# AX-ZSH: Alex' Modular ZSH Configuration # axemoji.axzshtheme: Fancier AX-ZSH Theme ZSH_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX_SPACING=" " ZSH_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX_SPACING=" " if axzsh_is_widechar_terminal; then # UTF8 capable terminal: if [[ -r "$HOME/.system_emoji-$SHORT_HOST" ]]; then system_emoji=$(<"$HOME/.system_emoji-$SHORT_HOST") elif [[ -r "$HOME/.system_emoji" ]]; then system_emoji=$(<"$HOME/.system_emoji") else system_emoji="🍀" fi [[ -n "$VTE_VERSION" ]] \ && emoji_spacing="" \ || emoji_spacing=" " ZSH_THEME_VCS_PROMPT_CLEAN="👌$emoji_spacing" ZSH_THEME_VCS_PROMPT_DIRTY="👻$emoji_spacing" # Primary prompt on the right-hand side. RPS1="%(?..%{$fg_no_bold[red]%}❌$emoji_spacing%? ↵%{$reset_color%})" else # Non-UTF8 or incompatible terminal system_emoji=">" emoji_spacing="" # Primary prompt on the right-hand side. RPS1="%(?..%{$fg_no_bold[red]%}<%?>%{$reset_color%})" fi # The primary prompt string, printed before a command is read. PS1="${system_emoji}${emoji_spacing} $(ax_logname_prompt_yn)$(ax_hostname_prompt_yn)%B%2~%b"'$(ax_vcs_prompt)'"$(ax_prompt)" # Default execution trace prompt. PS4="$fg_no_bold[yellow]->$reset_color " # This prompt is compatible with sh(1) and bash(1), too, so export it! export PS4 unset system_emoji emoji_spacing