dist: precise # # C includes autotools and make by default language: c compiler: - gcc - clang # # Extra packages addons: apt: packages: - gnupg - libcap2-bin - zlib1g-dev - uuid-dev # # Setup environment before_install: # Decrypt our private files for CI use only - openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_decb6f6387c4_key -iv $encrypted_decb6f6387c4_iv -in .travis/travis_rsa.enc -out .travis/travis_rsa -d - eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" # start the ssh agent - chmod 600 .travis/travis_rsa # add our key - ssh-add .travis/travis_rsa # add our key - rm -f .travis/travis_rsa # remove to prevent leaks # WARNING: Any changes to the above 5 lines should be monitored closely - ssh-keyscan -H firehol.org >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts # # Run before_script: - gpg --import packaging/gpg.keys # Run the commit hooks in case the developer didn't - git diff 4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 | ./packaging/check-files - script: # make release packages - fakeroot ./packaging/git-build # default build - ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make -j4 # test installer - fakeroot ./netdata-installer.sh --install $HOME --dont-wait --dont-start-it # # Deploy as required after_success: - for i in *.tar.*; do md5sum -b $i > $i.md5; sha512sum -b $i > $i.sha; done - "case \"$TRAVIS_BRANCH\" in master|stable-*) if [ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST = false -a \"$TRAVIS_TAG\" = \"\" -a \"$CC\" = \"gcc\" ]; then ssh travis@firehol.org mkdir -p uploads/netdata/$TRAVIS_BRANCH/ && scp -p *.tar.* travis@firehol.org:uploads/netdata/$TRAVIS_BRANCH/ && ssh travis@firehol.org touch uploads/netdata/$TRAVIS_BRANCH/complete.txt; fi;; esac" deploy: # Upload results to GitHub (tag only) - provider: releases api_key: secure: 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 skip_cleanup: true file_glob: true file: "netdata*.tar.*" on: condition: $CC = gcc repo: firehol/netdata tags: true