#!/usr/bin/env zsh # # AX-ZSH: Alex' Modular ZSH Configuration # Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Alexander Barton # # Embedded ax-common compatibility functions ... function ax_msg { case "$1" in "0") c="32"; ;; "1") c="33"; ;; "2") c="31"; ;; "-") c="1"; ;; *) c="0"; ;; esac shift printf "\e[${c}m%s\e[0m\n" "$@" } function ax_error { ax_msg 2 "$@" >&2 } function Version { echo "ax-zsh -- Modular configuration system for the Z shell (ZSH)" echo "Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Alexander Barton ." echo "Licensed under the terms of the MIT license, see LICENSE.md for details." echo "Homepage: " if [[ -d "$AXZSH/.git" && -n "$commands[git]" ]]; then echo -n "Version: Git ID " ( cd "$AXZSH" && git describe --always ) fi echo exit 0 } function Usage { echo "Usage: $NAME [...]" echo echo " enable" echo " Enable AX-ZSH altogether." echo " disable" echo " Disable AX-ZSH altogether." echo echo " enable-plugin [ [...]]" echo " Enable plugin(s)." echo " disable-plugin [ [...]]" echo " Disable plugin(s)." echo " list-enabled" echo " List enabled plugins." echo echo " reset-plugins" echo " Reset active plugins to the default set." echo " enable-default-plugins" echo " Enable all default plugins." echo " check-plugins" echo " Detect plugins which are \"useful\" on this system." echo echo " set-theme |-" echo " Set active theme to , or to the default." echo echo " upgrade" echo " Upgrade AX-ZSH installation (requires Git)." echo " update-caches" echo " Force rebuild of all cache files." echo exit 0 } function UpdatePluginCache { [[ -r "$AXZSH/cache" ]] || return 0 [[ "$1" = "-v" ]] && ax_msg - "Invalidating & updating caches ..." if [[ -d "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR" ]]; then [[ "$1" = "-v" ]] && echo "Removing ZSH cache folder ..." rm -fr "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR" fi [[ "$1" = "-v" ]] && echo "Removing AX-ZSH cache files ..." rm -rf \ $AXZSH/cache/ax-io.cache \ $AXZSH/cache/zlogin.cache \ $AXZSH/cache/zlogout.cache \ $AXZSH/cache/zprofile.cache \ $AXZSH/cache/zshrc.cache \ || return 1 echo "Regenerating AX-ZSH cache ..." AXZSH_PLUGIN_CHECK=1 zsh -ilc '' >/dev/null } function NormalizedPluginName { if [[ "$1" =~ "^[[:alnum:]-]+/[[:alnum:]_.-]+$" ]]; then echo "${1:gs/\//#}" elif [[ "$1" =~ "/" ]]; then echo "${1:t}" else echo "$1" fi } function EnableAXZSH { for f (~/.zlogin ~/.zlogout ~/.zprofile ~/.zshrc); do ln -s "$AXZSH/ax.zsh" "$f" \ || ax_error "Failed to create symbolic link for \"$f\"!" done } function DisableAXZSH { for f (~/.zlogin ~/.zlogout ~/.zprofile ~/.zshrc); do if [[ -h "$f" ]]; then rm "$f" || ax_msg 2 "Failed to remove \"$f\"!" elif [[ -e "$f" ]]; then ax_error "Error: Not removing \"$f\", it is not a symbolic link!" else ax_msg 1 "Warning: \"$f\" already does not exist. Ok." fi done } function EnablePlugin { local plugin=$(NormalizedPluginName "$1") local dir="$AXZSH/active_plugins" if [[ -h "$dir/$plugin" ]]; then ax_msg 1 "Plugin \"$1\" already active!" return 1 fi if [[ "$1" =~ "^[[:alnum:]-]+/[[:alnum:]_.-]+$" ]]; then # GitHub plugin mkdir -p "$AXZSH/repos" if [[ ! -e "$AXZSH/repos/$plugin" ]]; then ax_msg - "Cloning module from GitHub ..." git clone --depth=1 "https://github.com/$1.git" \ "$AXZSH/repos/$plugin" \ || ax_error "Failed to clone repository!" fi # Try to enable a theme in this "foreign module", but ignore # errors: we don't know if this module provides a theme or is # a "regular" plugin ... if SetTheme "$plugin" 2>/dev/null; then ax_msg 0 "Module \"$1\" was enabled as theme \"${plugin#*#}\"." # A theme was enabled: So assume that this is a theme # and don't enable it as plugin. return 0 fi echo "Trying to enable \"$1\" as plugin ..." elif ! [[ "$1" =~ "^[[:alnum:]_.-]+$" ]]; then ax_error "Invalid plugin name!" return 1 fi for dname ( "$plugin:A" "$AXZSH_PLUGIN_D/$plugin" "$ZSH_CUSTOM/$plugin" "$AXZSH/custom_plugins/$plugin" "$AXZSH/repos/$plugin" "$AXZSH/plugins/$plugin" "$AXZSH/default_plugins/$plugin" "$AXZSH/core/$plugin" ); do [[ ! -d "$dname" ]] && continue mkdir -p "$dir" if ! ( cd "$dir" || exit 9 ln -s "$dname" "$PWD" ); then ax_error "Failed to create link!" return 1 fi ax_msg 0 "Plugin \"$1\" enabled." return 0 done ax_error "Plugin \"$1\" not found!" return 1 } function DisablePlugin { local plugin=$(NormalizedPluginName "$1") local dir="$AXZSH/active_plugins" local r=-1 # Active theme? if [[ $(readlink "$AXZSH/active_theme") = "$AXZSH/repos/$plugin/"* ]]; then rm "$AXZSH/active_theme"; r=$? fi # Active plugin? if [[ -h "$dir/$plugin" ]]; then rm "$dir/$plugin"; r=$? fi if [[ $r -eq -1 ]]; then ax_msg 1 "Plugin \"$1\" not active, nothing to do?" r=1 fi if [[ "$plugin" = *"#"* ]]; then # Name matches a cloned repository, try to clean up! echo "Cleaning up cloned repository ..." rm -fr "$AXZSH/repos/$plugin" fi return $r } function ListEnabledPlugins { for plugin ($AXZSH/active_plugins/*(N)); do print ${plugin:t:s/#/\//} done return 0 } function ResetPlugins { local dir="$AXZSH/active_plugins" local r1=0, r2=0 if [[ -e "$dir" ]]; then ax_msg - "Removing all symbolic links in $dir ..." find "$dir" -type l -print -delete; r1=$? fi ax_msg - "Removing all external repositories in \"$AXZSH/repos\" ..." rm -fr "$AXZSH/repos"; r2=$? [[ $r1 == 0 && $r2 == 0 ]] && return 0 || return 1 } function EnableDefaultPlugins { local dir="$AXZSH/active_plugins" ax_msg - "Activating default plugins ..." mkdir -p "$dir" ( cd "$dir" || exit 9 ln -sf "$AXZSH/default_plugins/"* "$PWD" ) return $? } function SetTheme { local link_name="$AXZSH/active_theme" # --- Powerlevel10k --- # Remove "instant prompt" configuration, if any ... rm -f "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh" if [[ "$1" = "-" ]]; then rm -f "$link_name" || return 1 ax_msg 0 "Theme settings have been reset." return 0 fi if [[ -r "$1" ]]; then theme="$1" elif [[ -r "$AXZSH/custom_themes/$1.axzshtheme" ]]; then theme="$AXZSH/custom_themes/$1.axzshtheme" elif [[ -r "$AXZSH/themes/$1.axzshtheme" ]]; then theme="$AXZSH/themes/$1.axzshtheme" else # Look for theme in specific remote module: for f ( "$AXZSH/repos/$1/"*.axzshtheme(N[1]) "$AXZSH/repos/$1/"*.zsh-theme(N[1]) ); do if [[ -r "$f" ]]; then theme="$f" break fi done # Look for theme inside of installed plugins: for dname ( "$AXZSH/custom_themes" "$AXZSH/custom_plugins/"*(N) "$AXZSH/repos/"*(N) ); do if [[ -r "$dname/$1.axzshtheme" ]]; then theme="$dname/$1.axzshtheme" break elif [[ -r "$dname/$1.zsh-theme" ]]; then theme="$dname/$1.zsh-theme" break fi done if [[ -z "$theme" ]]; then ax_error "Theme \"$1\" not found!" return 1 fi fi ln -fs "$theme" "$link_name" || return 1 return $? } function UpgradeAXZSH { if [[ $+commands[git] -eq 0 ]]; then ax_error "The git(1) command is not available!" return 1 fi if [[ ! -d "$AXZSH/.git" ]]; then ax_error "AX-ZSH seems not to be installed using Git. Can't upgrade!" return 1 fi ax_msg - "Upgrading AX-ZSH in \"$AXZSH\" using git(1) ..." ( set -e cd "$AXZSH" git pull --ff-only || ax_error "Git pull failed!" git log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h %C(blue)%ar %C(green)%an %Creset%s" ORIG_HEAD.. ) } function UpgradeForeignPlugins { if [[ $+commands[git] -eq 0 ]]; then ax_error "The git(1) command is not available!" return 1 fi for dir ($AXZSH/repos/*(N)); do name=${dir:t:s/#/\//} if [[ -d "$dir/.git" ]]; then ax_msg - "Upgrading \"$name\" [git] ..." ( set -e cd "$dir" git pull --ff-only || ax_error "Git pull failed!" git log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h %C(blue)%ar %C(green)%an %Creset%s" ORIG_HEAD.. ) else ax_error "Unknown repository type!" fi done } function CheckPlugins { missing_plugins=() invalid_plugins=() # Building cache file for all zshrc core files: if ! T=$(mktemp); then ax_error "Failed to create temporary file!" return 1 fi for p in $AXZSH/core/*/*.zshrc; do [[ "$(basename "$p")" == "01_zprofile.zshrc" ]] && continue printf "# BEGIN: %s\nax_plugin_init()\n{\n" "$p" >>"$T" cat "$p" >>"$T" printf "}\nax_plugin_init\n# END: %s\n\n" "$p" >>"$T" done ax_msg - "Checking plugins ..." for dir ($AXZSH/plugins/[a-z0-9]*(N)); do plugin=${dir:t} # Test if plugin is already enabled if [[ -e "$AXZSH/active_plugins/$plugin" ]]; then printf ' \e[1;32m+\e[m "\e[1m%s\e[m" ... ' "${plugin}" enabled=1 else printf ' \e[1;31m-\e[m "%s" ... ' "${plugin}" unset enabled fi # Test plugin ... new_plugin="" for script ($AXZSH/plugins/$plugin/$plugin.{zshrc,zprofile,ax-io}); do [[ -r "$script" ]] || continue ( AXZSH_PLUGIN_CHECK=1 source "$T" ax_plugin_fnc() { source "$script" } ax_plugin_fnc ); r=$? [[ $r -eq 0 ]] && new_plugin=$plugin break done if [[ -n "$new_plugin" ]]; then detected_plugins+=($new_plugin) [[ -n "$enabled" ]] || missing_plugins+=($new_plugin) ax_msg 0 "OK." elif [[ $r -eq 91 ]]; then ax_msg 1 "ignored." elif [[ $r -eq 92 ]]; then ax_msg 1 "optional." else [[ -n "$enabled" ]] && invalid_plugins+=($plugin) ax_msg 2 "failed ($r)." fi done rm -f "$T" echo result=0 if [[ -n "$missing_plugins" ]]; then ax_msg 1 "Run the following command to enable all missing plugins:" echo "$AXZSH/bin/axzshctl enable-plugin" $missing_plugins echo result=1 else ax_msg 0 "All detected plugins are already enabled." fi if [[ -n "$invalid_plugins" ]]; then ax_msg 1 "Run the following command to disable all failed plugins:" echo "$AXZSH/bin/axzshctl disable-plugin" $invalid_plugins result=1 else ax_msg 0 "No failed plugins are enabled." fi echo return $result } NAME="$0:t" [[ $# -gt 0 ]] || Usage if [[ -z "$AXZSH" || ! -r "$AXZSH/ax.zsh" ]]; then [[ -r "$HOME/.axzsh/ax.zsh" ]] && AXZSH="$HOME/.axzsh" if [[ ! -r "$AXZSH/ax.zsh" ]]; then ax_error "Oops, \"AXZSH\" is not set or invalid and can't be autodetected!" exit 3 fi fi cmd="$1" shift case "$cmd" in "enable") [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || Usage EnableAXZSH ;; "disable") [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || Usage DisableAXZSH ;; "enable-plugin") [[ $# -gt 0 ]] || Usage for plugin in "$@"; do EnablePlugin "$plugin" done UpdatePluginCache ;; "disable-plugin") [[ $# -gt 0 ]] || Usage for plugin in "$@"; do DisablePlugin "$plugin" done UpdatePluginCache ;; "list-enabled") [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || Usage ListEnabledPlugins ;; "reset-plugins") [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || Usage ResetPlugins EnableDefaultPlugins UpdatePluginCache ;; "enable-default-plugins") [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || Usage EnableDefaultPlugins && UpdatePluginCache ;; "check-plugins") [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || Usage CheckPlugins ;; "set-theme") [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || Usage SetTheme "$1" ;; "upgrade") [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || Usage UpgradeAXZSH UpgradeForeignPlugins UpdatePluginCache ;; "update-caches") [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || Usage UpdatePluginCache -v ;; "--version"|"version") Version >&2 ;; "--help"|"help") Usage >&2 ;; *) ax_error "Invalid command \"$cmd\"!" ax_error "Try \"$0 --help\" for more information." exit 2 esac