alarm: 1hour_ecc_memory_correctable on: mem.ecc_ce lookup: sum -10m unaligned units: errors every: 1m warn: $this > 0 delay: down 1h multiplier 1.5 max 1h info: number of ECC correctable errors during the last hour to: sysadmin alarm: 1hour_ecc_memory_uncorrectable on: mem.ecc_ue lookup: sum -10m unaligned units: errors every: 1m crit: $this > 0 delay: down 1h multiplier 1.5 max 1h info: number of ECC uncorrectable errors during the last hour to: sysadmin alarm: 1hour_memory_hw_corrupted on: mem.hwcorrupt calc: $HardwareCorrupted units: MB every: 10s warn: $this > 0 delay: down 1h multiplier 1.5 max 1h info: amount of memory corrupted due to a hardware failure to: sysadmin