]> arthur.barton.de Git - netatalk.git/blob - doc/www/netatalk-relnotes.conf
macusers showed root user. Bug #495.
[netatalk.git] / doc / www / netatalk-relnotes.conf
1 #\r
2 # netatalk.conf\r
3 #\r
4 # Asciidoc global configuration file.\r
5 # css backend, generates XHTML 1.0 conformant markup.\r
6 #\r
7 # Included in css-embedded.conf\r
8 #\r
9 \r
10 # Start with the html backend configuration.\r
11 # include::html.conf[]\r
12 \r
13 [titles]\r
14 underlines="--","==","~~","^^","++"\r
15 \r
16 [glossary]\r
17 basebackend=css\r
18 basebackend-css=\r
19 basebackend-html\r
20 dtddecl=PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"\r
21 \r
22 [tags]\r
23 # Add title class.\r
24 ilist={title?<p class="listtitle"><b>{title}</b></p>}<ul>|</ul>\r
25 olist={title?<p class="listtitle"><b>{title}</b></p>}<ol>|</ol>\r
26 vlist={title?<p class="listtitle"><b>{title}</b></p>}<dl>|</dl>\r
27 qlist={title?<p class="listtitle"><b>{title}</b></p>}<ol>|</ol>\r
28 \r
29 [under-construction-blockmacro]\r
30 <p class="under-construction">\r
31 This page is currently under construction.<br/>\r
32 Please return soon.\r
33 </p>\r
34 \r
35 [image-inlinemacro]\r
36 <a class="imagelink" href="{link}">\r
37 # border="0" so broken IE6 does not put border round linked image.\r
38   <img src="{target}" alt="{1={target}}"{1? title="{1}"}{width? width="{width}"}{height? height="{height}"} border="0"/>\r
39 {link#}</a>\r
40 \r
41 [image-blockmacro]\r
42 <div class="image">\r
43   <p>{link?<a class="imagelink" href="{link}">}\r
44 # border="0" so broken IE6 does not put border round linked image.\r
45     <img src="{target}" alt="{1={target}}"{1? title="{1}"}{width? width="{width}"}{height? height="{height}"} border="0"/>\r
46   {link?</a>}</p>\r
47   <p class="imagetitle"><b>Figure:</b> {title}</p>\r
48 </div>\r
49 \r
51 [graphic]\r
52 <div class="graphic">\r
53   <p><img src="{target}" alt="{caption={target}}"/></p>\r
54   <p class="graphictitle"><b>Figure:</b> {title}</p>\r
55 </div>\r
56 \r
57 # Paragraph substitution.\r
58 [indentedparagraph]\r
59 <p class="blocktitle"><b>Example:</b> {title}</p>\r
60 #<div class="indentedparagraph"><pre>|</pre></div>\r
61 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="|">|</a>\r
62 \r
63 # Delimited block substitution.\r
64 [indentedblock]\r
65 <p class="blocktitle"><b>Example:</b> {title}</p>\r
66 <div class="indentedblock"><pre>\r
67 |\r
68 </pre></div>\r
69 \r
70 [verbatimblock]\r
71 <p class="blocktitle"><b>Example:</b> {title}</p>\r
72 <div class="verbatimblock"><pre>\r
73 |\r
74 </pre></div>\r
75 \r
76 [sidebarblock]\r
77 <div class="sidebarblock">\r
78 <p class="sidebartitle">{title}</p>\r
79 |\r
80 </div>\r
81 \r
82 [customblock]\r
83 |\r
84 \r
85 [table]\r
86 # Table captions not used because IE6 is broken.\r
87 <p class="tabletitle"><b>Table:</b> {title}</p>\r
88 # If you want styled table borders in IE use the following table tag:\r
89 # 1. Border style specified here rather than in CSS because IE6 is broken.\r
90 # 2. bordercolor attribute is IE specific and not valid XHTML 1.0.\r
91 #<table rules="groups" border="2" bordercolor="green" frame="hsides"\r
92 #       cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">\r
93 #\r
94 # Use this in preference to be strictly XHTML 1.0 conformant.\r
95 <table rules="groups" frame="{noborders?void}{noborders!hsides}" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">\r
96 {headrows#}<thead{noborders? style="border-width: 0;"}>\r
97 {headrows}\r
98 {headrows#}</thead>\r
99 {footrows#}<tfoot{noborders? style="border-width: 0;"}>\r
100 {footrows}\r
101 {footrows#}</tfoot>\r
102 <tbody{noborders? style="border-width: 0;"}>\r
103 {bodyrows}\r
104 </tbody>\r
105 </table>\r
106 \r
107 #-------------------------\r
108 # article and book document types\r
109 # Both use the article.css stylesheet\r
110 #-------------------------\r
111 ifndef::doctype-manpage[]\r
112 \r
113 [header]\r
114 <!DOCTYPE html {dtddecl}>\r
115 <html>\r
116 <head>\r
117 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />\r
118 <meta name="description" content="Netatalk - Unix file and print services for Apple clients" />\r
119 <meta name="keywords" content="Netatalk, AFP, AFP Server, File Server, PAP, Print Server, Appletalk, Mac, OSX, OS X, OS9, OS 9" />\r
120 <meta name="language" content="EN" />\r
121 <meta name="publisher" content="netatalk.sourceforge.net" />\r
122 <meta name="robots" content="Follow" />\r
123 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" charset="iso-8859-1" href="/css/site.css" />\r
124 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" charset="iso-8859-1" href="/css/printer.css" media="print" />\r
125 <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" charset="iso-8859-1" href="/css/printer.css" title="Printer" />\r
126 <link rel="copyright" title="GNU General Public License" href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt" />\r
127 <link rel="author" title="The Netatalk Development Team" href="http://netatalk.sf.net" />\r
128 <link rel="home" href="index.php" title="Netatalk Home" />\r
129 <link rel="home" href="http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/netatalk" title="Netatalk Sourceforge" />\r
130 <link rel="bookmark" href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8642" title="Downloads" />\r
131 \r
132 <title>Netatalk Release Notes</title>\r
133 </head>\r
134 <body>\r
135 <div id="header">\r
136 <div id="logo"></div>\r
137 <div id="menlinks">\r
138         <a href="/" title="Return to Netatalk home">[main]</a>\r
139         <a href="https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/netatalk/index.php?title=Main_Page" title="Netatalk Wiki">[wiki]</a>\r
140         <a href="/3.0/htmldocs" title="Netatalk Manual">[documentation]</a>\r
141         <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8642" title="Download Netatalk from sourceforge">[downloads]</a>\r
142         <a href="/support.php" title="Support">[support]</a>\r
143         <a href="/links.php" title="Netatalk related links">[links]</a>\r
144         <img src="/gfx/end.gif" alt="" width="125" height="7" />\r
145 </div>\r
146 </div>\r
147 <div id="header-print">\r
148 <h1>netatalk.sourceforge.net</h1>\r
149 </div>\r
150 <div class="search">\r
151 <h4> search netatalk.sf.net</h4>\r
152 <form method="get" action="http://www.google.com/search">\r
153 <p>\r
154 <input type="text" name="q" size="10" maxlength="255" value="" />\r
155 <input type="hidden" name="hl" value="de" />\r
156 <input type="hidden" name="sitesearch" value="netatalk.sourceforge.net" />\r
157 <input type="submit" name="btnG" value="Go" />\r
158 </p>\r
159 </form>\r
160 <span class="italic">powered by Google</span>\r
161 </div>\r
162 <div id="content">\r
163 <h1>{doctitle}</h1>\r
164 \r
165 [footer]\r
166 </div>\r
167 <div class="footer">\r
168 <span class="italic">webspace sponsored by</span><br />\r
169 <!-- use a table for now -->\r
170 <table>\r
171 <tr>\r
172 <td><a href="http://www.sf.net"><img src="http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=8642&amp;type=1" style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px" width="88" height="31" alt="SourceForge.net Logo" /></a></td>\r
173 <td><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" /></a></td>\r
174 <td><a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/"><img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px" src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss" alt="Valid CSS!" /></a></td>\r
175 </tr>\r
176 </table>\r
177 </div>\r
178 </body>\r
179 </html>\r
180 \r
181 [preamble]\r
182 # Untitled elements between header and first section title.\r
183 <div id="body">\r
184 |\r
185 </div>\r
186 \r
187 [sect0]\r
188 <h2 class="sect0">{1?<a name="{1}"></a>}{title}</h2>\r
189 |\r
190 \r
191 [sect1]\r
192 <h2>{1?<a name="{1}"></a>}{section-numbers?{sectnum} }{title}</h2>\r
193 |\r
194 \r
195 [sect2]\r
196 <h3>{1?<a name="{1}"></a>}{section-numbers?{sectnum} }{title}</h3>\r
197 |\r
198 \r
199 [sect3]\r
200 <h4>{1?<a name="{1}"></a>}{section-numbers?{sectnum} }{title}</h4>\r
201 |\r
202 \r
203 [sect4]\r
204 <h5>{1?<a name="{1}"></a>}{title}</h5>\r
205 |\r
206 \r
207 endif::doctype-manpage[]\r
208 \r
209 #-------------------------\r
210 # manpage document type\r
211 #-------------------------\r
212 ifdef::doctype-manpage[]\r
213 \r
214 [header]\r
215 <!DOCTYPE html {dtddecl}>\r
216 <html>\r
217 <head>\r
218 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />\r
219 <meta name="generator" content="AsciiDoc {asciidoc-version}" />\r
220 <meta name="author" content="{author}" />\r
221 <meta name="author-email" content="{email}" />\r
222 <link rel="stylesheet" href="manpage.css" type="text/css" />\r
223 <title>{mantitle}</title>\r
224 </head>\r
225 <body>\r
226 <div id="content">\r
227 <h1>{doctitle} Manual Page</h1>\r
228 <h2>NAME</h2>\r
229 <p>{manname} -\r
230    {manpurpose}\r
231 </p>\r
232 \r
233 [footer]\r
234 <div id="footer">\r
235 <p>\r
236 Version {revision}<br/>\r
237 Last updated {localdate} {localtime}\r
238 </p>\r
239 <p><span class="ahem">This document might look funny (or very plain) to you, since you're not using a browser which (correctly) supports CSS.</span></p>\r
240 <div id="badges">\r
241 <table border="0" cellpadding="8" summary="Badges">\r
242 <tr>\r
243 <td><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer"><img\r
244 # Source badge locally.\r
245 #src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10"\r
246 src="valid-xhtml10.png"\r
247 alt="Valid XHTML 1.0" height="31" width="88" /></a></td>\r
248 \r
249 <td><a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/"> <img border="0"\r
250 # Source badge locally.\r
251 #src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss"\r
252 src="vcss.png"\r
253 alt="Valid CSS" width="88" height="31" /></a></td>\r
254 </tr>\r
255 </table>\r
256 </div>\r
257 </div>\r
258 </div>\r
259 </body>\r
260 </html>\r
261 \r
262 # Section macros\r
263 [sect-synopsis]\r
264 <div id="synopsis">\r
265 <h2>SYNOPSIS</h2>\r
266 |\r
267 </div>\r
268 \r
269 [sect1]\r
270 <h2>{1?<a name="{1}"></a>}{title}</h2>\r
271 |\r
272 \r
273 [sect2]\r
274 <h3>{1?<a name="{1}"></a>}{title}</h3>\r
275 |\r
276 \r
277 [sect3]\r
278 <h4>{1?<a name="{1}"></a>}{title}</h4>\r
279 |\r
280 \r
281 [sect4]\r
282 <h5>{1?<a name="{1}"></a>}{title}</h5>\r
283 |\r
284 \r
285 endif::doctype-manpage[]\r