - -Q: The ./ script stops with "autoheader: command not found". -A: GNU autoconf is missing on your system but required for building CVS - versions of ngIRCd. Install GNU autoconf 2.52 or later and try again. - -Q: The ./ script fails and the message "automake: - AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE must be used" is displayed. -A: Most probably you are using version 1.5 of GNU automake which seems to be - incompatible to the build system of ngIRCd. Solution: upgrade to at least - version 1.6 of GNU automake. - (If you are using Debian 3.0 "Woody" you can try to downgrade to version - 1.4 of GNU automake shipped with this distribution; it should work, too.) - - -III. Runtime -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Q: Where is the log file located? -A: ngIRCd does not write its own log file. Instead, ngIRCd uses syslog(3). - Check the files in /var/log/ and/or consult the documentation for your - system logger daemon. - -Q: I cannot connect to remote peers when I use the chroot option, the - following is logged: "Can't resolve unknown error!". -A: see next question blow ... - -Q: When running ngIRCd inside a chroot, no IP addresses can be translated - in DNS names, errors like "Name or service not known" are logged. -A: On Linux/glibc with chroot enabled you need to put some libraries inside - the chroot as well, notably libnss_dns; maybe others. Unfortunately, even - linking ngIRCd statically does not help this. So you can either copy - all the required files into the chroot directory: - $ mkdir -p ./chroot/etc ./chroot/lib - $ cp -a /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf ./chroot/etc/ - $ cp -a /lib/libresolv* /lib/libnss_* ./chroot/lib/ - Or you can try to link ngIRCd against an other C library (like dietlibc) - that doesn't depend on NSS modules and/or these files. - -Q: I have added an [Oper] section, how do i log on as IRC operator? -A: You can use the /OPER command in your IRC client to become an IRC operator. - ngIRCd will also log all OPER requests (using syslog), if OPER fails you - can look there to determine why it did not work (bad password, unauthorized - host mask, etc.) - -Q: I am an IRC operator, but MODE doesn't work! -A: You need to set 'OperCanUseMode = yes' in ngircd.conf, then IRC operators - can use the MODE command for changing modes even when they are not joined - to the specific channel. - -Q: How can I "auto-op" users in channels? -A: ngIRCd can't do this: you would have to use some "IRC Services", like - Atheme () or Anope (). - See "doc/Services.txt" for setup instructions. - - -IV. Bugs!? -~~~~~~~~~~ - -Q: Is there a list of known bugs and desired feature enhancements? -A: Yes. Have a look at the bug tracking system (GitHub issues) for ngIRCd located - at . There you can file bug - reports and feature requests as well as search the bug database. - -Q: What should I do if I found a bug? -A: Please file a bug report at ! - The author will be notified automagically :-) - diff --git a/doc/HowToRelease.txt b/doc/HowToRelease.txt deleted file mode 100644 index af78cee..0000000 --- a/doc/HowToRelease.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - (c)2001-2010 Alexander Barton, -, - - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- HowToRelease.txt -- - - -I. Introduction -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Creating a new ngIRCd release requires a few steps to follow: the source -tree must be in a releasable state (be up to date, include all required -patches, be tested on as many platforms as possible), a name for the new -release must be chosen, and all the files describing the release must be -updated accordingly. - -Since ngIRCd release 13 (2009-12-25) we use "simple" release numbers for -major releases (e.g. "13", "17", "42", ...) introducing new features and -sub-releases for bug fixes only (e.g. "14.1", "22.3", ...). - -When creating pre-releases or release candidates, please use the tilde ("~") -character to separate the "postfix" in the release number (e.g. "17~rc2" -or "123.4~rc6"). - -The release/version number of a build is automatically generated using the -GIT "describe" command, see git-describe(1). Therefore it is required that -a new release is tagged in the GIT tree and that the configure script is -up-to-date (e.g. using ./ before generating the archives! - - -II. How to prepare a new ngIRCd release? -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -a) Make sure the source tree is in a releasable state ;-) - - is the AUTHORS file up to date? - -b) Make sure you have working versions of GNU autoconf and GNU automake - installed on the system you use for generating the release: - as of October 2010 we are using GNU autoconf 2.67 and GNU automake 1.11.1 - which seem to work just fine. - -c) Update the files describing the new release: - - ChangeLog - - NEWS - -d) Update the version numbers in the following files: - - contrib/ngircd.spec - -e) Generate a new Debian change log entry in the following file, e.g. using - the Debian "dch" tool of the "devscripts" package: - - contrib/Debian/changelog - -f) Commit the above changes to GIT: "git add", "git commit" - -g) Create a new signed GIT tag for the new release: "git tag -s". - Please note that we don't use the tilde ("~") here, instead use a simple - hyphen ("-") as delimiter: e.g. "rel-16" "rel-17-rc1", "rel-18-pre2", ... - -h) Run "./" to update the ./configure script with the correct - release number (autogenerated using "git describe", see above). - -i) Run "./configure" to rebuild all generated Makefiles. - -j) Run "make distcheck" to generate the distribution archives. - -k) Sign the distribution archive(s) using GnuPG: "gpg -b " - -l) Upload and distribute the newly generated ngIRCd release archive(s) - and GnuPG signatures. - -m) Write an announcement to the mailing list, freshmeat, Twitter, ... - -n) Update the list of releases in our bug tracker. - -o) Relax :-) diff --git a/doc/INSTALL b/doc/INSTALL deleted file mode 100644 index 5a1bf3c..0000000 --- a/doc/INSTALL +++ /dev/null @@ -1,367 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2017 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- INSTALL -- - - -I. Upgrade Information -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Differences to version 22.x - -- The "NoticeAuth" ngircd.conf configuration variable has been renamed to - "NoticeBeforeRegistration". The old "NoticeAuth" variable still works but - is deprecated now. - -- The default value of the SSL "CipherList" variable has been changed to - "HIGH:!aNULL:@STRENGTH:!SSLv3" (OpenSSL) and "SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0" - (GnuTLS) to disable the old SSLv3 protocol by default. - To enable connections of clients still requiring the weak SSLv3 protocol, - the "CipherList" must be set to its old value (not recommended!), which - was "HIGH:!aNULL:@STRENGTH" (OpenSSL) and "SECURE128" (GnuTLS), see below. - -Differences to version 20.x - -- Starting with ngIRCd 21, the ciphers used by SSL are configurable and - default to "HIGH:!aNULL:@STRENGTH" (OpenSSL) or "SECURE128" (GnuTLS). - Previous version were using the OpenSSL or GnuTLS defaults, "DEFAULT" - and "NORMAL" respectively. - -- When adding GLINE's or KLINE's to ngIRCd 21 (or newer), all clients matching - the new mask will be KILL'ed. This was not the case with earlier versions - that only added the mask but didn't kill already connected users. - -- The "PredefChannelsOnly" configuration variable has been superseded by the - new "AllowedChannelTypes" variable. It is still supported and translated to - the appropriate "AllowedChannelTypes" setting but is deprecated now. - -Differences to version 19.x - -- Starting with ngIRCd 20, users can "cloak" their hostname only when the - configuration variable "CloakHostModeX" (introduced in 19.2) is set. - Otherwise, only IRC operators, other servers, and services are allowed to - set mode +x. This prevents regular users from changing their hostmask to - the name of the IRC server itself, which confused quite a few people ;-) - -Differences to version 17.x - -- Support for ZeroConf/Bonjour/Rendezvous service registration has been - removed. The configuration option "NoZeroconf" is no longer available. - -- The structure of ngircd.conf has been cleaned up and three new configuration - sections have been introduced: [Limits], [Options], and [SSL]. - Lots of configuration variables stored in the [Global] section are now - deprecated there and should be stored in one of these new sections (but - still work in [Global]): - "AllowRemoteOper" -> [Options] - "ChrootDir" -> [Options] - "ConnectIPv4" -> [Options] - "ConnectIPv6" -> [Options] - "ConnectRetry" -> [Limits] - "MaxConnections" -> [Limits] - "MaxConnectionsIP" -> [Limits] - "MaxJoins" -> [Limits] - "MaxNickLength" -> [Limits] - "NoDNS" -> [Options], and renamed to "DNS" - "NoIdent" -> [Options], and renamed to "Ident" - "NoPAM" -> [Options], and renamed to "PAM" - "OperCanUseMode" -> [Options] - "OperServerMode" -> [Options] - "PingTimeout" -> [Limits] - "PongTimeout" -> [Limits] - "PredefChannelsOnly" -> [Options] - "SSLCertFile" -> [SSL], and renamed to "CertFile" - "SSLDHFile" -> [SSL], and renamed to "DHFile" - "SSLKeyFile" -> [SSL], and renamed to "KeyFile" - "SSLKeyFilePassword" -> [SSL], and renamed to "KeyFilePassword" - "SSLPorts" -> [SSL], and renamed to "Ports" - "SyslogFacility" -> [Options] - "WebircPassword" -> [Options] - You should adjust your ngircd.conf and run "ngircd --configtest" to make - sure that your settings are correct and up to date! - -Differences to version 16.x - -- Changes to the "MotdFile" specified in ngircd.conf now require a ngircd - configuration reload to take effect (HUP signal, REHASH command). - -Differences to version 0.9.x - -- The option of the configure script to enable support for Zeroconf/Bonjour/ - Rendezvous/WhateverItIsNamedToday has been renamed: - --with-rendezvous -> --with-zeroconf - -Differences to version 0.8.x - -- The maximum length of passwords has been raised to 20 characters (instead - of 8 characters). If your passwords are longer than 8 characters then they - are cut at an other position now. - -Differences to version 0.6.x - -- Some options of the configure script have been renamed: - --disable-syslog -> --without-syslog - --disable-zlib -> --without-zlib - Please call "./configure --help" to review the full list of options! - -Differences to version 0.5.x - -- Starting with version 0.6.0, other servers are identified using asynchronous - passwords: therefore the variable "Password" in [Server]-sections has been - replaced by "MyPassword" and "PeerPassword". - -- New configuration variables, section [Global]: MaxConnections, MaxJoins - (see example configuration file "doc/sample-ngircd.conf"!). - - -II. Standard Installation -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -ngIRCd is developed for UNIX-based systems, which means that the installation -on modern UNIX-like systems that are supported by GNU autoconf and GNU -automake ("configure") should be no problem. - -The normal installation procedure after getting (and expanding) the source -files (using a distribution archive or GIT) is as following: - - 0) Satisfy prerequisites - 1) ./ [only necessary when using GIT] - 2) ./configure - 3) make - 4) make install - -(Please see details below!) - -Now the newly compiled executable "ngircd" is installed in its standard -location, /usr/local/sbin/. - -The next step is to configure and afterwards starting the daemon. Please -have a look at the ngircd(8) and ngircd.conf(5) manual pages for details -and all possible options -- and don't forget to run "ngircd --configtest" -to validate your configuration file! - -If no previous version of the configuration file exists (the standard name -is /usr/local/etc/ngircd.conf), a sample configuration file containing all -possible options will be installed there. You'll find its template in the -doc/ directory: sample-ngircd.conf. - - -0): Satisfy prerequisites - -When building from source, you'll need some other software to build ngIRCd: -for example a working C compiler, make tool, GNU automake and autoconf (only -when not using a distribution archive), and a few libraries depending on the -features you want to compile in (like IDENT support, SSL, and PAM). - -If you are using one of the "big" operating systems or Linux distributions, -you can use the following commands to install all the required packages to -build the sources including all optional features and to run the test suite: - -* Red Hat / Fedora based distributions: - - yum install \ - autoconf automake expect gcc glibc-devel gnutls-devel \ - libident-devel make pam-devel tcp_wrappers-devel telnet zlib-devel - -* Debian / Ubuntu based distributions: - - apt-get install \ - autoconf automake build-essential expect libgnutls-dev \ - libident-dev libpam-dev libwrap0-dev libz-dev telnet - - -1): "" - -The first step,, is only necessary if the configure-script isn't -already generated. This never happens in official ("stable") releases in -tar.gz-archives, but when using GIT. - -This step is therefore only interesting for developers. - produces the's, which are necessary for the configure -script itself, and some more files for make. To run you'll need -GNU autoconf and GNU automake: at least autoconf 2.61 and automake 1.10 are -required, newer is better. But don't use automake 1.12 or newer for creating -distribution archives: it will work but lack "de-ANSI-fication" support in the -generated Makefile's! Stick with automake 1.11.x for this purpose ... -So automake 1.11.x and autoconf 2.67+ is recommended. - -Again: "end users" do not need this step and neither need GNU autoconf nor GNU -automake at all! - - -2): "./configure" - -The configure-script is used to detect local system dependencies. - -In the perfect case, configure should recognize all needed libraries, header -files and so on. If this shouldn't work, "./configure --help" shows all -possible options. - -In addition, you can pass some command line options to "configure" to enable -and/or disable some features of ngIRCd. All these options are shown using -"./configure --help", too. - -Compiling a static binary will avoid you the hassle of feeding a chroot dir -(if you want use the chroot feature). Just do something like: - CFLAGS=-static ./configure [--your-options ...] -Then you can use a void directory as ChrootDir (like OpenSSH's /var/empty). - - -3): "make" - -The make command uses the Makefiles produced by configure and compiles the -ngIRCd daemon. - - -4): "make install" - -Use "make install" to install the server and a sample configuration file on -the local system. Normally, root privileges are necessary to complete this -step. If there is already an older configuration file present, it won't be -overwritten. - -These files and folders will be installed by default: - -- /usr/local/sbin/ngircd: executable server -- /usr/local/etc/ngircd.conf: sample configuration (if not already present) -- /usr/local/share/doc/ngircd/: documentation -- /usr/local/share/man/: manual pages - - -III. Additional features -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The following optional features can be compiled into the daemon by passing -options to the "configure" script. Most options can handle a argument -which will be used to search for the required libraries and header files in -the given paths ("/lib/...", "/include/...") in addition to the -standard locations. - -* Syslog Logging (autodetected by default): - --with-syslog[=] / --without-syslog - - Enable (disable) support for logging to "syslog", which should be - available on most modern UNIX-like operating systems by default. - -* ZLib Compression (autodetected by default): - --with-zlib[=] / --without-zlib - - Enable (disable) support for compressed server-server links. - The Z compression library ("libz") is required for this option. - -* IO Backend (autodetected by default): - --with-select[=] / --without-select - --with-poll[=] / --without-poll - --with-devpoll[=] / --without-devpoll - --with-epoll[=] / --without-epoll - --with-kqueue[=] / --without-kqueue - - ngIRCd can use different IO "backends": the "old school" select() and poll() - API which should be supported by most UNIX-like operating systems, or the - more efficient and flexible epoll() (Linux >=2.6), kqueue() (BSD) and - /dev/poll APIs. - By default the IO backend is autodetected, but you can use "--without-xxx" - to disable a more enhanced API. - When using the epoll() API, support for select() is compiled in as well by - default to enable the binary to run on older Linux kernels (<2.6), too. - -* IDENT-Support: - --with-ident[=] - - Include support for IDENT ("AUTH") lookups. The "ident" library is - required for this option. - -* TCP-Wrappers: - --with-tcp-wrappers[=] - - Include support for Wietse Venemas "TCP Wrappers" to limit client access - to the daemon, for example by using "/etc/hosts.{allow|deny}". - The "libwrap" is required for this option. - -* PAM: - --with-pam[=] - - Enable support for PAM, the Pluggable Authentication Modules library. - See doc/PAM.txt for details. - -* SSL: - --with-openssl[=] - --with-gnutls[=] - - Enable support for SSL/TLS using OpenSSL or gnutls libraries. - See doc/SSL.txt for details. - -* IPv6: - --enable-ipv6 - - Adds support for version 6 of the Internet Protocol. - - -IV. Useful make-targets -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The Makefile produced by the configure-script contains always these useful -targets: - - - clean: delete every product from the compiler/linker - next step: -> make - - - distclean: the above plus erase all generated Makefiles - next step: -> ./configure - - - maintainer-clean: erase all automatic generated files - next step: -> ./ - - -V. Sample configuration file ngircd.conf -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -In the sample configuration file, there are comments beginning with "#" OR -";" -- this is only for the better understanding of the file. - -The file is separated in five blocks: [Global], [Features], [Operator], -[Server], and [Channel]. - -In the [Global] section, there is the main configuration like the server -name and the ports, on which the server should be listening. Options in -the [Features] section enable or disable functionality in the daemon. -IRC operators of this server are defined in [Operator] blocks, remote -servers are configured in [Server] sections, and [Channel] blocks are -used to configure pre-defined ("persistent") IRC channels. - -The meaning of the variables in the configuration file is explained in the -"doc/sample-ngircd.conf", which is used as sample configuration file in -/usr/local/etc after running "make install" (if you don't already have one) -and in the ngircd.conf(5) manual page. - - -VI. Command line options -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -These parameters could be passed to the ngIRCd: - --f, --config - The daemon uses the file as configuration file rather than - the standard configuration /usr/local/etc/ngircd.conf. - --n, --nodaemon - ngIRCd should be running as a foreground process. - --p, --passive - Server-links won't be automatically established. - --t, --configtest - Reads, validates and dumps the configuration file as interpreted - by the server. Then exits. - -Use "--help" to see a short help text describing all available parameters -the server understands, with "--version" the ngIRCd shows its version -number. In both cases the server exits after the output. - -Please see the ngircd(8) manual page for complete details! diff --git a/doc/Modes.txt b/doc/Modes.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 92e6613..0000000 --- a/doc/Modes.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2015 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- Modes.txt -- - - -This document lists the different user modes, channel modes, and channel -user modes that ngIRCd supports. - - -I. User Modes -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -User modes are attributes a user has in the network, regardless of the -channels he is using at the moment. - - mode since description - - a 0.3.0 User is away. - b 20 User blocks private messages and notices. - B 20 User is flagged as a "bot". - c 17 IRC operator wants to receive connect/disconnect NOTICEs. - C 19 Only users that share a channel are allowed to send messages. - F 22 Relaxed flood protection (only settable by IRC Operators). - i 0.0.1 User is "invisible". - I 23 No channels are shown on WHOIS (IRC Ops can always see those). - o 0.0.1 User is IRC operator. - q 20 User is protected, can not be kicked from a channel. - r 0.0.1 User is restricted. - R (1) 19 User is registered (e.g. by NickServ). - s 0.4.0 User wants to receive server notices. - w 0.11.0 User wants to receive WALLOPS messages. - x 17 Hostname of this user is "cloaked". - -II. Channel Modes -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Channel modes are attributes of specific channels which are valid for all -users joined (or trying to join) to this channel. Some modes add and remove -users to lists (e.g. "invite list", "ban list"), others have parameters -(like "channel key"), most are simple flags (like "moderated"). - - mode since description - - b 0.5.0 Add/remove a host mask to the ban list. - e 19 Add/remove a host mask to the exception list. - i 0.5.0 Channel is "invite only". - I 0.5.0 Add/remove a host mask to the invite list. - k 0.6.0 Channel has a "key" (a password). - l 0.6.0 Channel has a user limit. - m 0.3.0 Channel is moderated, only "voiced" users can send messages. - M 20 Only registered users (and IRC Ops) can send messages. - n 0.3.0 Channel doesn't allow messages of users not being members. - N 23 Users can't change their nickname while on this channel. - O 18 Only IRC operators are allowed to join this channel. - P 0.5.0 Channel is "persistent". - Q 20 Nobody can be kicked from the channel. - r (1) 19 Channel is "registered" (e.g. by ChanServ). - R 19 Only registered users are allowed to join this channel. - s 0.9.0 Channel is "secret". - t 0.3.0 Only ChanOps are allowed to modify the channel topic. - V 20 Channel doesn't allow invites. - z 16 Only users connected via SSL are allowed to join the channel. - -III. Channel User Modes -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Channel user modes are attributes that a particular user has in a specific -channel of which he is a member. - - mode since description - - q 20 User is channel owner. This mode can only be set by an IRC - service, other owner or IRC operator. Channel owners can - promote other users to all levels: q, a, o, h, v. Prefix: "~". - a 20 User is channel admin and can promote other users to v, h, o. - Prefix: "&". - o 0.2.0 User is channel operator and can op/kick/... other members. - Prefix: "@". - h 20 User is half op and can set channel modes imntvIbek and kick - voiced and normal users. Prefix: "%". - v 0.2.0 User is "voiced" and can speak even if channel is moderated. - Prefix: "+". - - -Notes -~~~~~ - -(1) This mode is not set by ngIRCd itself but by services. ngIRCd handles - the mode transparently and possibly adjusts its behavior. diff --git a/doc/NEWS b/doc/NEWS deleted file mode 100644 index 1eab60d..0000000 --- a/doc/NEWS +++ /dev/null @@ -1,895 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2017 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- NEWS -- - - -ngIRCd 24 (2017-01-20) - - ngIRCd 24~rc1 (2017-01-07) - - Log privilege violations and failed OPER request with log level "error" - and send it to the "&SERVER" channel, too. - - Immediately shut down connection when receiving an "ERROR" command, - don't wait for the peer to close the connection. This allows the daemon - to forward the received "ERROR" message in the network, instead of the - very generic "client closed connection" message. - - Explicitly forbid remote servers to modify "x-lines" (G-LINES) when the - "AllowRemoteOper" configuration option isn't set, even when the command - seems to originate from the remote server itself: this prevents GLINE's - to become set during server handshake in this case (what wouldn't be - possible during regular runtime when a remote IRC Op sends the command) - and what can't be undone by IRC Ops later on (because of the missing - "AllowRemoteOper" option) ... - - Update Xcode project for latest Xcode version (8.0), and fix "duplicate - symbols" error messages when building (linking) the binary. - - Add "Documentation" variables to systemd configuration files. - - Make sure that SYSCONFDIR is always set, which can be handy when - using source code linters when ./configure hasn't been run already. - - Add the new "PAMServiceName" configuration option to specify the name - used as PAM service name. This setting allows to run multiple ngIRCd - instances with different PAM configurations for each instance. - Thanks to Christian Aistleitner for the - patch, closes #226. - - Add an ".editorconfig" file to the project. - - Limit the number of message target, and suppress duplicates: This - prevents an user from flooding the server using commands like this: - "PRIVMSG nick1,nick1,nick1,...". - Duplicate targets are suppressed silently (channels and clients). - In addition, the maximum number of targets per PRIVMSG, NOTICE, ... - command are limited to MAX_HNDL_TARGETS (25). If there are more, the - daemon sends the new 407 (ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS_MSG) numeric, containing - the first target that hasn't been handled any more. Closes #187. - - Make contrib/ script more portable, and only show - "runs=Y" when the test suite really has been passed successfully. - -ngIRCd 23 (2015-11-16) - - ngIRCd 23~rc1 (2015-09-06) - - Use "NOTICE *" before registration instead of "NOTICE AUTH". "AUTH" is - a valid nickname so sending notices to it is probably not a good idea. - Use "*" as the target instead as done with numerics when the nick is not - available. This mimics the behavior in Charybdis, IRCD-Hybrid, InspIRCd - 2.2, Plexus 4, etc. Closes #217. - The "NoticeAuth" configuration variable (ngircd.conf) has been renamed - to "NoticeBeforeRegistration" accordingly, but the old name is still - supported for compatibility reasons. - - Implement new channel mode "N" (regular users can't change their nick - name while on this channel). Closes #214. - - Keep track of who placed bans, invites, and excepts. - Idea and implementation by LucentW, Thanks! Closes #203. - - Implement numeric RPL_LISTSTART(321). lightIRC and other clients - expecting RPL_LISTSTART should now behave correctly. - Idea and implementation by LucentW, Thanks! Closes #207. - - Streamline the effect of "MorePrivacy" option: Update documentation - in ngircd.conf(5); don't hide channels for IRC Ops on LIST and don't - hide IP addresses/hostnames on WHOIS when "MorePrivacy" is in effect. - This closes #198. - - IRC operators now can kick anyone when "OperCanMode" is set. - Idea and implementation by LucentW, Thanks! Closes #202. - - Implement user mode "I": Hide channels on WHOIS: this mode prevents - ngIRCd from showing channels on WHOIS (IRC Operators can always see - the channel list). - Idea and implementation by LucentW, Thanks! Closes #197. - - INVITE command: Implement ERR_USERNOTONSERV(504) numeric and make sure - that the target user is on the same server when inviting other users - to local ("&") channels. - Idea by Cahata, thanks! Closes #183. - - MODE command: Always report channel creation time. Up to now when - receiving a MODE command, ngIRCd only reported the channel creation - time to clients that were members of the channel. This patch reports - the channel creation time to all clients, regardless if they are joined - to that channel or not. At least ircd-seven behaves like this. - This closes #188. Reported by Cahata, thanks! - -ngIRCd 22.1 (2015-04-06) - - - Update "CipherList" to not enable SSLv3 by default. Idea, initial patch, - and testing by Christoph Biedl . - - Change ngIRCd test suite not to use DNS lookups: Different operating - systems do behave quite differently when doing DNS lookups, for example - "" sometimes resolves to "localhost" and sometimes to - "localhost.localdomain" (for example OpenBSD). And other OS resolve - "localhost" to the real host name (for example Cygwin). So not using - DNS at all makes the test site much more portable. - -ngIRCd 22 (2014-10-11) - - - Match all list patterns case-insensitive: this affects the invite-, - ban-, and except lists, as well as G-Lines an K-Lines. - Problem pointed out by "wowaname" on #ngircd, thanks! - - ngIRCd 22~rc1 (2014-09-29) - - Sync "except lists" between servers: Up to now, ban, invite, and G-Line - lists have been synced between servers while linking -- but obviously - nobody noticed that except list have been missing ever since. Until now. - Thanks to "j4jackj", who reported this issue in #ngircd. - - Allow longer user names (up to 63 characters) for authentication. - - Increase MAX_SERVERS from 16 to 64: There are installations out there - that would like to configure more than 16 links per server, so increase - this limit. Best would be to get rid of MAX_SERVERS altogether and make - if fully dynamic, but start with this quick and dirty hack ... - - Test suite/ Detect when tests have been skipped. - - Allow "DefaultUserModes" to set all possible modes, including modes only - settable by IRC Operators. - - Implement user mode "F": "relaxed flood protection". Clients with mode - "F" set are allowed to rapidly send data to the daemon. This mode is only - settable by IRC Operators and can cause problems in the network -- so be - careful and only set it on "trusted" clients! - User mode "F" is used by Bahamut for this purpose, for example. - - Use server password when PAM is compiled in but disabled. - - Streamline punctuation of log messages. - - Return ISUPPORT(005) numerics on "VERSION". This is how ircd-seven, - Charybdis, Hybrid, and InspIRCd behave, for example. - - configure: Only link "contrib/Debian" if it exists, which isn't the case - on "VPATH builds", for example. - - Show the account name in WHOIS. This uses the same numeric as Charybdis - and ircu families: WHOISLOGGEDIN(330). - - Pattern matching: Remove "range matching" in our pattern matching code - using the "[...]" syntax, because [ and ] are valid characters in nick - names and one has to quote them currently using the "\" character, which - is quite unexpected for users. - - New option "-x", don't regenerate build system and - allow using separate source and build trees. - - Test suite: explicitly enable glibc memory checking. - - Make "MODE -k" handling more robust and compatible, send "fake '*' key" - in all replies. - - portabtest: Actually test the functions snprintf(), strlcpy(), strlcat(), - and vsnprintf() for correctness, not only existence (which was quite - useless, because if they weren't available, the program could not have - been linked at all ...). - - Implement new configuration option "Network": it is used to set the - (completely optional) "network name", to which this instance of the - daemon belongs. When set, this name is used in the ISUPPORT(005) numeric - which is sent to all clients connecting to the server after logging in. - - Update doc/Platforms.txt. - - Various code cleanups, remove unused code, streamline error handling. - Remove all imp.h and exp.h header files, support non-standard vsnprintf() - return codes, and fix some K&R C portability issues. Streamline - DEBUG_ARRAY, DEBUG_BUFFER, DEBUG_IO, DEBUG_ZIP definitions. - - Increase penalty time to 10 seconds when handling OPER commands with an - invalid password. - -ngIRCd 21.1 (2014-03-25) - - - Don't ignore but use the server password when PAM is compiled in but - disabled. Thanks to Roy Sindre Norangshol ! - - doc/Platforms.txt: Update from master branch. - - doc/Services.txt: Update information for Anope 2.x. - - configure: add support for the LDFLAGS_END and LIBS_END variables to add - linker flags and libraries at the end of the configure run (CFLAGS_END has - been implemented already). - - Update Copyright notices for 2014 :-) - -ngIRCd 21 (2013-10-30) - - - Call arc4random_stir() in forked subprocesses, when available. This - is required by FreeBSD <10 and current NetBSD at least to correctly - initialize the "arc4" random number generator on these platforms. - - ngIRCd 21~rc2 (2013-10-20) - - Report the correct configuration file name on configuration errors, - support longer configuration lines, and warn when lines are truncated. - - ngIRCd 21~rc1 (2013-10-05) - - Actually KILL clients on GLINE/KLINE. (Closes bug #156) - - Add support to show all user links using the "STATS L" (uppercase) - command (restricted to IRC Operators). - - Implement configurable SSL cipher list selection for GnuTLS and OpenSSL - using the new configuration option "CipherList". In addition, this - changes the defaults to more secure values: "HIGH:!aNULL:@STRENGTH" for - OpenSSL, and "SECURE128" for GnuTLS. - - Show connection flag "s" (SSL) in RPL_TRACE{LINK|SERVER} messages: now - you can check if a server-to-server link is SSL-encrypted or not using - the IRC "TRACE" command. - - Implement the new configuration option "DefaultUserModes" which lists - user modes that become automatically set on new local clients right - after login. Please note that only modes can be set that the client - could set on itself, so you can't set "a" (away) or "o" (IRC Op), - for example! User modes "i" (invisible) or "x" (cloaked) etc. are - "interesting", though. (Closes bug #160) - - Add support for the new METADATA "account" property, which allows - services to automatically identify users after netsplits and across - service restarts. - - Implement a new configuration option "AllowedChannelTypes" that lists - all allowed channel types (channel prefixes) for newly created channels - on the local server. By default, all supported channel types are allowed. - If set to the empty string, local clients can't create new channels at - all, which equals the old "PredefChannelsOnly = yes" setting. - This change deprecates the "PredefChannelsOnly" variable, too, but it is - still supported and translated to the appropriate "AllowedChannelTypes" - setting. When the old "PredefChannelsOnly" variable is processed, a - warning message is logged. (Closes bug #152) - - Add support for "client certificate fingerprinting". When a client - passes an SSL certificate to the server, the "fingerprint" will be - forwarded in the network which enables IRC services to identify the - user using this certificate and not using passwords. - - Implement a new configuration option "IncludeDir" in the "[Options]" - section that can be used to specify a directory which can contain - further configuration files and configuration file snippets matching - the pattern "*.conf". These files are read in after the main server - configuration file ("ngircd.conf" by default) has been read in and - parsed. The default is "$SYSCONFDIR/ngircd.conf.d", so that it is - possible to adjust the configuration only by placing additional files - into this directory. (Closes bug #157) - - Add Travis-CI configuration file (".travis.yml") to project. - - ngIRCd now accepts user names including "@" characters, saves the - unmodified name for authentication but stores only the part in front - of the "@" character as "IRC user name". And the latter is how - ircd2.11, Bahamut, and irc-seven behave as well. (Closes bug #155) - - Lots of IRC "information functions" like ADMIN, INFO, ... now accept - server masks and names of connected users (in addition to server names) - for specifying the target server of the command. (Closes bug #153) - - Implement a new configuration option "IdleTimeout" in the "[Limits]" - section of the configuration file which can be used to set a timeout - in seconds after which the whole daemon will shutdown when no more - connections are left active after handling at least one client. - The default is 0, "never". - This can be useful for testing or when ngIRCd is started using "socket - activation" with systemd(8), for example. - - Implement support for systemd(8) "socket activation". - - Enable WHOIS to display information about IRC Services using the new - numeric 310(RPL_WHOISSERVICE) This numeric is used for this purpose by - InspIRCd, for example -- but as usual, other numerics are in use, too, - like 613 in UltimateIRCd ... - Please note that neither the Operator (+o) not the "bot status" (+B) - of an IRC service is displayed in the output. - - Update systemd(8) example configuration files in ./contrib/ directory: - the "ngircd.service" file now uses the "forking" service type which - enhances the log messages shown by "systemctl status ngircd.service", - and the new "ngircd.socket" file configures a systemd socket that - configures a socket for ngIRCd and launches the daemon on demand. - - Enhance help system and the HELP command: now a "help text file" can be - set using the new configuration option "HelpFile" ("global" section), - which is read in and parsed on server startup and configuration reload, - and then is used to output individual help texts to specific topics. - Please see the file ./doc/Commands.txt for details. - -ngIRCd 20.3 (2013-08-23) - - - This release is a bugfix release only, without new features. - - Security: Fix a denial of service bug (server crash) which could happen - when the configuration option "NoticeAuth" is enabled (which is NOT the - default) and ngIRCd failed to send the "notice auth" messages to new - clients connecting to the server (CVE-2013-5580). - -ngIRCd 20.2 (2013-02-15) - - - This release is a bugfix release only, without new features. - - Security: Fix a denial of service bug in the function handling KICK - commands that could be used by arbitrary users to to crash the daemon - (CVE-2013-1747). - -ngIRCd 20.1 (2013-01-02) - - - This release is a bugfix release only, without new features. - -ngIRCd 20 (2012-12-17) - - - Allow user names ("INDENT") up to 20 characters when ngIRCd has not - been configured for "strict RFC mode". This is useful if you are using - external (PAM) authentication mechanisms that require longer user names. - Patch suggested by Brett Smith , see - . - - ngIRCd 20~rc2 (2012-12-02) - - Rework cloaked hostname handling and implement the "METADATA cloakhost" - subcommand: Now ngIRCd uses two fields internally, one to store the - "real" hostname and one to save the "cloaked" hostname. This allows - "foreign servers" (aka "IRC services") to alter the real and cloaked - hostnames of clients without problems, even when the user itself issues - additional "MODE +x" and "MODE -x" commands. - - ngIRCd 20~rc1 (2012-11-11) - - Update doc/Services.txt: describe the upcoming version of Anope 1.9.8, - then including a protocol module for ngIRCd. And remove our own patches - in ./contrib/Anope because they aren't supported any more ... - - Implement new "METADATA" command which can be used by remote servers - and IRC services to update client metadata like the client info text - ("real name"), user name, and hostname, and use this command to - configure an cloaked hostname (user mode "+x") on remote servers: - This prevents "double cloaking" of hostnames and even cloaked - hostnames are in sync on all servers supporting "METADATA" now. - - Implement new IRC "SVSNICK" command to allow remote servers (and IRC - services) to change nicknames of already registered users. The SVSNICK - command itself doesn't change the nickname, but it becomes forwarded - to the server to which the user is connected to. And then this server - initiates the real nickname changing using regular NICK commands. - This allows to run mixed networks with old servers not supporting the - SVSNICK command, because SVSNICK commands for nicknames on such servers - are silently ignored and don't cause a desynchronization of the network. - - New configuration option "MaxListSize" to configure the maximum number - of channels returned by a LIST command. The default is 100, as before. - - Implement user mode "b", "block messages": when a user has set mode "b", - all private messages and notices to this user are blocked if they don't - originate from a registered user, an IRC Op, server or service. The - originator gets an error numeric sent back in this case, - ERR_NONONREG_MSG (486), which is used by UnrealIRCd, too. (Closes #144) - - Implement channel mode "V" (invite disallow): If the new channel mode - "V" is set, the INVITE command becomes invalid and all clients get the - new ERR_NOINVITE_MSG (518) reply. (Closes #143) - - Implement channel mode "Q" and user mode "q": Both modes protect users - from channel kicks: only IRC operators and servers can kick users having - mode "q" or in channels with mode "Q". (Closes #141) - - Allow users to "cloak" their hostname only when the configuration - variable "CloakHostModeX" (introduced in 19.2) is set. Otherwise, only - IRC operators, other servers, and services are allowed to set the user - mode "+x": this prevents regular users from changing their hostmask to - the name of the IRC server itself, which confused quite a few people ;-) - (Closes #133) - - New configuration option "OperChanPAutoOp": If disabled, IRC operators - don't become channel operators in persistent channels when joining. - Enabled by default, which has been the behavior of ngIRCd up to this - patch. (Closes #135) - - Allow IRC operators to see secret (+s) channels in LIST command as long - as the "MorePrivacy" configuration option isn't enabled in the - configuration file. (Closes #136) - - Implement new (optional) IRC+ "CHARCONV" command to set a client - character set that the server translates all messages to/from UTF-8. - This feature requires the "libiconv" library and must be enabled using - the new "--with-iconv" option of the ./configure script. See - doc/Protocol.txt for details. (Closes #109) - - Implement user mode "B" ("Bot flag"): it is settable and unsettable by - every (non-restricted) client. This is how Unreal and InspIRCd do - behave, and so do we :-) - - Implement channel mode "M": Only the server, identified users and IRC - operators are able to talk in such a channel. - - Block nicknames that are reserved for services and are defined using the - configuration variable "ServiceMask" in "Server" blocks; And this - variable now can handle more than one mask separated by commas. - - Implemented XOP channel user modes: "Half Op" ("+h", prefix "%") can set - the channel modes +imntvIbek and kick all +v and normal users; "Admin" - ("+a", prefix "&") can set channel modes +imntvIbekoRsz and kick all +o, - +h, +v and normal users; and "Owner" ("+q", prefix "~") can set channel - modes +imntvIbekoRsz and kick all +a, +o, +h, +v and normal users. - - Implement hashed cloaked hostnames for both the "CloakHost" and - "CloakHostModeX" configuration options: now the admin can use the new - '%x' placeholder to insert a hashed version of the clients hostname, - and the new configuration option "CloakHostSalt" defines the salt for - the hash function. When "CloakHostSalt" is not set (the default), a - random salt will be generated after each server restart. - -ngIRCd 19.2 (2012-06-19) - - ngIRCd 19.2~rc1 (2012-06-13) - - New configuration option "CloakHostModeX" to configure the hostname - that gets used for IRC clients which have user mode "+x" enabled. - Up to now, the name of the IRC server itself has been used for this, - which still is the default when "CloakHostModeX" isn't set. - - Add instructions for setting up Atheme IRC services. - - Implement support for IRC capability handling, the new "CAP" command, - and capability "multi-prefix" which allows both the NAME and WHO command - handlers to return more than one "class prefix" to the client. - -ngIRCd 19.1 (2012-03-19) - - - Really include _all_ patches to build the Anope module into the - distribution archive ... ooops! - -ngIRCd 19 (2012-02-29) - - ngIRCd 19~rc1 (2012-02-12) - - Update preliminary ngIRCd protocol module for Anope 1.9.6, which now - is the only supported version. - - New numeric RPL_WHOISHOST_MSG(378), which returns the DNS host name - (if available) and the IP address of a client in the WHOIS reply. - Only the user itself and local IRC operators get this numeric. - - Implement channel exception list (mode 'e'). This allows a channel - operator to define exception masks that allow users to join the - channel even when a "ban" would match and prevent them from joining: - the exception list (e) overrides the ban list (b). - - Implement user mode 'C': If the target user of a PRIVMSG or NOTICE - command has the user mode 'C' set, it is required that both sender - and receiver are on the same channel. This prevents private flooding - by completely unknown clients. - - New RPL_WHOISREGNICK_MSG(307) numeric in WHOIS command replies: it - indicates if a nickname is registered (if user mode 'R' set). - - Limit channel invite, ban, and exception lists to 50 entries and fix - duplicate check and error messages when adding already listed entries - or deleting no (longer) existing ones. - - Limit the number of list items in the reply of LIST (100), WHO (25), - WHOIS (10), and WHOWAS (25) commands. - - Limit the MODE command to handle a maximum number of 5 channel modes - that require an argument (+Ibkl) per call and report this number - in the ISUPPORT(005) numeric: "MODES=5". - - LINKS command: support parameter to limit the reply. - - Add 1 second penalty for every further target on PRIVMSG/NOTICE - commands: this reduces the possibility of flooding channels with - commands like "PRIVMSG/NOTICE #a,#n,#c,... :message" a little bit. - Problem noticed by Cahata, thanks! - - New configuration option "PAMIsOptional": when set, clients not - sending a password are still allowed to connect: they won't become - "identified" and keep the "~" character prepended to their supplied - user name. See "man 5 ngircd.conf" for details. - - Fixed handling of WHO commands. This fixes two bugs: "WHO " - returned nothing at all if the user was "+i" (reported by Cahata, - thanks) and "WHO " returned channel names instead - of "*" when the user was member of a (visible) channel. - - LUSERS reply: only count channels that are visible to the requesting - client, so the existence of secret channels is no longer revealed by - using LUSERS. Reported by Cahata, thanks! - - Unknown user and channel modes no longer stop the mode parser, but - are simply ignored. Therefore modes after the unknown one are now - handled. This is how ircd2.10/ircd2.11/ircd-seven behave, at least. - Reported by Cahata, thanks! - - Implement IRC commands "GLINE" and "KLINE" to ban users. G-Lines are - synchronized between server on peering, K-Lines are local only. - If you use "*!@" or "*!*@" masks, these connections - are blocked even before the user is fully logged in (before PASS, - NICK, and USER commands have been processed) and before the child - processes for authentication are forked, so resource usage is smaller. - - Added doc/Modes.txt: document modes supported by ngIRCd. - - Implement user mode "R": indicates that the nickname of this user - is "registered". This mode isn't handled by ngIRCd itself, but must - be set and unset by IRC services like Anope. - - Implement channel mode "R": only registered users (having the user - mode "R" set) are allowed to join this channel. - - Test suite: bind to loopback ( interface only. - - Handle unknown user and channel modes: these modes are saved and - forwarded to other servers, but ignored otherwise. - - Handle channel user modes 'a', 'h', and 'q' from remote servers. - These channel user modes aren't used for anything at the moment, - but ngIRCd knows that these three modes are "channel user modes" - and not "channel modes", that is that these modes take an "nickname" - argument. Like unknown user and channel modes, these modes are saved - and forwarded to other servers, but ignored otherwise. - -ngIRCd 18 (2011-07-10) - - - Add preliminary ngIRCd protocol module for Anope 1.9 to contrib/Anope/. - - ngIRCd 18~rc2 (2011-06-29) - - GnuTLS: use 1024 bits as minimum size of the DH prime. This enables - ngIRCd to accept incoming connections from other servers and clients - that "only" use at least 1024 bits again, like ngIRCd 17 did (and no - longer requires 2048 bits for incoming connections). - - ngIRCd 18~rc1 (2011-06-27) - - New configuration option "MorePrivacy" to "censor" some user information. - When enabled, signon time and idle time is left out. Part and quit - messages are made to look the same. WHOWAS requests are silently dropped. - All of this is useful if one wish to conceal users that access the ngircd - servers from TOR or I2P. - - New configuration option "ScrubCTCP" to scrub incoming CTCP commands. If - activated, the server silently drops incoming CTCP requests from both - other servers and from users. The server that scrubs CTCP will not forward - the CTCP requests to other servers in the network either, which can spell - trouble if not every oper knows about the CTCP-scrubbing. Scrubbing CTCP - commands also means that it is not possible to send files between users. - There is one exception to the CTCP scrubbing performed: ACTION ("/me - commands") requests are not scrubbed. - - Restructure ngIRCd configuration file: introduce new [Limits], [Options], - and [SSL] sections. The intention of this restructuring is to make the - [Global] section much cleaner, so that it only contains variables that - most installations must adjust to the local requirements. All the optional - variables are moved to [Limits], for configurable limits and timers of - ngIRCd, and [Options], for optional features. All SSL-related variables - are moved to [SSL] and the "SSL"-prefix is stripped. The old variables in - the [Global] section are deprecated now, but are still recognized. - => Don't forget to check your configuration, use "ngircd --configtest"! - - New documentation "how to contribute": doc/Contributing.txt. - - Avoid needlessly scary 'buffer overflow' messages: When the write buffer - space grows too large, ngIRCd has to disconnect the client to avoid - wasting too much memory, which is logged with a scary 'write buffer - overflow' message. Change this to a more descriptive wording. - - New configuration option "RequireAuthPing": PING-PONG on login. When - enabled, this configuration option lets ngIRCd send a PING with an numeric - "token" to clients logging in; and it will not become registered in the - network until the client responds with the correct PONG. - - New configuration option "NoticeAuth": send NOTICE AUTH on connect. When - active, ngircd will send "NOTICE AUTH" messages on client connect time - like e.g. snircd (QuakeNet) does. - - Add support for up to 3 targets in WHOIS queries, also allow up to one - wildcard query from local hosts. Follows ircd 2.10 implementation rather - than RFC 2812. At most 10 entries are returned per wildcard expansion. - - ngircd.conf(5) manual page: describe types of configuration variables - (booleans, text strings, integer numbers) and add type information to each - variable description. - - Terminate incoming connections on HTTP commands "GET" and "POST". - - New configuration option "CloakHost": when set, this host name is used for - every client instead of the real DNS host name (or IP address). - - New configuration option "CloakUserToNick": when enabled, ngIRCd sets - every clients' user name to their nickname and hides the user name - supplied by the IRC client. - - Make write buffers bigger, but flush early. Before this change, a client - got disconnected if the buffer flushing at 4k failed, now regular clients - can store up to 32k and servers up 64k even if flushing is not possible at - the moment. This enhances reliability on slow links. - - Allow "Port = 0" in [Server] blocks. Port number 0 marks remote servers - that try to connect to this daemon, but where this daemon never tries to - establish a connection on its own: only incoming connections are allowed. - - Enable WHOIS command to return information about services. - - Implement channel mode 'O': "IRC operators only". This channel mode is - used on DALnet (bahamut), for example. - - Remove support for ZeroConf/Bonjour/Rendezvous service registration - including the "[No]ZeroConf" configuration option. - - Deprecate NoXX-Options in ngircd.conf and move new variants into our new - [Options] section: 'NoDNS=no' => 'DNS=yes', 'NoIdent=no' => 'Ident=yes', - 'NoPAM=no' => 'PAM=yes', and 'NoZeroConf=no' => 'ZeroConf=yes' (and - vice-versa). The defaults are adjusted accordingly and the old variables - in [Global] are still accepted, so there is no functional change. - -ngIRCd 17.1 (2010-12-19) - - - Don't log critical (or worse) messages to stderr - - Remove "error file" when compiled with debug code enabled - - New numeric 329: get channel creation time on "MODE #chan" commands - -ngIRCd 17 (2010-11-07) - - - doc: change path names in sample-ngircd.conf depending on sysconfdir - - ngIRCd 17~rc2 (2010-10-25) - - Generate ngIRCd version number from GIT tag. - - Make source code compatible with ansi2knr again. This allows to compile - ngIRCd using a pre-ANSI K&R C compiler again. - - ngIRCd 17~rc1 (2010-10-11) - - New configuration option "NoZeroConf" to disable service registration at - runtime even if ngIRCd is compiled with support for ZeroConf (e.g. using - Howl, Avahi or on Mac OS X). - - New configuration option "SyslogFacility" to define the syslog "facility" - (the "target"), to which ngIRCd should send its log messages. - Possible values are system dependent, but most probably "auth", "daemon", - "user" and "local1" through "local7" are possible values; see syslog(3). - Default is "local5" for historical reasons. - - Dump the "internal server state" (configured servers, established - connections and known clients) to the console or syslog when receiving - the SIGUSR2 signal and debug mode is enabled. - - Enable the daemon to disable and enable "debug mode" on runtime using - signal SIGUSR1, when debug code is compiled in, not only on startup - using the command line parameters. - - Implement user mode "x": host name cloaking (closes: #102). - - Change MOTD file handling: ngIRCd now caches the contents of the MOTD - file, so the daemon now requires a HUP signal or REHASH command to - re-read the MOTD file when its content changed. - - Allow IRC ops to change channel modes even without OperServerMode set. - - Allow IRC operators to use MODE command on any channel (closes: #100). - - New configuration option "NoPAM" to disable PAM. - - Implement asynchronous user authentication using PAM, please see the - file doc/PAM.txt for details. - - Add some documentation for using BOPM with ngIRCd, see doc/Bopm.txt. - - Implement user mode "c": receive connect/disconnect NOTICEs. Note that - this new mode requires the user to be an IRC operator. - - Show SSL status in WHOIS output, numeric 275. - -ngIRCd 16 (2010-05-02) - - ngIRCd 16~rc2 (2010-04-25) - - Enhance connection statistics counters: display total number of served - connections on daemon shutdown and when a new client connects using - the new numeric RPL_STATSCONN (250). - - ngIRCd 16~rc1 (2010-03-25) - - Implement WEBIRC command used by some Web-IRC frontends. The password - required to secure this command must be configured using the new - "WebircPassword" variable in the ngircd.conf file. - - Remove limit on max number of configured irc operators. - - A new channel mode "secure connections only" (+z) has been implemented: - Only clients using a SSL encrypted connection to the server are allowed - to join such a channel. - But please note three things: a) already joined clients are not checked - when setting this mode, b) IRC operators are always allowed to join - every channel, and c) remote clients using a server not supporting this - mode are not checked either and therefore always allowed to join. - -ngIRCd 15 (2009-11-07) - - ngIRCd 15~rc1 (2009-10-15) - - Do not add default listening port (6667) if SSL ports were specified, so - ngIRCd can be configured to only accept SSL-encrypted connections now. - - Enable IRC operators to use the IRC command SQUIT (instead of the already - implemented but non-standard DISCONNECT command). - - New configuration option "AllowRemoteOper" (disabled by default) that - enables remote IRC operators to use the IRC commands SQUIT and CONNECT - on the local server. - - Enforce upper limit on maximum number of handled commands. This implements - a throttling scheme: an IRC client can send up to 3 commands or 256 bytes - per second before a one second pause is enforced. - -ngIRCd 14.1 (2009-05-05) - - - Security: fix remotely triggerable crash in SSL/TLS code. - - Debian: build ngircd-full-dbg package. - - Allow ping timeout quit messages to show the timeout value. - -ngIRCd 14 (2009-04-20) - - ngIRCd 14~rc1 (2009-03-29) - - Allow creation of persistent modeless channels. - - The INFO command reports the compile time now (if available). - - Support individual channel keys for pre-defined channels: introduce - new configuration variable "KeyFile" in [Channel] sections in ngircd.conf, - here a file can be configured for each pre-defined channel which contains - individual channel keys for different users. - - Remove limit on maximum number of predefined channels in ngircd.conf. - -ngIRCd 13 (2008-12-25) - - ngIRCd 13~rc1 (2008-11-21): - - New version number scheme :-) - - Initial support for IRC services, using a RFC1459 style interface, - tested with IRCServices ( version 5.1.13. - For this to work, ngIRCd now supports server-server links conforming - to RFC 1459. New ngircd.conf(5) option: ServiceMask. - - Support for SSL-encrypted server-server and client-server links using - OpenSSL (configure: --with-openssl) or GNUTLS (configure: --with-gnutls). - New ngircd.conf(5) options: SSLPorts, SSLKeyFile, SSLKeyFilePassword, - SSLCertFile, SSLDHFile, and SSLConnect. - - Server local channels have been implemented, prefix "&", that are only - visible to users of the same server and are not visible in the network. - In addition ngIRCd creates a "special" channel &SERVER on startup and logs - all the messages to it that a user with mode +s receives. - - New make target "osxpkg" to build a Mac OS X installer package. - - New configuration option "NoIdent" to disable IDENT lookups even if the - daemon is compiled with IDENT support. - -ngIRCd 0.12.1 (2008-07-09) - - - Add option aliases -V (for --version) and -h (for --help). - - Make Listen parameter a comma-separated list of addresses. This also - obsoletes ListenIPv4 and ListenIPv6 options. If Listen is unset, it - is treated as Listen="::,". - Note: ListenIPv4 and ListenIPv6 options are still recognized, - but ngircd will print a warning if they are used in the config file. - -ngIRCd 0.12.0 (2008-05-13) - - ngIRCd 0.12.0-pre2 (2008-04-29) - - IPv6: Add config options to disable ipv4/ipv6 support. - - ngIRCd 0.12.0-pre1 (2008-04-20) - - Add IPv6 support. - - Install a LaunchDaemon script to start/stop ngIRCd on Mac OS X. - - Implemented IRC commands INFO, SUMMON (dummy), and USERS (dummy) and - enhanced test suite to check these commands. (Dana Dahlstrom) - - IRC_WHO now supports search patterns and will test this against user - nickname/server name/host name, etc. as required by RFC 2812, Section 3.6.1. - (reported by Dana Dahlstrom) - - Implement RFC 2812 handling of "0" argument to 'JOIN': must be treated - as if the user had sent PART commands for all channels the user is a - member of. (Dana Dahlstrom) - - Allow NOTICEs to be sent to a channel. (Fabian Schlager) - -ngIRCd 0.11.0 (2008-01-15) - - - Add support for /STAT u (server uptime) command. - - New [Server] configuration Option "Bind" allows to specify - the source IP address to use when connecting to remote server. - - New configuration option "MaxNickLength" to specify the allowed maximum - length of user nicknames. Note: must be unique in an IRC network! - - Numeric 317: implemented "signon time" (displayed in WHOIS result). - - Added new server configuration option "Passive" for "Server" blocks to - disable automatic outgoing connections (similar to -p option to ngircd, - but only for the specified server). (Tassilo Schweyer) - - Added support for the WALLOPS command. Usage is restricted to IRC - operators. - -ngIRCd 0.10.2 (2007-06-08) - - - Predefined channel configuration now allows specification of channel key - (mode k) and maximum user count (mode l): variables "Key" and "MaxUsers". - - When using the epoll() IO interface, compile in the select() interface as - well and fall back to it when epoll() isn't available on runtime. - - Added support for IO APIs "poll()" and "/dev/poll". - -ngIRCd 0.10.1 (2006-12-17) - - - Allow PASS syntax defined in RFC 1459 for server links, too. - - New configuration option "PredefChannelsOnly": if set, clients can only - join predefined channels. - -ngIRCd 0.10.0 (2006-10-01) - - ngIRCd 0.10.0-pre1 (2006-08-02) - - Enhanced DIE to accept a single parameter ("comment text") which is sent - to all locally connected clients before the server goes down. - - JOIN now supports more than one channel key at a time. - - Implemented numeric "333": Time and user name who set a channel topic. - - Channel topics are no longer limited to 127 characters: now the only limit - is the maximum length of an IRC command, i. e. 512 bytes (in practice, this - limits the topic to about 490 characters due to protocol overhead). - - Reverse DNS lookup code now checks the result by doing an additional - lookup to prevent spoofing. - - Added new IO layer which (optionally) supports epoll() and kqueue() in - addition to the select() interface. - -ngIRCd 0.9.0 (2005-07-24) - - - Never run with root privileges but always switch the user ID. - - Make "netsplit" messages RFC compliant. - - Implemented the IRC function "WHOWAS". - - New configuration option "OperServerMode" to enable a workaround needed - when running an network with ircd2 servers and "OperCanUseMode" enabled - to prevent the ircd2 daemon to drop mode changes of IRC operators. - Patch by Florian Westphal, . - - Implemented support for "secret channels" (channel mode "s"). - - New configuration option "Mask" for [Operator] sections to limit OPER - commands to users with a specific IRC mask. Patch from Florian Westphal. - - New configuration variable "PidFile", section "[Global]": if defined, - the server writes its process ID (PID) to this file. Default: off. - Idea of Florian Westphal, . - - Added support for the Howl ( - Rendezvous API, in addition to the API of Apple (Mac OS X). The available - API will be autodetected when you call "./configure --with-rendezvous". - -ngIRCd 0.8.0 (2004-06-26) - - - Two new configuration options: "ChrootDir" and "MotdPhrase", thanks to - Benjamin Pineau . Now you can force the daemon to change - its root and working directory to something "safe". MotdPhrase is used - to define an "MOTD string" instead of a whole file, useful if the - "real" MOTD file would be outside the "jail". - - INVITE- and BAN-lists become synchronized between IRC+ servers when - establishing new connections, if the peer supports this as well. - - The type of service (TOS) of all sockets is set to "interactive" now. - - Added short command line option "-t" as alternative to "--configtest". - - Added optional support for "IDENT" lookups on incoming connections. You - have to enable this function with the ./configure switch "--with-ident". - The default is not to do IDENT lookups. - -ngIRCd 0.7.5 (2003-07-11) - - - New configuration variable "MaxConnectionsIP" to limit the number of - simultaneous connections from a single IP that the server will accept. - This configuration options lowers the risk of denial of service attacks - (DoS), the default is 5 connections per client IP. - - Added new configuration variable "Listen" to bind all listening - sockets of the server to a single IP address. - -ngIRCd 0.7.1 (2003-07-18) - - - Added support for GNU/Hurd. - -ngIRCd 0.7.0 (2003-05-01) - - - New command CONNECT to enable and add server links. The syntax is not - RFC-compatible: use "CONNECT " to enable and connect an - configured server and "CONNECT " - to add a new server (ngIRCd tries to connect new servers only once!). - - Added DISCONNECT command ("DISCONNECT ") to disable servers. - - New command TRACE (you can trace only servers at the moment). - - New command HELP that lists all understood commands. - - ngIRCd can register itself with Rendezvous: to enable support pass the - new switch "--with-rendezvous" to configure. - - Added support for TCP Wrappers library: pass "--with-tcp-wrappers" to - configure to enable it. - - Changed some configure options to use "--with"/"--without" as prefix - instead of "--enable"/"--disable": "--without-syslog", "--without-zlib", - "--with-tcp-wrappers", and "--with-rendezvous". - - Enhanced manual pages ngircd(8) and ngircd.conf(5). - - Documentation is now installed in $(datadir)/doc/ngircd. - - -Older news (sorry, only available in German language): - -ngIRCd 0.6.0, 24.12.2002 - - - beim Schliessen einer Verbindung zeigt der Server nun vor dem ERROR - noch eine Statistik ueber die empfangene und gesendete Datenmenge an. - - Connection-Strukturen werden nun "pool-weise" verwaltet; der Pool wird - bei Bedarf bis zu einem konfigurierten Limit vergroessert. - - Mit der neuen Konfigurationsvariable "MaxConnections" (Sekion "Global") - kann die maximale Anzahl gleichzeitiger Verbindungen begrenzt werden. - Der Default ist -1, "unlimitiert". - - der Server erkennt nun, ob bereits eine eingehende Verbindung von einem - Peer-Server besteht und versucht dann nicht mehr, selber eine eigene - ausgehende Verbindung zu diesem auufzubauen. Dadurch kann nun auf beiden - Servern in der Konfiguration ein Port fuer den Connect konfiguriert - werden (beide Server versuchen sich dann gegenseitig zu connectieren). - - Server identifizieren sich nun mit asynchronen Passwoertern, d.h. das - Passwort, welches A an B schickt, kann ein anderes sein als das, welches - B als Antwort an A sendet. In der Konfig.-Datei, Abschnitt "Server", - wurde "Password" dazu durch "MyPassword" und "PeerPassword" ersetzt. - - Der Server kann nun zur Laufzeit die Konfiguration neu einlesen: dies - macht er nach dem Befehl REHASH oder wenn ein HUP-Signal empfangen wird. - - Server-Server-Links koennen nun komprimiert werden, dazu wird die zlib - ( benoetigt. Unterstuetzt die Gegenseite die Komprimierung - nicht, wird automatisch unkomprimiert kommuniziert. Das Verfahren ist - kompatibel mit dem Original-ircd 2.10.3, d.h. beide Server koennen - miteinander ueber komprimiert Links kommunizieren. - - neue Konfigurations-Variable "MaxJoins": Hiermit kann die maximale Zahl - der Channels, in denen ein User Mitglied sein kann, begrent werden. - - neue Channel-Modes l (User-Limit) und k (Channel-Key) implementiert. - -ngIRCd 0.5.0, 20.09.2002 - - - AIX (3.2.5), HP-UX (10.20), IRIX (6.5), NetBSD (1.5.3/m68k) und Solaris - (2.5.1, 2.6) gehoeren nun auch zu den unterstuetzten Platformen. - - Unter A/UX (und evtl. weiteren Systemen) kompiliert der ngIRCd nun mit - dem "nativen" (ggf. pre-ANSI) Compiler. - - "persistente Channels" (Mode 'P') implementiert: diese koennen in der - Konfigurationsdatei definiert werden (Sektion "Channel", vgl. Beispiel- - Konfiguration "sample-ngircd.conf") und bleiben auch dann bestehen, - wenn kein User mehr im Channel ist. - - neue IRC-Befehle: KICK, INVITE, ADMIN, CHANINFO; LIST wurde erweitert. - Mit dem neuen Befehl CHANINFO synchronisieren Server, die das IRC+- - Protokoll unterstuetzen, Channel-Modes und Topics. Fuer den ADMIN-Befehl - gibt es neue Konfigurationsoptionen (Sektion "Global"): "AdminInfo1", - "AdminInfo2" und "AdminEMail". - - Invite- und Ban-Lists implementiert. - - neue Konfigurationsoption "OperCanUseMode" (Sektion "Global"): - ist sie aktiv, koennen IRC-Operatoren immer Channel-Modes setzen. - - "Test-Suite" begonnen: mit "make check" wird sie durchlaufen. - -ngIRCd 0.4.2, 29.04.2002 - - - IRC-Funktion LIST implementiert; bisher werden allerdings noch keine - Regular Expressions (bis auf "*") unterstuetzt. - -ngIRCd 0.4.0, 01.04.2002 - - - WHO implementiert (bisher ohne komplette Unterstuetzung von Masks). - - stderr wird nun in eine Datei umgelenkt (/ngircd-.err). - Laeuft der Server nicht im Debug-Modus, so wird diese bei Programm- - ende geloescht. Sollte der Server abstuerzen, finden sich hier evtl. - zusaetzliche Informationen. - - Server-Gruppen implementiert: es wird immer nur zu einem Server in - einer Gruppe eine Verbindung aufgebaut, klappt es beim ersten Server - nicht, so wird der naechste probiert. - - Clients und Channels werden nicht mehr ueber ihren Namen, sondern - einen Hash-Wert gesucht: sollte deutlich schneller sein. - - neuer Kommandozeilen-Parameter "--configtest": die Konfiguration wird - gelesen und die dann verwendeten Werte angezeigt. - - Client-Mode "s" (Server Notices) implementiert. - - mit dem neuen Kommandozeilen-Parameter "--config"/"-f" kann eine - alternative Konfigurationsdatei angegeben werden. - - nach dem Start kann der ngIRCd, wenn er mit root-Rechten laeuft, - zu einer anderen User-ID und Group-ID wechseln. - -ngIRCd 0.3.0, 02.03.2002 - - - bekommt der Server ein HUP-Signal, so startet er neu -- genau so, wie - er auf den IRC-Befehl RESTART reagiert. - - neuer Kommandozeilen-Schalter "--passive" (-p): wird er angegeben, so - verbindet sich der ngIRCd nicht mehr automatisch zu anderen Servern. - Zum Debuggen manchmal ganz praktisch :-) - - neue Befehle VERSION und KILL implementiert. NAMES korrigiert. - - Anpassungen an A/UX: gehoert nun auch zu den unterstuetzten Platformen. - - AWAY (und der User-Mode 'a') ist nun implementiert. - - der ngIRCd unterstuetzt nun Channel-Topics (TOPIC-Befehl). - - Channel- und Nicknames werden nun ordentlich validiert. - -ngIRCd 0.2.0, 15.02.2002 - - - Begonnen Channel-Modes und User-Channel-Modes zu implementieren: der - Server versteht an User-Modes o und v, beachtet letzteres allerdings - noch nirgends. Bekannte (aber nicht beachtete!) Channel-Modes sind - bisher a, m, n, p, q, s und t. Diese Modes werden von Usern ange- - nommen, von anderen Servern werden auch unbekannte Modes uebernommen. - - Nach dem Connect eines Users werden LUSERS-Informationen angezeigt. - -ngIRCd 0.1.0, 29.01.2002 - - - Channels implementiert, bisher jedoch noch ohne Channel-Modes, d.h. - es gibt keine Channel-Ops, kein Topic, kein "topic lock" etc. pp. - Chatten in Channels ist aber natuerlich moeglich ;-) - Dadurch zum Teil groessere Aenderungen an bisherigen Funktionen. - - neue Befehle fuer Channles: JOIN, PART und NJOIN. - - FAQ.txt in doc/ begonnen. - -ngIRCd 0.0.3, 16.01.2002 - - - Server-Links vollstaendig implementiert: der ngIRCd kann nun auch - "Sub-Server" haben, also sowohl als Leaf-Node als auch Hub in einem - IRC-Netzwerk arbeiten. - - WHOIS wird nun immer an den "Original-Server" weitergeleitet. - - Parser handhabt Leerzeichen zw. Parametern nun etwas "lockerer". - - Kommandozeilen-Parser: Debug- und No-Daemon-Modus, Hilfe. - - ngIRCd wandelt sich nun in einen Daemon (Hintergrundprozess) um. - - neue Befehle: LUSERS, LINKS. - -ngIRCd 0.0.2, 06.01.2002 - - - neuer Aufbau der Konfigurationsdatei, - - mehrere IRC-Operatoren koennen konfiguriert werden, - - Server-Links teilweise implementiert. Bisher kann der ngIRCd jedoch - nur "leafed server" sein, d.h. keine "Client-Server" haben. - -ngIRCd 0.0.1, 31.12.2001 - - - erste oeffentliche Version von ngIRCd als "public preview" :-) diff --git a/doc/PAM.txt b/doc/PAM.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 818c4f1..0000000 --- a/doc/PAM.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2013 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- PAM.txt -- - - -ngIRCd can optionally be compiled to use PAM, the Pluggable Authentication -Modules library, for user authentication. When compiled with PAM support, -ngIRCd will authenticate all users connecting to the daemon using the -configured PAM modules in an asynchronous child process. - -To enable PAM, you have to pass the command line parameter "--with-pam" to -the "configure" script. Please see the PAM documentation ("man 7 pam") for -details and information about configuring PAM and its individual modules. - -A very simple -- and quite useless ;-) -- example would be: - - /etc/pam.d/ngircd: - auth required - -Here the "pam_debug" module will be called each time a client connects to -the ngIRCd and has sent its PASS, NICK, and USER commands. - -The PAM library used by the ngIRCd daemon must be able to access its -configuration file, so don't forget to check permissions and run something -like this: "chmod 644 /etc/pam.d/ngircd". - -Please note ONE VERY IMPORTANT THING: - -All the PAM modules are executed with the privileges of the user ngIRCd -is running as. Therefore a lot of PAM modules aren't working as expected, -because they need root privileges ("pam_unix", for example)! -Only PAM modules not(!) requiring root privileges (such as "pam_pgsql", -"pam_mysql", "pam_opendirectory" ...) can be used in conjunction with ngIRCd. - -More Examples: - - * Use an own "password file" for ngIRCd: - - Note: you can use the htpasswd(1) utility of Apache to manage password - files used by pam_pwdfile, see "man htpasswd"! - - /etc/pam.d/ngircd: - auth required pwdfile=/etc/ngircd/ngircd.passwd diff --git a/doc/Platforms.txt b/doc/Platforms.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4a23cb0..0000000 --- a/doc/Platforms.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2016 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- Platforms.txt -- - - -This file lists the status of all platforms on which ngIRCd has been tested. -Included is the date and version of the last test and the name of the tester -or maintainer. - -If you successfully compiled and tested ngIRCd on a platform that isn't listed -here, please write to the mailing list so that this list can be updated. The -script "./contrib/" should output a summary that is suitable -for inclusion here. Thanks for your help! - - - the executable works ("runs") as expected --+ - tests run successfully ("make check") --+ | - ngIRCd compiles ("make") --+ | | - ./configure works --+ | | | - | | | | -Platform Compiler ngIRCd Date Tester C M T R * ---------------------------- ------------ ---------- -------- -------- - - - - - -alpha/unknown/netbsd3.0 gcc 3.3.3 CVSHEAD 06-05-07 fw Y Y Y Y 3 -armv6l/unk./linux-gnueabi gcc 4.7.2 20.2 13-03-08 goetz Y Y Y Y 5 -armv6l/unk./linux-gnueabihf gcc 4.6.3 21~rc2 13-10-26 pi Y Y Y Y 5 -armv7l/unk./linux-gnueabi gcc 4.4.3 19.1 12-04-29 goetz Y Y Y Y 5 -armv7l/unk./linux-gnueabihf gcc 4.6.3 22~rc1-3 14-10-10 alex Y Y Y Y 5 -armv7l/unk./linux-gnueabihf gcc 4.8.2 21.1 14-07-15 goetz Y Y Y Y 5 -armv7l/unk./linux-gnueabihf gcc 4.9.2 23 16-01-10 alex Y Y Y Y 5 -hppa/unknown/openbsd3.5 gcc 2.95.3 CVSHEAD 04-05-25 alex Y Y Y Y -hppa/unknown/openbsd5.4 gcc 4.2.1 22~rc1-3 14-10-10 alex Y Y y Y 3 -hppa1.1/unknown/linux-gnu gcc 3.3.3 0.8.0 04-05-30 alex Y Y Y Y -hppa2.0/unknown/linux-gnu gcc 3.3.5 13~rc1 08-12-02 alex Y Y Y Y -hppa2.0w-hp-hpux11.11 gcc 4.2.3 14.1 09-07-22 goetz Y Y Y Y -i386/apple/darwin9.7.0 gcc 4.0.1 14.1 09-08-04 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -i386/apple/darwin10.8.0 gcc 4.2.1 19 12-02-26 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -i386/apple/darwin11.3.0 gcc 4.2.1 19 12-02-26 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -i386/pc/linux-gnu gcc 4.1.2 13~rc1 08-12-05 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -i386/pc/linux-gnu gcc 4.4.5 22~rc1-3 14-10-10 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -i386/pc/minix clang 3.4 23 16-01-06 goetz Y Y N Y -i386/pc/solaris2.9 gcc 3.2.2 CVSHEAD 04-02-24 alex Y Y Y Y -i386/pc/solaris2.11 gcc 4.8.2 23 16-02-07 goetz Y Y Y Y 4 -i386/unknown/freebsd5.2.1 gcc 3.3.3 0.8.0 04-05-30 alex Y Y Y Y -i386/unknown/freebsd6.2 gcc 3.4.6 20~rc1 12-11-13 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -i386/unknown/freebsd7.3 gcc 4.2.1 20~rc1 12-11-13 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -i386/unknown/netbsdelf1.5.2 egcs-1.1.2 21 13-11-25 goetz Y Y N Y -i386/unknown/netbsdelf1.6.2 gcc 2.95.3 18 11-07-10 goetz Y Y Y Y -i386/unknown/netbsdelf3.0.1 gcc 3.3.3 0.10.0-p1 06-08-30 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -i386/unknown/netbsdelf4.0 gcc 4.1.2 19 12-02-29 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -i386/unknown/netbsdelf5.0.2 gcc 4.1.3 19 12-02-26 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -i386/unknown/openbsd3.5 gcc 2.95.3 23 15-11-27 goetz Y Y y Y 3 -i386/unknown/openbsd3.9 gcc 3.3.5 0.10.0-p1 06-08-30 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -i386/unknown/openbsd4.1 gcc 3.3.5 16 10-04-11 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -i386/unknown/openbsd5.3 gcc 4.2.1 21 13-11-28 goetz Y Y Y Y 3 -i386/unknown/openbsd5.4 gcc 4.2.1 21 13-11-28 goetz Y Y Y Y 3 -i586/pc/haiku gcc 2.95.3 19.2~138 12-10-11 user Y Y N N -i586/pc/interix3.5 gcc 3.3 23 16-01-29 alex Y Y N Y -i686/pc/cygwin gcc 4.9.3 23 16-01-06 alex Y Y Y Y -i686/pc/linux-gnu gcc 2.6.3 23 16-01-06 goetz Y Y y Y 1 -i686/pc/linux-gnu gcc 23 15-11-30 goetz Y Y N Y 1 -i686/pc/linux-gnu gcc 2.95.2 23 15-12-23 goetz Y Y Y Y 1 -i686/pc/linux-gnu gcc 2.95.4 0.8.0 04-05-30 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -i686/pc/linux-gnu gcc 3.3.5 14.1 09-08-04 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -i686/pc/linux-gnu gcc 4.3.2 14.1 09-08-04 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -i686/pc/minix gcc 4.4.6 21~rc2 13-10-27 alex Y Y N N -i686/unknown/gnu0.3 gcc 4.4.5 19 12-02-29 alex Y Y Y Y -i686/unknown/gnu0.5 gcc 4.9.1 22~rc1-3 14-10-11 alex Y Y Y Y -i686/unkn./kfreebsd7.2-gnu gcc 4.3.4 15 09-12-02 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -m68k/apple/aux3.0.1 gcc 2.7.2 17 10-11-07 alex Y Y N Y -m68k/apple/aux3.0.1 Orig. A/UX 17 10-11-07 alex Y Y N Y 2 -m68k/apple/aux3.1.1 gcc 2.7.2 19 12-02-26 alex Y Y N Y -m68k/apple/aux3.1.1 Orig. A/UX 19 12-02-26 alex Y Y N Y 2 -m68k/hp/hp-ux9.10 Orig. HPUX 0.7.x-CVS 03-04-30 goetz Y Y Y Y -m88k/dg/dgux5.4R3.10 gcc 2.5.8 CVSHEAD 04-03-15 alex Y Y ? ? -mipsel/unknown/linux-gnu gcc 4.1.2 18 11-07-05 goetz Y Y N Y 1 -mipsel/unknown/linux-gnu gcc 4.4.5 21 13-11-24 goetz Y Y Y Y 1 -powerpc/apple/darwin6.8 gcc 3.1 21 14-01-03 goetz Y Y Y Y -powerpc/apple/darwin7.9.0 gcc 3.3 22 15-03-22 goetz Y Y Y Y 3 -powerpc/apple/darwin8.11.0 gcc 4.0.1 18 11-07-02 goetz Y Y Y Y 3 -powerpc/apple/darwin9.8.0 gcc 4.0.1 21 14-01-04 goetz Y Y Y Y 3 -powerpc/unknown/linux-gnu gcc 3.3.3 0.8.0 04-05-30 alex Y Y Y Y -powerpc/unknown/openbsd3.6 gcc 2.95.3 0.10.0 06-10-08 alex Y Y N Y -sparc/sun/solaris2.6 gcc 2.95.3 0.7.x-CVS 03-04-22 alex Y Y Y Y -sparc/sun/solaris2.7 gcc 3.3 0.8.0 04-05-30 alex Y Y Y Y -sparc/unkn./netbsdelf1.6.1 gcc 2.95.3 0.8.0 04-05-30 alex Y Y Y Y -sparc/unknown/openbsd5.5 gcc 4.2.1 21.1 14-05-03 goetz Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/apple/darwin10.8.0 gcc 4.2.1 21~rc2 13-10-30 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/apple/darwin12.3.0 gcc 4.2.1 20.2 13-04-01 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/apple/darwin13.0.0 A-clang 5.0 21 14-01-02 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/apple/darwin14.5.0 A-clang 6.1 23~rc1 15-09-06 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/apple/darwin15.6.0 A-clang 8.0 23~38-g455 16-11-04 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/apple/darwin16.3.0 A-clang 8.0 23~55-g8e0 17-01-06 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/unknown/dragonfly3.4 gcc 4.7.2 21 13-11-12 goetz Y Y N Y 3 -x86_64/unkn./freebsd8.1-gnu gcc 4.4.5 19 12-02-26 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/unknown/freebsd8.4 gcc 4.2.1 22~rc1-3 14-10-10 alex Y Y y Y 3 -x86_64/unknown/freebsd9.2 gcc 4.2.1 22~rc1-3 14-10-10 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/unknown/freebsd10.0 F-clang 3.3 22~rc1-3 14-10-10 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/unknown/linux-gnu clang 3.3 21 14-01-07 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/unknown/linux-gnu clang 3.4 22~rc1-3 14-10-11 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/unknown/linux-gnu gcc 4.4.5 23~rc1-3 15-11-15 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/unknown/linux-gnu gcc 4.7.2 23~rc1-3 15-11-15 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/unknown/linux-gnu gcc 4.8.2 21 13-12-29 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/pc/linux-gnu gcc 4.9.2 23~55-g8e0 17-01-06 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/unknown/linux-gnu gcc 5.3.0 23 15-12-14 goetz Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/pc/linux-gnu gcc 6.2.1 23~44-g995 16-12-06 alex Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/unknown/linux-gnu icc 16 23 16-01-13 goetz Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/unknown/linux-gnu nwcc 0.8.2 21 13-12-01 goetz Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/unknown/linux-gnu Open64 21.1 14-03-27 goetz Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/unknown/linux-gnu Sun C 5.12 21.1 14-03-27 goetz Y Y Y Y 1 -x86_64/unknown/openbsd4.7 gcc 3.3.5 20~rc1 12-02-26 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/unknown/openbsd4.8 gcc 4.2.1 22~rc1-3 14-10-10 alex Y Y y Y 3 -x86_64/unknown/openbsd5.1 gcc 4.2.1 21 13-12-28 alex Y Y Y Y 3 -x86_64/unknown/openbsd5.5 gcc 4.2.1 22~rc1-3 14-10-10 alex Y Y Y Y 3 - - -* Notes -~~~~~~~ - -(1) */*/linux-gnu (Linux platforms): - ngIRCd has been tested with various Linux distributions, such as SuSE, - RedHat, Debian, and Gentoo using Kernels 2.2.x, 2.4.x and 2.6.x with - various versions of the GNU C compiler (starting with 2.95.x and up to - version 4.3.x). The eldest glibc used was glibc-2.0.7. ngIRCd compiled - and run on all these systems without problems. - Actual Linux kernels (2.6.x) and glibc's support the epoll() IO interface. - -(2) This compiler is an pre-ANSI C compiler, therefore the source code is - automatically converted using the included ansi2knr tool while building. - -(3) Using the kqueue() IO interface. - -(4) Using the /dev/poll IO interface. - -(5) Using the epoll() IO interface. diff --git a/doc/Protocol.txt b/doc/Protocol.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6b3cfbc..0000000 --- a/doc/Protocol.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2012 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- Protocol.txt -- - - -I. Compatibility -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The ngIRCd implements the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol version 2.10 -as defined in RFC ("request for comment") 1459 and 2810-2813. These (and -probably further relevant RFCs) are listed in doc/RFC.txt. - -Unfortunately, even the "original" ircd doesn't follow these specifications -in all details. But because the ngIRCd should be a fully compatible -replacement for this server ("ircd") it tries to emulate these differences. - -If you don't like this behavior please ./configure the ngIRCd using the -"--enable-strict-rfc" command line option. But keep in mind: not all IRC -clients are compatible with a server configured that way, some can't even -connect at all! Therefore this option usually isn't desired for "normal -server operation". - - -II. The IRC+ Protocol -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Starting with version 0.5.0, the ngIRCd extends the original IRC protocol -as defined in RFC 2810-2813. This enhanced protocol is named "IRC+". It is -backwards compatible to the "plain" IRC protocol and will only be used by -the ngIRCd if it detects that the peer supports it as well. - -The "PASS" command is used to detect the protocol and peer versions see -RFC 2813 (section 4.1.1) and below. - - -II.1 Register new server link - - Command: PASS - Parameters: [] - Used by: servers only (with these parameters) - - is the password for this new server link as defined in the server -configuration which is sent to the peer or received from it. - - consists of two parts and is at least 4, at most 14 characters -long: the first four bytes contain the IRC protocol version number, whereas -the first two bytes represent the major version, the last two bytes the -minor version (the string "0210" indicates version 2.10, e.g.). - -The following optional(!) 10 bytes contain an implementation-dependent -version number. Servers supporting the IRC+ protocol as defined in this -document provide the string "-IRC+" here. - -Example for : "0210-IRC+". - - consists of two parts separated with the character "|" and is at -most 100 bytes long. The first part contains the name of the implementation -(ngIRCd sets this to "ngircd", the original ircd to "IRC", e.g.). The second -part is implementation-dependent and should only be parsed if the peer -supports the IRC+ protocol as well. In this case the following syntax is -used: "[:]". - - is an ASCII representation of the clear-text server version -number, indicates the supported IRC+ protocol extensions (and -may be empty!). - -The following are defined at the moment: - -- C: The server supports the CHANINFO command. - -- L: INVITE- and BAN-lists should be synchronized between servers: if the - peer understands this flag, it will send "MODE +I" and "MODE +b" - commands after the server link has been established. - -- H: The server supports the "enhanced server handshake", see section II.2 - for a detailed description. - -- M: Changing client "metadata" (hostname, real name, ...) using the - METADATA command is supported. - -- o: IRC operators are allowed to change channel- and channel-user-modes - even if they aren't channel-operator of the affected channel. - -- S: The server supports the SERVICE command (on this link). - -- X: Server supports XOP channel modes (owner, admin, halfop) and supports - these user prefixes in CHANINFO commands, for example. - -- Z: Compressed server links are supported by the server. - -Example for a complete string: "ngircd|0.7.5:CZ". - -The optional parameter is used to propagate server options as -defined in RFC 2813, section 4.1.1. - - -II.2 Enhanced Server Handshake - -The "enhanced server handshake" is used when both servers support this IRC+ -extension, which is indicated by the 'H' flag in the sent with -the PASS command, see section II.1. - -It basically means, that after exchanging the PASS and SERVER commands the -server is not registered in the network (as usual), but that IRC numerics -are exchanged until the numeric 376 (ENDOFMOTD) is received. Afterwards the -peer is registered in the network as with the regular IRC protocol. - -A server implementing the enhanced server handshake (and indicating this -using 'H' in the ) MUST ignore all unknown numerics to it -silently. - -In addition, such a server should at least send the numeric 005 (ISUPPORT) -to its peer, containing the following information. Syntax: =, -one token per IRC parameter. If the server has to send more than 12 token -it must send separate ISUPPORT numerics (this is a limitation of the IRC -protocol which allows at max 15 arguments per command). - - - NICKLEN: Maximum nickname length. Default: 9. - - CASEMAPPING: Case mapping used for nick- and channel name comparing. - Default: "ascii", the chars [a-z] are lowercase of [A-Z]. - - PREFIX: List of channel modes a person can get and the respective prefix - a channel or nickname will get in case the person has it. The order of the - modes goes from most powerful to least powerful. Default: "(ov)@+" - - CHANTYPES: Supported channel prefixes. Default: "#". - - CHANMODES: List of channel modes for 4 types, separated by comma (","): - Mode that adds or removes a nick or address to a list, mode that changes - a setting (both have always has a parameter), mode that changes a setting - and only has a parameter when set, and mode that changes a setting and - never has a parameter. For example "bI,k,l,imnPst". - - CHANLIMIT: Maximum number of channels allowed to join by channel prefix, - for example "#:10". - -Please see for details. - -The information exchanged using ISUPPORT can be used to detect configuration -incompatibilities (different maximum nickname length, for example) and -therefore to disconnect the peer prior to registering it in the network. - - -II.3 Exchange channel-modes, topics, and persistent channels - - Command: CHANINFO - Parameters: + [[ ] ] - Used by: servers only - -CHANINFO is used by servers to inform each other about a channel: its -modes, channel key, user limits and its topic. The parameter combination - and is optional, as well as the parameter, so that -there are three possible forms of this command: - - CHANINFO + - CHANINFO + - CHANINFO + - -If the channel already exists on the server receiving the CHANINFO command, -it only adopts the (or the ) if there are no modes (or topic) -already set. It there are already values set the server ignores the -corresponding parameter. - -If the channel doesn't exists at all it will be created. - -The parameter must be ignored if a channel has no key (the parameter - doesn't list the "k" channel mode). In this case should -contain "*" because the parameter is required by the CHANINFO syntax -and therefore can't be omitted. The parameter must be ignored when -a channel has no user limit (the parameter doesn't list the "l" -channel mode). In this case should be "0". - - -II.4 Update webchat/proxy client information - - Command: WEBIRC - Parameters: - Used by: unregistered clients only - -The WEBIRC command is used by some Web-to-IRC gateways to set the correct -user name and host name of users instead of their own. It must be the very -first command sent to the server, even before USER and NICK commands! - -The must be set in the server configuration file to prevent -unauthorized clients to fake their identity; it is an arbitrary string. - - -II.5 Client character encoding conversion - - Command: CHARCONV - Parameters: - Used by: registered clients - Replies: RPL_IP_CHARCONV, ERR_IP_CHARCONV - -A client can set its character set encoding using the CHARCONV command: -after receiving such a command, the server translates all message data -received from the client using the set to the server -encoding (UTF-8), and all message data which is to be sent to the client -from the server encoding (UTF-8) to . - -The list of supported client character sets is implementation dependent. - -If a client sets its to the server encoding (UTF-8), -it disables all conversions; the connection behaves as if no CHARCONV -command has been sent at all in this session. - - -II.6 Update client "metadata" - - Command: METADATA - Parameters: - Used by: servers only - -The METADATA command is used on server-links to update "metadata" information -of clients, like the hostname, the info text ("real name"), or the user name. - -The server updates its client database according to the received and - parameters, and passes the METADATA command on to all the other -servers in the network that support this command (see section II.1 "Register -new server link", "M"), even if it doesn't support the given - itself: unknown names are ignored silently! - -The following names are defined: - - - "accountname": the account name of a client (can't be empty) - - "certfp": the certificate fingerprint of a client (can't be empty) - - "cloakhost": the cloaked hostname of a client - - "host": the hostname of a client (can't be empty) - - "info": info text ("real name") of a client - - "user": the user name of a client (can't be empty) - - -III. Numerics used by IRC+ Protocol -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The IRC+ protocol uses numerics in the range 800-899 which aren't used by -RFC 2812 and hopefully don't clash with other implementations ... - -Numerics 800-849 are used for status and success messages, and numerics -850-899 are failure and error messages. - - -III.1 IRC+ status and success numerics - -801 - RPL_IP_CHARCONV - %1 :Client encoding set" - - %1 client character set - - -III.2 IRC+ failure and error numerics - -851 - ERR_IP_CHARCONV - :Can't initialize client encoding diff --git a/doc/README b/doc/README deleted file mode 100644 index 45cabd6..0000000 --- a/doc/README +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2017 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- README -- - - -I. Introduction -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -ngIRCd is a free, portable and lightweight Internet Relay Chat server for -small or private networks, developed under the GNU General Public License -(GPL; please see the file COPYING for details). It is simple to configure, -can cope with dynamic IP addresses, and supports IPv6 as well as SSL. It is -written from scratch and not based on the original IRCd. - -The name ngIRCd means next generation IRC daemon, which is a little bit -exaggerated: lightweight Internet Relay Chat server most probably would be a -better name :-) - -Please see the INSTALL document for installation and upgrade information! - - -II. Status -~~~~~~~~~~~ - -ngIRCd should be quite feature complete and stable to be used as daemon in -real world IRC networks. - -It is not the goal of ngIRCd to implement all the nasty behaviors of the -original ircd, but to implement most of the useful commands and semantics -specified by the RFCs that are used by existing clients. - - -III. Features (or: why use ngIRCd?) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -- Well arranged (lean) configuration file. -- Simple to build, install, configure, and maintain. -- Supports IPv6 and SSL. -- Can use PAM for user authentication. -- Lots of popular user and channel modes are implemented. -- Supports "cloaking" of users. -- No problems with servers that have dynamic IP addresses. -- Freely available, modern, portable and tidy C source. -- Wide field of supported platforms, including AIX, A/UX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, - IRIX, Linux, Mac OS X, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, and Windows with Cygwin. -- ngIRCd is being actively developed since 2001. - - -IV. Documentation -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -More documentation can be found in the "doc/" directory and the homepage of -ngIRCd: . - - -V. Download -~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The homepage of the ngIRCd is ; you will find -the newest information about the ngIRCd and the most recent ("stable") -releases there. - -Visit our source code repository at GitHub if you are interested in the -latest development version: . - - -VI. Problems, Bugs, Patches -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Please don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter problems: - -- On IRC: -- Via the mailing list: - -See for details. - -If you find bugs in ngIRCd (which will be there most probably ...), please -report them to our issue tracker at GitHub: - -- Bug tracker: -- Patches, "pull requests": - -There you can read about known bugs and limitations, too. diff --git a/doc/README-AUX.txt b/doc/README-AUX.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b90c681..0000000 --- a/doc/README-AUX.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - (c)2001-2005 Alexander Barton, -, - - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - - -- README-AUX.txt -- - - -Since version 0.2.2-pre Apple's A/UX belongs to the officially supported -platforms. It is not restricted in any way. - -Since version 0.5.0 ngIRCd's source compiles with the native A/UX c -compiler. GNU C isn't a must-have anymore. - -The following software packages are needed: - - - GNU sed - Source: - - - - A/UX comes with /bin/sed which isn't supporting all functions needed - by GNU automake/autoconf. - - Warning: When installing GNU sed please make sure that A/UX doesn't - use the old one anymore which means set the $PATH or replace /bin/sed - at all. - - - libUTIL.a - Source: -> - - - This library contains functions that are common on other UNIX - systems but not on A/UX e.g. memmove(), strerror() and strdup(). - - -After installation of these packages just do a "./configure" and "make" to -compile ngIRCd on A/UX. - - -A few hints in case of errors: - - - Either there's an 'install' on your system which is completely broken - (so 'configure' uses its own shell script) or use a fully functionable one. - There's at least one binary "out there" causing problems. The one - of the GNU fileutils works fine: - - - - The precompiled binary of the old 'bash' shouldn't be installed within - /bin (better do this in /usr/local/bin) because 'configure' would - choose it as its shell which wouldn't work. - - - Because of limitations of /bin/sh on A/UX it can't be used to create - the 'config.status' script. Better rename /bin/sh to /bin/sh.AUX and - replace it by a symbolic link to /bin/ksh (ln -s /bin/ksh /bin/sh as - root). - These procedure shouldn't cause you into problems and is recommended - even if you don't use ngIRCd. - --- -$Id: README-AUX.txt,v 1.10 2006/07/23 12:19:57 alex Exp $ diff --git a/doc/README-BeOS.txt b/doc/README-BeOS.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9e8df38..0000000 --- a/doc/README-BeOS.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - (c)2001-2003 by Alexander Barton, -, - - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- README-BeOS.txt -- - - - +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - | This text is only available in german at the moment, sorry! | - | Contributors for this text or the BeOS port are welcome :-) | - +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - - -BeOS gehoert im Moment (noch?) nicht zu den offiziell unterstuetzten Plat- -formen: der ngIRCd enthaelt zwar bereits einige Anpassungen an BeOS und -compiliert auch, jedoch bricht er bei jedem Connect-Versuch eines Clients -mit diesem Fehler ab: - - select(): Bad file descriptor! - -Es sieht leider so aus, als ob das select() von BeOS nicht mit File-Handles -von Pipes verschiedener Prozesse umgehen kann: sobald der Resolver asynchron -gestartet wird, also Pipe-Handles im select() vorhanden sind, fuehrt das zu -obiger Meldung. - -Theoretische "Loesung"/Workaround: -Den Resolver unter BeOS nicht verwenden, sondern mit IP-Adressen arbeiten. -Nachteil: der ngIRCd koennte sich nicht zu Servern verbinden, die dynamische -Adressen benutzen -- dazu muesste er den Namen aufloesen. Ansonsten sollte -es eigentlich zu keinen Beeintraechtigungen kommen ... - -Also: wenn es jemand implementieren will ... ;-)) - -Vielleicht mache ich es auch irgendwann mal selber. Mal sehen. - -2002-05-19: -Ich habe gerade damit ein wenig gespielt und den Source hier so geaendert, -dass unter BeOS keine Resolver-Subprozesse mehr erzeugt werden, sondern mit -den "rohen" IP-Adressen gearbeitet wird. Das funktioniert so weit auch, -allerdings verschluckt sich BeOS nun bei anderen Funktionen, so zum Beispiel -bei close(), wenn ein Socket eines Clients geschlossen werden soll!? -Sehr komisch. -Wer Interesse daran hat, das weiter zu verfolgen, der moege sich bitte mit -mir in Verbindung setzen (, ich maile gerne meine Patches zu. -Fuer eine Aenderung im CVS ist es aber meiner Meinung nach noch zu frueh ... - --- -$Id: README-BeOS.txt,v 1.7 2003/05/15 21:47:57 alex Exp $ diff --git a/doc/README-Interix.txt b/doc/README-Interix.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f24f38d..0000000 --- a/doc/README-Interix.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2012 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- README-Interix.txt -- - - -ngIRCd release 15 has successfully been tested on Microsoft Windows XP -Professional using the Services for UNIX (SFU) version 3.5 and Microsoft -Windows 7 with the bundled Subsystem for UNIX Applications (SUA). - -SFU are supported on Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP, and -Windows Server 2003. SUA is supported on Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows -Server 2008 & 2008 R2, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 -- so ngIRCd should be -able to run on all of these platforms. - -But please note that two things: - -1. Don't use the poll() IO API - -The poll() API function is not fully implemented by SFU/SUA and therefore -can't be used by ngIRCd -- which normally would be the default. Please see - section 4.25 for details: - - "If you do try to use the poll() API your program will block on the - API call forever. You must direct your program to build using the - select() API." - -So when running the ./configure script, you HAVE TO DISABLE poll() support: - - ./configure --without-poll - -ngIRCd then defaults to using the select() API function which works fine. - -2. Use GNU make(1) - -Starting with ngIRCd 18, our build system doesn't work with the default -make(1) binary of Interix, you should use GNU make instead (tested with -version 3.82 built from source). - diff --git a/doc/RFC.txt b/doc/RFC.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3e4142f..0000000 --- a/doc/RFC.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - (c)2001-2003 by Alexander Barton, -, - - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- RFC.txt -- - - -The Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol is documented in these Request for -Comments (RFC), which you can get e.g. via : - - 1459 Oikarinen, J. & D. Reed, "Internet Relay Chat Protocol", - May 1993, [IRC]. - - 2810 Kalt, C., "Internet Relay Chat: Architecture", - April 2000, [IRC-ARCH]. - - 2811 Kalt, C., "Internet Relay Chat: Channel Management", - April 2000, [IRC-CHAN]. - - 2812 Kalt, C., "Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol", - April 2000, [IRC-CLIENT]. - - 2813 Kalt, C., "Internet Relay Chat: Server Protocol", - April 2000, [IRC-SERVER]. - - --- -$Id: RFC.txt,v 1.6 2003/03/07 20:42:20 alex Exp $ diff --git a/doc/SSL.txt b/doc/SSL.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 28ea2cd..0000000 --- a/doc/SSL.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - (c)2001-2008 Alexander Barton, -, - - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- SSL.txt -- - - -ngIRCd supports SSL/TLSv1 encrypted connections using the OpenSSL or GnuTLS -libraries. Both encrypted server-server links as well as client-server links -are supported. - -SSL is a compile-time option which is disabled by default. Use one of these -options of the ./configure script to enable it: - - --with-openssl enable SSL support using OpenSSL - --with-gnutls enable SSL support using GnuTLS - -You also need a key/certificate, see below for how to create a self-signed one. - -From a feature point of view, ngIRCds support for both libraries is -comparable. The only major difference (at this time) is that ngircd with gnutls -does not support password protected private keys. - -Configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -To enable SSL connections a separate port must be configured: it is NOT -possible to handle unencrypted and encrypted connections on the same port! -This is a limitation of the IRC protocol ... - -You have to set (at least) the following configuration variables in the -[SSL] section of ngircd.conf(5): Ports, KeyFile, and CertFile. - -Now IRC clients are able to connect using SSL on the configured port(s). -(Using port 6697 for encrypted connections is common.) - -To enable encrypted server-server links, you have to additionally set -SSLConnect to "yes" in the corresponding [SERVER] section. - - -Creating a self-signed certificate -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -OpenSSL: - -Creating a self-signed certificate and key: - $ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -keyout server-key.pem -out server-cert.pem -days 1461 -Create DH parameters (optional): - $ openssl dhparam -2 -out dhparams.pem 4096 - -GnuTLS: - -Creating a self-signed certificate and key: - $ certtool --generate-privkey --bits 2048 --outfile server-key.pem - $ certtool --generate-self-signed --load-privkey server-key.pem --outfile server-cert.pem -Create DH parameters (optional): - $ certtool --generate-dh-params --bits 4096 --outfile dhparams.pem - - -Alternate approach using stunnel(1) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Alternatively (or if you are using ngIRCd compiled without support -for GnuTLS/OpenSSL), you can use external programs/tools like stunnel(1) to -get SSL encrypted connections: - - - - -Stefan Sperling (stefan at binarchy dot net) mailed the following text as a -short "how-to", thanks Stefan! - -=== snip === - ! This guide applies to stunnel 4.x ! - - Put this in your stunnel.conf: - - [ircs] - accept = 6667 - connect = 6668 - - This makes stunnel listen for incoming connections - on port 6667 and forward decrypted data to port 6668. - We call the connection 'ircs'. Stunnel will use this - name when logging connection attempts via syslog. - You can also use the name in /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} - if you run tcp-wrappers. - - To make sure ngircd is listening on the port where - the decrypted data arrives, set - - Ports = 6668 - - in your ngircd.conf. - - Start stunnel and restart ngircd. - - That's it. - Don't forget to activate ssl support in your irc client ;) - The main drawback of this approach compared to using builtin ssl - is that from ngIRCds point of view, all ssl-enabled client connections will - originate from the host running stunnel. -=== snip === diff --git a/doc/Services.txt b/doc/Services.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3daa729..0000000 --- a/doc/Services.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - - (c)2001-2011 Alexander Barton and Contributors. - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- Services.txt -- - - -ngIRCd doesn't implement a "special IRC services interface", but services -acting as a "regular servers" ("pseudo servers") are supported, either -using the IRC protocol as defined in RFC 1459 or RFC 2812. - -Support for Services has been tested using - - Anope 1.9.8 or later () - - Atheme 7.0.2 or later () - - "IRC Services" 5.1.x by Andrew Church () - -This document describes setting up ngIRCd and these services. - -Please let us know if you are successfully using other IRC service packages or -which problems you encounter -- thanks! - - -Setting up ngIRCd -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The "pseudo server" handling the IRC services is configured as a regular -remote server in the ngircd.conf(5). In addition the variable "ServiceMask" -should be set, enabling this ngIRCd to recognize the "pseudo users" as IRC -services instead of regular IRC users. - -Example: - - [SERVER] - Name = - MyPassword = 123abc - PeerPassword = 123abc - ServiceMask = *Serv - - -Setting up Anope 1.9.x & 2.x -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Anope 1.9.8 or later () can be used with ngIRCd using -the "ngircd" protocol module. - -At least the following settings have to be tweaked, in addition to all the -settings marked as required by Anope: - -In conf/services.conf: - - define - { - name = "" - value = "" - } - - uplink - { - host = "" - port = 6667 - password = "123abc" - } - - # Load ngIRCd protocol module - module - { - name = "ngircd" - } - - networkinfo - { - # Must be set to the "MaxNickLength" setting of ngIRCd! - nicklen = 9 - - # When not using "strict mode", which is the default: - userlen = 20 - - chanlen = 50 - } - -In conf/nickserv.conf: - - module - { - name = "nickserv" - - # not required if you are running ngIRCd with a higher nickname limit - # ("MaxNickLength") than 11 characters, but REQUIRED by default! - guestnickprefix = "G-" - } - - -Setting up Atheme 7.0.2 or later -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Atheme 7.0.2 or later () may be used with ngIRCd using -the "ngircd" protocol module. - -The following settings need to be in atheme.conf: - - loadmodule "modules/protocol/ngircd"; - - uplink "" { - password = "123abc"; - port = 6667; - }; - -The documentation of Atheme can be found in the doc/ directory of the -Atheme source distribution. - - -Setting up IRC Services 5.1.x -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -IRC Services 5.1.3 and above can be used with ngIRCd using the "rfc1459" -protocol module. - -Please note that versions up to and including 5.1.3 contain a bug that -sometimes causes IRC Services to hang on startup. There are two workarounds: - a) send the services process a HUP signal ("killall -HUP ircservices") - b) apply this patch to the IRC Services source tree: - - -At least the following settings have to be tweaked, in addition to all the -settings marked as required by IRC Services: - -In ircservices.conf: - - Variable Example value - - RemoteServer 6667 "123abc" - ServerName "" - LoadModule protocol/rfc1459 - -In modules.conf: - - Module protocol/rfc1459 - -The documentation of IRC Services can be found here: - diff --git a/doc/Zeroconf.txt b/doc/Zeroconf.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1208922..0000000 --- a/doc/Zeroconf.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ - - ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server - - (c)2001-2006 Alexander Barton -, - - ngIRCd is free software and published under the - terms of the GNU General Public License. - - -- Zeroconf.txt -- - - -ngIRCd supports one aspect of Zeroconf Networking[1]: Multicast DNS (mDNS[2]) -with DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD[3]). - -To use this features you can use one of two APIs: - - a) Apple "Bonjour" API as used by Mac OS X, - b) the Howl[4] Zeroconf library or the Howl compatibility layer - of the newer Avahi[5] library. - -When calling the configure script using the "--with-zeroconf" switch the -available API will be autodetected and the required additional libraries will -be linked to the ngircd binary as required. - -ngIRCd then registers a DNS-SD service for each port it is listening on using -the service type "_ircu._tcp.". - - -Links: - - [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - - --- -$Id: Zeroconf.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/03 14:37:29 alex Exp $ diff --git a/doc/sample-ngircd.conf b/doc/sample-ngircd.conf deleted file mode 100644 index f940caa..0000000 --- a/doc/sample-ngircd.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,389 +0,0 @@ -# -# This is a sample configuration file for the ngIRCd IRC daemon, which must -# be customized to the local preferences and needs. -# -# Comments are started with "#" or ";". -# -# A lot of configuration options in this file start with a ";". You have -# to remove the ";" in front of each variable to actually set a value! -# The disabled variables are shown with example values for completeness only -# and the daemon is using compiled-in default settings. -# -# Use "ngircd --configtest" (see manual page ngircd(8)) to validate that the -# server interprets the configuration file as expected! -# -# Please see ngircd.conf(5) for a complete list of configuration options -# and their descriptions. -# - -[Global] - # The [Global] section of this file is used to define the main - # configuration of the server, like the server name and the ports - # on which the server should be listening. - # These settings depend on your personal preferences, so you should - # make sure that they correspond to your installation and setup! - - # Server name in the IRC network, must contain at least one dot - # (".") and be unique in the IRC network. Required! - Name = - - # Information about the server and the administrator, used by the - # ADMIN command. Not required by server but by RFC! - ;AdminInfo1 = Description - ;AdminInfo2 = Location - ;AdminEMail = admin@irc.server - - # Text file which contains the ngIRCd help text. This file is required - # to display help texts when using the "HELP " command. - ;HelpFile = /usr/local/share/doc/ngircd/Commands.txt - - # Info text of the server. This will be shown by WHOIS and - # LINKS requests for example. - Info = Server Info Text - - # Comma separated list of IP addresses on which the server should - # listen. Default values are: - # "" or (if compiled with IPv6 support) "::," - # so the server listens on all IP addresses of the system by default. - ;Listen =, - - # Text file with the "message of the day" (MOTD). This message will - # be shown to all users connecting to the server: - ;MotdFile = /usr/local/etc/ngircd.motd - - # A simple Phrase (<256 chars) if you don't want to use a motd file. - ;MotdPhrase = "Hello world!" - - # The name of the IRC network to which this server belongs. This name - # is optional, should only contain ASCII characters, and can't contain - # spaces. It is only used to inform clients. The default is empty, - # so no network name is announced to clients. - ;Network = aIRCnetwork - - # Global password for all users needed to connect to the server. - # (Default: not set) - ;Password = abc - - # This tells ngIRCd to write its current process ID to a file. - # Note that the pidfile is written AFTER chroot and switching the - # user ID, e.g. the directory the pidfile resides in must be - # writable by the ngIRCd user and exist in the chroot directory. - ;PidFile = /var/run/ngircd/ - - # Ports on which the server should listen. There may be more than - # one port, separated with ",". (Default: 6667) - ;Ports = 6667, 6668, 6669 - - # Group ID under which the ngIRCd should run; you can use the name - # of the group or the numerical ID. ATTENTION: For this to work the - # server must have been started with root privileges! - ;ServerGID = 65534 - - # User ID under which the server should run; you can use the name - # of the user or the numerical ID. ATTENTION: For this to work the - # server must have been started with root privileges! In addition, - # the configuration and MOTD files must be readable by this user, - # otherwise RESTART and REHASH won't work! - ;ServerUID = 65534 - -[Limits] - # Define some limits and timeouts for this ngIRCd instance. Default - # values should be safe, but it is wise to double-check :-) - - # The server tries every seconds to establish a link - # to not yet (or no longer) connected servers. - ;ConnectRetry = 60 - - # Number of seconds after which the whole daemon should shutdown when - # no connections are left active after handling at least one client - # (0: never, which is the default). - # This can be useful for testing or when ngIRCd is started using - # "socket activation" with systemd(8), for example. - ;IdleTimeout = 0 - - # Maximum number of simultaneous in- and outbound connections the - # server is allowed to accept (0: unlimited): - ;MaxConnections = 0 - - # Maximum number of simultaneous connections from a single IP address - # the server will accept (0: unlimited): - ;MaxConnectionsIP = 5 - - # Maximum number of channels a user can be member of (0: no limit): - ;MaxJoins = 10 - - # Maximum length of an user nickname (Default: 9, as in RFC 2812). - # Please note that all servers in an IRC network MUST use the same - # maximum nickname length! - ;MaxNickLength = 9 - - # Maximum number of channels returned in response to a /list - # command (0: unlimited): - ;MaxListSize = 100 - - # After seconds of inactivity the server will send a - # PING to the peer to test whether it is alive or not. - ;PingTimeout = 120 - - # If a client fails to answer a PING with a PONG within - # seconds, it will be disconnected by the server. - ;PongTimeout = 20 - -[Options] - # Optional features and configuration options to further tweak the - # behavior of ngIRCd. If you want to get started quickly, you most - # probably don't have to make changes here -- they are all optional. - - # List of allowed channel types (channel prefixes) for newly created - # channels on the local server. By default, all supported channel - # types are allowed. Set this variable to the empty string to disallow - # creation of new channels by local clients at all. - ;AllowedChannelTypes = #&+ - - # Are remote IRC operators allowed to control this server, e.g. - # use commands like CONNECT, SQUIT, DIE, ...? - ;AllowRemoteOper = no - - # A directory to chroot in when everything is initialized. It - # doesn't need to be populated if ngIRCd is compiled as a static - # binary. By default ngIRCd won't use the chroot() feature. - # ATTENTION: For this to work the server must have been started - # with root privileges! - ;ChrootDir = /var/empty - - # Set this hostname for every client instead of the real one. - # Use %x to add the hashed value of the original hostname. - ;CloakHost = - - # Use this hostname for hostname cloaking on clients that have the - # user mode "+x" set, instead of the name of the server. - # Use %x to add the hashed value of the original hostname. - ;CloakHostModeX = cloaked.user - - # The Salt for cloaked hostname hashing. When undefined a random - # hash is generated after each server start. - ;CloakHostSalt = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz - - # Set every clients' user name to their nickname - ;CloakUserToNick = yes - - # Try to connect to other IRC servers using IPv4 and IPv6, if possible. - ;ConnectIPv6 = yes - ;ConnectIPv4 = yes - - # Default user mode(s) to set on new local clients. Please note that - # only modes can be set that the client could set using regular MODE - # commands, you can't set "a" (away) for example! Default: none. - ;DefaultUserModes = i - - # Do DNS lookups when a client connects to the server. - ;DNS = yes - - # Do IDENT lookups if ngIRCd has been compiled with support for it. - # Users identified using IDENT are registered without the "~" character - # prepended to their user name. - ;Ident = yes - - # Directory containing configuration snippets (*.conf), that should - # be read in after parsing this configuration file. - ;IncludeDir = /usr/local/etc/conf.d - - # Enhance user privacy slightly (useful for IRC server on TOR or I2P) - # by censoring some information like idle time, logon time, etc. - ;MorePrivacy = no - - # Normally ngIRCd doesn't send any messages to a client until it is - # registered. Enable this option to let the daemon send "NOTICE *" - # messages to clients while connecting. - ;NoticeBeforeRegistration = no - - # Should IRC Operators be allowed to use the MODE command even if - # they are not(!) channel-operators? - ;OperCanUseMode = no - - # Should IRC Operators get AutoOp (+o) in persistent (+P) channels? - ;OperChanPAutoOp = yes - - # Mask IRC Operator mode requests as if they were coming from the - # server? (This is a compatibility hack for ircd-irc2 servers) - ;OperServerMode = no - - # Use PAM if ngIRCd has been compiled with support for it. - # Users identified using PAM are registered without the "~" character - # prepended to their user name. - ;PAM = yes - - # When PAM is enabled, all clients are required to be authenticated - # using PAM; connecting to the server without successful PAM - # authentication isn't possible. - # If this option is set, clients not sending a password are still - # allowed to connect: they won't become "identified" and keep the "~" - # character prepended to their supplied user name. - # Please note: To make some use of this behavior, it most probably - # isn't useful to enable "Ident", "PAM" and "PAMIsOptional" at the - # same time, because you wouldn't be able to distinguish between - # Ident'ified and PAM-authenticated users: both don't have a "~" - # character prepended to their respective user names! - ;PAMIsOptional = no - - # Let ngIRCd send an "authentication PING" when a new client connects, - # and register this client only after receiving the corresponding - # "PONG" reply. - ;RequireAuthPing = no - - # Silently drop all incoming CTCP requests. - ;ScrubCTCP = no - - # Syslog "facility" to which ngIRCd should send log messages. - # Possible values are system dependent, but most probably auth, daemon, - # user and local1 through local7 are possible values; see syslog(3). - # Default is "local5" for historical reasons, you probably want to - # change this to "daemon", for example. - ;SyslogFacility = local1 - - # Password required for using the WEBIRC command used by some - # Web-to-IRC gateways. If not set/empty, the WEBIRC command can't - # be used. (Default: not set) - ;WebircPassword = xyz - -;[SSL] - # SSL-related configuration options. Please note that this section - # is only available when ngIRCd is compiled with support for SSL! - # So don't forget to remove the ";" above if this is the case ... - - # SSL Server Key Certificate - ;CertFile = /usr/local/etc/ssl/server-cert.pem - - # Select cipher suites allowed for SSL/TLS connections. This defaults - # to HIGH:!aNULL:@STRENGTH (OpenSSL) or SECURE128 (GnuTLS). - # See 'man 1ssl ciphers' (OpenSSL) or 'man 3 gnutls_priority_init' - # (GnuTLS) for details. - # For OpenSSL: - ;CipherList = HIGH:!aNULL:@STRENGTH:!SSLv3 - # For GnuTLS: - ;CipherList = SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0 - - # Diffie-Hellman parameters - ;DHFile = /usr/local/etc/ssl/dhparams.pem - - # SSL Server Key - ;KeyFile = /usr/local/etc/ssl/server-key.pem - - # password to decrypt SSLKeyFile (OpenSSL only) - ;KeyFilePassword = secret - - # Additional Listen Ports that expect SSL/TLS encrypted connections - ;Ports = 6697, 9999 - -[Operator] - # [Operator] sections are used to define IRC Operators. There may be - # more than one [Operator] block, one for each local operator. - - # ID of the operator (may be different of the nickname) - ;Name = TheOper - - # Password of the IRC operator - ;Password = ThePwd - - # Optional Mask from which /OPER will be accepted - ;Mask = *! - -[Operator] - # More [Operator] sections, if you like ... - -[Server] - # Other servers are configured in [Server] sections. If you - # configure a port for the connection, then this ngircd tries to - # connect to to the other server on the given port; if not it waits - # for the other server to connect. - # There may be more than one server block, one for each server. - # - # Server Groups: - # The ngIRCd allows "server groups": You can assign an "ID" to every - # server with which you want this ngIRCd to link. If a server of a - # group won't answer, the ngIRCd tries to connect to the next server - # in the given group. But the ngircd never tries to connect to two - # servers with the same group ID. - - # IRC name of the remote server, must match the "Name" variable in - # the [Global] section of the other server (when using ngIRCd). - ;Name = - - # Internet host name or IP address of the peer (only required when - # this server should establish the connection). - ;Host = - - # IP address to use as _source_ address for the connection. if - # unspecified, ngircd will let the operating system pick an address. - ;Bind = - - # Port of the server to which the ngIRCd should connect. If you - # assign no port the ngIRCd waits for incoming connections. - ;Port = 6667 - - # Own password for the connection. This password has to be configured - # as "PeerPassword" on the other server. - ;MyPassword = MySecret - - # Foreign password for this connection. This password has to be - # configured as "MyPassword" on the other server. - ;PeerPassword = PeerSecret - - # Group of this server (optional) - ;Group = 123 - - # Set the "Passive" option to "yes" if you don't want this ngIRCd to - # connect to the configured peer (same as leaving the "Port" variable - # empty). The advantage of this option is that you can actually - # configure a port an use the IRC command CONNECT more easily to - # manually connect this specific server later. - ;Passive = no - - # Connect to the remote server using TLS/SSL (Default: false) - ;SSLConnect = yes - - # Define a (case insensitive) list of masks matching nicknames that - # should be treated as IRC services when introduced via this remote - # server, separated by commas (","). - # REGULAR SERVERS DON'T NEED this parameter, so leave it empty - # (which is the default). - # When you are connecting IRC services which mask as a IRC server - # and which use "virtual users" to communicate with, for example - # "NickServ" and "ChanServ", you should set this parameter to - # something like "*Serv" or "NickServ,ChanServ,XyzServ". - ;ServiceMask = *Serv,Global - -[Server] - # More [Server] sections, if you like ... - -[Channel] - # Pre-defined channels can be configured in [Channel] sections. - # Such channels are created by the server when starting up and even - # persist when there are no more members left. - # Persistent channels are marked with the mode 'P', which can be set - # and unset by IRC operators like other modes on the fly. - # There may be more than one [Channel] block, one for each channel. - - # Name of the channel - ;Name = #TheName - - # Topic for this channel - ;Topic = a great topic - - # Initial channel modes - ;Modes = tnk - - # initial channel password (mode k) - ;Key = Secret - - # Key file, syntax for each line: "::". - # Default: none. - ;KeyFile = /usr/local/etc/#chan.key - - # maximum users per channel (mode l) - ;MaxUsers = 23 - -[Channel] - # More [Channel] sections, if you like ... - -# -eof- -- 2.39.2