spawn telnet localhost 6789 expect { timeout { exit 1 } "Connected" } send "nick nick\r" send "user user . . :User\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "376" } send "privmsg nick :test\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "@* PRIVMSG nick :test" } send "privmsg nick\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "412" } send "privmsg\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "411" } send "privmsg nick,nick :test\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "@* PRIVMSG nick :test\r*@* PRIVMSG nick :test" } send "privmsg nick,#testChannel,nick :test\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "@* PRIVMSG nick :test\r*401*@* PRIVMSG nick :test" } send "privmsg doesnotexist :test\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "401" } send "privmsg ~user@ngircd.test.server :test\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "@* PRIVMSG nick :test" } # The following two tests using "localhost" as host name # had to be disabled, because there are operating systems # out there, that use "localhost." as host name # for instead of just "localhost". # (for example OpenBSD 4, OpenSolaris, ...) # #send "privmsg ~user\%localhost :test\r" #expect { # timeout { exit 1 } # "@* PRIVMSG nick :test" #} # #send "privmsg nick!~user@localhost :test\r" #expect { # timeout { exit 1 } # "@* PRIVMSG nick :test" # "401" #} send "away :away\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "306" } send "privmsg nick :test\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "301" } send "away\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "305" } send "privmsg \$ngircd.test.server :test\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "481" } send "privmsg #*.de :test\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "481" } send "oper TestOp 123\r" send "privmsg \$ngircd.test.server :test\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "@* PRIVMSG nick :test" } send "privmsg \$*.test*.server :test\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "@* PRIVMSG nick :test" } send "privmsg \$noDotServer :test\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "401" } #cannot test host mask since localhost has no '.' as RFC requires send "quit\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } "Connection closed" } # -eof-