# AX-ZSH: Alex' Modular ZSH Configuration # 50_completion.zshrc: Setup completion autoload -Uz compinit zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _ignored _correct _approximate zstyle ':completion:*' accept-exact '*(N)' zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors '' zstyle ':completion:*' menu select zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs true zstyle ':completion:*' group-name '' zstyle ':completion:*' squeeze-slashes true # Messages zstyle ':completion:*:corrections' format '%B%d%b (%e errors)' zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b' zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format '%B%F{yellow}%d%f%b' zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format '%B%F{red}No matches found!%f%b' # Use caching so that commands like apt and dpkg completions are useable zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR" # Manual pages zstyle ':completion:*:manuals' separate-sections true zstyle ':completion:*:manuals.*' insert-sections true # Don't complete uninteresting users zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:users' ignored-patterns \ adm amanda amavis apache arpwatch at avahi avahi-autoipd backup \ beaglidx bin bind cacti canna clamav cockpit-ws cockpit-wsinstance \ colord daapd daemon dbus distcache dnsmasq dovecot dovenull fax \ fetchmail firebird ftp games gdm gkrellmd gnats gopher hacluster \ haldaemon halt hsqldb ident irc junkbust kdm ldap libuuid libvirt-qemu \ list logcheck lp mail mailman mailnull man messagebus mldonkey mysql \ nagios named netdata netdump news nfsnobody nobody nscd ntp nut nx \ obsrun oident openvpn operator pcap polkitd postfix postgres postgrey \ privoxy proxy pvm quagga radvd rpc rpcuser rpm rslsync rtkit rwhod \ sbuild scard shutdown squid sshd statd stunnel4 svn sync sys \ systemd-coredump systemd-journal-remote systemd-network systemd-resolve \ systemd-timesync telnetd telnetd-ssl tftp thelounge usbmux uucp uuidd \ vcsa www-data wwwrun xfs xrdp zabbix \ '_*' '*$' 'debian-*' 'Debian-*' # Ignore completion functions zstyle ':completion:*:functions' ignored-patterns '_*' # Show ignore matches, if we really want this zstyle '*' single-ignored show # Save the location of the current completion dump file. if [[ -z "$ZSH_COMPDUMP" ]]; then ZSH_COMPDUMP="$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/zcompdump-${SHORT_HOST}-${ZSH_VERSION}" fi # Try to add all folders possibly containing completion functions to the fpath # before calling compinit. See # for a discussion of this topic, for example. It boils down to: # - We have to call compinit early, # - but plugins can add completions later, that won't be found ... # (GENCOMPL_FPATH is used by RobSis/zsh-completion-generator) [[ -n "$GENCOMPL_FPATH" ]] && fpath+=($GENCOMPL_FPATH) fpath+=("$AXZSH/active_plugins/"*/completions(N)) fpath+=("$AXZSH/active_plugins/"*/src(N)) # Initialize ZSH completion system compinit -d "$ZSH_COMPDUMP"