#! /bin/sh # chkconfig: 345 91 35 # description: This package enables Linux to talk to Macintosh # computers via the AppleTalk networking protocol and # provides printer, file sharing, and AppleTalk routing # services. # # AppleTalk daemons. Make sure not to start atalkd in the background: # its data structures must have time to stablize before running the # other processes. ATALK_BIN=:BINDIR: ATALK_CONF_DIR=:ETCDIR: ATALK_SBIN=:SBINDIR: # Source function library. . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions # Source networking configuration. . /etc/sysconfig/network # Quickly probe for appletalk and warn if we can't find it /sbin/modprobe appletalk || echo "[could not load appletalk module]" # Check for IP Encapsulation support #/sbin/modprobe ipddp || echo "[could not load IP encapsulation]" if [ ! -x ${ATALK_SBIN}/atalkd ]; then echo "[${ATALK_SBIN}/atalkd not found. Did it compile?]"; exit 0; fi if [ ! -f ${ATALK_CONF_DIR}/netatalk.conf ]; then echo "[${ATALK_CONF_DIR}/netatalk.conf not found]"; exit 0; fi # read in netatalk configuration . ${ATALK_CONF_DIR}/netatalk.conf # Check that networking is up. if [ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] echo "[Network isn't started]"; exit 0; fi # initialize return values RETVAL=1 RETVAL_ATALKD=0 RETVAL_PAPD=0 RETVAL_AFPD=0 # startup code for everything atalk_startup() { if [ x"${ATALKD_RUN}" != x"no" ]; then echo -n " Starting atalkd:" daemon ${ATALK_SBIN}/atalkd RETVAL_ATALKD=$? echo if [ -x ${ATALK_BIN}/nbprgstr ]; then action " Registering ${ATALK_NAME}:Workstation${ATALK_ZONE}:" ${ATALK_BIN}/nbprgstr -p 4 \"${ATALK_NAME}:Workstation${ATALK_ZONE}\" action " Registering ${ATALK_NAME}:netatalk${ATALK_ZONE}:" ${ATALK_BIN}/nbprgstr -p 4 \"${ATALK_NAME}:netatalk${ATALK_ZONE}\" fi if [ x"${PAPD_RUN}" = x"yes" -a -x ${ATALK_SBIN}/papd ]; then echo -n " Starting papd:" daemon ${ATALK_SBIN}/papd RETVAL_PAPD=$? echo fi # check for timelord in bin directory if [ x"${TIMELORD_RUN}" = x"yes" -a -x ${ATALK_BIN}/timelord ]; then echo -n " Starting timelord" daemon ${ATALK_BIN}/timelord echo fi # check for timelord in sbin directory if [ x"${TIMELORD_RUN}" = x"yes" -a -x ${ATALK_SBIN}/timelord ]; then echo -n " Starting timelord" daemon ${ATALK_SBIN}/timelord echo fi fi if [ x"${AFPD_RUN}" = x"yes" -a -x ${ATALK_SBIN}/afpd ] ; then echo -n " Starting afpd:" daemon ${ATALK_SBIN}/afpd ${AFPD_UAMLIST} -g ${AFPD_GUEST} \ -c ${AFPD_MAX_CLIENTS} -n \"${ATALK_NAME}${ATALK_ZONE}\" RETVAL_AFPD=$? echo fi if [ $RETVAL_ATALKD -eq 0 -a $RETVAL_PAPD -eq 0 -a $RETVAL_AFPD -eq 0 ]; then RETVAL=0 touch /var/lock/subsys/atalk || RETVAL=1 fi } case "$1" in 'start') echo -n 'Starting AppleTalk services: ' if [ x"${ATALK_BGROUND}" = x"yes" ]; then echo -n "(backgrounded)" atalk_startup >& /dev/null & else echo atalk_startup fi echo ;; 'stop') echo 'Shutting down AppleTalk services: ' if [ x"${ATALKD_RUN}" != x"no" ]; then if [ x"${PAPD_RUN}" = x"yes" -a -x ${ATALK_SBIN}/papd ]; then echo -n " Stopping papd:" killproc papd RETVAL_PAPD=$? echo fi # checking for timelord in bin directory if [ x"${TIMELORD_RUN}" = x"yes" -a -x ${ATALK_BIN}/timelord ]; then echo -n " Stopping timelord:" killproc timelord echo fi # checking for timelord in sbin directory if [ x"${TIMELORD_RUN}" = x"yes" -a -x ${ATALK_SBIN}/timelord ]; then echo -n " Stopping timelord:" killproc timelord echo fi action " Unregistering ${ATALK_NAME}:Workstation${ATALK_ZONE}:" ${ATALK_BIN}/nbpunrgstr \"${ATALK_NAME}:Workstation${ATALK_ZONE}\" action " Unregistering ${ATALK_NAME}:netatalk${ATALK_ZONE}:" ${ATALK_BIN}/nbpunrgstr \"${ATALK_NAME}:netatalk${ATALK_ZONE}\" # kill atalkd last, since without it the plumbing goes away. if [ -x ${ATALK_SBIN}/atalkd ]; then echo -n " Stopping atalk:" killproc atalkd RETVAL_ATALKD=$? echo fi fi # kill this separately as we also do AFP/tcp if [ x"${AFPD_RUN}" = x"yes" -a -x ${ATALK_SBIN}/afpd ]; then echo -n " Stopping afpd:" killproc afpd RETVAL_AFPD=$? echo fi if [ $RETVAL_ATALKD -eq 0 -a $RETVAL_PAPD -eq 0 -a $RETVAL_AFPD -eq 0 ] ; then RETVAL=0 rm -f /var/lock/subsys/atalk || RETVAL=1 fi echo "" ;; 'restart'|'reload') $0 stop $0 start RETVAL=$? ;; 'status') status atalkd RETVAL=$? ;; *) echo "Usage: atalk {start|stop|restart|status}" exit 1 esac exit $RETVAL