ngIRCd: Next Generation IRC Daemon

ngIRCd is a free open source daemon for Internet Relay Chat (IRC), developed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It's written from scratch and is not based upon the original IRCd like many others.

  1. Status
  2. Advantages
  3. Supported platforms
  4. Documentation
  5. Mailing List
  6. Installation
  7. Download
  8. Contact
  9. GIT Repository
  10. Bug Tracker
  11. History

Hint: at there's an entry for the ngIRCd project. You can inform about new releases and get update notifications via E-Mail.

BTW: Von dieser Seite gibt es auch eine deutsche Version.



Current "stable" version is 0.12.1. Please see below for download locations.

Attention: ngIRCd-versions previous to 0.10.4 comprise an error which can be used (also by remote) to crash the daemon. All installations should be updated to version 0.10.4 or subsequent versions.

This version is used in private IRC networks and is known to run quite stable and flawless although it is not tested in huge IRC networks under heavy load yet. There are still missing features, but the current version should provide everything you need during "normal" IRC sessions.

Read more about our private IRC network on these web pages.

I'm glad to receive feedback, bug reports (best choice for this is the Bug-Tracker) and patches. Go on, use the source and keep on hacking!

You can reach me (Alex Barton) via E-Mail:


Why should you use ngIRCd? Because ...

Supported platforms

ngIRCd is tested on a regular basis on the following platform (version numbers used in parenthesis). These are the officially supported systems.

As ngIRCd relies on UNIX standards and uses GNU automake and GNU autoconf there are good chances that it also supports UNIX-based operating systems.


There's a bit of documentation in the source code package. One's located in the main directory (e.g. INSTALL, README, NEWS and COPYING) others in subdirectories like "doc" (e.g. GIT.txt, FAQ.txt and sample configuration files like sample-ngircd.conf).

Parts of the documentation are available here:

Mailing List

There is a mailing list which deals with the "technical" questions concerning ngIRCd: compilation, installation, configuration, and the further development. Updates and news are announced there.

Please subscribe using the homepage of the list.

All postings are archived here.


ngIRCd's target are systems based on or similar to UNIX. There shouldn't be any problem on a fairly modern UNIX that's supported by GNU automake and GNU autoconf. If you run into compile problems perhaps you should give GNU C a try (version 2.95 or newer).

Typical usage is:

tar xzf ngircd-<version>.tar.gz
cd ngircd-<version>

Now there's the binary executable server file in src/ngircd ("ngircd" in most cases).

make install

The binary executable is now installed in /usr/local/sbin.

The server looks for the configuration file ngircd.conf in /usr/local/etc. A sample configuration file can be found in doc.

Further help on installation and configuration can be found in INSTALL.


Source Code

ngIRCd 0.12.1 (2008-07-09):

Server: (ftp)

Server: (ftp)

All previous released versions, GnuPG signatures as well as available test releases of upcoming versions are available via FTP from and


If you are using one of the following distributions, you can use their packages:

Inofficial packages:


Idea and most parts of the current code: Alexander Barton (

Thanks to Ilja Osthoff ( for translating parts of the documentation into english and Götz Hoffart ( for translating the web page.

If you find bugs or have some ideas for enhancements, please file them into the bug tracker. In addition, there is a mailing list for discussions concerning the ngIRCd.

BTW: Patches are welcome ;-)

ngIRCd on IRC: irc://

GIT Repository

The source and all files belonging to ngIRCd are managed using GIT. Anonymous access is available, read: GIT.txt.

The repository is online available through HTTP: ngIRCd GIT Reposidtory.

Bug Tracker

In order to keep track of feature requests and found bugs there's a Bug Tracking system: Bugzilla

In case you found a bug please check Bug-Report and describe the circumstances. Thank you!

In addition you can inform about known and perhaps fixed bugs.


Please read the files NEWS and ChangeLog for detailed information.

Thanks to:
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Contact: Alexander Barton, E-Mail:
Thanks to Götz Hoffart for cleaning up this page and the english translation!