dnl Kitchen sink for configuration macros dnl Check for docbook AC_DEFUN(AX_CHECK_DOCBOOK, [ # It's just rude to go over the net to build XSLTPROC_FLAGS=--nonet DOCBOOK_ROOT= XSLTPROC_WORKS=no AC_ARG_WITH(docbook, AS_HELP_STRING( [--with-docbook], [Path to Docbook XSL directory] ), [DOCBOOK_ROOT=$withval] ) if test -n "$DOCBOOK_ROOT" ; then AC_CHECK_PROG(XSLTPROC,xsltproc,xsltproc,) if test -n "$XSLTPROC"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether xsltproc works]) DB_FILE="$DOCBOOK_ROOT/html/docbook.xsl" $XSLTPROC $XSLTPROC_FLAGS $DB_FILE >/dev/null 2>&1 << END END if test "$?" = 0; then XSLTPROC_WORKS=yes fi AC_MSG_RESULT($XSLTPROC_WORKS) fi fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build Docbook documentation]) AC_MSG_RESULT($XSLTPROC_WORKS) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_XSLTPROC, test x"$XSLTPROC_WORKS" = x"yes") AC_SUBST(XSLTPROC_FLAGS) AC_SUBST(DOCBOOK_ROOT) AC_SUBST(XSLTPROC) ]) dnl Check for dtrace AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_DTRACE], [ AC_ARG_WITH(dtrace, AS_HELP_STRING( [--with-dtrace], [Enable dtrace probes (default: enabled if dtrace found)] ), [WDTRACE=$withval], [WDTRACE=auto] ) if test "x$WDTRACE" = "xyes" -o "x$WDTRACE" = "xauto" ; then AC_CHECK_PROG([atalk_cv_have_dtrace], [dtrace], [yes], [no]) if test "x$atalk_cv_have_dtrace" = "xno" ; then if test "x$WDTRACE" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([dtrace requested but not found]) fi WDTRACE="no" else WDTRACE="yes" fi fi if test x"$WDTRACE" = x"yes" ; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_DTRACE], [1], [dtrace probes]) DTRACE_LIBS="" if test x"$this_os" = x"freebsd" ; then DTRACE_LIBS="-lelf" fi AC_SUBST(DTRACE_LIBS) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_DTRACE, test "x$WDTRACE" = "xyes") ]) dnl Check for dbus-glib, for AFP stats AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_DBUS_GLIB], [ atalk_cv_with_dbus=no AC_ARG_WITH(afpstats, AS_HELP_STRING( [--with-afpstats], [Enable AFP statistics via dbus (default: enabled if dbus found)] ),,[withval=auto] ) if test x"$withval" != x"no" ; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DBUS, dbus-1 >= 1.1, have_dbus=yes, have_dbus=no) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DBUS_GLIB, dbus-glib-1, have_dbus_glib=yes, have_dbus_glib=no) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DBUS_GTHREAD, gthread-2.0, have_dbus_gthread=yes, have_dbus_gthread=no) if test x$have_dbus_glib = xyes -a x$have_dbus = xyes -a x$have_dbus_gthread = xyes ; then saved_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS saved_LIBS=$LIBS CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $DBUS_GLIB_CFLAGS" LIBS="$LIBS $DBUS_GLIB_LIBS" AC_CHECK_FUNC([dbus_g_bus_get_private], [atalk_cv_with_dbus=yes], [atalk_cv_with_dbus=no]) CFLAGS="$saved_CFLAGS" LIBS="$saved_LIBS" fi fi if test x"$withval" = x"yes" -a x"$atalk_cv_with_dbus" = x"no"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([afpstats requested but dbus-glib not found]) fi AC_ARG_WITH( dbus-sysconf-dir, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-dbus-sysconf-dir=PATH],[Path to dbus system bus security configuration directory (default: ${sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/)])], ac_cv_dbus_sysdir=$withval, ac_cv_dbus_sysdir='${sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d' ) DBUS_SYS_DIR="" if test x$atalk_cv_with_dbus = xyes ; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DBUS_GLIB, 1, [Define if support for dbus-glib was found]) DBUS_SYS_DIR="$ac_cv_dbus_sysdir" fi AC_SUBST(DBUS_SYS_DIR) AC_SUBST(DBUS_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(DBUS_LIBS) AC_SUBST(DBUS_GLIB_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(DBUS_GLIB_LIBS) AC_SUBST(DBUS_GTHREAD_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(DBUS_GTHREAD_LIBS) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_DBUS_GLIB, test x$atalk_cv_with_dbus = xyes) ]) dnl Whether to enable developer build AC_DEFUN([AC_DEVELOPER], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable developer build]) AC_ARG_ENABLE( developer, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-developer], [whether to enable developer build (ABI checking)]), enable_dev=$enableval, enable_dev=no ) AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_dev]) AM_CONDITIONAL(DEVELOPER, test x"$enable_dev" = x"yes") ]) dnl Tracker, for Spotlight AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_SPOTLIGHT], [ ac_cv_have_tracker=no ac_cv_tracker_pkg_version_default=0.12 ac_cv_tracker_pkg_version_min=0.12 dnl Tracker SPARQL AC_ARG_WITH([tracker-pkgconfig-version], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-tracker-pkgconfig-version=VERSION],[Version suffix of the Tracker SPARQL and tracker-miner pkg in pkg-config (default: 0.12)])], [ac_cv_tracker_pkg_version=$withval], [ac_cv_tracker_pkg_version=$ac_cv_tracker_pkg_default] ) AC_ARG_WITH([tracker-prefix], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-tracker-prefix=PATH],[Prefix of Tracker installation (default: none)])], [ac_cv_tracker_prefix=$withval], [ac_cv_tracker_prefix="`pkg-config --variable=prefix tracker-sparql-$ac_cv_tracker_pkg_version`"] ) AC_ARG_VAR([PKG_CONFIG_PATH], [Path to additional pkg-config packages]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([TRACKER], [tracker-sparql-$ac_cv_tracker_pkg_version >= $ac_cv_tracker_pkg_version_min], [ac_cv_have_tracker_sparql=yes], [ac_cv_have_tracker_sparql=no]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([TRACKER_MINER], [tracker-miner-$ac_cv_tracker_pkg_version >= $ac_cv_tracker_pkg_version_min], [ac_cv_have_tracker_miner=yes], [ac_cv_have_tracker_miner=no]) if test x"$ac_cv_have_tracker_sparql" = x"no" -o x"$ac_cv_have_tracker_miner" = x"no" ; then if test x"$need_tracker_sparql" = x"yes" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([$ac_cv_tracker_pkg not found]) fi else AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TRACKER, 1, [Define if Tracker is available]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TRACKER_SPARQL, 1, [Define if Tracker SPARQL is available]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TRACKER_MINER, 1, [Define if Tracker miner library is available]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(TRACKER_PREFIX, ["$ac_cv_tracker_prefix"], [Path to Tracker]) AC_DEFINE([DBUS_DAEMON_PATH], ["/bin/dbus-daemon"], [Path to dbus-daemon]) ac_cv_tracker_type="(SPARQL)" fi dnl Test for Tracker 0.6 on Solaris and derived platforms, and FreeBSD if test x"$ac_cv_have_tracker_sparql" != x"yes" ; then if test x"$this_os" = x"solaris" -o x"$this_os" = x"freebsd" ; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES([TRACKER], [tracker >= 0.6], [ac_cv_have_tracker_rdf=yes], [ac_cv_have_tracker_rdf=no]) if test x"$ac_cv_have_tracker_rdf" = x"yes" ; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TRACKER, 1, [Define if Tracker is available]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TRACKER_RDF, 1, [Define if Tracker 0.6 with support for RDF queries is available]) ac_cv_tracker_type="(RDF)" case "$this_os" in *solaris*) AC_DEFINE([DBUS_DAEMON_PATH], ["/usr/lib/dbus-daemon"], [Path to dbus-daemon]) AC_DEFINE([TRACKERD_PATH], ["/bin/trackerd"], [Path to trackerd]) ;; *freebsd*) AC_DEFINE([DBUS_DAEMON_PATH], ["/usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon"], [Path to dbus-daemon]) AC_DEFINE([TRACKERD_PATH], ["/usr/local/libexec/trackerd"], [Path to trackerd]) ;; esac fi fi fi if test x"$ac_cv_have_tracker_sparql" = x"yes" -o x"$ac_cv_have_tracker_rdf" = x"yes" ; then ac_cv_have_tracker=yes fi AC_SUBST(TRACKER_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(TRACKER_LIBS) AC_SUBST(TRACKER_MINER_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(TRACKER_MINER_LIBS) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_TRACKER_SPARQL, [test x"$ac_cv_have_tracker_sparql" = x"yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_TRACKER_RDF, [test x"$ac_cv_have_tracker_rdf" = x"yes"]) ]) dnl Whether to disable bundled libevent AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_LIBEVENT], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use bundled libevent]) AC_ARG_WITH( libevent, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-libevent],[whether to use the bundled libevent (default: yes)])], use_bundled_libevent=$withval, use_bundled_libevent=yes ) AC_ARG_WITH( libevent-header, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-libevent-header],[path to libevent header files])], [use_bundled_libevent=no; LIBEVENT_CFLAGS=-I$withval] ) AC_ARG_WITH( libevent-lib, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-libevent-lib],[path to libevent library])], [use_bundled_libevent=no; LIBEVENT_LDFLAGS=-L$withval] ) if test x"$LIBEVENT_CFLAGS" = x"-Iyes" -o x"$LIBEVENT_LDFLAGS" = x"-Lyes" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-libevent requires a path]) fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$use_bundled_libevent]) if test x"$use_bundled_libevent" = x"yes" ; then AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([libevent]) fi AC_SUBST(LIBEVENT_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(LIBEVENT_LDFLAGS) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_BUILTIN_LIBEVENT, test x"$use_bundled_libevent" = x"yes") ]) dnl Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) compatibility AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_FHS], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) compatibility]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(fhs, [ --enable-fhs use Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) compatibility],[ if test "$enableval" = "yes"; then bindir="/bin" sbindir="/sbin" sysconfdir="/etc" libdir="/lib" localstatedir="/var" mandir="/usr/share/man" uams_path="${libdir}/netatalk" PKGCONFDIR="${sysconfdir}" SERVERTEXT="${localstatedir}/netatalk/msg" use_pam_so=yes AC_DEFINE(FHS_COMPATIBILITY, 1, [Define if you want compatibily with the FHS]) AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) atalk_cv_fhs_compat=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) atalk_cv_fhs_compat=no fi ],[ AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) atalk_cv_fhs_compat=no ])]) dnl netatalk lockfile path AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_LOCKFILE], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([netatalk lockfile path]) AC_ARG_WITH( lockfile, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-lockfile=PATH],[Path of netatalk lockfile])], ac_cv_netatalk_lock=$withval, ac_cv_netatalk_lock="" ) if test -z "$ac_cv_netatalk_lock" ; then ac_cv_netatalk_lock=/var/spool/locks/netatalk if test x"$atalk_cv_fhs_compat" = x"yes" ; then ac_cv_netatalk_lock=/var/run/netatalk.pid else case "$host_os" in *freebsd*) ac_cv_netatalk_lock=/var/spool/lock/netatalk ;; *netbsd*|*openbsd*) ac_cv_netatalk_lock=/var/run/netatalk.pid ;; *linux*) ac_cv_netatalk_lock=/var/lock/netatalk ;; esac fi fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_NETATALK_LOCK, ["$ac_cv_netatalk_lock"], [netatalk lockfile path]) AC_SUBST(PATH_NETATALK_LOCK, ["$ac_cv_netatalk_lock"]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_netatalk_lock]) ]) dnl 64bit platform check AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_64BIT_LIBS], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to check for 64bit libraries]) # Test if the compiler is in 64bit mode echo 'int i;' > conftest.$ac_ext atalk_cv_cc_64bit_output=no if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile); then case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in *"ELF 64"*) atalk_cv_cc_64bit_output=yes ;; esac fi rm -rf conftest* case $host_cpu:$atalk_cv_cc_64bit_output in powerpc64:yes | s390x:yes | sparc*:yes | x86_64:yes | i386:yes) case $target_os in solaris2*) AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) atalk_libname="lib/64" ;; *bsd* | dragonfly*) AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) atalk_libname="lib" ;; *) AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) atalk_libname="lib64" ;; esac ;; *:*) AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) atalk_libname="lib" ;; esac ]) dnl Check for optional admin group support AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_ADMIN_GROUP], [ netatalk_cv_admin_group=yes AC_MSG_CHECKING([for administrative group support]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(admin-group, [ --disable-admin-group disable admin group],[ if test x"$enableval" = x"no"; then AC_DEFINE(ADMIN_GRP, 0, [Define if the admin group should be enabled]) netatalk_cv_admin_group=no AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) else AC_DEFINE(ADMIN_GRP, 1, [Define if the admin group should be enabled]) AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fi],[ AC_DEFINE(ADMIN_GRP, 1, [Define if the admin group should be enabled]) AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) ]) ]) dnl Check for optional cracklib support AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_CRACKLIB], [ netatalk_cv_with_cracklib=no AC_ARG_WITH(cracklib, [ --with-cracklib[[=DICT]] enable/set location of cracklib dictionary [[no]]],[ if test "x$withval" != "xno" ; then cracklib="$withval" AC_CHECK_LIB(crack, main, [ AC_DEFINE(USE_CRACKLIB, 1, [Define if cracklib should be used]) LIBS="$LIBS -lcrack" if test "$cracklib" = "yes"; then cracklib="/usr/$atalk_libname/cracklib_dict" fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(_PATH_CRACKLIB, "$cracklib", [path to cracklib dictionary]) AC_MSG_RESULT([setting cracklib dictionary to $cracklib]) netatalk_cv_with_cracklib=yes ],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([cracklib not found!]) ] ) fi ] ) AC_MSG_CHECKING([for cracklib support]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$netatalk_cv_with_cracklib]) ]) dnl Check whether to enable debug code AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_DEBUG], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable verbose debug code]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, [ --enable-debug enable verbose debug code],[ if test "$enableval" != "no"; then if test "$enableval" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(DEBUG, 1, [Define if verbose debugging information should be included]) else AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DEBUG, $enableval, [Define if verbose debugging information should be included]) fi AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) AC_DEFINE(NDEBUG, 1, [Disable assertions]) fi ],[ AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) AC_DEFINE(NDEBUG, 1, [Disable assertions]) ] ) ]) dnl Check whethe to disable tickle SIGALARM stuff, which eases debugging AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_DEBUGGING], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable debugging with debuggers]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(debugging, [ --enable-debugging disable SIGALRM timers and DSI tickles (eg for debugging with gdb/dbx/...)],[ if test "$enableval" != "no"; then if test "$enableval" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(DEBUGGING, 1, [Define if you want to disable SIGALRM timers and DSI tickles]) else AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DEBUGGING, $enableval, [Define if you want to disable SIGALRM timers and DSI tickles]) fi AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi ],[ AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) ] ) ]) dnl Check for optional shadow password support AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_SHADOW], [ netatalk_cv_use_shadowpw=no AC_ARG_WITH(shadow, [ --with-shadow enable shadow password support [[auto]]], [netatalk_cv_use_shadowpw="$withval"], [netatalk_cv_use_shadowpw=auto] ) if test "x$netatalk_cv_use_shadowpw" != "xno"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER([shadow.h]) if test x"$ac_cv_header_shadow_h" = x"yes"; then netatalk_cv_use_shadowpw=yes AC_DEFINE(SHADOWPW, 1, [Define if shadow passwords should be used]) else if test "x$shadowpw" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([shadow support not available]) else netatalk_cv_use_shadowpw=no fi fi fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether shadow support should be enabled]) if test "x$netatalk_cv_use_shadowpw" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi ]) dnl Check for optional valid-shell-check support AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_SHELL_CHECK], [ netatalk_cv_use_shellcheck=yes AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether checking for a valid shell should be enabled]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(shell-check, [ --disable-shell-check disable checking for a valid shell],[ if test "$enableval" = "no"; then AC_DEFINE(DISABLE_SHELLCHECK, 1, [Define if shell check should be disabled]) AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) netatalk_cv_use_shellcheck=no else AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fi ],[ AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) ] ) ]) dnl Check for optional initscript install AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_INIT_STYLE], [ AC_ARG_WITH(init-style, [ --with-init-style use OS specific init config [[redhat-sysv|redhat-systemd|suse-sysv|suse-systemd|gentoo|netbsd|debian|solaris|systemd]]], init_style="$withval", init_style=none ) case "$init_style" in "redhat") AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-init-style=redhat is obsoleted. Use redhat-sysv or redhat-systemd.]) ;; "redhat-sysv") AC_MSG_RESULT([enabling redhat-style sysv initscript support]) ac_cv_init_dir="/etc/rc.d/init.d" ;; "redhat-systemd") AC_MSG_RESULT([enabling redhat-style systemd support]) ac_cv_init_dir="/lib/systemd/system" ;; "suse") AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-init-style=suse is obsoleted. Use suse-sysv or suse-systemd.]) ;; "suse-sysv") AC_MSG_RESULT([enabling suse-style sysv initscript support]) ac_cv_init_dir="/etc/init.d" ;; "suse-systemd") AC_MSG_RESULT([enabling suse-style systemd support (>=openSUSE12.1)]) ac_cv_init_dir="/lib/systemd/system" ;; "gentoo") AC_MSG_RESULT([enabling gentoo-style initscript support]) ac_cv_init_dir="/etc/init.d" ;; "netbsd") AC_MSG_RESULT([enabling netbsd-style initscript support]) ac_cv_init_dir="/etc/rc.d" ;; "debian") AC_MSG_RESULT([enabling debian-style initscript support]) ac_cv_init_dir="/etc/init.d" ;; "solaris") AC_MSG_RESULT([enabling solaris-style SMF support]) ac_cv_init_dir="/lib/svc/manifest/network/" ;; "systemd") AC_MSG_RESULT([enabling general systemd support]) ac_cv_init_dir="/lib/systemd/system" ;; "none") AC_MSG_RESULT([disabling init-style support]) ac_cv_init_dir="none" ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([illegal init-style]) ;; esac AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_NETBSD, test x$init_style = xnetbsd) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_REDHAT_SYSV, test x$init_style = xredhat-sysv) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SUSE_SYSV, test x$init_style = xsuse-sysv) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SOLARIS, test x$init_style = xsolaris) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_GENTOO, test x$init_style = xgentoo) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_DEBIAN, test x$init_style = xdebian) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SYSTEMD, test x$init_style = xsystemd || test x$init_style = xredhat-systemd || test x$init_style = xsuse-systemd) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_UNDEF, test x$init_style = xnone) AC_ARG_WITH(init-dir, [ --with-init-dir=PATH path to OS specific init directory], ac_cv_init_dir="$withval", ac_cv_init_dir="$ac_cv_init_dir" ) INIT_DIR="$ac_cv_init_dir" AC_SUBST(INIT_DIR, ["$ac_cv_init_dir"]) ]) dnl OS specific configuration AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_OS_SPECIFIC], [ case "$host_os" in *aix*) this_os=aix ;; *freebsd*) this_os=freebsd ;; *hpux11*) this_os=hpux11 ;; *irix*) this_os=irix ;; *linux*) this_os=linux ;; *osx*) this_os=macosx ;; *darwin*) this_os=macosx ;; *netbsd*) this_os=netbsd ;; *openbsd*) this_os=openbsd ;; *osf*) this_os=tru64 ;; *solaris*) this_os=solaris ;; esac case "$host_cpu" in i386|i486|i586|i686|k7) this_cpu=x86 ;; alpha) this_cpu=alpha ;; mips) this_cpu=mips ;; powerpc|ppc) this_cpu=ppc ;; esac dnl --------------------- GNU source case "$this_os" in linux) AC_DEFINE(_GNU_SOURCE, 1, [Whether to use GNU libc extensions]) ;; kfreebsd-gnu) AC_DEFINE(_GNU_SOURCE, 1, [Whether to use GNU libc extensions]) ;; esac dnl --------------------- operating system specific flags (port from sys/*) dnl ----- FreeBSD specific ----- if test x"$this_os" = "xfreebsd"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([ * FreeBSD specific configuration]) AC_DEFINE(BSD4_4, 1, [BSD compatiblity macro]) AC_DEFINE(FREEBSD, 1, [Define if OS is FreeBSD]) AC_DEFINE(OPEN_NOFOLLOW_ERRNO, EMLINK, errno returned by open with O_NOFOLLOW) fi dnl ----- GNU/kFreeBSD specific ----- if test x"$this_os" = "xkfreebsd-gnu"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([ * GNU/kFreeBSD specific configuration]) AC_DEFINE(BSD4_4, 1, [BSD compatiblity macro]) AC_DEFINE(FREEBSD, 1, [Define if OS is FreeBSD]) AC_DEFINE(OPEN_NOFOLLOW_ERRNO, EMLINK, errno returned by open with O_NOFOLLOW) fi dnl ----- Linux specific ----- if test x"$this_os" = "xlinux"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([ * Linux specific configuration]) AC_DEFINE(LINUX, 1, [OS is Linux]) dnl ----- check if we need the quotactl wrapper AC_CHECK_HEADERS(linux/dqblk_xfs.h,, [AC_CHECK_HEADERS(linux/xqm.h linux/xfs_fs.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(xfs/libxfs.h xfs/xqm.h xfs/xfs_fs.h)] ) dnl ----- as far as I can tell, dbtob always does the wrong thing dnl ----- on every single version of linux I've ever played with. dnl ----- see etc/afpd/quota.c AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BROKEN_DBTOB, 1, [Define if dbtob is broken]) need_dash_r=no fi dnl ----- NetBSD specific ----- if test x"$this_os" = "xnetbsd"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([ * NetBSD specific configuration]) AC_DEFINE(BSD4_4, 1, [BSD compatiblity macro]) AC_DEFINE(NETBSD, 1, [Define if OS is NetBSD]) AC_DEFINE(OPEN_NOFOLLOW_ERRNO, EFTYPE, errno returned by open with O_NOFOLLOW) CFLAGS="-I\$(top_srcdir)/sys/netbsd $CFLAGS" need_dash_r=yes dnl ----- NetBSD does not have crypt.h, uses unistd.h ----- AC_DEFINE(UAM_DHX, 1, [Define if the DHX UAM modules should be compiled]) fi dnl ----- OpenBSD specific ----- if test x"$this_os" = "xopenbsd"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([ * OpenBSD specific configuration]) AC_DEFINE(BSD4_4, 1, [BSD compatiblity macro]) dnl ----- OpenBSD does not have crypt.h, uses unistd.h ----- AC_DEFINE(UAM_DHX, 1, [Define if the DHX UAM modules should be compiled]) fi dnl ----- Solaris specific ----- if test x"$this_os" = "xsolaris"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([ * Solaris specific configuration]) AC_DEFINE(__svr4__, 1, [Solaris compatibility macro]) AC_DEFINE(_ISOC9X_SOURCE, 1, [Compatibility macro]) AC_DEFINE(NO_STRUCT_TM_GMTOFF, 1, [Define if the gmtoff member of struct tm is not available]) AC_DEFINE(SOLARIS, 1, [Solaris compatibility macro]) AC_DEFINE(_XOPEN_SOURCE, 600, [Solaris compilation environment]) AC_DEFINE(__EXTENSIONS__, 1, [Solaris compilation environment]) need_dash_r=yes init_style=solaris fi dnl Whether to run ldconfig after installing libraries AC_PATH_PROG(NETA_LDCONFIG, ldconfig, , [$PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/sbin$PATH_SEPARATOR/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/sbin$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/bin]) echo NETA_LDCONFIG = $NETA_LDCONFIG AM_CONDITIONAL(RUN_LDCONFIG, test x"$this_os" = x"linux" -a x"$NETA_LDCONFIG" != x"") ]) dnl Check for building PGP UAM module AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_PGP_UAM], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the PGP UAM should be build]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(pgp-uam, [ --enable-pgp-uam enable build of PGP UAM module],[ if test "$enableval" = "yes"; then if test "x$neta_cv_have_openssl" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(UAM_PGP, 1, [Define if the PGP UAM module should be compiled]) compile_pgp=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi fi ],[ AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) ] ) ]) dnl Check for building Kerberos V UAM module AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_KRB5_UAM], [ netatalk_cv_build_krb5_uam=no AC_ARG_ENABLE(krbV-uam, [ --enable-krbV-uam enable build of Kerberos V UAM module], [ if test x"$enableval" = x"yes"; then NETATALK_GSSAPI_CHECK([ netatalk_cv_build_krb5_uam=yes ],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([need GSSAPI to build Kerberos V UAM]) ]) fi ] ) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether Kerberos V UAM should be build]) if test x"$netatalk_cv_build_krb5_uam" = x"yes"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_GSSAPI, test x"$netatalk_cv_build_krb5_uam" = x"yes") ]) dnl Check if we can directly use Kerberos 5 API, used for reading keytabs dnl and automatically construction DirectoryService names from that, instead dnl of requiring special configuration in afp.conf AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_KERBEROS], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Kerberos 5 (necessary for GetSrvrInfo:DirectoryNames support)]) AC_ARG_WITH([kerberos], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-kerberos], [Kerberos 5 support (default=auto)])], [], [with_kerberos=auto]) AC_MSG_RESULT($with_kerberos) if test x"$with_kerberos" != x"no"; then have_krb5_header="no" AC_CHECK_HEADERS([krb5/krb5.h krb5.h], [have_krb5_header="yes"; break]) if test x"$have_krb5_header" = x"no" && test x"$with_kerberos" != x"auto"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([--with-kerberos was given, but no headers found]) fi AC_PATH_PROG([KRB5_CONFIG], [krb5-config]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([for krb5-config]) if test -x "$KRB5_CONFIG"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([$KRB5_CONFIG]) KRB5_CFLAGS="`$KRB5_CONFIG --cflags krb5`" KRB5_LIBS="`$KRB5_CONFIG --libs krb5`" AC_SUBST(KRB5_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(KRB5_LIBS) with_kerberos="yes" else AC_MSG_RESULT([not found]) if test x"$with_kerberos" != x"auto"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([--with-kerberos was given, but krb5-config could not be found]) fi fi fi if test x"$with_kerberos" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_KERBEROS], [1], [Define if Kerberos 5 is available]) fi dnl Check for krb5_free_unparsed_name and krb5_free_error_message save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" save_LIBS="$LIBS" CFLAGS="$KRB5_CFLAGS" LIBS="$KRB5_LIBS" AC_CHECK_FUNCS([krb5_free_unparsed_name krb5_free_error_message krb5_free_keytab_entry_contents krb5_kt_free_entry]) CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS" LIBS="$save_LIBS" ]) dnl Check for overwrite the config files or not AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_OVERWRITE_CONFIG], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether configuration files should be overwritten]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(overwrite, [ --enable-overwrite overwrite configuration files during installation], [OVERWRITE_CONFIG="${enable_overwrite}"], [OVERWRITE_CONFIG="no"] ) AC_MSG_RESULT([$OVERWRITE_CONFIG]) AC_SUBST(OVERWRITE_CONFIG) ]) dnl Check for LDAP support, for client-side ACL visibility AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_LDAP], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for LDAP (necessary for client-side ACL visibility)) AC_ARG_WITH(ldap, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-ldap], [LDAP support (default=auto)])], netatalk_cv_ldap=$withval, netatalk_cv_ldap=auto ) AC_MSG_RESULT($netatalk_cv_ldap) save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" save_LIBS="$LIBS" CFLAGS="" LDFLAGS="" LIBS="" LDAP_CFLAGS="" LDAP_LDFLAGS="" LDAP_LIBS="" if test x"$netatalk_cv_ldap" != x"no" ; then if test x"$netatalk_cv_ldap" != x"yes" -a x"$netatalk_cv_ldap" != x"auto"; then CFLAGS="-I$netatalk_cv_ldap/include" LDFLAGS="-L$netatalk_cv_ldap/lib" fi AC_CHECK_HEADER([ldap.h], netatalk_cv_ldap=yes, [ if test x"$netatalk_cv_ldap" = x"yes" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Missing LDAP headers]) fi netatalk_cv_ldap=no ]) AC_CHECK_LIB(ldap, ldap_init, netatalk_cv_ldap=yes, [ if test x"$netatalk_cv_ldap" = x"yes" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Missing LDAP library]) fi netatalk_cv_ldap=no ]) fi if test x"$netatalk_cv_ldap" = x"yes"; then LDAP_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDAP_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" LDAP_LIBS="-lldap" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LDAP,1,[Whether LDAP is available]) fi AC_SUBST(LDAP_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(LDAP_LDFLAGS) AC_SUBST(LDAP_LIBS) CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$save_LDFLAGS" LIBS="$save_LIBS" ]) dnl Check for ACL support AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_ACL], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to support ACLs) AC_ARG_WITH(acls, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-acls], [Include ACL support (default=auto)])], [ case "$withval" in yes|no) with_acl_support="$withval" ;; *) with_acl_support=auto ;; esac ], [with_acl_support=auto]) AC_MSG_RESULT($with_acl_support) if test x"$with_acl_support" = x"no"; then AC_MSG_RESULT(Disabling ACL support) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NO_ACLS,1,[Whether no ACLs support should be built in]) else with_acl_support=yes fi if test x"$with_acl_support" = x"yes" ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE(checking whether ACL support is available:) case "$host_os" in *sysv5*) AC_MSG_NOTICE(Using UnixWare ACLs) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_UNIXWARE_ACLS,1,[Whether UnixWare ACLs are available]) ;; *solaris*) AC_MSG_NOTICE(Using solaris ACLs) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SOLARIS_ACLS,1,[Whether solaris ACLs are available]) ACL_LIBS="$ACL_LIBS -lsec" ;; *hpux*) AC_MSG_NOTICE(Using HPUX ACLs) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HPUX_ACLS,1,[Whether HPUX ACLs are available]) ;; *irix*) AC_MSG_NOTICE(Using IRIX ACLs) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IRIX_ACLS,1,[Whether IRIX ACLs are available]) ;; *aix*) AC_MSG_NOTICE(Using AIX ACLs) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_AIX_ACLS,1,[Whether AIX ACLs are available]) ;; *osf*) AC_MSG_NOTICE(Using Tru64 ACLs) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TRU64_ACLS,1,[Whether Tru64 ACLs are available]) ACL_LIBS="$ACL_LIBS -lpacl" ;; *darwin*) AC_MSG_NOTICE(ACLs on Darwin currently not supported) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NO_ACLS,1,[Whether no ACLs support is available]) ;; *) AC_CHECK_LIB(acl,acl_get_file,[ACL_LIBS="$ACL_LIBS -lacl"]) case "$host_os" in *linux*) AC_CHECK_LIB(attr,getxattr,[ACL_LIBS="$ACL_LIBS -lattr"]) ;; esac AC_CACHE_CHECK([for POSIX ACL support],netatalk_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS,[ acl_LIBS=$LIBS LIBS="$LIBS $ACL_LIBS" AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ #include #include ]], [[ acl_t acl; int entry_id; acl_entry_t *entry_p; return acl_get_entry(acl, entry_id, entry_p); ]])],[netatalk_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS=yes],[netatalk_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS=no with_acl_support=no]) LIBS=$acl_LIBS ]) if test x"$netatalk_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS" = x"yes"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE(Using POSIX ACLs) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_POSIX_ACLS,1,[Whether POSIX ACLs are available]) AC_CACHE_CHECK([for acl_get_perm_np],netatalk_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP,[ acl_LIBS=$LIBS LIBS="$LIBS $ACL_LIBS" AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ #include #include ]], [[ acl_permset_t permset_d; acl_perm_t perm; return acl_get_perm_np(permset_d, perm); ]])],[netatalk_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP=yes],[netatalk_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP=no]) LIBS=$acl_LIBS ]) if test x"$netatalk_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP,1,[Whether acl_get_perm_np() is available]) fi AC_CACHE_CHECK([for acl_from_mode], netatalk_cv_HAVE_ACL_FROM_MODE,[ acl_LIBS=$LIBS LIBS="$LIBS $ACL_LIBS" AC_CHECK_FUNCS(acl_from_mode, [netatalk_cv_HAVE_ACL_FROM_MODE=yes], [netatalk_cv_HAVE_ACL_FROM_MODE=no]) LIBS=$acl_LIBS ]) if test x"netatalk_cv_HAVE_ACL_FROM_MODE" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ACL_FROM_MODE,1,[Whether acl_from_mode() is available]) fi else AC_MSG_NOTICE(ACL support is not avaliable) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NO_ACLS,1,[Whether no ACLs support is available]) fi ;; esac fi if test x"$with_acl_support" = x"yes" ; then AC_CHECK_HEADERS([acl/libacl.h]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ACLS,1,[Whether ACLs support is available]) AC_SUBST(ACL_LIBS) fi ]) dnl Check for Extended Attributes support AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES], [ neta_cv_eas="ad" neta_cv_eas_sys_found=no neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=no AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/attributes.h attr/xattr.h sys/xattr.h sys/extattr.h sys/uio.h sys/ea.h) case "$this_os" in *osf*) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(getproplist, [proplist]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([getproplist fgetproplist setproplist fsetproplist], [neta_cv_eas_sys_found=yes], [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([delproplist fdelproplist add_proplist_entry get_proplist_entry],, [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([sizeof_proplist_entry],, [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) ;; *solaris*) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([attropen], [neta_cv_eas_sys_found=yes; AC_DEFINE(HAVE_EAFD, 1, [extattr API has full fledged fds for EAs])], [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) ;; 'freebsd') AC_CHECK_FUNCS([extattr_delete_fd extattr_delete_file extattr_delete_link], [neta_cv_eas_sys_found=yes], [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([extattr_get_fd extattr_get_file extattr_get_link],, [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([extattr_list_fd extattr_list_file extattr_list_link],, [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([extattr_set_fd extattr_set_file extattr_set_link],, [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) ;; *freebsd4* | *dragonfly* ) AC_DEFINE(BROKEN_EXTATTR, 1, [Does extattr API work]) ;; *) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(getxattr, [attr]) if test "x$neta_cv_eas_sys_found" != "xyes" ; then AC_CHECK_FUNCS([getxattr lgetxattr fgetxattr listxattr llistxattr], [neta_cv_eas_sys_found=yes], [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([flistxattr removexattr lremovexattr fremovexattr],, [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([setxattr lsetxattr fsetxattr],, [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) fi if test "x$neta_cv_eas_sys_found" != "xyes" ; then AC_CHECK_FUNCS([getea fgetea lgetea listea flistea llistea], [neta_cv_eas_sys_found=yes], [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([removeea fremoveea lremoveea setea fsetea lsetea],, [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) fi if test "x$neta_cv_eas_sys_found" != "xyes" ; then AC_CHECK_FUNCS([attr_get attr_list attr_set attr_remove],, [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([attr_getf attr_listf attr_setf attr_removef],, [neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found=yes]) fi ;; esac # Do xattr functions take additional options like on Darwin? if test x"$ac_cv_func_getxattr" = x"yes" ; then AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether xattr interface takes additional options], smb_attr_cv_xattr_add_opt, [ old_LIBS=$LIBS LIBS="$LIBS $ACL_LIBS" AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ #include #if HAVE_ATTR_XATTR_H #include #elif HAVE_SYS_XATTR_H #include #endif ]], [[ getxattr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ]])],[smb_attr_cv_xattr_add_opt=yes],[smb_attr_cv_xattr_add_opt=no;LIBS=$old_LIBS]) ]) if test x"$smb_attr_cv_xattr_add_opt" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE(XATTR_ADD_OPT, 1, [xattr functions have additional options]) fi fi if test "x$neta_cv_eas_sys_found" = "xyes" ; then if test "x$neta_cv_eas_sys_not_found" != "xyes" ; then neta_cv_eas="$neta_cv_eas | sys" fi fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(EA_MODULES,["$neta_cv_eas"],[Available Extended Attributes modules]) ]) dnl Check for libsmbsharemodes from Samba for Samba/Netatalk access/deny/share modes interop dnl Defines "neta_cv_have_smbshmd" to "yes" or "no" dnl AC_SUBST's "SMB_SHAREMODES_CFLAGS" and "SMB_SHAREMODES_LDFLAGS" dnl AM_CONDITIONAL's "USE_SMB_SHAREMODES" AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_SMB_SHAREMODES], [ neta_cv_have_smbshmd=no AC_ARG_WITH(smbsharemodes-lib, [ --with-smbsharemodes-lib=PATH PATH to libsmbsharemodes lib from Samba], [SMB_SHAREMODES_LDFLAGS="-L$withval -lsmbsharemodes"] ) AC_ARG_WITH(smbsharemodes-include, [ --with-smbsharemodes-include=PATH PATH to libsmbsharemodes header from Samba], [SMB_SHAREMODES_CFLAGS="-I$withval"] ) AC_ARG_WITH(smbsharemodes, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-smbsharemodes],[Samba interop (default is yes)])], [use_smbsharemodes=$withval], [use_smbsharemodes=yes] ) if test x"$use_smbsharemodes" = x"yes" ; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable Samba/Netatalk access/deny/share-modes interop]) saved_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" saved_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" CFLAGS="$SMB_SHAREMODES_CFLAGS $CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$SMB_SHAREMODES_LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS" AC_LINK_IFELSE( [#include #include #include #include #include /* From messages.h */ struct server_id { pid_t pid; }; #include "smb_share_modes.h" int main(void) { (void)smb_share_mode_db_open(""); return 0;}], [neta_cv_have_smbshmd=yes] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($neta_cv_have_smbshmd) AC_SUBST(SMB_SHAREMODES_CFLAGS, [$SMB_SHAREMODES_CFLAGS]) AC_SUBST(SMB_SHAREMODES_LDFLAGS, [$SMB_SHAREMODES_LDFLAGS]) CFLAGS="$saved_CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$saved_LDFLAGS" fi AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SMB_SHAREMODES, test x"$neta_cv_have_smbshmd" = x"yes") ]) dnl ------ Check for sendfile() -------- AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_SENDFILE], [ netatalk_cv_search_sendfile=yes AC_ARG_ENABLE(sendfile, [ --disable-sendfile disable sendfile syscall], [if test x"$enableval" = x"no"; then netatalk_cv_search_sendfile=no fi] ) if test x"$netatalk_cv_search_sendfile" = x"yes"; then case "$host_os" in *linux*) AC_DEFINE(SENDFILE_FLAVOR_LINUX,1,[Whether linux sendfile() API is available]) AC_CHECK_FUNC([sendfile], [netatalk_cv_HAVE_SENDFILE=yes]) ;; *solaris*) AC_DEFINE(SENDFILE_FLAVOR_SOLARIS, 1, [Solaris sendfile()]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(sendfile, sendfile) AC_CHECK_FUNC([sendfile], [netatalk_cv_HAVE_SENDFILE=yes]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([sendfilev]) ;; *freebsd*) AC_DEFINE(SENDFILE_FLAVOR_BSD, 1, [Define if the sendfile() function uses BSD semantics]) AC_CHECK_FUNC([sendfile], [netatalk_cv_HAVE_SENDFILE=yes]) ;; *) ;; esac if test x"$netatalk_cv_HAVE_SENDFILE" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE(WITH_SENDFILE,1,[Whether sendfile() should be used]) fi fi ]) dnl --------------------- Check if realpath() takes NULL AC_DEFUN([AC_NETATALK_REALPATH], [ AC_CACHE_CHECK([if the realpath function allows a NULL argument], neta_cv_REALPATH_TAKES_NULL, [ AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ #include #include #include void exit_on_core(int ignored) { exit(1); } main() { char *newpath; signal(SIGSEGV, exit_on_core); newpath = realpath("/tmp", NULL); exit((newpath != NULL) ? 0 : 1); }]])],[neta_cv_REALPATH_TAKES_NULL=yes],[neta_cv_REALPATH_TAKES_NULL=no],[neta_cv_REALPATH_TAKES_NULL=cross ]) ] ) if test x"$neta_cv_REALPATH_TAKES_NULL" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE(REALPATH_TAKES_NULL,1,[Whether the realpath function allows NULL]) fi ])