]> arthur.barton.de Git - bup.git/commitdiff
Add Tornado framework from git, commit 7a30f9f6
authorPeter McCurdy <peter.mccurdy@gmail.com>
Sat, 17 Jul 2010 04:14:48 +0000 (00:14 -0400)
committerAvery Pennarun <apenwarr@gmail.com>
Sat, 17 Jul 2010 08:05:11 +0000 (04:05 -0400)
I just took the tornado/tornado directory, along with the README.

I'm using tornado's git commit 7a30f9f6eac9aa0cf295b078695156776fd050ce,
since recent versions of Tornado have support for specifying which
address you want to listen to.

Signed-off-by: Peter McCurdy <petermccurdy@alumni.uwaterloo.ca>
22 files changed:
lib/tornado/README [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/auth.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/autoreload.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/database.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/epoll.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/escape.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/httpclient.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/httpserver.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/httputil.py [new file with mode: 0755]
lib/tornado/ioloop.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/iostream.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/locale.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/options.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/s3server.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/template.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/test/README [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/test/test_ioloop.py [new file with mode: 0755]
lib/tornado/web.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/websocket.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/win32_support.py [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/tornado/wsgi.py [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/lib/tornado/README b/lib/tornado/README
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d504022
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server
+and and tools that power FriendFeed. Documentation and downloads are
+available at http://www.tornadoweb.org/
+Tornado is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0
+To install:
+    python setup.py build
+    sudo python setup.py install
+Tornado has been tested on Python 2.5 and 2.6. To use all of the features
+of Tornado, you need to have PycURL and a JSON library like simplejson
+On Mac OS X, you can install the packages with:
+    sudo easy_install setuptools pycurl== simplejson
+On Ubuntu Linux, you can install the packages with:
+    sudo apt-get install python-pycurl python-simplejson
diff --git a/lib/tornado/__init__.py b/lib/tornado/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8f73764
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""The Tornado web server and tools."""
diff --git a/lib/tornado/auth.py b/lib/tornado/auth.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4575119
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Implementations of various third-party authentication schemes.
+All the classes in this file are class Mixins designed to be used with
+web.py RequestHandler classes. The primary methods for each service are
+authenticate_redirect(), authorize_redirect(), and get_authenticated_user().
+The former should be called to redirect the user to, e.g., the OpenID
+authentication page on the third party service, and the latter should
+be called upon return to get the user data from the data returned by
+the third party service.
+They all take slightly different arguments due to the fact all these
+services implement authentication and authorization slightly differently.
+See the individual service classes below for complete documentation.
+Example usage for Google OpenID:
+class GoogleHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler, tornado.auth.GoogleMixin):
+    @tornado.web.asynchronous
+    def get(self):
+        if self.get_argument("openid.mode", None):
+            self.get_authenticated_user(self.async_callback(self._on_auth))
+            return
+        self.authenticate_redirect()
+    def _on_auth(self, user):
+        if not user:
+            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500, "Google auth failed")
+        # Save the user with, e.g., set_secure_cookie()
+import binascii
+import cgi
+import hashlib
+import hmac
+import httpclient
+import escape
+import logging
+import time
+import urllib
+import urlparse
+import uuid
+class OpenIdMixin(object):
+    """Abstract implementation of OpenID and Attribute Exchange.
+    See GoogleMixin below for example implementations.
+    """
+    def authenticate_redirect(self, callback_uri=None,
+                              ax_attrs=["name","email","language","username"]):
+        """Returns the authentication URL for this service.
+        After authentication, the service will redirect back to the given
+        callback URI.
+        We request the given attributes for the authenticated user by
+        default (name, email, language, and username). If you don't need
+        all those attributes for your app, you can request fewer with
+        the ax_attrs keyword argument.
+        """
+        callback_uri = callback_uri or self.request.path
+        args = self._openid_args(callback_uri, ax_attrs=ax_attrs)
+        self.redirect(self._OPENID_ENDPOINT + "?" + urllib.urlencode(args))
+    def get_authenticated_user(self, callback):
+        """Fetches the authenticated user data upon redirect.
+        This method should be called by the handler that receives the
+        redirect from the authenticate_redirect() or authorize_redirect()
+        methods.
+        """
+        # Verify the OpenID response via direct request to the OP
+        args = dict((k, v[-1]) for k, v in self.request.arguments.iteritems())
+        args["openid.mode"] = u"check_authentication"
+        url = self._OPENID_ENDPOINT + "?" + urllib.urlencode(args)
+        http = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
+        http.fetch(url, self.async_callback(
+            self._on_authentication_verified, callback))
+    def _openid_args(self, callback_uri, ax_attrs=[], oauth_scope=None):
+        url = urlparse.urljoin(self.request.full_url(), callback_uri)
+        args = {
+            "openid.ns": "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0",
+            "openid.claimed_id":
+                "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0/identifier_select",
+            "openid.identity":
+                "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0/identifier_select",
+            "openid.return_to": url,
+            "openid.realm": self.request.protocol + "://" + self.request.host + "/",
+            "openid.mode": "checkid_setup",
+        }
+        if ax_attrs:
+            args.update({
+                "openid.ns.ax": "http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0",
+                "openid.ax.mode": "fetch_request",
+            })
+            ax_attrs = set(ax_attrs)
+            required = []
+            if "name" in ax_attrs:
+                ax_attrs -= set(["name", "firstname", "fullname", "lastname"])
+                required += ["firstname", "fullname", "lastname"]
+                args.update({
+                    "openid.ax.type.firstname":
+                        "http://axschema.org/namePerson/first",
+                    "openid.ax.type.fullname":
+                        "http://axschema.org/namePerson",
+                    "openid.ax.type.lastname":
+                        "http://axschema.org/namePerson/last",
+                })
+            known_attrs = {
+                "email": "http://axschema.org/contact/email",
+                "language": "http://axschema.org/pref/language",
+                "username": "http://axschema.org/namePerson/friendly",
+            }
+            for name in ax_attrs:
+                args["openid.ax.type." + name] = known_attrs[name]
+                required.append(name)
+            args["openid.ax.required"] = ",".join(required)
+        if oauth_scope:
+            args.update({
+                "openid.ns.oauth":
+                    "http://specs.openid.net/extensions/oauth/1.0",
+                "openid.oauth.consumer": self.request.host.split(":")[0],
+                "openid.oauth.scope": oauth_scope,
+            })
+        return args
+    def _on_authentication_verified(self, callback, response):
+        if response.error or u"is_valid:true" not in response.body:
+            logging.warning("Invalid OpenID response: %s", response.error or
+                            response.body)
+            callback(None)
+            return
+        # Make sure we got back at least an email from attribute exchange
+        ax_ns = None
+        for name, values in self.request.arguments.iteritems():
+            if name.startswith("openid.ns.") and \
+               values[-1] == u"http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0":
+                ax_ns = name[10:]
+                break
+        def get_ax_arg(uri):
+            if not ax_ns: return u""
+            prefix = "openid." + ax_ns + ".type."
+            ax_name = None
+            for name, values in self.request.arguments.iteritems():
+                if values[-1] == uri and name.startswith(prefix):
+                    part = name[len(prefix):]
+                    ax_name = "openid." + ax_ns + ".value." + part
+                    break
+            if not ax_name: return u""
+            return self.get_argument(ax_name, u"")
+        email = get_ax_arg("http://axschema.org/contact/email")
+        name = get_ax_arg("http://axschema.org/namePerson")
+        first_name = get_ax_arg("http://axschema.org/namePerson/first")
+        last_name = get_ax_arg("http://axschema.org/namePerson/last")
+        username = get_ax_arg("http://axschema.org/namePerson/friendly")
+        locale = get_ax_arg("http://axschema.org/pref/language").lower()
+        user = dict()
+        name_parts = []
+        if first_name:
+            user["first_name"] = first_name
+            name_parts.append(first_name)
+        if last_name:
+            user["last_name"] = last_name
+            name_parts.append(last_name)
+        if name:
+            user["name"] = name
+        elif name_parts:
+            user["name"] = u" ".join(name_parts)
+        elif email:
+            user["name"] = email.split("@")[0]
+        if email: user["email"] = email
+        if locale: user["locale"] = locale
+        if username: user["username"] = username
+        callback(user)
+class OAuthMixin(object):
+    """Abstract implementation of OAuth.
+    See TwitterMixin and FriendFeedMixin below for example implementations.
+    """
+    def authorize_redirect(self, callback_uri=None):
+        """Redirects the user to obtain OAuth authorization for this service.
+        Twitter and FriendFeed both require that you register a Callback
+        URL with your application. You should call this method to log the
+        user in, and then call get_authenticated_user() in the handler
+        you registered as your Callback URL to complete the authorization
+        process.
+        This method sets a cookie called _oauth_request_token which is
+        subsequently used (and cleared) in get_authenticated_user for
+        security purposes.
+        """
+        if callback_uri and getattr(self, "_OAUTH_NO_CALLBACKS", False):
+            raise Exception("This service does not support oauth_callback")
+        http = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
+        http.fetch(self._oauth_request_token_url(), self.async_callback(
+            self._on_request_token, self._OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL, callback_uri))
+    def get_authenticated_user(self, callback):
+        """Gets the OAuth authorized user and access token on callback.
+        This method should be called from the handler for your registered
+        OAuth Callback URL to complete the registration process. We call
+        callback with the authenticated user, which in addition to standard
+        attributes like 'name' includes the 'access_key' attribute, which
+        contains the OAuth access you can use to make authorized requests
+        to this service on behalf of the user.
+        """
+        request_key = self.get_argument("oauth_token")
+        request_cookie = self.get_cookie("_oauth_request_token")
+        if not request_cookie:
+            logging.warning("Missing OAuth request token cookie")
+            callback(None)
+            return
+        cookie_key, cookie_secret = request_cookie.split("|")
+        if cookie_key != request_key:
+            logging.warning("Request token does not match cookie")
+            callback(None)
+            return
+        token = dict(key=cookie_key, secret=cookie_secret)
+        http = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
+        http.fetch(self._oauth_access_token_url(token), self.async_callback(
+            self._on_access_token, callback))
+    def _oauth_request_token_url(self):
+        consumer_token = self._oauth_consumer_token()
+        url = self._OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL
+        args = dict(
+            oauth_consumer_key=consumer_token["key"],
+            oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",
+            oauth_timestamp=str(int(time.time())),
+            oauth_nonce=binascii.b2a_hex(uuid.uuid4().bytes),
+            oauth_version="1.0",
+        )
+        signature = _oauth_signature(consumer_token, "GET", url, args)
+        args["oauth_signature"] = signature
+        return url + "?" + urllib.urlencode(args)
+    def _on_request_token(self, authorize_url, callback_uri, response):
+        if response.error:
+            raise Exception("Could not get request token")
+        request_token = _oauth_parse_response(response.body)
+        data = "|".join([request_token["key"], request_token["secret"]])
+        self.set_cookie("_oauth_request_token", data)
+        args = dict(oauth_token=request_token["key"])
+        if callback_uri:
+            args["oauth_callback"] = urlparse.urljoin(
+                self.request.full_url(), callback_uri)
+        self.redirect(authorize_url + "?" + urllib.urlencode(args))
+    def _oauth_access_token_url(self, request_token):
+        consumer_token = self._oauth_consumer_token()
+        url = self._OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL
+        args = dict(
+            oauth_consumer_key=consumer_token["key"],
+            oauth_token=request_token["key"],
+            oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",
+            oauth_timestamp=str(int(time.time())),
+            oauth_nonce=binascii.b2a_hex(uuid.uuid4().bytes),
+            oauth_version="1.0",
+        )
+        signature = _oauth_signature(consumer_token, "GET", url, args,
+                                     request_token)
+        args["oauth_signature"] = signature
+        return url + "?" + urllib.urlencode(args)
+    def _on_access_token(self, callback, response):
+        if response.error:
+            logging.warning("Could not fetch access token")
+            callback(None)
+            return
+        access_token = _oauth_parse_response(response.body)
+        user = self._oauth_get_user(access_token, self.async_callback(
+             self._on_oauth_get_user, access_token, callback))
+    def _oauth_get_user(self, access_token, callback):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def _on_oauth_get_user(self, access_token, callback, user):
+        if not user:
+            callback(None)
+            return
+        user["access_token"] = access_token
+        callback(user)
+    def _oauth_request_parameters(self, url, access_token, parameters={},
+                                  method="GET"):
+        """Returns the OAuth parameters as a dict for the given request.
+        parameters should include all POST arguments and query string arguments
+        that will be sent with the request.
+        """
+        consumer_token = self._oauth_consumer_token()
+        base_args = dict(
+            oauth_consumer_key=consumer_token["key"],
+            oauth_token=access_token["key"],
+            oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",
+            oauth_timestamp=str(int(time.time())),
+            oauth_nonce=binascii.b2a_hex(uuid.uuid4().bytes),
+            oauth_version="1.0",
+        )
+        args = {}
+        args.update(base_args)
+        args.update(parameters)
+        signature = _oauth_signature(consumer_token, method, url, args,
+                                     access_token)
+        base_args["oauth_signature"] = signature
+        return base_args
+class TwitterMixin(OAuthMixin):
+    """Twitter OAuth authentication.
+    To authenticate with Twitter, register your application with
+    Twitter at http://twitter.com/apps. Then copy your Consumer Key and
+    Consumer Secret to the application settings 'twitter_consumer_key' and
+    'twitter_consumer_secret'. Use this Mixin on the handler for the URL
+    you registered as your application's Callback URL.
+    When your application is set up, you can use this Mixin like this
+    to authenticate the user with Twitter and get access to their stream:
+    class TwitterHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
+                         tornado.auth.TwitterMixin):
+        @tornado.web.asynchronous
+        def get(self):
+            if self.get_argument("oauth_token", None):
+                self.get_authenticated_user(self.async_callback(self._on_auth))
+                return
+            self.authorize_redirect()
+        def _on_auth(self, user):
+            if not user:
+                raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500, "Twitter auth failed")
+            # Save the user using, e.g., set_secure_cookie()
+    The user object returned by get_authenticated_user() includes the
+    attributes 'username', 'name', and all of the custom Twitter user
+    attributes describe at
+    http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-users%C2%A0show
+    in addition to 'access_token'. You should save the access token with
+    the user; it is required to make requests on behalf of the user later
+    with twitter_request().
+    """
+    _OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL = "http://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token"
+    _OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = "http://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token"
+    _OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL = "http://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize"
+    _OAUTH_AUTHENTICATE_URL = "http://api.twitter.com/oauth/authenticate"
+    def authenticate_redirect(self):
+        """Just like authorize_redirect(), but auto-redirects if authorized.
+        This is generally the right interface to use if you are using
+        Twitter for single-sign on.
+        """
+        http = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
+        http.fetch(self._oauth_request_token_url(), self.async_callback(
+            self._on_request_token, self._OAUTH_AUTHENTICATE_URL, None))
+    def twitter_request(self, path, callback, access_token=None,
+                           post_args=None, **args):
+        """Fetches the given API path, e.g., "/statuses/user_timeline/btaylor"
+        The path should not include the format (we automatically append
+        ".json" and parse the JSON output).
+        If the request is a POST, post_args should be provided. Query
+        string arguments should be given as keyword arguments.
+        All the Twitter methods are documented at
+        http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation.
+        Many methods require an OAuth access token which you can obtain
+        through authorize_redirect() and get_authenticated_user(). The
+        user returned through that process includes an 'access_token'
+        attribute that can be used to make authenticated requests via
+        this method. Example usage:
+        class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
+                          tornado.auth.TwitterMixin):
+            @tornado.web.authenticated
+            @tornado.web.asynchronous
+            def get(self):
+                self.twitter_request(
+                    "/statuses/update",
+                    post_args={"status": "Testing Tornado Web Server"},
+                    access_token=user["access_token"],
+                    callback=self.async_callback(self._on_post))
+            def _on_post(self, new_entry):
+                if not new_entry:
+                    # Call failed; perhaps missing permission?
+                    self.authorize_redirect()
+                    return
+                self.finish("Posted a message!")
+        """
+        # Add the OAuth resource request signature if we have credentials
+        url = "http://api.twitter.com/1" + path + ".json"
+        if access_token:
+            all_args = {}
+            all_args.update(args)
+            all_args.update(post_args or {})
+            consumer_token = self._oauth_consumer_token()
+            method = "POST" if post_args is not None else "GET"
+            oauth = self._oauth_request_parameters(
+                url, access_token, all_args, method=method)
+            args.update(oauth)
+        if args: url += "?" + urllib.urlencode(args)
+        callback = self.async_callback(self._on_twitter_request, callback)
+        http = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
+        if post_args is not None:
+            http.fetch(url, method="POST", body=urllib.urlencode(post_args),
+                       callback=callback)
+        else:
+            http.fetch(url, callback=callback)
+    def _on_twitter_request(self, callback, response):
+        if response.error:
+            logging.warning("Error response %s fetching %s", response.error,
+                            response.request.url)
+            callback(None)
+            return
+        callback(escape.json_decode(response.body))
+    def _oauth_consumer_token(self):
+        self.require_setting("twitter_consumer_key", "Twitter OAuth")
+        self.require_setting("twitter_consumer_secret", "Twitter OAuth")
+        return dict(
+            key=self.settings["twitter_consumer_key"],
+            secret=self.settings["twitter_consumer_secret"])
+    def _oauth_get_user(self, access_token, callback):
+        callback = self.async_callback(self._parse_user_response, callback)
+        self.twitter_request(
+            "/users/show/" + access_token["screen_name"],
+            access_token=access_token, callback=callback)
+    def _parse_user_response(self, callback, user):
+        if user:
+            user["username"] = user["screen_name"]
+        callback(user)
+class FriendFeedMixin(OAuthMixin):
+    """FriendFeed OAuth authentication.
+    To authenticate with FriendFeed, register your application with
+    FriendFeed at http://friendfeed.com/api/applications. Then
+    copy your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret to the application settings
+    'friendfeed_consumer_key' and 'friendfeed_consumer_secret'. Use
+    this Mixin on the handler for the URL you registered as your
+    application's Callback URL.
+    When your application is set up, you can use this Mixin like this
+    to authenticate the user with FriendFeed and get access to their feed:
+    class FriendFeedHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
+                            tornado.auth.FriendFeedMixin):
+        @tornado.web.asynchronous
+        def get(self):
+            if self.get_argument("oauth_token", None):
+                self.get_authenticated_user(self.async_callback(self._on_auth))
+                return
+            self.authorize_redirect()
+        def _on_auth(self, user):
+            if not user:
+                raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500, "FriendFeed auth failed")
+            # Save the user using, e.g., set_secure_cookie()
+    The user object returned by get_authenticated_user() includes the
+    attributes 'username', 'name', and 'description' in addition to
+    'access_token'. You should save the access token with the user;
+    it is required to make requests on behalf of the user later with
+    friendfeed_request().
+    """
+    _OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL = "https://friendfeed.com/account/oauth/request_token"
+    _OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = "https://friendfeed.com/account/oauth/access_token"
+    _OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL = "https://friendfeed.com/account/oauth/authorize"
+    def friendfeed_request(self, path, callback, access_token=None,
+                           post_args=None, **args):
+        """Fetches the given relative API path, e.g., "/bret/friends"
+        If the request is a POST, post_args should be provided. Query
+        string arguments should be given as keyword arguments.
+        All the FriendFeed methods are documented at
+        http://friendfeed.com/api/documentation.
+        Many methods require an OAuth access token which you can obtain
+        through authorize_redirect() and get_authenticated_user(). The
+        user returned through that process includes an 'access_token'
+        attribute that can be used to make authenticated requests via
+        this method. Example usage:
+        class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
+                          tornado.auth.FriendFeedMixin):
+            @tornado.web.authenticated
+            @tornado.web.asynchronous
+            def get(self):
+                self.friendfeed_request(
+                    "/entry",
+                    post_args={"body": "Testing Tornado Web Server"},
+                    access_token=self.current_user["access_token"],
+                    callback=self.async_callback(self._on_post))
+            def _on_post(self, new_entry):
+                if not new_entry:
+                    # Call failed; perhaps missing permission?
+                    self.authorize_redirect()
+                    return
+                self.finish("Posted a message!")
+        """
+        # Add the OAuth resource request signature if we have credentials
+        url = "http://friendfeed-api.com/v2" + path
+        if access_token:
+            all_args = {}
+            all_args.update(args)
+            all_args.update(post_args or {})
+            consumer_token = self._oauth_consumer_token()
+            method = "POST" if post_args is not None else "GET"
+            oauth = self._oauth_request_parameters(
+                url, access_token, all_args, method=method)
+            args.update(oauth)
+        if args: url += "?" + urllib.urlencode(args)
+        callback = self.async_callback(self._on_friendfeed_request, callback)
+        http = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
+        if post_args is not None:
+            http.fetch(url, method="POST", body=urllib.urlencode(post_args),
+                       callback=callback)
+        else:
+            http.fetch(url, callback=callback)
+    def _on_friendfeed_request(self, callback, response):
+        if response.error:
+            logging.warning("Error response %s fetching %s", response.error,
+                            response.request.url)
+            callback(None)
+            return
+        callback(escape.json_decode(response.body))
+    def _oauth_consumer_token(self):
+        self.require_setting("friendfeed_consumer_key", "FriendFeed OAuth")
+        self.require_setting("friendfeed_consumer_secret", "FriendFeed OAuth")
+        return dict(
+            key=self.settings["friendfeed_consumer_key"],
+            secret=self.settings["friendfeed_consumer_secret"])
+    def _oauth_get_user(self, access_token, callback):
+        callback = self.async_callback(self._parse_user_response, callback)
+        self.friendfeed_request(
+            "/feedinfo/" + access_token["username"],
+            include="id,name,description", access_token=access_token,
+            callback=callback)
+    def _parse_user_response(self, callback, user):
+        if user:
+            user["username"] = user["id"]
+        callback(user)
+class GoogleMixin(OpenIdMixin, OAuthMixin):
+    """Google Open ID / OAuth authentication.
+    No application registration is necessary to use Google for authentication
+    or to access Google resources on behalf of a user. To authenticate with
+    Google, redirect with authenticate_redirect(). On return, parse the
+    response with get_authenticated_user(). We send a dict containing the
+    values for the user, including 'email', 'name', and 'locale'.
+    Example usage:
+    class GoogleHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler, tornado.auth.GoogleMixin):
+       @tornado.web.asynchronous
+       def get(self):
+           if self.get_argument("openid.mode", None):
+               self.get_authenticated_user(self.async_callback(self._on_auth))
+               return
+        self.authenticate_redirect()
+        def _on_auth(self, user):
+            if not user:
+                raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500, "Google auth failed")
+            # Save the user with, e.g., set_secure_cookie()
+    """
+    _OPENID_ENDPOINT = "https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/ud"
+    _OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = "https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthGetAccessToken"
+    def authorize_redirect(self, oauth_scope, callback_uri=None,
+                           ax_attrs=["name","email","language","username"]):
+        """Authenticates and authorizes for the given Google resource.
+        Some of the available resources are:
+           Gmail Contacts - http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/
+           Calendar - http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/
+           Finance - http://finance.google.com/finance/feeds/
+        You can authorize multiple resources by separating the resource
+        URLs with a space.
+        """
+        callback_uri = callback_uri or self.request.path
+        args = self._openid_args(callback_uri, ax_attrs=ax_attrs,
+                                 oauth_scope=oauth_scope)
+        self.redirect(self._OPENID_ENDPOINT + "?" + urllib.urlencode(args))
+    def get_authenticated_user(self, callback):
+        """Fetches the authenticated user data upon redirect."""
+        # Look to see if we are doing combined OpenID/OAuth
+        oauth_ns = ""
+        for name, values in self.request.arguments.iteritems():
+            if name.startswith("openid.ns.") and \
+               values[-1] == u"http://specs.openid.net/extensions/oauth/1.0":
+                oauth_ns = name[10:]
+                break
+        token = self.get_argument("openid." + oauth_ns + ".request_token", "")
+        if token:
+            http = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
+            token = dict(key=token, secret="")
+            http.fetch(self._oauth_access_token_url(token),
+                       self.async_callback(self._on_access_token, callback))
+        else:
+            OpenIdMixin.get_authenticated_user(self, callback)
+    def _oauth_consumer_token(self):
+        self.require_setting("google_consumer_key", "Google OAuth")
+        self.require_setting("google_consumer_secret", "Google OAuth")
+        return dict(
+            key=self.settings["google_consumer_key"],
+            secret=self.settings["google_consumer_secret"])
+    def _oauth_get_user(self, access_token, callback):
+        OpenIdMixin.get_authenticated_user(self, callback)
+class FacebookMixin(object):
+    """Facebook Connect authentication.
+    To authenticate with Facebook, register your application with
+    Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php. Then
+    copy your API Key and Application Secret to the application settings
+    'facebook_api_key' and 'facebook_secret'.
+    When your application is set up, you can use this Mixin like this
+    to authenticate the user with Facebook:
+    class FacebookHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
+                          tornado.auth.FacebookMixin):
+        @tornado.web.asynchronous
+        def get(self):
+            if self.get_argument("session", None):
+                self.get_authenticated_user(self.async_callback(self._on_auth))
+                return
+            self.authenticate_redirect()
+        def _on_auth(self, user):
+            if not user:
+                raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500, "Facebook auth failed")
+            # Save the user using, e.g., set_secure_cookie()
+    The user object returned by get_authenticated_user() includes the
+    attributes 'facebook_uid' and 'name' in addition to session attributes
+    like 'session_key'. You should save the session key with the user; it is
+    required to make requests on behalf of the user later with
+    facebook_request().
+    """
+    def authenticate_redirect(self, callback_uri=None, cancel_uri=None,
+                              extended_permissions=None):
+        """Authenticates/installs this app for the current user."""
+        self.require_setting("facebook_api_key", "Facebook Connect")
+        callback_uri = callback_uri or self.request.path
+        args = {
+            "api_key": self.settings["facebook_api_key"],
+            "v": "1.0",
+            "fbconnect": "true",
+            "display": "page",
+            "next": urlparse.urljoin(self.request.full_url(), callback_uri),
+            "return_session": "true",
+        }
+        if cancel_uri:
+            args["cancel_url"] = urlparse.urljoin(
+                self.request.full_url(), cancel_uri)
+        if extended_permissions:
+            if isinstance(extended_permissions, basestring):
+                extended_permissions = [extended_permissions]
+            args["req_perms"] = ",".join(extended_permissions)
+        self.redirect("http://www.facebook.com/login.php?" +
+                      urllib.urlencode(args))
+    def authorize_redirect(self, extended_permissions, callback_uri=None,
+                           cancel_uri=None):
+        """Redirects to an authorization request for the given FB resource.
+        The available resource names are listed at
+        http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Extended_permission.
+        The most common resource types include:
+            publish_stream
+            read_stream
+            email
+            sms
+        extended_permissions can be a single permission name or a list of
+        names. To get the session secret and session key, call
+        get_authenticated_user() just as you would with
+        authenticate_redirect().
+        """
+        self.authenticate_redirect(callback_uri, cancel_uri,
+                                   extended_permissions)
+    def get_authenticated_user(self, callback):
+        """Fetches the authenticated Facebook user.
+        The authenticated user includes the special Facebook attributes
+        'session_key' and 'facebook_uid' in addition to the standard
+        user attributes like 'name'.
+        """
+        self.require_setting("facebook_api_key", "Facebook Connect")
+        session = escape.json_decode(self.get_argument("session"))
+        self.facebook_request(
+            method="facebook.users.getInfo",
+            callback=self.async_callback(
+                self._on_get_user_info, callback, session),
+            session_key=session["session_key"],
+            uids=session["uid"],
+            fields="uid,first_name,last_name,name,locale,pic_square," \
+                   "profile_url,username")
+    def facebook_request(self, method, callback, **args):
+        """Makes a Facebook API REST request.
+        We automatically include the Facebook API key and signature, but
+        it is the callers responsibility to include 'session_key' and any
+        other required arguments to the method.
+        The available Facebook methods are documented here:
+        http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API
+        Here is an example for the stream.get() method:
+        class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
+                          tornado.auth.FacebookMixin):
+            @tornado.web.authenticated
+            @tornado.web.asynchronous
+            def get(self):
+                self.facebook_request(
+                    method="stream.get",
+                    callback=self.async_callback(self._on_stream),
+                    session_key=self.current_user["session_key"])
+            def _on_stream(self, stream):
+                if stream is None:
+                   # Not authorized to read the stream yet?
+                   self.redirect(self.authorize_redirect("read_stream"))
+                   return
+                self.render("stream.html", stream=stream)
+        """
+        self.require_setting("facebook_api_key", "Facebook Connect")
+        self.require_setting("facebook_secret", "Facebook Connect")
+        if not method.startswith("facebook."):
+            method = "facebook." + method
+        args["api_key"] = self.settings["facebook_api_key"]
+        args["v"] = "1.0"
+        args["method"] = method
+        args["call_id"] = str(long(time.time() * 1e6))
+        args["format"] = "json"
+        args["sig"] = self._signature(args)
+        url = "http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?" + \
+            urllib.urlencode(args)
+        http = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
+        http.fetch(url, callback=self.async_callback(
+            self._parse_response, callback))
+    def _on_get_user_info(self, callback, session, users):
+        if users is None:
+            callback(None)
+            return
+        callback({
+            "name": users[0]["name"],
+            "first_name": users[0]["first_name"],
+            "last_name": users[0]["last_name"],
+            "uid": users[0]["uid"],
+            "locale": users[0]["locale"],
+            "pic_square": users[0]["pic_square"],
+            "profile_url": users[0]["profile_url"],
+            "username": users[0].get("username"),
+            "session_key": session["session_key"],
+            "session_expires": session.get("expires"),
+        })
+    def _parse_response(self, callback, response):
+        if response.error:
+            logging.warning("HTTP error from Facebook: %s", response.error)
+            callback(None)
+            return
+        try:
+            json = escape.json_decode(response.body)
+        except:
+            logging.warning("Invalid JSON from Facebook: %r", response.body)
+            callback(None)
+            return
+        if isinstance(json, dict) and json.get("error_code"):
+            logging.warning("Facebook error: %d: %r", json["error_code"],
+                            json.get("error_msg"))
+            callback(None)
+            return
+        callback(json)
+    def _signature(self, args):
+        parts = ["%s=%s" % (n, args[n]) for n in sorted(args.keys())]
+        body = "".join(parts) + self.settings["facebook_secret"]
+        if isinstance(body, unicode): body = body.encode("utf-8")
+        return hashlib.md5(body).hexdigest()
+def _oauth_signature(consumer_token, method, url, parameters={}, token=None):
+    """Calculates the HMAC-SHA1 OAuth signature for the given request.
+    See http://oauth.net/core/1.0/#signing_process
+    """
+    parts = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+    scheme, netloc, path = parts[:3]
+    normalized_url = scheme.lower() + "://" + netloc.lower() + path
+    base_elems = []
+    base_elems.append(method.upper())
+    base_elems.append(normalized_url)
+    base_elems.append("&".join("%s=%s" % (k, _oauth_escape(str(v)))
+                               for k, v in sorted(parameters.items())))
+    base_string =  "&".join(_oauth_escape(e) for e in base_elems)
+    key_elems = [consumer_token["secret"]]
+    key_elems.append(token["secret"] if token else "")
+    key = "&".join(key_elems)
+    hash = hmac.new(key, base_string, hashlib.sha1)
+    return binascii.b2a_base64(hash.digest())[:-1]
+def _oauth_escape(val):
+    if isinstance(val, unicode):
+        val = val.encode("utf-8")
+    return urllib.quote(val, safe="~")
+def _oauth_parse_response(body):
+    p = cgi.parse_qs(body, keep_blank_values=False)
+    token = dict(key=p["oauth_token"][0], secret=p["oauth_token_secret"][0])
+    # Add the extra parameters the Provider included to the token
+    special = ("oauth_token", "oauth_token_secret")
+    token.update((k, p[k][0]) for k in p if k not in special)
+    return token
diff --git a/lib/tornado/autoreload.py b/lib/tornado/autoreload.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..876c76d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""A module to automatically restart the server when a module is modified.
+This module depends on IOLoop, so it will not work in WSGI applications
+and Google AppEngine.
+import functools
+import ioloop
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import types
+    import signal
+except ImportError:
+    signal = None
+def start(io_loop=None, check_time=500):
+    """Restarts the process automatically when a module is modified.
+    We run on the I/O loop, and restarting is a destructive operation,
+    so will terminate any pending requests.
+    """
+    io_loop = io_loop or ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
+    modify_times = {}
+    callback = functools.partial(_reload_on_update, io_loop, modify_times)
+    scheduler = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(callback, check_time, io_loop=io_loop)
+    scheduler.start()
+_reload_attempted = False
+def _reload_on_update(io_loop, modify_times):
+    global _reload_attempted
+    if _reload_attempted:
+        # We already tried to reload and it didn't work, so don't try again.
+        return
+    for module in sys.modules.values():
+        # Some modules play games with sys.modules (e.g. email/__init__.py
+        # in the standard library), and occasionally this can cause strange
+        # failures in getattr.  Just ignore anything that's not an ordinary
+        # module.
+        if not isinstance(module, types.ModuleType): continue
+        path = getattr(module, "__file__", None)
+        if not path: continue
+        if path.endswith(".pyc") or path.endswith(".pyo"):
+            path = path[:-1]
+        try:
+            modified = os.stat(path).st_mtime
+        except:
+            continue
+        if path not in modify_times:
+            modify_times[path] = modified
+            continue
+        if modify_times[path] != modified:
+            logging.info("%s modified; restarting server", path)
+            _reload_attempted = True
+            for fd in io_loop._handlers.keys():
+                try:
+                    os.close(fd)
+                except:
+                    pass
+            if hasattr(signal, "setitimer"):
+                # Clear the alarm signal set by
+                # ioloop.set_blocking_log_threshold so it doesn't fire
+                # after the exec.
+                signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0, 0)
+            try:
+                os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv)
+            except OSError:
+                # Mac OS X versions prior to 10.6 do not support execv in
+                # a process that contains multiple threads.  Instead of
+                # re-executing in the current process, start a new one
+                # and cause the current process to exit.  This isn't
+                # ideal since the new process is detached from the parent
+                # terminal and thus cannot easily be killed with ctrl-C,
+                # but it's better than not being able to autoreload at
+                # all.
+                # Unfortunately the errno returned in this case does not
+                # appear to be consistent, so we can't easily check for
+                # this error specifically.
+                os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, sys.executable,
+                          [sys.executable] + sys.argv)
+                sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/lib/tornado/database.py b/lib/tornado/database.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0787021
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""A lightweight wrapper around MySQLdb."""
+import copy
+import MySQLdb.constants
+import MySQLdb.converters
+import MySQLdb.cursors
+import itertools
+import logging
+class Connection(object):
+    """A lightweight wrapper around MySQLdb DB-API connections.
+    The main value we provide is wrapping rows in a dict/object so that
+    columns can be accessed by name. Typical usage:
+        db = database.Connection("localhost", "mydatabase")
+        for article in db.query("SELECT * FROM articles"):
+            print article.title
+    Cursors are hidden by the implementation, but other than that, the methods
+    are very similar to the DB-API.
+    We explicitly set the timezone to UTC and the character encoding to
+    UTF-8 on all connections to avoid time zone and encoding errors.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, host, database, user=None, password=None):
+        self.host = host
+        self.database = database
+        args = dict(conv=CONVERSIONS, use_unicode=True, charset="utf8",
+                    db=database, init_command='SET time_zone = "+0:00"',
+                    sql_mode="TRADITIONAL")
+        if user is not None:
+            args["user"] = user
+        if password is not None:
+            args["passwd"] = password
+        # We accept a path to a MySQL socket file or a host(:port) string
+        if "/" in host:
+            args["unix_socket"] = host
+        else:
+            self.socket = None
+            pair = host.split(":")
+            if len(pair) == 2:
+                args["host"] = pair[0]
+                args["port"] = int(pair[1])
+            else:
+                args["host"] = host
+                args["port"] = 3306
+        self._db = None
+        self._db_args = args
+        try:
+            self.reconnect()
+        except:
+            logging.error("Cannot connect to MySQL on %s", self.host,
+                          exc_info=True)
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.close()
+    def close(self):
+        """Closes this database connection."""
+        if getattr(self, "_db", None) is not None:
+            self._db.close()
+            self._db = None
+    def reconnect(self):
+        """Closes the existing database connection and re-opens it."""
+        self.close()
+        self._db = MySQLdb.connect(**self._db_args)
+        self._db.autocommit(True)
+    def iter(self, query, *parameters):
+        """Returns an iterator for the given query and parameters."""
+        if self._db is None: self.reconnect()
+        cursor = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor(self._db)
+        try:
+            self._execute(cursor, query, parameters)
+            column_names = [d[0] for d in cursor.description]
+            for row in cursor:
+                yield Row(zip(column_names, row))
+        finally:
+            cursor.close()
+    def query(self, query, *parameters):
+        """Returns a row list for the given query and parameters."""
+        cursor = self._cursor()
+        try:
+            self._execute(cursor, query, parameters)
+            column_names = [d[0] for d in cursor.description]
+            return [Row(itertools.izip(column_names, row)) for row in cursor]
+        finally:
+            cursor.close()
+    def get(self, query, *parameters):
+        """Returns the first row returned for the given query."""
+        rows = self.query(query, *parameters)
+        if not rows:
+            return None
+        elif len(rows) > 1:
+            raise Exception("Multiple rows returned for Database.get() query")
+        else:
+            return rows[0]
+    def execute(self, query, *parameters):
+        """Executes the given query, returning the lastrowid from the query."""
+        cursor = self._cursor()
+        try:
+            self._execute(cursor, query, parameters)
+            return cursor.lastrowid
+        finally:
+            cursor.close()
+    def executemany(self, query, parameters):
+        """Executes the given query against all the given param sequences.
+        We return the lastrowid from the query.
+        """
+        cursor = self._cursor()
+        try:
+            cursor.executemany(query, parameters)
+            return cursor.lastrowid
+        finally:
+            cursor.close()
+    def _cursor(self):
+        if self._db is None: self.reconnect()
+        return self._db.cursor()
+    def _execute(self, cursor, query, parameters):
+        try:
+            return cursor.execute(query, parameters)
+        except OperationalError:
+            logging.error("Error connecting to MySQL on %s", self.host)
+            self.close()
+            raise
+class Row(dict):
+    """A dict that allows for object-like property access syntax."""
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        try:
+            return self[name]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise AttributeError(name)
+# Fix the access conversions to properly recognize unicode/binary
+FLAG = MySQLdb.constants.FLAG
+CONVERSIONS = copy.deepcopy(MySQLdb.converters.conversions)
+if 'VARCHAR' in vars(FIELD_TYPE):
+    field_types.append(FIELD_TYPE.VARCHAR)
+for field_type in field_types:
+    CONVERSIONS[field_type].insert(0, (FLAG.BINARY, str))
+# Alias some common MySQL exceptions
+IntegrityError = MySQLdb.IntegrityError
+OperationalError = MySQLdb.OperationalError
diff --git a/lib/tornado/epoll.c b/lib/tornado/epoll.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9a2e3a3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Facebook
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ * a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+#include "Python.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/epoll.h>
+#define MAX_EVENTS 24
+ * Simple wrapper around epoll_create.
+ */
+static PyObject* _epoll_create(void) {
+    int fd = epoll_create(MAX_EVENTS);
+    if (fd == -1) {
+        PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_Exception);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return PyInt_FromLong(fd);
+ * Simple wrapper around epoll_ctl. We throw an exception if the call fails
+ * rather than returning the error code since it is an infrequent (and likely
+ * catastrophic) event when it does happen.
+ */
+static PyObject* _epoll_ctl(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) {
+    int epfd, op, fd, events;
+    struct epoll_event event;
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiI", &epfd, &op, &fd, &events)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));
+    event.events = events;
+    event.data.fd = fd;
+    if (epoll_ctl(epfd, op, fd, &event) == -1) {
+        PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+    return Py_None;
+ * Simple wrapper around epoll_wait. We return None if the call times out and
+ * throw an exception if an error occurs. Otherwise, we return a list of
+ * (fd, event) tuples.
+ */
+static PyObject* _epoll_wait(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) {
+    struct epoll_event events[MAX_EVENTS];
+    int epfd, timeout, num_events, i;
+    PyObject* list;
+    PyObject* tuple;
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii", &epfd, &timeout)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    num_events = epoll_wait(epfd, events, MAX_EVENTS, timeout);
+    if (num_events == -1) {
+        PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_Exception);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    list = PyList_New(num_events);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_events; i++) {
+        tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+        PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(events[i].data.fd));
+        PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(events[i].events));
+        PyList_SET_ITEM(list, i, tuple);
+    }
+    return list;
+ * Our method declararations
+ */
+static PyMethodDef kEpollMethods[] = {
+  {"epoll_create", (PyCFunction)_epoll_create, METH_NOARGS,
+   "Create an epoll file descriptor"},
+  {"epoll_ctl", _epoll_ctl, METH_VARARGS,
+   "Control an epoll file descriptor"},
+  {"epoll_wait", _epoll_wait, METH_VARARGS,
+   "Wait for events on an epoll file descriptor"},
+  {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}
+ * Module initialization
+ */
+PyMODINIT_FUNC initepoll(void) {
+    Py_InitModule("epoll", kEpollMethods);
diff --git a/lib/tornado/escape.py b/lib/tornado/escape.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..af99f52
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Escaping/unescaping methods for HTML, JSON, URLs, and others."""
+import htmlentitydefs
+import re
+import xml.sax.saxutils
+import urllib
+    import json
+    assert hasattr(json, "loads") and hasattr(json, "dumps")
+    _json_decode = lambda s: json.loads(s)
+    _json_encode = lambda v: json.dumps(v)
+    try:
+        import simplejson
+        _json_decode = lambda s: simplejson.loads(_unicode(s))
+        _json_encode = lambda v: simplejson.dumps(v)
+    except ImportError:
+        try:
+            # For Google AppEngine
+            from django.utils import simplejson
+            _json_decode = lambda s: simplejson.loads(_unicode(s))
+            _json_encode = lambda v: simplejson.dumps(v)
+        except ImportError:
+            raise Exception("A JSON parser is required, e.g., simplejson at "
+                            "http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson/")
+def xhtml_escape(value):
+    """Escapes a string so it is valid within XML or XHTML."""
+    return utf8(xml.sax.saxutils.escape(value, {'"': "&quot;"}))
+def xhtml_unescape(value):
+    """Un-escapes an XML-escaped string."""
+    return re.sub(r"&(#?)(\w+?);", _convert_entity, _unicode(value))
+def json_encode(value):
+    """JSON-encodes the given Python object."""
+    # JSON permits but does not require forward slashes to be escaped.
+    # This is useful when json data is emitted in a <script> tag
+    # in HTML, as it prevents </script> tags from prematurely terminating
+    # the javscript.  Some json libraries do this escaping by default,
+    # although python's standard library does not, so we do it here.
+    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1580647/json-why-are-forward-slashes-escaped
+    return _json_encode(value).replace("</", "<\\/")
+def json_decode(value):
+    """Returns Python objects for the given JSON string."""
+    return _json_decode(value)
+def squeeze(value):
+    """Replace all sequences of whitespace chars with a single space."""
+    return re.sub(r"[\x00-\x20]+", " ", value).strip()
+def url_escape(value):
+    """Returns a valid URL-encoded version of the given value."""
+    return urllib.quote_plus(utf8(value))
+def url_unescape(value):
+    """Decodes the given value from a URL."""
+    return _unicode(urllib.unquote_plus(value))
+def utf8(value):
+    if isinstance(value, unicode):
+        return value.encode("utf-8")
+    assert isinstance(value, str)
+    return value
+def _unicode(value):
+    if isinstance(value, str):
+        return value.decode("utf-8")
+    assert isinstance(value, unicode)
+    return value
+def _convert_entity(m):
+    if m.group(1) == "#":
+        try:
+            return unichr(int(m.group(2)))
+        except ValueError:
+            return "&#%s;" % m.group(2)
+    try:
+        return _HTML_UNICODE_MAP[m.group(2)]
+    except KeyError:
+        return "&%s;" % m.group(2)
+def _build_unicode_map():
+    unicode_map = {}
+    for name, value in htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint.iteritems():
+        unicode_map[name] = unichr(value)
+    return unicode_map
+_HTML_UNICODE_MAP = _build_unicode_map()
diff --git a/lib/tornado/httpclient.py b/lib/tornado/httpclient.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4d97eeb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Blocking and non-blocking HTTP client implementations using pycurl."""
+import calendar
+import collections
+import cStringIO
+import email.utils
+import errno
+import escape
+import httplib
+import httputil
+import ioloop
+import logging
+import pycurl
+import sys
+import time
+import weakref
+class HTTPClient(object):
+    """A blocking HTTP client backed with pycurl.
+    Typical usage looks like this:
+        http_client = httpclient.HTTPClient()
+        try:
+            response = http_client.fetch("http://www.google.com/")
+            print response.body
+        except httpclient.HTTPError, e:
+            print "Error:", e
+    fetch() can take a string URL or an HTTPRequest instance, which offers
+    more options, like executing POST/PUT/DELETE requests.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, max_simultaneous_connections=None):
+        self._curl = _curl_create(max_simultaneous_connections)
+    def __del__(self):
+        self._curl.close()
+    def fetch(self, request, **kwargs):
+        """Executes an HTTPRequest, returning an HTTPResponse.
+        If an error occurs during the fetch, we raise an HTTPError.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(request, HTTPRequest):
+           request = HTTPRequest(url=request, **kwargs)
+        buffer = cStringIO.StringIO()
+        headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders()
+        try:
+            _curl_setup_request(self._curl, request, buffer, headers)
+            self._curl.perform()
+            code = self._curl.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
+            effective_url = self._curl.getinfo(pycurl.EFFECTIVE_URL)
+            buffer.seek(0)
+            response = HTTPResponse(
+                request=request, code=code, headers=headers,
+                buffer=buffer, effective_url=effective_url)
+            if code < 200 or code >= 300:
+                raise HTTPError(code, response=response)
+            return response
+        except pycurl.error, e:
+            buffer.close()
+            raise CurlError(*e)
+class AsyncHTTPClient(object):
+    """An non-blocking HTTP client backed with pycurl.
+    Example usage:
+        import ioloop
+        def handle_request(response):
+            if response.error:
+                print "Error:", response.error
+            else:
+                print response.body
+            ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop()
+        http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
+        http_client.fetch("http://www.google.com/", handle_request)
+        ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
+    fetch() can take a string URL or an HTTPRequest instance, which offers
+    more options, like executing POST/PUT/DELETE requests.
+    The keyword argument max_clients to the AsyncHTTPClient constructor
+    determines the maximum number of simultaneous fetch() operations that
+    can execute in parallel on each IOLoop.
+    """
+    _ASYNC_CLIENTS = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
+    def __new__(cls, io_loop=None, max_clients=10,
+                max_simultaneous_connections=None):
+        # There is one client per IOLoop since they share curl instances
+        io_loop = io_loop or ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
+        if io_loop in cls._ASYNC_CLIENTS:
+            return cls._ASYNC_CLIENTS[io_loop]
+        else:
+            instance = super(AsyncHTTPClient, cls).__new__(cls)
+            instance.io_loop = io_loop
+            instance._multi = pycurl.CurlMulti()
+            instance._curls = [_curl_create(max_simultaneous_connections)
+                               for i in xrange(max_clients)]
+            instance._free_list = instance._curls[:]
+            instance._requests = collections.deque()
+            instance._fds = {}
+            instance._events = {}
+            instance._added_perform_callback = False
+            instance._timeout = None
+            instance._closed = False
+            cls._ASYNC_CLIENTS[io_loop] = instance
+            return instance
+    def close(self):
+        """Destroys this http client, freeing any file descriptors used.
+        Not needed in normal use, but may be helpful in unittests that
+        create and destroy http clients.  No other methods may be called
+        on the AsyncHTTPClient after close().
+        """
+        del AsyncHTTPClient._ASYNC_CLIENTS[self.io_loop]
+        for curl in self._curls:
+            curl.close()
+        self._multi.close()
+        self._closed = True
+    def fetch(self, request, callback, **kwargs):
+        """Executes an HTTPRequest, calling callback with an HTTPResponse.
+        If an error occurs during the fetch, the HTTPResponse given to the
+        callback has a non-None error attribute that contains the exception
+        encountered during the request. You can call response.reraise() to
+        throw the exception (if any) in the callback.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(request, HTTPRequest):
+           request = HTTPRequest(url=request, **kwargs)
+        self._requests.append((request, callback))
+        self._add_perform_callback()
+    def _add_perform_callback(self):
+        if not self._added_perform_callback:
+            self.io_loop.add_callback(self._perform)
+            self._added_perform_callback = True
+    def _handle_events(self, fd, events):
+        self._events[fd] = events
+        self._add_perform_callback()
+    def _handle_timeout(self):
+        self._timeout = None
+        self._perform()
+    def _perform(self):
+        self._added_perform_callback = False
+        if self._closed:
+            return
+        while True:
+            while True:
+                ret, num_handles = self._multi.perform()
+                if ret != pycurl.E_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM:
+                    break
+            # Update the set of active file descriptors.  It is important
+            # that this happen immediately after perform() because
+            # fds that have been removed from fdset are free to be reused
+            # in user callbacks.
+            fds = {}
+            (readable, writable, exceptable) = self._multi.fdset()
+            for fd in readable:
+                fds[fd] = fds.get(fd, 0) | 0x1 | 0x2
+            for fd in writable:
+                fds[fd] = fds.get(fd, 0) | 0x4
+            for fd in exceptable:
+                fds[fd] = fds.get(fd, 0) | 0x8 | 0x10
+            if fds and max(fds.iterkeys()) > 900:
+                # Libcurl has a bug in which it behaves unpredictably with
+                # file descriptors greater than 1024.  (This is because
+                # even though it uses poll() instead of select(), it still
+                # uses FD_SET internally) Since curl opens its own file
+                # descriptors we can't catch this problem when it happens,
+                # and the best we can do is detect that it's about to
+                # happen.  Exiting is a lousy way to handle this error,
+                # but there's not much we can do at this point.  Exiting
+                # (and getting restarted by whatever monitoring process
+                # is handling crashed tornado processes) will at least
+                # get things working again and hopefully bring the issue
+                # to someone's attention.
+                # If you run into this issue, you either have a file descriptor
+                # leak or need to run more tornado processes (so that none
+                # of them are handling more than 1000 simultaneous connections)
+                print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: File descriptor too high for libcurl. Exiting."
+                logging.error("File descriptor too high for libcurl. Exiting.")
+                sys.exit(1)
+            for fd in self._fds:
+                if fd not in fds:
+                    try:
+                        self.io_loop.remove_handler(fd)
+                    except (OSError, IOError), e:
+                        if e[0] != errno.ENOENT:
+                            raise
+            for fd, events in fds.iteritems():
+                old_events = self._fds.get(fd, None)
+                if old_events is None:
+                    self.io_loop.add_handler(fd, self._handle_events, events)
+                elif old_events != events:
+                    try:
+                        self.io_loop.update_handler(fd, events)
+                    except (OSError, IOError), e:
+                        if e[0] == errno.ENOENT:
+                            self.io_loop.add_handler(fd, self._handle_events,
+                                                     events)
+                        else:
+                            raise
+            self._fds = fds
+            # Handle completed fetches
+            completed = 0
+            while True:
+                num_q, ok_list, err_list = self._multi.info_read()
+                for curl in ok_list:
+                    self._finish(curl)
+                    completed += 1
+                for curl, errnum, errmsg in err_list:
+                    self._finish(curl, errnum, errmsg)
+                    completed += 1
+                if num_q == 0:
+                    break
+            # Start fetching new URLs
+            started = 0
+            while self._free_list and self._requests:
+                started += 1
+                curl = self._free_list.pop()
+                (request, callback) = self._requests.popleft()
+                curl.info = {
+                    "headers": httputil.HTTPHeaders(),
+                    "buffer": cStringIO.StringIO(),
+                    "request": request,
+                    "callback": callback,
+                    "start_time": time.time(),
+                }
+                _curl_setup_request(curl, request, curl.info["buffer"],
+                                    curl.info["headers"])
+                self._multi.add_handle(curl)
+            if not started and not completed:
+                break
+        if self._timeout is not None:
+            self.io_loop.remove_timeout(self._timeout)
+            self._timeout = None
+        if num_handles:
+            self._timeout = self.io_loop.add_timeout(
+                time.time() + 0.2, self._handle_timeout)
+    def _finish(self, curl, curl_error=None, curl_message=None):
+        info = curl.info
+        curl.info = None
+        self._multi.remove_handle(curl)
+        self._free_list.append(curl)
+        buffer = info["buffer"]
+        if curl_error:
+            error = CurlError(curl_error, curl_message)
+            code = error.code
+            body = None
+            effective_url = None
+            buffer.close()
+            buffer = None
+        else:
+            error = None
+            code = curl.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
+            effective_url = curl.getinfo(pycurl.EFFECTIVE_URL)
+            buffer.seek(0)
+        try:
+            info["callback"](HTTPResponse(
+                request=info["request"], code=code, headers=info["headers"],
+                buffer=buffer, effective_url=effective_url, error=error,
+                request_time=time.time() - info["start_time"]))
+        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+            raise
+        except:
+            logging.error("Exception in callback %r", info["callback"],
+                          exc_info=True)
+class AsyncHTTPClient2(object):
+    """Alternate implementation of AsyncHTTPClient.
+    This class has the same interface as AsyncHTTPClient (so see that class
+    for usage documentation) but is implemented with a different set of
+    libcurl APIs (curl_multi_socket_action instead of fdset/perform).
+    This implementation will likely become the default in the future, but
+    for now should be considered somewhat experimental.
+    The main advantage of this class over the original implementation is
+    that it is immune to the fd > 1024 bug, so applications with a large
+    number of simultaneous requests (e.g. long-polling) may prefer this
+    version.
+    Known bugs:
+    * Timeouts connecting to localhost
+    In some situations, this implementation will return a connection
+    timeout when the old implementation would be able to connect.  This
+    has only been observed when connecting to localhost when using
+    the kqueue-based IOLoop (mac/bsd), but it may also occur on epoll (linux)
+    and, in principle, for non-localhost sites.
+    While the bug is unrelated to IPv6, disabling IPv6 will avoid the
+    most common manifestations of the bug, so this class disables IPv6 when
+    it detects an affected version of libcurl.
+    The underlying cause is a libcurl bug in versions up to and including
+    7.21.0 (it will be fixed in the not-yet-released 7.21.1)
+    http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3017819&group_id=976&atid=100976
+    """
+    _ASYNC_CLIENTS = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
+    def __new__(cls, io_loop=None, max_clients=10,
+                max_simultaneous_connections=None):
+        # There is one client per IOLoop since they share curl instances
+        io_loop = io_loop or ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
+        if io_loop in cls._ASYNC_CLIENTS:
+            return cls._ASYNC_CLIENTS[io_loop]
+        else:
+            instance = super(AsyncHTTPClient2, cls).__new__(cls)
+            instance.io_loop = io_loop
+            instance._multi = pycurl.CurlMulti()
+            instance._multi.setopt(pycurl.M_TIMERFUNCTION,
+                                   instance._set_timeout)
+            instance._multi.setopt(pycurl.M_SOCKETFUNCTION,
+                                   instance._handle_socket)
+            instance._curls = [_curl_create(max_simultaneous_connections)
+                               for i in xrange(max_clients)]
+            instance._free_list = instance._curls[:]
+            instance._requests = collections.deque()
+            instance._fds = {}
+            instance._timeout = None
+            cls._ASYNC_CLIENTS[io_loop] = instance
+            return instance
+    def close(self):
+        """Destroys this http client, freeing any file descriptors used.
+        Not needed in normal use, but may be helpful in unittests that
+        create and destroy http clients.  No other methods may be called
+        on the AsyncHTTPClient after close().
+        """
+        del AsyncHTTPClient2._ASYNC_CLIENTS[self.io_loop]
+        for curl in self._curls:
+            curl.close()
+        self._multi.close()
+        self._closed = True
+    def fetch(self, request, callback, **kwargs):
+        """Executes an HTTPRequest, calling callback with an HTTPResponse.
+        If an error occurs during the fetch, the HTTPResponse given to the
+        callback has a non-None error attribute that contains the exception
+        encountered during the request. You can call response.reraise() to
+        throw the exception (if any) in the callback.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(request, HTTPRequest):
+           request = HTTPRequest(url=request, **kwargs)
+        self._requests.append((request, callback))
+        self._process_queue()
+        self._set_timeout(0)
+    def _handle_socket(self, event, fd, multi, data):
+        """Called by libcurl when it wants to change the file descriptors
+        it cares about.
+        """
+        event_map = {
+            pycurl.POLL_NONE: ioloop.IOLoop.NONE,
+            pycurl.POLL_IN: ioloop.IOLoop.READ,
+            pycurl.POLL_OUT: ioloop.IOLoop.WRITE,
+            pycurl.POLL_INOUT: ioloop.IOLoop.READ | ioloop.IOLoop.WRITE
+        }
+        if event == pycurl.POLL_REMOVE:
+            self.io_loop.remove_handler(fd)
+            del self._fds[fd]
+        else:
+            ioloop_event = event_map[event]
+            if fd not in self._fds:
+                self._fds[fd] = ioloop_event
+                self.io_loop.add_handler(fd, self._handle_events,
+                                         ioloop_event)
+            else:
+                self._fds[fd] = ioloop_event
+                self.io_loop.update_handler(fd, ioloop_event)
+    def _set_timeout(self, msecs):
+        """Called by libcurl to schedule a timeout."""
+        if self._timeout is not None:
+            self.io_loop.remove_timeout(self._timeout)
+        self._timeout = self.io_loop.add_timeout(
+            time.time() + msecs/1000.0, self._handle_timeout)
+    def _handle_events(self, fd, events):
+        """Called by IOLoop when there is activity on one of our
+        file descriptors.
+        """
+        action = 0
+        if events & ioloop.IOLoop.READ: action |= pycurl.CSELECT_IN
+        if events & ioloop.IOLoop.WRITE: action |= pycurl.CSELECT_OUT
+        while True:
+            try:
+                ret, num_handles = self._multi.socket_action(fd, action)
+            except Exception, e:
+                ret = e[0]
+            if ret != pycurl.E_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM:
+                break
+        self._finish_pending_requests()
+    def _handle_timeout(self):
+        """Called by IOLoop when the requested timeout has passed."""
+        self._timeout = None
+        while True:
+            try:
+                ret, num_handles = self._multi.socket_action(
+                                        pycurl.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, 0)
+            except Exception, e:
+                ret = e[0]
+            if ret != pycurl.E_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM:
+                break
+        self._finish_pending_requests()
+        # In theory, we shouldn't have to do this because curl will
+        # call _set_timeout whenever the timeout changes.  However,
+        # sometimes after _handle_timeout we will need to reschedule
+        # immediately even though nothing has changed from curl's
+        # perspective.  This is because when socket_action is
+        # called with SOCKET_TIMEOUT, libcurl decides internally which
+        # timeouts need to be processed by using a monotonic clock
+        # (where available) while tornado uses python's time.time()
+        # to decide when timeouts have occurred.  When those clocks
+        # disagree on elapsed time (as they will whenever there is an
+        # NTP adjustment), tornado might call _handle_timeout before
+        # libcurl is ready.  After each timeout, resync the scheduled
+        # timeout with libcurl's current state.
+        new_timeout = self._multi.timeout()
+        if new_timeout != -1:
+            self._set_timeout(new_timeout)
+    def _finish_pending_requests(self):
+        """Process any requests that were completed by the last
+        call to multi.socket_action.
+        """
+        while True:
+            num_q, ok_list, err_list = self._multi.info_read()
+            for curl in ok_list:
+                self._finish(curl)
+            for curl, errnum, errmsg in err_list:
+                self._finish(curl, errnum, errmsg)
+            if num_q == 0:
+                break
+        self._process_queue()
+    def _process_queue(self):
+        while True:
+            started = 0
+            while self._free_list and self._requests:
+                started += 1
+                curl = self._free_list.pop()
+                (request, callback) = self._requests.popleft()
+                curl.info = {
+                    "headers": httputil.HTTPHeaders(),
+                    "buffer": cStringIO.StringIO(),
+                    "request": request,
+                    "callback": callback,
+                    "start_time": time.time(),
+                }
+                # Disable IPv6 to mitigate the effects of this bug
+                # on curl versions <= 7.21.0
+                # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3017819&group_id=976&atid=100976
+                if pycurl.version_info()[2] <= 0x71500:  # 7.21.0
+                    curl.setopt(pycurl.IPRESOLVE, pycurl.IPRESOLVE_V4)
+                _curl_setup_request(curl, request, curl.info["buffer"],
+                                    curl.info["headers"])
+                self._multi.add_handle(curl)
+            if not started:
+                break
+    def _finish(self, curl, curl_error=None, curl_message=None):
+        info = curl.info
+        curl.info = None
+        self._multi.remove_handle(curl)
+        self._free_list.append(curl)
+        buffer = info["buffer"]
+        if curl_error:
+            error = CurlError(curl_error, curl_message)
+            code = error.code
+            effective_url = None
+            buffer.close()
+            buffer = None
+        else:
+            error = None
+            code = curl.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
+            effective_url = curl.getinfo(pycurl.EFFECTIVE_URL)
+            buffer.seek(0)
+        try:
+            info["callback"](HTTPResponse(
+                request=info["request"], code=code, headers=info["headers"],
+                buffer=buffer, effective_url=effective_url, error=error,
+                request_time=time.time() - info["start_time"]))
+        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+            raise
+        except:
+            logging.error("Exception in callback %r", info["callback"],
+                          exc_info=True)
+class HTTPRequest(object):
+    def __init__(self, url, method="GET", headers=None, body=None,
+                 auth_username=None, auth_password=None,
+                 connect_timeout=20.0, request_timeout=20.0,
+                 if_modified_since=None, follow_redirects=True,
+                 max_redirects=5, user_agent=None, use_gzip=True,
+                 network_interface=None, streaming_callback=None,
+                 header_callback=None, prepare_curl_callback=None,
+                 allow_nonstandard_methods=False):
+        if headers is None:
+            headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders()
+        if if_modified_since:
+            timestamp = calendar.timegm(if_modified_since.utctimetuple())
+            headers["If-Modified-Since"] = email.utils.formatdate(
+                timestamp, localtime=False, usegmt=True)
+        if "Pragma" not in headers:
+            headers["Pragma"] = ""
+        self.url = _utf8(url)
+        self.method = method
+        self.headers = headers
+        self.body = body
+        self.auth_username = _utf8(auth_username)
+        self.auth_password = _utf8(auth_password)
+        self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout
+        self.request_timeout = request_timeout
+        self.follow_redirects = follow_redirects
+        self.max_redirects = max_redirects
+        self.user_agent = user_agent
+        self.use_gzip = use_gzip
+        self.network_interface = network_interface
+        self.streaming_callback = streaming_callback
+        self.header_callback = header_callback
+        self.prepare_curl_callback = prepare_curl_callback
+        self.allow_nonstandard_methods = allow_nonstandard_methods
+class HTTPResponse(object):
+    def __init__(self, request, code, headers={}, buffer=None, effective_url=None,
+                 error=None, request_time=None):
+        self.request = request
+        self.code = code
+        self.headers = headers
+        self.buffer = buffer
+        self._body = None
+        if effective_url is None:
+            self.effective_url = request.url
+        else:
+            self.effective_url = effective_url
+        if error is None:
+            if self.code < 200 or self.code >= 300:
+                self.error = HTTPError(self.code, response=self)
+            else:
+                self.error = None
+        else:
+            self.error = error
+        self.request_time = request_time
+    def _get_body(self):
+        if self.buffer is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._body is None:
+            self._body = self.buffer.getvalue()
+        return self._body
+    body = property(_get_body)
+    def rethrow(self):
+        if self.error:
+            raise self.error
+    def __repr__(self):
+        args = ",".join("%s=%r" % i for i in self.__dict__.iteritems())
+        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, args)
+    def __del__(self):
+        if self.buffer is not None:
+            self.buffer.close()
+class HTTPError(Exception):
+    """Exception thrown for an unsuccessful HTTP request.
+    Attributes:
+    code - HTTP error integer error code, e.g. 404.  Error code 599 is
+           used when no HTTP response was received, e.g. for a timeout.
+    response - HTTPResponse object, if any.
+    Note that if follow_redirects is False, redirects become HTTPErrors,
+    and you can look at error.response.headers['Location'] to see the
+    destination of the redirect.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, code, message=None, response=None):
+        self.code = code
+        message = message or httplib.responses.get(code, "Unknown")
+        self.response = response
+        Exception.__init__(self, "HTTP %d: %s" % (self.code, message))
+class CurlError(HTTPError):
+    def __init__(self, errno, message):
+        HTTPError.__init__(self, 599, message)
+        self.errno = errno
+def _curl_create(max_simultaneous_connections=None):
+    curl = pycurl.Curl()
+    if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 1)
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.DEBUGFUNCTION, _curl_debug)
+    curl.setopt(pycurl.MAXCONNECTS, max_simultaneous_connections or 5)
+    return curl
+def _curl_setup_request(curl, request, buffer, headers):
+    curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, request.url)
+    # Request headers may be either a regular dict or HTTPHeaders object
+    if isinstance(request.headers, httputil.HTTPHeaders):
+      curl.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER,
+                  [_utf8("%s: %s" % i) for i in request.headers.get_all()])
+    else:
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER,
+                    [_utf8("%s: %s" % i) for i in request.headers.iteritems()])
+    if request.header_callback:
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, request.header_callback)
+    else:
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION,
+                    lambda line: _curl_header_callback(headers, line))
+    if request.streaming_callback:
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, request.streaming_callback)
+    else:
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, buffer.write)
+    curl.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, request.follow_redirects)
+    curl.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, request.max_redirects)
+    curl.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, int(request.connect_timeout))
+    curl.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, int(request.request_timeout))
+    if request.user_agent:
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, _utf8(request.user_agent))
+    else:
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; pycurl)")
+    if request.network_interface:
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.INTERFACE, request.network_interface)
+    if request.use_gzip:
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.ENCODING, "gzip,deflate")
+    else:
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.ENCODING, "none")
+    # Set the request method through curl's retarded interface which makes
+    # up names for almost every single method
+    curl_options = {
+        "GET": pycurl.HTTPGET,
+        "POST": pycurl.POST,
+        "PUT": pycurl.UPLOAD,
+        "HEAD": pycurl.NOBODY,
+    }
+    custom_methods = set(["DELETE"])
+    for o in curl_options.values():
+        curl.setopt(o, False)
+    if request.method in curl_options:
+        curl.unsetopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST)
+        curl.setopt(curl_options[request.method], True)
+    elif request.allow_nonstandard_methods or request.method in custom_methods:
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, request.method)
+    else:
+        raise KeyError('unknown method ' + request.method)
+    # Handle curl's cryptic options for every individual HTTP method
+    if request.method in ("POST", "PUT"):
+        request_buffer =  cStringIO.StringIO(escape.utf8(request.body))
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.READFUNCTION, request_buffer.read)
+        if request.method == "POST":
+            def ioctl(cmd):
+                if cmd == curl.IOCMD_RESTARTREAD:
+                    request_buffer.seek(0)
+            curl.setopt(pycurl.IOCTLFUNCTION, ioctl)
+            curl.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDSIZE, len(request.body))
+        else:
+            curl.setopt(pycurl.INFILESIZE, len(request.body))
+    if request.auth_username and request.auth_password:
+        userpwd = "%s:%s" % (request.auth_username, request.auth_password)
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_BASIC)
+        curl.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, userpwd)
+        logging.info("%s %s (username: %r)", request.method, request.url,
+                     request.auth_username)
+    else:
+        curl.unsetopt(pycurl.USERPWD)
+        logging.info("%s %s", request.method, request.url)
+    if request.prepare_curl_callback is not None:
+        request.prepare_curl_callback(curl)
+def _curl_header_callback(headers, header_line):
+    if header_line.startswith("HTTP/"):
+        headers.clear()
+        return
+    if header_line == "\r\n":
+        return
+    headers.parse_line(header_line)
+def _curl_debug(debug_type, debug_msg):
+    debug_types = ('I', '<', '>', '<', '>')
+    if debug_type == 0:
+        logging.debug('%s', debug_msg.strip())
+    elif debug_type in (1, 2):
+        for line in debug_msg.splitlines():
+            logging.debug('%s %s', debug_types[debug_type], line)
+    elif debug_type == 4:
+        logging.debug('%s %r', debug_types[debug_type], debug_msg)
+def _utf8(value):
+    if value is None:
+        return value
+    if isinstance(value, unicode):
+        return value.encode("utf-8")
+    assert isinstance(value, str)
+    return value
diff --git a/lib/tornado/httpserver.py b/lib/tornado/httpserver.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..267960a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""A non-blocking, single-threaded HTTP server."""
+import cgi
+import errno
+import httputil
+import ioloop
+import iostream
+import logging
+import os
+import socket
+import time
+import urlparse
+    import fcntl
+except ImportError:
+    if os.name == 'nt':
+        import win32_support as fcntl
+    else:
+        raise
+    import ssl # Python 2.6+
+except ImportError:
+    ssl = None
+class HTTPServer(object):
+    """A non-blocking, single-threaded HTTP server.
+    A server is defined by a request callback that takes an HTTPRequest
+    instance as an argument and writes a valid HTTP response with
+    request.write(). request.finish() finishes the request (but does not
+    necessarily close the connection in the case of HTTP/1.1 keep-alive
+    requests). A simple example server that echoes back the URI you
+    requested:
+        import httpserver
+        import ioloop
+        def handle_request(request):
+           message = "You requested %s\n" % request.uri
+           request.write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s" % (
+                         len(message), message))
+           request.finish()
+        http_server = httpserver.HTTPServer(handle_request)
+        http_server.listen(8888)
+        ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
+    HTTPServer is a very basic connection handler. Beyond parsing the
+    HTTP request body and headers, the only HTTP semantics implemented
+    in HTTPServer is HTTP/1.1 keep-alive connections. We do not, however,
+    implement chunked encoding, so the request callback must provide a
+    Content-Length header or implement chunked encoding for HTTP/1.1
+    requests for the server to run correctly for HTTP/1.1 clients. If
+    the request handler is unable to do this, you can provide the
+    no_keep_alive argument to the HTTPServer constructor, which will
+    ensure the connection is closed on every request no matter what HTTP
+    version the client is using.
+    If xheaders is True, we support the X-Real-Ip and X-Scheme headers,
+    which override the remote IP and HTTP scheme for all requests. These
+    headers are useful when running Tornado behind a reverse proxy or
+    load balancer.
+    HTTPServer can serve HTTPS (SSL) traffic with Python 2.6+ and OpenSSL.
+    To make this server serve SSL traffic, send the ssl_options dictionary
+    argument with the arguments required for the ssl.wrap_socket() method,
+    including "certfile" and "keyfile":
+       HTTPServer(applicaton, ssl_options={
+           "certfile": os.path.join(data_dir, "mydomain.crt"),
+           "keyfile": os.path.join(data_dir, "mydomain.key"),
+       })
+    By default, listen() runs in a single thread in a single process. You
+    can utilize all available CPUs on this machine by calling bind() and
+    start() instead of listen():
+        http_server = httpserver.HTTPServer(handle_request)
+        http_server.bind(8888)
+        http_server.start() # Forks multiple sub-processes
+        ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
+    start() detects the number of CPUs on this machine and "pre-forks" that
+    number of child processes so that we have one Tornado process per CPU,
+    all with their own IOLoop. You can also pass in the specific number of
+    child processes you want to run with if you want to override this
+    auto-detection.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, request_callback, no_keep_alive=False, io_loop=None,
+                 xheaders=False, ssl_options=None):
+        """Initializes the server with the given request callback.
+        If you use pre-forking/start() instead of the listen() method to
+        start your server, you should not pass an IOLoop instance to this
+        constructor. Each pre-forked child process will create its own
+        IOLoop instance after the forking process.
+        """
+        self.request_callback = request_callback
+        self.no_keep_alive = no_keep_alive
+        self.io_loop = io_loop
+        self.xheaders = xheaders
+        self.ssl_options = ssl_options
+        self._socket = None
+        self._started = False
+    def listen(self, port, address=""):
+        """Binds to the given port and starts the server in a single process.
+        This method is a shortcut for:
+            server.bind(port, address)
+            server.start(1)
+        """
+        self.bind(port, address)
+        self.start(1)
+    def bind(self, port, address=""):
+        """Binds this server to the given port on the given IP address.
+        To start the server, call start(). If you want to run this server
+        in a single process, you can call listen() as a shortcut to the
+        sequence of bind() and start() calls.
+        """
+        assert not self._socket
+        self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
+        flags = fcntl.fcntl(self._socket.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFD)
+        flags |= fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC
+        fcntl.fcntl(self._socket.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFD, flags)
+        self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+        self._socket.setblocking(0)
+        self._socket.bind((address, port))
+        self._socket.listen(128)
+    def start(self, num_processes=1):
+        """Starts this server in the IOLoop.
+        By default, we run the server in this process and do not fork any
+        additional child process.
+        If num_processes is None or <= 0, we detect the number of cores
+        available on this machine and fork that number of child
+        processes. If num_processes is given and > 1, we fork that
+        specific number of sub-processes.
+        Since we use processes and not threads, there is no shared memory
+        between any server code.
+        """
+        assert not self._started
+        self._started = True
+        if num_processes is None or num_processes <= 0:
+            # Use sysconf to detect the number of CPUs (cores)
+            try:
+                num_processes = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF")
+            except ValueError:
+                logging.error("Could not get num processors from sysconf; "
+                              "running with one process")
+                num_processes = 1
+        if num_processes > 1 and ioloop.IOLoop.initialized():
+            logging.error("Cannot run in multiple processes: IOLoop instance "
+                          "has already been initialized. You cannot call "
+                          "IOLoop.instance() before calling start()")
+            num_processes = 1
+        if num_processes > 1:
+            logging.info("Pre-forking %d server processes", num_processes)
+            for i in range(num_processes):
+                if os.fork() == 0:
+                    self.io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
+                    self.io_loop.add_handler(
+                        self._socket.fileno(), self._handle_events,
+                        ioloop.IOLoop.READ)
+                    return
+            os.waitpid(-1, 0)
+        else:
+            if not self.io_loop:
+                self.io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
+            self.io_loop.add_handler(self._socket.fileno(),
+                                     self._handle_events,
+                                     ioloop.IOLoop.READ)
+    def stop(self):
+      self.io_loop.remove_handler(self._socket.fileno())
+      self._socket.close()
+    def _handle_events(self, fd, events):
+        while True:
+            try:
+                connection, address = self._socket.accept()
+            except socket.error, e:
+                if e[0] in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EAGAIN):
+                    return
+                raise
+            if self.ssl_options is not None:
+                assert ssl, "Python 2.6+ and OpenSSL required for SSL"
+                connection = ssl.wrap_socket(
+                    connection, server_side=True, **self.ssl_options)
+            try:
+                stream = iostream.IOStream(connection, io_loop=self.io_loop)
+                HTTPConnection(stream, address, self.request_callback,
+                               self.no_keep_alive, self.xheaders)
+            except:
+                logging.error("Error in connection callback", exc_info=True)
+class HTTPConnection(object):
+    """Handles a connection to an HTTP client, executing HTTP requests.
+    We parse HTTP headers and bodies, and execute the request callback
+    until the HTTP conection is closed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, stream, address, request_callback, no_keep_alive=False,
+                 xheaders=False):
+        self.stream = stream
+        self.address = address
+        self.request_callback = request_callback
+        self.no_keep_alive = no_keep_alive
+        self.xheaders = xheaders
+        self._request = None
+        self._request_finished = False
+        self.stream.read_until("\r\n\r\n", self._on_headers)
+    def write(self, chunk):
+        assert self._request, "Request closed"
+        if not self.stream.closed():
+            self.stream.write(chunk, self._on_write_complete)
+    def finish(self):
+        assert self._request, "Request closed"
+        self._request_finished = True
+        if not self.stream.writing():
+            self._finish_request()
+    def _on_write_complete(self):
+        if self._request_finished:
+            self._finish_request()
+    def _finish_request(self):
+        if self.no_keep_alive:
+            disconnect = True
+        else:
+            connection_header = self._request.headers.get("Connection")
+            if self._request.supports_http_1_1():
+                disconnect = connection_header == "close"
+            elif ("Content-Length" in self._request.headers
+                    or self._request.method in ("HEAD", "GET")):
+                disconnect = connection_header != "Keep-Alive"
+            else:
+                disconnect = True
+        self._request = None
+        self._request_finished = False
+        if disconnect:
+            self.stream.close()
+            return
+        self.stream.read_until("\r\n\r\n", self._on_headers)
+    def _on_headers(self, data):
+        eol = data.find("\r\n")
+        start_line = data[:eol]
+        method, uri, version = start_line.split(" ")
+        if not version.startswith("HTTP/"):
+            raise Exception("Malformed HTTP version in HTTP Request-Line")
+        headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders.parse(data[eol:])
+        self._request = HTTPRequest(
+            connection=self, method=method, uri=uri, version=version,
+            headers=headers, remote_ip=self.address[0])
+        content_length = headers.get("Content-Length")
+        if content_length:
+            content_length = int(content_length)
+            if content_length > self.stream.max_buffer_size:
+                raise Exception("Content-Length too long")
+            if headers.get("Expect") == "100-continue":
+                self.stream.write("HTTP/1.1 100 (Continue)\r\n\r\n")
+            self.stream.read_bytes(content_length, self._on_request_body)
+            return
+        self.request_callback(self._request)
+    def _on_request_body(self, data):
+        self._request.body = data
+        content_type = self._request.headers.get("Content-Type", "")
+        if self._request.method == "POST":
+            if content_type.startswith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"):
+                arguments = cgi.parse_qs(self._request.body)
+                for name, values in arguments.iteritems():
+                    values = [v for v in values if v]
+                    if values:
+                        self._request.arguments.setdefault(name, []).extend(
+                            values)
+            elif content_type.startswith("multipart/form-data"):
+                if 'boundary=' in content_type:
+                    boundary = content_type.split('boundary=',1)[1]
+                    if boundary: self._parse_mime_body(boundary, data)
+                else:
+                    logging.warning("Invalid multipart/form-data")
+        self.request_callback(self._request)
+    def _parse_mime_body(self, boundary, data):
+        # The standard allows for the boundary to be quoted in the header,
+        # although it's rare (it happens at least for google app engine
+        # xmpp).  I think we're also supposed to handle backslash-escapes
+        # here but I'll save that until we see a client that uses them
+        # in the wild.
+        if boundary.startswith('"') and boundary.endswith('"'):
+            boundary = boundary[1:-1]
+        if data.endswith("\r\n"):
+            footer_length = len(boundary) + 6
+        else:
+            footer_length = len(boundary) + 4
+        parts = data[:-footer_length].split("--" + boundary + "\r\n")
+        for part in parts:
+            if not part: continue
+            eoh = part.find("\r\n\r\n")
+            if eoh == -1:
+                logging.warning("multipart/form-data missing headers")
+                continue
+            headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders.parse(part[:eoh])
+            name_header = headers.get("Content-Disposition", "")
+            if not name_header.startswith("form-data;") or \
+               not part.endswith("\r\n"):
+                logging.warning("Invalid multipart/form-data")
+                continue
+            value = part[eoh + 4:-2]
+            name_values = {}
+            for name_part in name_header[10:].split(";"):
+                name, name_value = name_part.strip().split("=", 1)
+                name_values[name] = name_value.strip('"').decode("utf-8")
+            if not name_values.get("name"):
+                logging.warning("multipart/form-data value missing name")
+                continue
+            name = name_values["name"]
+            if name_values.get("filename"):
+                ctype = headers.get("Content-Type", "application/unknown")
+                self._request.files.setdefault(name, []).append(dict(
+                    filename=name_values["filename"], body=value,
+                    content_type=ctype))
+            else:
+                self._request.arguments.setdefault(name, []).append(value)
+class HTTPRequest(object):
+    """A single HTTP request.
+    GET/POST arguments are available in the arguments property, which
+    maps arguments names to lists of values (to support multiple values
+    for individual names). Names and values are both unicode always.
+    File uploads are available in the files property, which maps file
+    names to list of files. Each file is a dictionary of the form
+    {"filename":..., "content_type":..., "body":...}. The content_type
+    comes from the provided HTTP header and should not be trusted
+    outright given that it can be easily forged.
+    An HTTP request is attached to a single HTTP connection, which can
+    be accessed through the "connection" attribute. Since connections
+    are typically kept open in HTTP/1.1, multiple requests can be handled
+    sequentially on a single connection.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, method, uri, version="HTTP/1.0", headers=None,
+                 body=None, remote_ip=None, protocol=None, host=None,
+                 files=None, connection=None):
+        self.method = method
+        self.uri = uri
+        self.version = version
+        self.headers = headers or httputil.HTTPHeaders()
+        self.body = body or ""
+        if connection and connection.xheaders:
+            # Squid uses X-Forwarded-For, others use X-Real-Ip
+            self.remote_ip = self.headers.get(
+                "X-Real-Ip", self.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For", remote_ip))
+            self.protocol = self.headers.get("X-Scheme", protocol) or "http"
+        else:
+            self.remote_ip = remote_ip
+            self.protocol = protocol or "http"
+        self.host = host or self.headers.get("Host") or ""
+        self.files = files or {}
+        self.connection = connection
+        self._start_time = time.time()
+        self._finish_time = None
+        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(uri)
+        self.path = path
+        self.query = query
+        arguments = cgi.parse_qs(query)
+        self.arguments = {}
+        for name, values in arguments.iteritems():
+            values = [v for v in values if v]
+            if values: self.arguments[name] = values
+    def supports_http_1_1(self):
+        """Returns True if this request supports HTTP/1.1 semantics"""
+        return self.version == "HTTP/1.1"
+    def write(self, chunk):
+        """Writes the given chunk to the response stream."""
+        assert isinstance(chunk, str)
+        self.connection.write(chunk)
+    def finish(self):
+        """Finishes this HTTP request on the open connection."""
+        self.connection.finish()
+        self._finish_time = time.time()
+    def full_url(self):
+        """Reconstructs the full URL for this request."""
+        return self.protocol + "://" + self.host + self.uri
+    def request_time(self):
+        """Returns the amount of time it took for this request to execute."""
+        if self._finish_time is None:
+            return time.time() - self._start_time
+        else:
+            return self._finish_time - self._start_time
+    def __repr__(self):
+        attrs = ("protocol", "host", "method", "uri", "version", "remote_ip",
+                 "remote_ip", "body")
+        args = ", ".join(["%s=%r" % (n, getattr(self, n)) for n in attrs])
+        return "%s(%s, headers=%s)" % (
+            self.__class__.__name__, args, dict(self.headers))
diff --git a/lib/tornado/httputil.py b/lib/tornado/httputil.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..5e563e8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""HTTP utility code shared by clients and servers."""
+class HTTPHeaders(dict):
+    """A dictionary that maintains Http-Header-Case for all keys.
+    Supports multiple values per key via a pair of new methods,
+    add() and get_list().  The regular dictionary interface returns a single
+    value per key, with multiple values joined by a comma.
+    >>> h = HTTPHeaders({"content-type": "text/html"})
+    >>> h.keys()
+    ['Content-Type']
+    >>> h["Content-Type"]
+    'text/html'
+    >>> h.add("Set-Cookie", "A=B")
+    >>> h.add("Set-Cookie", "C=D")
+    >>> h["set-cookie"]
+    'A=B,C=D'
+    >>> h.get_list("set-cookie")
+    ['A=B', 'C=D']
+    >>> for (k,v) in sorted(h.get_all()):
+    ...    print '%s: %s' % (k,v)
+    ...
+    Content-Type: text/html
+    Set-Cookie: A=B
+    Set-Cookie: C=D
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # Don't pass args or kwargs to dict.__init__, as it will bypass
+        # our __setitem__
+        dict.__init__(self)
+        self._as_list = {}
+        self.update(*args, **kwargs)
+    # new public methods
+    def add(self, name, value):
+        """Adds a new value for the given key."""
+        norm_name = HTTPHeaders._normalize_name(name)
+        if norm_name in self:
+            # bypass our override of __setitem__ since it modifies _as_list
+            dict.__setitem__(self, norm_name, self[norm_name] + ',' + value)
+            self._as_list[norm_name].append(value)
+        else:
+            self[norm_name] = value
+    def get_list(self, name):
+        """Returns all values for the given header as a list."""
+        norm_name = HTTPHeaders._normalize_name(name)
+        return self._as_list.get(norm_name, [])
+    def get_all(self):
+        """Returns an iterable of all (name, value) pairs.
+        If a header has multiple values, multiple pairs will be
+        returned with the same name.
+        """
+        for name, list in self._as_list.iteritems():
+            for value in list:
+                yield (name, value)
+    def parse_line(self, line):
+        """Updates the dictionary with a single header line.
+        >>> h = HTTPHeaders()
+        >>> h.parse_line("Content-Type: text/html")
+        >>> h.get('content-type')
+        'text/html'
+        """
+        name, value = line.split(":", 1)
+        self.add(name, value.strip())
+    @classmethod
+    def parse(cls, headers):
+        """Returns a dictionary from HTTP header text.
+        >>> h = HTTPHeaders.parse("Content-Type: text/html\\r\\nContent-Length: 42\\r\\n")
+        >>> sorted(h.iteritems())
+        [('Content-Length', '42'), ('Content-Type', 'text/html')]
+        """
+        h = cls()
+        for line in headers.splitlines():
+            if line:
+                h.parse_line(line)
+        return h
+    # dict implementation overrides
+    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
+        norm_name = HTTPHeaders._normalize_name(name)
+        dict.__setitem__(self, norm_name, value)
+        self._as_list[norm_name] = [value]
+    def __getitem__(self, name):
+        return dict.__getitem__(self, HTTPHeaders._normalize_name(name))
+    def __delitem__(self, name):
+        norm_name = HTTPHeaders._normalize_name(name)
+        dict.__delitem__(self, norm_name)
+        del self._as_list[norm_name]
+    def get(self, name, default=None):
+        return dict.get(self, HTTPHeaders._normalize_name(name), default)
+    def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # dict.update bypasses our __setitem__
+        for k, v in dict(*args, **kwargs).iteritems():
+            self[k] = v
+    @staticmethod
+    def _normalize_name(name):
+        """Converts a name to Http-Header-Case.
+        >>> HTTPHeaders._normalize_name("coNtent-TYPE")
+        'Content-Type'
+        """
+        return "-".join([w.capitalize() for w in name.split("-")])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import doctest
+    doctest.testmod()
diff --git a/lib/tornado/ioloop.py b/lib/tornado/ioloop.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f9bb1a2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""A level-triggered I/O loop for non-blocking sockets."""
+import bisect
+import errno
+import os
+import logging
+import select
+import time
+import traceback
+    import signal
+except ImportError:
+    signal = None
+    import fcntl
+except ImportError:
+    if os.name == 'nt':
+        import win32_support
+        import win32_support as fcntl
+    else:
+        raise
+class IOLoop(object):
+    """A level-triggered I/O loop.
+    We use epoll if it is available, or else we fall back on select(). If
+    you are implementing a system that needs to handle 1000s of simultaneous
+    connections, you should use Linux and either compile our epoll module or
+    use Python 2.6+ to get epoll support.
+    Example usage for a simple TCP server:
+        import errno
+        import functools
+        import ioloop
+        import socket
+        def connection_ready(sock, fd, events):
+            while True:
+                try:
+                    connection, address = sock.accept()
+                except socket.error, e:
+                    if e[0] not in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EAGAIN):
+                        raise
+                    return
+                connection.setblocking(0)
+                handle_connection(connection, address)
+        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
+        sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+        sock.setblocking(0)
+        sock.bind(("", port))
+        sock.listen(128)
+        io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
+        callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock)
+        io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ)
+        io_loop.start()
+    """
+    # Constants from the epoll module
+    _EPOLLIN = 0x001
+    _EPOLLPRI = 0x002
+    _EPOLLOUT = 0x004
+    _EPOLLERR = 0x008
+    _EPOLLHUP = 0x010
+    _EPOLLRDHUP = 0x2000
+    _EPOLLONESHOT = (1 << 30)
+    _EPOLLET = (1 << 31)
+    # Our events map exactly to the epoll events
+    NONE = 0
+    def __init__(self, impl=None):
+        self._impl = impl or _poll()
+        if hasattr(self._impl, 'fileno'):
+            self._set_close_exec(self._impl.fileno())
+        self._handlers = {}
+        self._events = {}
+        self._callbacks = set()
+        self._timeouts = []
+        self._running = False
+        self._stopped = False
+        self._blocking_log_threshold = None
+        # Create a pipe that we send bogus data to when we want to wake
+        # the I/O loop when it is idle
+        if os.name != 'nt':
+            r, w = os.pipe()
+            self._set_nonblocking(r)
+            self._set_nonblocking(w)
+            self._set_close_exec(r)
+            self._set_close_exec(w)
+            self._waker_reader = os.fdopen(r, "r", 0)
+            self._waker_writer = os.fdopen(w, "w", 0)
+        else:
+            self._waker_reader = self._waker_writer = win32_support.Pipe()
+            r = self._waker_writer.reader_fd
+        self.add_handler(r, self._read_waker, self.READ)
+    @classmethod
+    def instance(cls):
+        """Returns a global IOLoop instance.
+        Most single-threaded applications have a single, global IOLoop.
+        Use this method instead of passing around IOLoop instances
+        throughout your code.
+        A common pattern for classes that depend on IOLoops is to use
+        a default argument to enable programs with multiple IOLoops
+        but not require the argument for simpler applications:
+            class MyClass(object):
+                def __init__(self, io_loop=None):
+                    self.io_loop = io_loop or IOLoop.instance()
+        """
+        if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"):
+            cls._instance = cls()
+        return cls._instance
+    @classmethod
+    def initialized(cls):
+        return hasattr(cls, "_instance")
+    def add_handler(self, fd, handler, events):
+        """Registers the given handler to receive the given events for fd."""
+        self._handlers[fd] = handler
+        self._impl.register(fd, events | self.ERROR)
+    def update_handler(self, fd, events):
+        """Changes the events we listen for fd."""
+        self._impl.modify(fd, events | self.ERROR)
+    def remove_handler(self, fd):
+        """Stop listening for events on fd."""
+        self._handlers.pop(fd, None)
+        self._events.pop(fd, None)
+        try:
+            self._impl.unregister(fd)
+        except (OSError, IOError):
+            logging.debug("Error deleting fd from IOLoop", exc_info=True)
+    def set_blocking_log_threshold(self, s):
+        """Logs a stack trace if the ioloop is blocked for more than s seconds.
+        Pass None to disable.  Requires python 2.6 on a unixy platform.
+        """
+        if not hasattr(signal, "setitimer"):
+            logging.error("set_blocking_log_threshold requires a signal module "
+                       "with the setitimer method")
+            return
+        self._blocking_log_threshold = s
+        if s is not None:
+            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self._handle_alarm)
+    def _handle_alarm(self, signal, frame):
+        logging.warning('IOLoop blocked for %f seconds in\n%s',
+                     self._blocking_log_threshold,
+                     ''.join(traceback.format_stack(frame)))
+    def start(self):
+        """Starts the I/O loop.
+        The loop will run until one of the I/O handlers calls stop(), which
+        will make the loop stop after the current event iteration completes.
+        """
+        if self._stopped:
+            self._stopped = False
+            return
+        self._running = True
+        while True:
+            # Never use an infinite timeout here - it can stall epoll
+            poll_timeout = 0.2
+            # Prevent IO event starvation by delaying new callbacks
+            # to the next iteration of the event loop.
+            callbacks = list(self._callbacks)
+            for callback in callbacks:
+                # A callback can add or remove other callbacks
+                if callback in self._callbacks:
+                    self._callbacks.remove(callback)
+                    self._run_callback(callback)
+            if self._callbacks:
+                poll_timeout = 0.0
+            if self._timeouts:
+                now = time.time()
+                while self._timeouts and self._timeouts[0].deadline <= now:
+                    timeout = self._timeouts.pop(0)
+                    self._run_callback(timeout.callback)
+                if self._timeouts:
+                    milliseconds = self._timeouts[0].deadline - now
+                    poll_timeout = min(milliseconds, poll_timeout)
+            if not self._running:
+                break
+            if self._blocking_log_threshold is not None:
+                # clear alarm so it doesn't fire while poll is waiting for
+                # events.
+                signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0, 0)
+            try:
+                event_pairs = self._impl.poll(poll_timeout)
+            except Exception, e:
+                if hasattr(e, 'errno') and e.errno == errno.EINTR:
+                    logging.warning("Interrupted system call", exc_info=1)
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    raise
+            if self._blocking_log_threshold is not None:
+                signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL,
+                                 self._blocking_log_threshold, 0)
+            # Pop one fd at a time from the set of pending fds and run
+            # its handler. Since that handler may perform actions on
+            # other file descriptors, there may be reentrant calls to
+            # this IOLoop that update self._events
+            self._events.update(event_pairs)
+            while self._events:
+                fd, events = self._events.popitem()
+                try:
+                    self._handlers[fd](fd, events)
+                except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+                    raise
+                except (OSError, IOError), e:
+                    if e[0] == errno.EPIPE:
+                        # Happens when the client closes the connection
+                        pass
+                    else:
+                        logging.error("Exception in I/O handler for fd %d",
+                                      fd, exc_info=True)
+                except:
+                    logging.error("Exception in I/O handler for fd %d",
+                                  fd, exc_info=True)
+        # reset the stopped flag so another start/stop pair can be issued
+        self._stopped = False
+        if self._blocking_log_threshold is not None:
+            signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0, 0)
+    def stop(self):
+        """Stop the loop after the current event loop iteration is complete.
+        If the event loop is not currently running, the next call to start()
+        will return immediately.
+        To use asynchronous methods from otherwise-synchronous code (such as
+        unit tests), you can start and stop the event loop like this:
+          ioloop = IOLoop()
+          async_method(ioloop=ioloop, callback=ioloop.stop)
+          ioloop.start()
+        ioloop.start() will return after async_method has run its callback,
+        whether that callback was invoked before or after ioloop.start.
+        """
+        self._running = False
+        self._stopped = True
+        self._wake()
+    def running(self):
+        """Returns true if this IOLoop is currently running."""
+        return self._running
+    def add_timeout(self, deadline, callback):
+        """Calls the given callback at the time deadline from the I/O loop."""
+        timeout = _Timeout(deadline, callback)
+        bisect.insort(self._timeouts, timeout)
+        return timeout
+    def remove_timeout(self, timeout):
+        self._timeouts.remove(timeout)
+    def add_callback(self, callback):
+        """Calls the given callback on the next I/O loop iteration."""
+        self._callbacks.add(callback)
+        self._wake()
+    def remove_callback(self, callback):
+        """Removes the given callback from the next I/O loop iteration."""
+        self._callbacks.remove(callback)
+    def _wake(self):
+        try:
+            self._waker_writer.write("x")
+        except IOError:
+            pass
+    def _run_callback(self, callback):
+        try:
+            callback()
+        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+            raise
+        except:
+            self.handle_callback_exception(callback)
+    def handle_callback_exception(self, callback):
+        """This method is called whenever a callback run by the IOLoop
+        throws an exception.
+        By default simply logs the exception as an error.  Subclasses
+        may override this method to customize reporting of exceptions.
+        The exception itself is not passed explicitly, but is available
+        in sys.exc_info.
+        """
+        logging.error("Exception in callback %r", callback, exc_info=True)
+    def _read_waker(self, fd, events):
+        try:
+            while True:
+                self._waker_reader.read()
+        except IOError:
+            pass
+    def _set_nonblocking(self, fd):
+        flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
+        fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK)
+    def _set_close_exec(self, fd):
+        flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD)
+        fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, flags | fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)
+class _Timeout(object):
+    """An IOLoop timeout, a UNIX timestamp and a callback"""
+    # Reduce memory overhead when there are lots of pending callbacks
+    __slots__ = ['deadline', 'callback']
+    def __init__(self, deadline, callback):
+        self.deadline = deadline
+        self.callback = callback
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        return cmp((self.deadline, id(self.callback)),
+                   (other.deadline, id(other.callback)))
+class PeriodicCallback(object):
+    """Schedules the given callback to be called periodically.
+    The callback is called every callback_time milliseconds.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, callback, callback_time, io_loop=None):
+        self.callback = callback
+        self.callback_time = callback_time
+        self.io_loop = io_loop or IOLoop.instance()
+        self._running = True
+    def start(self):
+        timeout = time.time() + self.callback_time / 1000.0
+        self.io_loop.add_timeout(timeout, self._run)
+    def stop(self):
+        self._running = False
+    def _run(self):
+        if not self._running: return
+        try:
+            self.callback()
+        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+            raise
+        except:
+            logging.error("Error in periodic callback", exc_info=True)
+        self.start()
+class _EPoll(object):
+    """An epoll-based event loop using our C module for Python 2.5 systems"""
+    _EPOLL_CTL_ADD = 1
+    _EPOLL_CTL_DEL = 2
+    _EPOLL_CTL_MOD = 3
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._epoll_fd = epoll.epoll_create()
+    def fileno(self):
+        return self._epoll_fd
+    def register(self, fd, events):
+        epoll.epoll_ctl(self._epoll_fd, self._EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, events)
+    def modify(self, fd, events):
+        epoll.epoll_ctl(self._epoll_fd, self._EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, events)
+    def unregister(self, fd):
+        epoll.epoll_ctl(self._epoll_fd, self._EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, 0)
+    def poll(self, timeout):
+        return epoll.epoll_wait(self._epoll_fd, int(timeout * 1000))
+class _KQueue(object):
+    """A kqueue-based event loop for BSD/Mac systems."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._kqueue = select.kqueue()
+        self._active = {}
+    def fileno(self):
+        return self._kqueue.fileno()
+    def register(self, fd, events):
+        self._control(fd, events, select.KQ_EV_ADD)
+        self._active[fd] = events
+    def modify(self, fd, events):
+        self.unregister(fd)
+        self.register(fd, events)
+    def unregister(self, fd):
+        events = self._active.pop(fd)
+        self._control(fd, events, select.KQ_EV_DELETE)
+    def _control(self, fd, events, flags):
+        kevents = []
+        if events & IOLoop.WRITE:
+            kevents.append(select.kevent(
+                    fd, filter=select.KQ_FILTER_WRITE, flags=flags))
+        if events & IOLoop.READ or not kevents:
+            # Always read when there is not a write
+            kevents.append(select.kevent(
+                    fd, filter=select.KQ_FILTER_READ, flags=flags))
+        # Even though control() takes a list, it seems to return EINVAL
+        # on Mac OS X (10.6) when there is more than one event in the list.
+        for kevent in kevents:
+            self._kqueue.control([kevent], 0)
+    def poll(self, timeout):
+        kevents = self._kqueue.control(None, 1000, timeout)
+        events = {}
+        for kevent in kevents:
+            fd = kevent.ident
+            flags = 0
+            if kevent.filter == select.KQ_FILTER_READ:
+                events[fd] = events.get(fd, 0) | IOLoop.READ
+            if kevent.filter == select.KQ_FILTER_WRITE:
+                events[fd] = events.get(fd, 0) | IOLoop.WRITE
+            if kevent.flags & select.KQ_EV_ERROR:
+                events[fd] = events.get(fd, 0) | IOLoop.ERROR
+        return events.items()
+class _Select(object):
+    """A simple, select()-based IOLoop implementation for non-Linux systems"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.read_fds = set()
+        self.write_fds = set()
+        self.error_fds = set()
+        self.fd_sets = (self.read_fds, self.write_fds, self.error_fds)
+    def register(self, fd, events):
+        if events & IOLoop.READ: self.read_fds.add(fd)
+        if events & IOLoop.WRITE: self.write_fds.add(fd)
+        if events & IOLoop.ERROR: self.error_fds.add(fd)
+    def modify(self, fd, events):
+        self.unregister(fd)
+        self.register(fd, events)
+    def unregister(self, fd):
+        self.read_fds.discard(fd)
+        self.write_fds.discard(fd)
+        self.error_fds.discard(fd)
+    def poll(self, timeout):
+        readable, writeable, errors = select.select(
+            self.read_fds, self.write_fds, self.error_fds, timeout)
+        events = {}
+        for fd in readable:
+            events[fd] = events.get(fd, 0) | IOLoop.READ
+        for fd in writeable:
+            events[fd] = events.get(fd, 0) | IOLoop.WRITE
+        for fd in errors:
+            events[fd] = events.get(fd, 0) | IOLoop.ERROR
+        return events.items()
+# Choose a poll implementation. Use epoll if it is available, fall back to
+# select() for non-Linux platforms
+if hasattr(select, "epoll"):
+    # Python 2.6+ on Linux
+    _poll = select.epoll
+elif hasattr(select, "kqueue"):
+    # Python 2.6+ on BSD or Mac
+    _poll = _KQueue
+    try:
+        # Linux systems with our C module installed
+        import epoll
+        _poll = _EPoll
+    except:
+        # All other systems
+        import sys
+        if "linux" in sys.platform:
+            logging.warning("epoll module not found; using select()")
+        _poll = _Select
diff --git a/lib/tornado/iostream.py b/lib/tornado/iostream.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c22ef2c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""A utility class to write to and read from a non-blocking socket."""
+import errno
+import ioloop
+import logging
+import socket
+class IOStream(object):
+    """A utility class to write to and read from a non-blocking socket.
+    We support three methods: write(), read_until(), and read_bytes().
+    All of the methods take callbacks (since writing and reading are
+    non-blocking and asynchronous). read_until() reads the socket until
+    a given delimiter, and read_bytes() reads until a specified number
+    of bytes have been read from the socket.
+    A very simple (and broken) HTTP client using this class:
+        import ioloop
+        import iostream
+        import socket
+        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
+        s.connect(("friendfeed.com", 80))
+        stream = IOStream(s)
+        def on_headers(data):
+            headers = {}
+            for line in data.split("\r\n"):
+               parts = line.split(":")
+               if len(parts) == 2:
+                   headers[parts[0].strip()] = parts[1].strip()
+            stream.read_bytes(int(headers["Content-Length"]), on_body)
+        def on_body(data):
+            print data
+            stream.close()
+            ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop()
+        stream.write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
+        stream.read_until("\r\n\r\n", on_headers)
+        ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
+    """
+    def __init__(self, socket, io_loop=None, max_buffer_size=104857600,
+                 read_chunk_size=4096):
+        self.socket = socket
+        self.socket.setblocking(False)
+        self.io_loop = io_loop or ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
+        self.max_buffer_size = max_buffer_size
+        self.read_chunk_size = read_chunk_size
+        self._read_buffer = ""
+        self._write_buffer = ""
+        self._read_delimiter = None
+        self._read_bytes = None
+        self._read_callback = None
+        self._write_callback = None
+        self._close_callback = None
+        self._state = self.io_loop.ERROR
+        self.io_loop.add_handler(
+            self.socket.fileno(), self._handle_events, self._state)
+    def read_until(self, delimiter, callback):
+        """Call callback when we read the given delimiter."""
+        assert not self._read_callback, "Already reading"
+        loc = self._read_buffer.find(delimiter)
+        if loc != -1:
+            self._run_callback(callback, self._consume(loc + len(delimiter)))
+            return
+        self._check_closed()
+        self._read_delimiter = delimiter
+        self._read_callback = callback
+        self._add_io_state(self.io_loop.READ)
+    def read_bytes(self, num_bytes, callback):
+        """Call callback when we read the given number of bytes."""
+        assert not self._read_callback, "Already reading"
+        if len(self._read_buffer) >= num_bytes:
+            callback(self._consume(num_bytes))
+            return
+        self._check_closed()
+        self._read_bytes = num_bytes
+        self._read_callback = callback
+        self._add_io_state(self.io_loop.READ)
+    def write(self, data, callback=None):
+        """Write the given data to this stream.
+        If callback is given, we call it when all of the buffered write
+        data has been successfully written to the stream. If there was
+        previously buffered write data and an old write callback, that
+        callback is simply overwritten with this new callback.
+        """
+        self._check_closed()
+        self._write_buffer += data
+        self._add_io_state(self.io_loop.WRITE)
+        self._write_callback = callback
+    def set_close_callback(self, callback):
+        """Call the given callback when the stream is closed."""
+        self._close_callback = callback
+    def close(self):
+        """Close this stream."""
+        if self.socket is not None:
+            self.io_loop.remove_handler(self.socket.fileno())
+            self.socket.close()
+            self.socket = None
+            if self._close_callback:
+                self._run_callback(self._close_callback)
+    def reading(self):
+        """Returns true if we are currently reading from the stream."""
+        return self._read_callback is not None
+    def writing(self):
+        """Returns true if we are currently writing to the stream."""
+        return len(self._write_buffer) > 0
+    def closed(self):
+        return self.socket is None
+    def _handle_events(self, fd, events):
+        if not self.socket:
+            logging.warning("Got events for closed stream %d", fd)
+            return
+        if events & self.io_loop.READ:
+            self._handle_read()
+        if not self.socket:
+            return
+        if events & self.io_loop.WRITE:
+            self._handle_write()
+        if not self.socket:
+            return
+        if events & self.io_loop.ERROR:
+            self.close()
+            return
+        state = self.io_loop.ERROR
+        if self._read_delimiter or self._read_bytes:
+            state |= self.io_loop.READ
+        if self._write_buffer:
+            state |= self.io_loop.WRITE
+        if state != self._state:
+            self._state = state
+            self.io_loop.update_handler(self.socket.fileno(), self._state)
+    def _run_callback(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            callback(*args, **kwargs)
+        except:
+            # Close the socket on an uncaught exception from a user callback
+            # (It would eventually get closed when the socket object is
+            # gc'd, but we don't want to rely on gc happening before we
+            # run out of file descriptors)
+            self.close()
+            # Re-raise the exception so that IOLoop.handle_callback_exception
+            # can see it and log the error
+            raise
+    def _handle_read(self):
+        try:
+            chunk = self.socket.recv(self.read_chunk_size)
+        except socket.error, e:
+            if e[0] in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EAGAIN):
+                return
+            else:
+                logging.warning("Read error on %d: %s",
+                                self.socket.fileno(), e)
+                self.close()
+                return
+        if not chunk:
+            self.close()
+            return
+        self._read_buffer += chunk
+        if len(self._read_buffer) >= self.max_buffer_size:
+            logging.error("Reached maximum read buffer size")
+            self.close()
+            return
+        if self._read_bytes:
+            if len(self._read_buffer) >= self._read_bytes:
+                num_bytes = self._read_bytes
+                callback = self._read_callback
+                self._read_callback = None
+                self._read_bytes = None
+                self._run_callback(callback, self._consume(num_bytes))
+        elif self._read_delimiter:
+            loc = self._read_buffer.find(self._read_delimiter)
+            if loc != -1:
+                callback = self._read_callback
+                delimiter_len = len(self._read_delimiter)
+                self._read_callback = None
+                self._read_delimiter = None
+                self._run_callback(callback,
+                                   self._consume(loc + delimiter_len))
+    def _handle_write(self):
+        while self._write_buffer:
+            try:
+                num_bytes = self.socket.send(self._write_buffer)
+                self._write_buffer = self._write_buffer[num_bytes:]
+            except socket.error, e:
+                if e[0] in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EAGAIN):
+                    break
+                else:
+                    logging.warning("Write error on %d: %s",
+                                    self.socket.fileno(), e)
+                    self.close()
+                    return
+        if not self._write_buffer and self._write_callback:
+            callback = self._write_callback
+            self._write_callback = None
+            self._run_callback(callback)
+    def _consume(self, loc):
+        result = self._read_buffer[:loc]
+        self._read_buffer = self._read_buffer[loc:]
+        return result
+    def _check_closed(self):
+        if not self.socket:
+            raise IOError("Stream is closed")
+    def _add_io_state(self, state):
+        if not self._state & state:
+            self._state = self._state | state
+            self.io_loop.update_handler(self.socket.fileno(), self._state)
diff --git a/lib/tornado/locale.py b/lib/tornado/locale.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a2d9b2b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Translation methods for generating localized strings.
+To load a locale and generate a translated string:
+    user_locale = locale.get("es_LA")
+    print user_locale.translate("Sign out")
+locale.get() returns the closest matching locale, not necessarily the
+specific locale you requested. You can support pluralization with
+additional arguments to translate(), e.g.:
+    people = [...]
+    message = user_locale.translate(
+        "%(list)s is online", "%(list)s are online", len(people))
+    print message % {"list": user_locale.list(people)}
+The first string is chosen if len(people) == 1, otherwise the second
+string is chosen.
+Applications should call one of load_translations (which uses a simple
+CSV format) or load_gettext_translations (which uses the .mo format
+supported by gettext and related tools).  If neither method is called,
+the locale.translate method will simply return the original string.
+import csv
+import datetime
+import logging
+import os
+_default_locale = "en_US"
+_translations = {}
+_supported_locales = frozenset([_default_locale])
+_use_gettext = False
+def get(*locale_codes):
+    """Returns the closest match for the given locale codes.
+    We iterate over all given locale codes in order. If we have a tight
+    or a loose match for the code (e.g., "en" for "en_US"), we return
+    the locale. Otherwise we move to the next code in the list.
+    By default we return en_US if no translations are found for any of
+    the specified locales. You can change the default locale with
+    set_default_locale() below.
+    """
+    return Locale.get_closest(*locale_codes)
+def set_default_locale(code):
+    """Sets the default locale, used in get_closest_locale().
+    The default locale is assumed to be the language used for all strings
+    in the system. The translations loaded from disk are mappings from
+    the default locale to the destination locale. Consequently, you don't
+    need to create a translation file for the default locale.
+    """
+    global _default_locale
+    global _supported_locales
+    _default_locale = code
+    _supported_locales = frozenset(_translations.keys() + [_default_locale])
+def load_translations(directory):
+    """Loads translations from CSV files in a directory.
+    Translations are strings with optional Python-style named placeholders
+    (e.g., "My name is %(name)s") and their associated translations.
+    The directory should have translation files of the form LOCALE.csv,
+    e.g. es_GT.csv. The CSV files should have two or three columns: string,
+    translation, and an optional plural indicator. Plural indicators should
+    be one of "plural" or "singular". A given string can have both singular
+    and plural forms. For example "%(name)s liked this" may have a
+    different verb conjugation depending on whether %(name)s is one
+    name or a list of names. There should be two rows in the CSV file for
+    that string, one with plural indicator "singular", and one "plural".
+    For strings with no verbs that would change on translation, simply
+    use "unknown" or the empty string (or don't include the column at all).
+    Example translation es_LA.csv:
+        "I love you","Te amo"
+        "%(name)s liked this","A %(name)s les gust\xf3 esto","plural"
+        "%(name)s liked this","A %(name)s le gust\xf3 esto","singular"
+    """
+    global _translations
+    global _supported_locales
+    _translations = {}
+    for path in os.listdir(directory):
+        if not path.endswith(".csv"): continue
+        locale, extension = path.split(".")
+        if locale not in LOCALE_NAMES:
+            logging.error("Unrecognized locale %r (path: %s)", locale,
+                          os.path.join(directory, path))
+            continue
+        f = open(os.path.join(directory, path), "r")
+        _translations[locale] = {}
+        for i, row in enumerate(csv.reader(f)):
+            if not row or len(row) < 2: continue
+            row = [c.decode("utf-8").strip() for c in row]
+            english, translation = row[:2]
+            if len(row) > 2:
+                plural = row[2] or "unknown"
+            else:
+                plural = "unknown"
+            if plural not in ("plural", "singular", "unknown"):
+                logging.error("Unrecognized plural indicator %r in %s line %d",
+                              plural, path, i + 1)
+                continue
+            _translations[locale].setdefault(plural, {})[english] = translation
+        f.close()
+    _supported_locales = frozenset(_translations.keys() + [_default_locale])
+    logging.info("Supported locales: %s", sorted(_supported_locales))
+def load_gettext_translations(directory, domain):
+    """Loads translations from gettext's locale tree
+    Locale tree is similar to system's /usr/share/locale, like:
+    {directory}/{lang}/LC_MESSAGES/{domain}.mo
+    Three steps are required to have you app translated:
+    1. Generate POT translation file
+        xgettext --language=Python --keyword=_:1,2 -d cyclone file1.py file2.html etc
+    2. Merge against existing POT file:
+        msgmerge old.po cyclone.po > new.po
+    3. Compile:
+        msgfmt cyclone.po -o {directory}/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/cyclone.mo
+    """
+    import gettext
+    global _translations
+    global _supported_locales
+    global _use_gettext
+    _translations = {}
+    for lang in os.listdir(directory):
+        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, lang)): continue
+        try:
+            os.stat(os.path.join(directory, lang, "LC_MESSAGES", domain+".mo"))
+            _translations[lang] = gettext.translation(domain, directory,
+                                                      languages=[lang])
+        except Exception, e:
+            logging.error("Cannot load translation for '%s': %s", lang, str(e))
+            continue
+    _supported_locales = frozenset(_translations.keys() + [_default_locale])
+    _use_gettext = True
+    logging.info("Supported locales: %s", sorted(_supported_locales))
+def get_supported_locales(cls):
+    """Returns a list of all the supported locale codes."""
+    return _supported_locales
+class Locale(object):
+    @classmethod
+    def get_closest(cls, *locale_codes):
+        """Returns the closest match for the given locale code."""
+        for code in locale_codes:
+            if not code: continue
+            code = code.replace("-", "_")
+            parts = code.split("_")
+            if len(parts) > 2:
+                continue
+            elif len(parts) == 2:
+                code = parts[0].lower() + "_" + parts[1].upper()
+            if code in _supported_locales:
+                return cls.get(code)
+            if parts[0].lower() in _supported_locales:
+                return cls.get(parts[0].lower())
+        return cls.get(_default_locale)
+    @classmethod
+    def get(cls, code):
+        """Returns the Locale for the given locale code.
+        If it is not supported, we raise an exception.
+        """
+        if not hasattr(cls, "_cache"):
+            cls._cache = {}
+        if code not in cls._cache:
+            assert code in _supported_locales
+            translations = _translations.get(code, None)
+            if translations is None:
+                locale = CSVLocale(code, {})
+            elif _use_gettext:
+                locale = GettextLocale(code, translations)
+            else:
+                locale = CSVLocale(code, translations)
+            cls._cache[code] = locale
+        return cls._cache[code]
+    def __init__(self, code, translations):
+        self.code = code
+        self.name = LOCALE_NAMES.get(code, {}).get("name", u"Unknown")
+        self.rtl = False
+        for prefix in ["fa", "ar", "he"]:
+            if self.code.startswith(prefix):
+                self.rtl = True
+                break
+        self.translations = translations
+        # Initialize strings for date formatting
+        _ = self.translate
+        self._months = [
+            _("January"), _("February"), _("March"), _("April"),
+            _("May"), _("June"), _("July"), _("August"),
+            _("September"), _("October"), _("November"), _("December")]
+        self._weekdays = [
+            _("Monday"), _("Tuesday"), _("Wednesday"), _("Thursday"),
+            _("Friday"), _("Saturday"), _("Sunday")]
+    def translate(self, message, plural_message=None, count=None):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def format_date(self, date, gmt_offset=0, relative=True, shorter=False,
+                    full_format=False):
+        """Formats the given date (which should be GMT).
+        By default, we return a relative time (e.g., "2 minutes ago"). You
+        can return an absolute date string with relative=False.
+        You can force a full format date ("July 10, 1980") with
+        full_format=True.
+        """
+        if self.code.startswith("ru"):
+            relative = False
+        if type(date) in (int, long, float):
+            date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(date)
+        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+        # Round down to now. Due to click skew, things are somethings
+        # slightly in the future.
+        if date > now: date = now
+        local_date = date - datetime.timedelta(minutes=gmt_offset)
+        local_now = now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=gmt_offset)
+        local_yesterday = local_now - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
+        difference = now - date
+        seconds = difference.seconds
+        days = difference.days
+        _ = self.translate
+        format = None
+        if not full_format:
+            if relative and days == 0:
+                if seconds < 50:
+                    return _("1 second ago", "%(seconds)d seconds ago",
+                             seconds) % { "seconds": seconds }
+                if seconds < 50 * 60:
+                    minutes = round(seconds / 60.0)
+                    return _("1 minute ago", "%(minutes)d minutes ago",
+                             minutes) % { "minutes": minutes }
+                hours = round(seconds / (60.0 * 60))
+                return _("1 hour ago", "%(hours)d hours ago",
+                         hours) % { "hours": hours }
+            if days == 0:
+                format = _("%(time)s")
+            elif days == 1 and local_date.day == local_yesterday.day and \
+                 relative:
+                format = _("yesterday") if shorter else \
+                         _("yesterday at %(time)s")
+            elif days < 5:
+                format = _("%(weekday)s") if shorter else \
+                         _("%(weekday)s at %(time)s")
+            elif days < 334:  # 11mo, since confusing for same month last year
+                format = _("%(month_name)s %(day)s") if shorter else \
+                         _("%(month_name)s %(day)s at %(time)s")
+        if format is None:
+            format = _("%(month_name)s %(day)s, %(year)s") if shorter else \
+                     _("%(month_name)s %(day)s, %(year)s at %(time)s")
+        tfhour_clock = self.code not in ("en", "en_US", "zh_CN")
+        if tfhour_clock:
+            str_time = "%d:%02d" % (local_date.hour, local_date.minute)
+        elif self.code == "zh_CN":
+            str_time = "%s%d:%02d" % (
+                (u'\u4e0a\u5348', u'\u4e0b\u5348')[local_date.hour >= 12],
+                local_date.hour % 12 or 12, local_date.minute)
+        else:
+            str_time = "%d:%02d %s" % (
+                local_date.hour % 12 or 12, local_date.minute,
+                ("am", "pm")[local_date.hour >= 12])
+        return format % {
+            "month_name": self._months[local_date.month - 1],
+            "weekday": self._weekdays[local_date.weekday()],
+            "day": str(local_date.day),
+            "year": str(local_date.year),
+            "time": str_time
+        }
+    def format_day(self, date, gmt_offset=0, dow=True):
+        """Formats the given date as a day of week.
+        Example: "Monday, January 22". You can remove the day of week with
+        dow=False.
+        """
+        local_date = date - datetime.timedelta(minutes=gmt_offset)
+        _ = self.translate
+        if dow:
+            return _("%(weekday)s, %(month_name)s %(day)s") % {
+                "month_name": self._months[local_date.month - 1],
+                "weekday": self._weekdays[local_date.weekday()],
+                "day": str(local_date.day),
+            }
+        else:
+            return _("%(month_name)s %(day)s") % {
+                "month_name": self._months[local_date.month - 1],
+                "day": str(local_date.day),
+            }
+    def list(self, parts):
+        """Returns a comma-separated list for the given list of parts.
+        The format is, e.g., "A, B and C", "A and B" or just "A" for lists
+        of size 1.
+        """
+        _ = self.translate
+        if len(parts) == 0: return ""
+        if len(parts) == 1: return parts[0]
+        comma = u' \u0648 ' if self.code.startswith("fa") else u", "
+        return _("%(commas)s and %(last)s") % {
+            "commas": comma.join(parts[:-1]),
+            "last": parts[len(parts) - 1],
+        }
+    def friendly_number(self, value):
+        """Returns a comma-separated number for the given integer."""
+        if self.code not in ("en", "en_US"):
+            return str(value)
+        value = str(value)
+        parts = []
+        while value:
+            parts.append(value[-3:])
+            value = value[:-3]
+        return ",".join(reversed(parts))
+class CSVLocale(Locale):
+    """Locale implementation using tornado's CSV translation format."""
+    def translate(self, message, plural_message=None, count=None):
+        """Returns the translation for the given message for this locale.
+        If plural_message is given, you must also provide count. We return
+        plural_message when count != 1, and we return the singular form
+        for the given message when count == 1.
+        """
+        if plural_message is not None:
+            assert count is not None
+            if count != 1:
+                message = plural_message
+                message_dict = self.translations.get("plural", {})
+            else:
+                message_dict = self.translations.get("singular", {})
+        else:
+            message_dict = self.translations.get("unknown", {})
+        return message_dict.get(message, message)
+class GettextLocale(Locale):
+    """Locale implementation using the gettext module."""
+    def translate(self, message, plural_message=None, count=None):
+        if plural_message is not None:
+            assert count is not None
+            return self.translations.ungettext(message, plural_message, count)
+        else:
+            return self.translations.ugettext(message)
+    "af_ZA": {"name_en": u"Afrikaans", "name": u"Afrikaans"},
+    "ar_AR": {"name_en": u"Arabic", "name": u"\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629"},
+    "bg_BG": {"name_en": u"Bulgarian", "name": u"\u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438"},
+    "bn_IN": {"name_en": u"Bengali", "name": u"\u09ac\u09be\u0982\u09b2\u09be"},
+    "bs_BA": {"name_en": u"Bosnian", "name": u"Bosanski"},
+    "ca_ES": {"name_en": u"Catalan", "name": u"Catal\xe0"},
+    "cs_CZ": {"name_en": u"Czech", "name": u"\u010ce\u0161tina"},
+    "cy_GB": {"name_en": u"Welsh", "name": u"Cymraeg"},
+    "da_DK": {"name_en": u"Danish", "name": u"Dansk"},
+    "de_DE": {"name_en": u"German", "name": u"Deutsch"},
+    "el_GR": {"name_en": u"Greek", "name": u"\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac"},
+    "en_GB": {"name_en": u"English (UK)", "name": u"English (UK)"},
+    "en_US": {"name_en": u"English (US)", "name": u"English (US)"},
+    "es_ES": {"name_en": u"Spanish (Spain)", "name": u"Espa\xf1ol (Espa\xf1a)"},
+    "es_LA": {"name_en": u"Spanish", "name": u"Espa\xf1ol"},
+    "et_EE": {"name_en": u"Estonian", "name": u"Eesti"},
+    "eu_ES": {"name_en": u"Basque", "name": u"Euskara"},
+    "fa_IR": {"name_en": u"Persian", "name": u"\u0641\u0627\u0631\u0633\u06cc"},
+    "fi_FI": {"name_en": u"Finnish", "name": u"Suomi"},
+    "fr_CA": {"name_en": u"French (Canada)", "name": u"Fran\xe7ais (Canada)"},
+    "fr_FR": {"name_en": u"French", "name": u"Fran\xe7ais"},
+    "ga_IE": {"name_en": u"Irish", "name": u"Gaeilge"},
+    "gl_ES": {"name_en": u"Galician", "name": u"Galego"},
+    "he_IL": {"name_en": u"Hebrew", "name": u"\u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea"},
+    "hi_IN": {"name_en": u"Hindi", "name": u"\u0939\u093f\u0928\u094d\u0926\u0940"},
+    "hr_HR": {"name_en": u"Croatian", "name": u"Hrvatski"},
+    "hu_HU": {"name_en": u"Hungarian", "name": u"Magyar"},
+    "id_ID": {"name_en": u"Indonesian", "name": u"Bahasa Indonesia"},
+    "is_IS": {"name_en": u"Icelandic", "name": u"\xcdslenska"},
+    "it_IT": {"name_en": u"Italian", "name": u"Italiano"},
+    "ja_JP": {"name_en": u"Japanese", "name": u"\xe6\xe6\xe8"},
+    "ko_KR": {"name_en": u"Korean", "name": u"\xed\xea\xec"},
+    "lt_LT": {"name_en": u"Lithuanian", "name": u"Lietuvi\u0173"},
+    "lv_LV": {"name_en": u"Latvian", "name": u"Latvie\u0161u"},
+    "mk_MK": {"name_en": u"Macedonian", "name": u"\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438"},
+    "ml_IN": {"name_en": u"Malayalam", "name": u"\u0d2e\u0d32\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d33\u0d02"},
+    "ms_MY": {"name_en": u"Malay", "name": u"Bahasa Melayu"},
+    "nb_NO": {"name_en": u"Norwegian (bokmal)", "name": u"Norsk (bokm\xe5l)"},
+    "nl_NL": {"name_en": u"Dutch", "name": u"Nederlands"},
+    "nn_NO": {"name_en": u"Norwegian (nynorsk)", "name": u"Norsk (nynorsk)"},
+    "pa_IN": {"name_en": u"Punjabi", "name": u"\u0a2a\u0a70\u0a1c\u0a3e\u0a2c\u0a40"},
+    "pl_PL": {"name_en": u"Polish", "name": u"Polski"},
+    "pt_BR": {"name_en": u"Portuguese (Brazil)", "name": u"Portugu\xeas (Brasil)"},
+    "pt_PT": {"name_en": u"Portuguese (Portugal)", "name": u"Portugu\xeas (Portugal)"},
+    "ro_RO": {"name_en": u"Romanian", "name": u"Rom\xe2n\u0103"},
+    "ru_RU": {"name_en": u"Russian", "name": u"\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439"},
+    "sk_SK": {"name_en": u"Slovak", "name": u"Sloven\u010dina"},
+    "sl_SI": {"name_en": u"Slovenian", "name": u"Sloven\u0161\u010dina"},
+    "sq_AL": {"name_en": u"Albanian", "name": u"Shqip"},
+    "sr_RS": {"name_en": u"Serbian", "name": u"\u0421\u0440\u043f\u0441\u043a\u0438"},
+    "sv_SE": {"name_en": u"Swedish", "name": u"Svenska"},
+    "sw_KE": {"name_en": u"Swahili", "name": u"Kiswahili"},
+    "ta_IN": {"name_en": u"Tamil", "name": u"\u0ba4\u0bae\u0bbf\u0bb4\u0bcd"},
+    "te_IN": {"name_en": u"Telugu", "name": u"\u0c24\u0c46\u0c32\u0c41\u0c17\u0c41"},
+    "th_TH": {"name_en": u"Thai", "name": u"\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22"},
+    "tl_PH": {"name_en": u"Filipino", "name": u"Filipino"},
+    "tr_TR": {"name_en": u"Turkish", "name": u"T\xfcrk\xe7e"},
+    "uk_UA": {"name_en": u"Ukraini ", "name": u"\u0423\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043d\u0441\u044c\u043a\u0430"},
+    "vi_VN": {"name_en": u"Vietnamese", "name": u"Ti\u1ebfng Vi\u1ec7t"},
+    "zh_CN": {"name_en": u"Chinese (Simplified)", "name": u"\xe4\xe6(\xe7\xe4)"},
+    "zh_HK": {"name_en": u"Chinese (Hong Kong)", "name": u"\xe4\xe6(\xe9\xe6)"},
+    "zh_TW": {"name_en": u"Chinese (Taiwan)", "name": u"\xe4\xe6(\xe5\xe7)"},
diff --git a/lib/tornado/options.py b/lib/tornado/options.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a0bb1a7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""A command line parsing module that lets modules define their own options.
+Each module defines its own options, e.g.,
+    from tornado.options import define, options
+    define("mysql_host", default="", help="Main user DB")
+    define("memcache_hosts", default="", multiple=True,
+           help="Main user memcache servers")
+    def connect():
+        db = database.Connection(options.mysql_host)
+        ...
+The main() method of your application does not need to be aware of all of
+the options used throughout your program; they are all automatically loaded
+when the modules are loaded. Your main() method can parse the command line
+or parse a config file with:
+    import tornado.options
+    tornado.options.parse_config_file("/etc/server.conf")
+    tornado.options.parse_command_line()
+Command line formats are what you would expect ("--myoption=myvalue").
+Config files are just Python files. Global names become options, e.g.,
+    myoption = "myvalue"
+    myotheroption = "myothervalue"
+We support datetimes, timedeltas, ints, and floats (just pass a 'type'
+kwarg to define). We also accept multi-value options. See the documentation
+for define() below.
+import datetime
+import logging
+import logging.handlers
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+# For pretty log messages, if available
+    import curses
+    curses = None
+def define(name, default=None, type=str, help=None, metavar=None,
+           multiple=False):
+    """Defines a new command line option.
+    If type is given (one of str, float, int, datetime, or timedelta),
+    we parse the command line arguments based on the given type. If
+    multiple is True, we accept comma-separated values, and the option
+    value is always a list.
+    For multi-value integers, we also accept the syntax x:y, which
+    turns into range(x, y) - very useful for long integer ranges.
+    help and metavar are used to construct the automatically generated
+    command line help string. The help message is formatted like:
+       --name=METAVAR      help string
+    Command line option names must be unique globally. They can be parsed
+    from the command line with parse_command_line() or parsed from a
+    config file with parse_config_file.
+    """
+    if name in options:
+        raise Error("Option %r already defined in %s", name,
+                    options[name].file_name)
+    frame = sys._getframe(0)
+    options_file = frame.f_code.co_filename
+    file_name = frame.f_back.f_code.co_filename
+    if file_name == options_file: file_name = ""
+    options[name] = _Option(name, file_name=file_name, default=default,
+                            type=type, help=help, metavar=metavar,
+                            multiple=multiple)
+def parse_command_line(args=None):
+    """Parses all options given on the command line.
+    We return all command line arguments that are not options as a list.
+    """
+    if args is None: args = sys.argv
+    remaining = []
+    for i in xrange(1, len(args)):
+        # All things after the last option are command line arguments
+        if not args[i].startswith("-"):
+            remaining = args[i:]
+            break
+        if args[i] == "--":
+            remaining = args[i+1:]
+            break
+        arg = args[i].lstrip("-")
+        name, equals, value = arg.partition("=")
+        name = name.replace('-', '_')
+        if not name in options:
+            print_help()
+            raise Error('Unrecognized command line option: %r' % name)
+        option = options[name]
+        if not equals:
+            if option.type == bool:
+                value = "true"
+            else:
+                raise Error('Option %r requires a value' % name)
+        option.parse(value)
+    if options.help:
+        print_help()
+        sys.exit(0)
+    # Set up log level and pretty console logging by default
+    if options.logging != 'none':
+        logging.getLogger().setLevel(getattr(logging, options.logging.upper()))
+        enable_pretty_logging()
+    return remaining
+def parse_config_file(path):
+    """Parses and loads the Python config file at the given path."""
+    config = {}
+    execfile(path, config, config)
+    for name in config:
+        if name in options:
+            options[name].set(config[name])
+def print_help(file=sys.stdout):
+    """Prints all the command line options to stdout."""
+    print >> file, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS]" % sys.argv[0]
+    print >> file, ""
+    print >> file, "Options:"
+    by_file = {}
+    for option in options.itervalues():
+        by_file.setdefault(option.file_name, []).append(option)
+    for filename, o in sorted(by_file.items()):
+        if filename: print >> file, filename
+        o.sort(key=lambda option: option.name)
+        for option in o:
+            prefix = option.name
+            if option.metavar:
+                prefix += "=" + option.metavar
+            print >> file, "  --%-30s %s" % (prefix, option.help or "")
+    print >> file
+class _Options(dict):
+    """Our global program options, an dictionary with object-like access."""
+    @classmethod
+    def instance(cls):
+        if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"):
+            cls._instance = cls()
+        return cls._instance
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        if isinstance(self.get(name), _Option):
+            return self[name].value()
+        raise AttributeError("Unrecognized option %r" % name)
+class _Option(object):
+    def __init__(self, name, default=None, type=str, help=None, metavar=None,
+                 multiple=False, file_name=None):
+        if default is None and multiple:
+            default = []
+        self.name = name
+        self.type = type
+        self.help = help
+        self.metavar = metavar
+        self.multiple = multiple
+        self.file_name = file_name
+        self.default = default
+        self._value = None
+    def value(self):
+        return self.default if self._value is None else self._value
+    def parse(self, value):
+        _parse = {
+            datetime.datetime: self._parse_datetime,
+            datetime.timedelta: self._parse_timedelta,
+            bool: self._parse_bool,
+            str: self._parse_string,
+        }.get(self.type, self.type)
+        if self.multiple:
+            if self._value is None:
+                self._value = []
+            for part in value.split(","):
+                if self.type in (int, long):
+                    # allow ranges of the form X:Y (inclusive at both ends)
+                    lo, _, hi = part.partition(":")
+                    lo = _parse(lo)
+                    hi = _parse(hi) if hi else lo
+                    self._value.extend(range(lo, hi+1))
+                else:
+                    self._value.append(_parse(part))
+        else:
+            self._value = _parse(value)
+        return self.value()
+    def set(self, value):
+        if self.multiple:
+            if not isinstance(value, list):
+                raise Error("Option %r is required to be a list of %s" %
+                            (self.name, self.type.__name__))
+            for item in value:
+                if item != None and not isinstance(item, self.type):
+                    raise Error("Option %r is required to be a list of %s" %
+                                (self.name, self.type.__name__))
+        else:
+            if value != None and not isinstance(value, self.type):
+                raise Error("Option %r is required to be a %s" %
+                            (self.name, self.type.__name__))
+        self._value = value
+    # Supported date/time formats in our options
+        "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",
+        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
+        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
+        "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M",
+        "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S",
+        "%Y%m%d %H:%M",
+        "%Y-%m-%d",
+        "%Y%m%d",
+        "%H:%M:%S",
+        "%H:%M",
+    ]
+    def _parse_datetime(self, value):
+        for format in self._DATETIME_FORMATS:
+            try:
+                return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, format)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+        raise Error('Unrecognized date/time format: %r' % value)
+        ('hours', ['h']),
+        ('minutes', ['m', 'min']),
+        ('seconds', ['s', 'sec']),
+        ('milliseconds', ['ms']),
+        ('microseconds', ['us']),
+        ('days', ['d']),
+        ('weeks', ['w']),
+    ]
+        (abbrev, full) for full, abbrevs in _TIMEDELTA_ABBREVS
+        for abbrev in abbrevs)
+    _FLOAT_PATTERN = r'[-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?'
+    _TIMEDELTA_PATTERN = re.compile(
+        r'\s*(%s)\s*(\w*)\s*' % _FLOAT_PATTERN, re.IGNORECASE)
+    def _parse_timedelta(self, value):
+        try:
+            sum = datetime.timedelta()
+            start = 0
+            while start < len(value):
+                m = self._TIMEDELTA_PATTERN.match(value, start)
+                if not m:
+                    raise Exception()
+                num = float(m.group(1))
+                units = m.group(2) or 'seconds'
+                units = self._TIMEDELTA_ABBREV_DICT.get(units, units)
+                sum += datetime.timedelta(**{units: num})
+                start = m.end()
+            return sum
+        except:
+            raise
+    def _parse_bool(self, value):
+        return value.lower() not in ("false", "0", "f")
+    def _parse_string(self, value):
+        return value.decode("utf-8")
+class Error(Exception):
+    pass
+def enable_pretty_logging():
+    """Turns on formatted logging output as configured."""
+    if (options.log_to_stderr or
+        (options.log_to_stderr is None and not options.log_file_prefix)):
+        # Set up color if we are in a tty and curses is installed
+        color = False
+        if curses and sys.stderr.isatty():
+            try:
+                curses.setupterm()
+                if curses.tigetnum("colors") > 0:
+                    color = True
+            except:
+                pass
+        channel = logging.StreamHandler()
+        channel.setFormatter(_LogFormatter(color=color))
+        logging.getLogger().addHandler(channel)
+    if options.log_file_prefix:
+        channel = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
+            filename=options.log_file_prefix,
+            maxBytes=options.log_file_max_size,
+            backupCount=options.log_file_num_backups)
+        channel.setFormatter(_LogFormatter(color=False))
+        logging.getLogger().addHandler(channel)
+class _LogFormatter(logging.Formatter):
+    def __init__(self, color, *args, **kwargs):
+        logging.Formatter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self._color = color
+        if color:
+            fg_color = curses.tigetstr("setaf") or curses.tigetstr("setf") or ""
+            self._colors = {
+                logging.DEBUG: curses.tparm(fg_color, 4), # Blue
+                logging.INFO: curses.tparm(fg_color, 2), # Green
+                logging.WARNING: curses.tparm(fg_color, 3), # Yellow
+                logging.ERROR: curses.tparm(fg_color, 1), # Red
+            }
+            self._normal = curses.tigetstr("sgr0")
+    def format(self, record):
+        try:
+            record.message = record.getMessage()
+        except Exception, e:
+            record.message = "Bad message (%r): %r" % (e, record.__dict__)
+        record.asctime = time.strftime(
+            "%y%m%d %H:%M:%S", self.converter(record.created))
+        prefix = '[%(levelname)1.1s %(asctime)s %(module)s:%(lineno)d]' % \
+            record.__dict__
+        if self._color:
+            prefix = (self._colors.get(record.levelno, self._normal) +
+                      prefix + self._normal)
+        formatted = prefix + " " + record.message
+        if record.exc_info:
+            if not record.exc_text:
+                record.exc_text = self.formatException(record.exc_info)
+        if record.exc_text:
+            formatted = formatted.rstrip() + "\n" + record.exc_text
+        return formatted.replace("\n", "\n    ")
+options = _Options.instance()
+# Default options
+define("help", type=bool, help="show this help information")
+define("logging", default="info",
+       help=("Set the Python log level. If 'none', tornado won't touch the "
+             "logging configuration."),
+       metavar="info|warning|error|none")
+define("log_to_stderr", type=bool, default=None,
+       help=("Send log output to stderr (colorized if possible). "
+             "By default use stderr if --log_file_prefix is not set."))
+define("log_file_prefix", type=str, default=None, metavar="PATH",
+       help=("Path prefix for log files. "
+             "Note that if you are running multiple tornado processes, "
+             "log_file_prefix must be different for each of them (e.g. "
+             "include the port number)"))
+define("log_file_max_size", type=int, default=100 * 1000 * 1000,
+       help="max size of log files before rollover")
+define("log_file_num_backups", type=int, default=10,
+       help="number of log files to keep")
diff --git a/lib/tornado/s3server.py b/lib/tornado/s3server.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2e8a97d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Implementation of an S3-like storage server based on local files.
+Useful to test features that will eventually run on S3, or if you want to
+run something locally that was once running on S3.
+We don't support all the features of S3, but it does work with the
+standard S3 client for the most basic semantics. To use the standard
+S3 client with this module:
+    c = S3.AWSAuthConnection("", "", server="localhost", port=8888,
+                             is_secure=False)
+    c.create_bucket("mybucket")
+    c.put("mybucket", "mykey", "a value")
+    print c.get("mybucket", "mykey").body
+import bisect
+import datetime
+import escape
+import hashlib
+import httpserver
+import ioloop
+import os
+import os.path
+import urllib
+import web
+def start(port, root_directory="/tmp/s3", bucket_depth=0):
+    """Starts the mock S3 server on the given port at the given path."""
+    application = S3Application(root_directory, bucket_depth)
+    http_server = httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
+    http_server.listen(port)
+    ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
+class S3Application(web.Application):
+    """Implementation of an S3-like storage server based on local files.
+    If bucket depth is given, we break files up into multiple directories
+    to prevent hitting file system limits for number of files in each
+    directories. 1 means one level of directories, 2 means 2, etc.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, root_directory, bucket_depth=0):
+        web.Application.__init__(self, [
+            (r"/", RootHandler),
+            (r"/([^/]+)/(.+)", ObjectHandler),
+            (r"/([^/]+)/", BucketHandler),
+        ])
+        self.directory = os.path.abspath(root_directory)
+        if not os.path.exists(self.directory):
+            os.makedirs(self.directory)
+        self.bucket_depth = bucket_depth
+class BaseRequestHandler(web.RequestHandler):
+    def render_xml(self, value):
+        assert isinstance(value, dict) and len(value) == 1
+        self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/xml; charset=UTF-8")
+        name = value.keys()[0]
+        parts = []
+        parts.append('<' + escape.utf8(name) +
+                     ' xmlns="http://doc.s3.amazonaws.com/2006-03-01">')
+        self._render_parts(value.values()[0], parts)
+        parts.append('</' + escape.utf8(name) + '>')
+        self.finish('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' +
+                    ''.join(parts))
+    def _render_parts(self, value, parts=[]):
+        if isinstance(value, basestring):
+            parts.append(escape.xhtml_escape(value))
+        elif isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, long):
+            parts.append(str(value))
+        elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
+            parts.append(value.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z"))
+        elif isinstance(value, dict):
+            for name, subvalue in value.iteritems():
+                if not isinstance(subvalue, list):
+                    subvalue = [subvalue]
+                for subsubvalue in subvalue:
+                    parts.append('<' + escape.utf8(name) + '>')
+                    self._render_parts(subsubvalue, parts)
+                    parts.append('</' + escape.utf8(name) + '>')
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Unknown S3 value type %r", value)
+    def _object_path(self, bucket, object_name):
+        if self.application.bucket_depth < 1:
+            return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+                self.application.directory, bucket, object_name))
+        hash = hashlib.md5(object_name).hexdigest()
+        path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+            self.application.directory, bucket))
+        for i in range(self.application.bucket_depth):
+            path = os.path.join(path, hash[:2 * (i + 1)])
+        return os.path.join(path, object_name)
+class RootHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        names = os.listdir(self.application.directory)
+        buckets = []
+        for name in names:
+            path = os.path.join(self.application.directory, name)
+            info = os.stat(path)
+            buckets.append({
+                "Name": name,
+                "CreationDate": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
+                    info.st_ctime),
+            })
+        self.render_xml({"ListAllMyBucketsResult": {
+            "Buckets": {"Bucket": buckets},
+        }})
+class BucketHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
+    def get(self, bucket_name):
+        prefix = self.get_argument("prefix", u"")
+        marker = self.get_argument("marker", u"")
+        max_keys = int(self.get_argument("max-keys", 50000))
+        path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.application.directory,
+                                            bucket_name))
+        terse = int(self.get_argument("terse", 0))
+        if not path.startswith(self.application.directory) or \
+           not os.path.isdir(path):
+            raise web.HTTPError(404)
+        object_names = []
+        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
+            for file_name in files:
+                object_names.append(os.path.join(root, file_name))
+        skip = len(path) + 1
+        for i in range(self.application.bucket_depth):
+            skip += 2 * (i + 1) + 1
+        object_names = [n[skip:] for n in object_names]
+        object_names.sort()
+        contents = []
+        start_pos = 0
+        if marker:
+            start_pos = bisect.bisect_right(object_names, marker, start_pos)
+        if prefix:
+            start_pos = bisect.bisect_left(object_names, prefix, start_pos)
+        truncated = False
+        for object_name in object_names[start_pos:]:
+            if not object_name.startswith(prefix):
+                break
+            if len(contents) >= max_keys:
+                truncated = True
+                break
+            object_path = self._object_path(bucket_name, object_name)
+            c = {"Key": object_name}
+            if not terse:
+                info = os.stat(object_path)
+                c.update({
+                    "LastModified": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
+                        info.st_mtime),
+                    "Size": info.st_size,
+                })
+            contents.append(c)
+            marker = object_name
+        self.render_xml({"ListBucketResult": {
+            "Name": bucket_name,
+            "Prefix": prefix,
+            "Marker": marker,
+            "MaxKeys": max_keys,
+            "IsTruncated": truncated,
+            "Contents": contents,
+        }})
+    def put(self, bucket_name):
+        path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+            self.application.directory, bucket_name))
+        if not path.startswith(self.application.directory) or \
+           os.path.exists(path):
+            raise web.HTTPError(403)
+        os.makedirs(path)
+        self.finish()
+    def delete(self, bucket_name):
+        path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+            self.application.directory, bucket_name))
+        if not path.startswith(self.application.directory) or \
+           not os.path.isdir(path):
+            raise web.HTTPError(404)
+        if len(os.listdir(path)) > 0:
+            raise web.HTTPError(403)
+        os.rmdir(path)
+        self.set_status(204)
+        self.finish()
+class ObjectHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
+    def get(self, bucket, object_name):
+        object_name = urllib.unquote(object_name)
+        path = self._object_path(bucket, object_name)
+        if not path.startswith(self.application.directory) or \
+           not os.path.isfile(path):
+            raise web.HTTPError(404)
+        info = os.stat(path)
+        self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/unknown")
+        self.set_header("Last-Modified", datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
+            info.st_mtime))
+        object_file = open(path, "r")
+        try:
+            self.finish(object_file.read())
+        finally:
+            object_file.close()
+    def put(self, bucket, object_name):
+        object_name = urllib.unquote(object_name)
+        bucket_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+            self.application.directory, bucket))
+        if not bucket_dir.startswith(self.application.directory) or \
+           not os.path.isdir(bucket_dir):
+            raise web.HTTPError(404)
+        path = self._object_path(bucket, object_name)
+        if not path.startswith(bucket_dir) or os.path.isdir(path):
+            raise web.HTTPError(403)
+        directory = os.path.dirname(path)
+        if not os.path.exists(directory):
+            os.makedirs(directory)
+        object_file = open(path, "w")
+        object_file.write(self.request.body)
+        object_file.close()
+        self.finish()
+    def delete(self, bucket, object_name):
+        object_name = urllib.unquote(object_name)
+        path = self._object_path(bucket, object_name)
+        if not path.startswith(self.application.directory) or \
+           not os.path.isfile(path):
+            raise web.HTTPError(404)
+        os.unlink(path)
+        self.set_status(204)
+        self.finish()
diff --git a/lib/tornado/template.py b/lib/tornado/template.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b807cc6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""A simple template system that compiles templates to Python code.
+Basic usage looks like:
+    t = template.Template("<html>{{ myvalue }}</html>")
+    print t.generate(myvalue="XXX")
+Loader is a class that loads templates from a root directory and caches
+the compiled templates:
+    loader = template.Loader("/home/btaylor")
+    print loader.load("test.html").generate(myvalue="XXX")
+We compile all templates to raw Python. Error-reporting is currently... uh,
+interesting. Syntax for the templates
+    ### base.html
+    <html>
+      <head>
+        <title>{% block title %}Default title{% end %}</title>
+      </head>
+      <body>
+        <ul>
+          {% for student in students %}
+            {% block student %}
+              <li>{{ escape(student.name) }}</li>
+            {% end %}
+          {% end %}
+        </ul>
+      </body>
+    </html>
+    ### bold.html
+    {% extends "base.html" %}
+    {% block title %}A bolder title{% end %}
+    {% block student %}
+      <li><span style="bold">{{ escape(student.name) }}</span></li>
+    {% block %}
+Unlike most other template systems, we do not put any restrictions on the
+expressions you can include in your statements. if and for blocks get
+translated exactly into Python, do you can do complex expressions like:
+   {% for student in [p for p in people if p.student and p.age > 23] %}
+     <li>{{ escape(student.name) }}</li>
+   {% end %}
+Translating directly to Python means you can apply functions to expressions
+easily, like the escape() function in the examples above. You can pass
+functions in to your template just like any other variable:
+   ### Python code
+   def add(x, y):
+      return x + y
+   template.execute(add=add)
+   ### The template
+   {{ add(1, 2) }}
+We provide the functions escape(), url_escape(), json_encode(), and squeeze()
+to all templates by default.
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import cStringIO
+import datetime
+import escape
+import logging
+import os.path
+import re
+class Template(object):
+    """A compiled template.
+    We compile into Python from the given template_string. You can generate
+    the template from variables with generate().
+    """
+    def __init__(self, template_string, name="<string>", loader=None,
+                 compress_whitespace=None):
+        self.name = name
+        if compress_whitespace is None:
+            compress_whitespace = name.endswith(".html") or \
+                name.endswith(".js")
+        reader = _TemplateReader(name, template_string)
+        self.file = _File(_parse(reader))
+        self.code = self._generate_python(loader, compress_whitespace)
+        try:
+            self.compiled = compile(self.code, self.name, "exec")
+        except:
+            formatted_code = _format_code(self.code).rstrip()
+            logging.error("%s code:\n%s", self.name, formatted_code)
+            raise
+    def generate(self, **kwargs):
+        """Generate this template with the given arguments."""
+        namespace = {
+            "escape": escape.xhtml_escape,
+            "url_escape": escape.url_escape,
+            "json_encode": escape.json_encode,
+            "squeeze": escape.squeeze,
+            "datetime": datetime,
+        }
+        namespace.update(kwargs)
+        exec self.compiled in namespace
+        execute = namespace["_execute"]
+        try:
+            return execute()
+        except:
+            formatted_code = _format_code(self.code).rstrip()
+            logging.error("%s code:\n%s", self.name, formatted_code)
+            raise
+    def _generate_python(self, loader, compress_whitespace):
+        buffer = cStringIO.StringIO()
+        try:
+            named_blocks = {}
+            ancestors = self._get_ancestors(loader)
+            ancestors.reverse()
+            for ancestor in ancestors:
+                ancestor.find_named_blocks(loader, named_blocks)
+            self.file.find_named_blocks(loader, named_blocks)
+            writer = _CodeWriter(buffer, named_blocks, loader, self,
+                                 compress_whitespace)
+            ancestors[0].generate(writer)
+            return buffer.getvalue()
+        finally:
+            buffer.close()
+    def _get_ancestors(self, loader):
+        ancestors = [self.file]
+        for chunk in self.file.body.chunks:
+            if isinstance(chunk, _ExtendsBlock):
+                if not loader:
+                    raise ParseError("{% extends %} block found, but no "
+                                     "template loader")
+                template = loader.load(chunk.name, self.name)
+                ancestors.extend(template._get_ancestors(loader))
+        return ancestors
+class Loader(object):
+    """A template loader that loads from a single root directory.
+    You must use a template loader to use template constructs like
+    {% extends %} and {% include %}. Loader caches all templates after
+    they are loaded the first time.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, root_directory):
+        self.root = os.path.abspath(root_directory)
+        self.templates = {}
+    def reset(self):
+      self.templates = {}
+    def resolve_path(self, name, parent_path=None):
+        if parent_path and not parent_path.startswith("<") and \
+           not parent_path.startswith("/") and \
+           not name.startswith("/"):
+            current_path = os.path.join(self.root, parent_path)
+            file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(current_path))
+            relative_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(file_dir, name))
+            if relative_path.startswith(self.root):
+                name = relative_path[len(self.root) + 1:]
+        return name
+    def load(self, name, parent_path=None):
+        name = self.resolve_path(name, parent_path=parent_path)
+        if name not in self.templates:
+            path = os.path.join(self.root, name)
+            f = open(path, "r")
+            self.templates[name] = Template(f.read(), name=name, loader=self)
+            f.close()
+        return self.templates[name]
+class _Node(object):
+    def each_child(self):
+        return ()
+    def generate(self, writer):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def find_named_blocks(self, loader, named_blocks):
+        for child in self.each_child():
+            child.find_named_blocks(loader, named_blocks)
+class _File(_Node):
+    def __init__(self, body):
+        self.body = body
+    def generate(self, writer):
+        writer.write_line("def _execute():")
+        with writer.indent():
+            writer.write_line("_buffer = []")
+            self.body.generate(writer)
+            writer.write_line("return ''.join(_buffer)")
+    def each_child(self):
+        return (self.body,)
+class _ChunkList(_Node):
+    def __init__(self, chunks):
+        self.chunks = chunks
+    def generate(self, writer):
+        for chunk in self.chunks:
+            chunk.generate(writer)
+    def each_child(self):
+        return self.chunks
+class _NamedBlock(_Node):
+    def __init__(self, name, body=None):
+        self.name = name
+        self.body = body
+    def each_child(self):
+        return (self.body,)
+    def generate(self, writer):
+        writer.named_blocks[self.name].generate(writer)
+    def find_named_blocks(self, loader, named_blocks):
+        named_blocks[self.name] = self.body
+        _Node.find_named_blocks(self, loader, named_blocks)
+class _ExtendsBlock(_Node):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+class _IncludeBlock(_Node):
+    def __init__(self, name, reader):
+        self.name = name
+        self.template_name = reader.name
+    def find_named_blocks(self, loader, named_blocks):
+        included = loader.load(self.name, self.template_name)
+        included.file.find_named_blocks(loader, named_blocks)
+    def generate(self, writer):
+        included = writer.loader.load(self.name, self.template_name)
+        old = writer.current_template
+        writer.current_template = included
+        included.file.body.generate(writer)
+        writer.current_template = old
+class _ApplyBlock(_Node):
+    def __init__(self, method, body=None):
+        self.method = method
+        self.body = body
+    def each_child(self):
+        return (self.body,)
+    def generate(self, writer):
+        method_name = "apply%d" % writer.apply_counter
+        writer.apply_counter += 1
+        writer.write_line("def %s():" % method_name)
+        with writer.indent():
+            writer.write_line("_buffer = []")
+            self.body.generate(writer)
+            writer.write_line("return ''.join(_buffer)")
+        writer.write_line("_buffer.append(%s(%s()))" % (
+            self.method, method_name))
+class _ControlBlock(_Node):
+    def __init__(self, statement, body=None):
+        self.statement = statement
+        self.body = body
+    def each_child(self):
+        return (self.body,)
+    def generate(self, writer):
+        writer.write_line("%s:" % self.statement)
+        with writer.indent():
+            self.body.generate(writer)
+class _IntermediateControlBlock(_Node):
+    def __init__(self, statement):
+        self.statement = statement
+    def generate(self, writer):
+        writer.write_line("%s:" % self.statement, writer.indent_size() - 1)
+class _Statement(_Node):
+    def __init__(self, statement):
+        self.statement = statement
+    def generate(self, writer):
+        writer.write_line(self.statement)
+class _Expression(_Node):
+    def __init__(self, expression):
+        self.expression = expression
+    def generate(self, writer):
+        writer.write_line("_tmp = %s" % self.expression)
+        writer.write_line("if isinstance(_tmp, str): _buffer.append(_tmp)")
+        writer.write_line("elif isinstance(_tmp, unicode): "
+                          "_buffer.append(_tmp.encode('utf-8'))")
+        writer.write_line("else: _buffer.append(str(_tmp))")
+class _Text(_Node):
+    def __init__(self, value):
+        self.value = value
+    def generate(self, writer):
+        value = self.value
+        # Compress lots of white space to a single character. If the whitespace
+        # breaks a line, have it continue to break a line, but just with a
+        # single \n character
+        if writer.compress_whitespace and "<pre>" not in value:
+            value = re.sub(r"([\t ]+)", " ", value)
+            value = re.sub(r"(\s*\n\s*)", "\n", value)
+        if value:
+            writer.write_line('_buffer.append(%r)' % value)
+class ParseError(Exception):
+    """Raised for template syntax errors."""
+    pass
+class _CodeWriter(object):
+    def __init__(self, file, named_blocks, loader, current_template,
+                 compress_whitespace):
+        self.file = file
+        self.named_blocks = named_blocks
+        self.loader = loader
+        self.current_template = current_template
+        self.compress_whitespace = compress_whitespace
+        self.apply_counter = 0
+        self._indent = 0
+    def indent(self):
+        return self
+    def indent_size(self):
+        return self._indent
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self._indent += 1
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, *args):
+        assert self._indent > 0
+        self._indent -= 1
+    def write_line(self, line, indent=None):
+        if indent == None:
+            indent = self._indent
+        for i in xrange(indent):
+            self.file.write("    ")
+        print >> self.file, line
+class _TemplateReader(object):
+    def __init__(self, name, text):
+        self.name = name
+        self.text = text
+        self.line = 0
+        self.pos = 0
+    def find(self, needle, start=0, end=None):
+        assert start >= 0, start
+        pos = self.pos
+        start += pos
+        if end is None:
+            index = self.text.find(needle, start)
+        else:
+            end += pos
+            assert end >= start
+            index = self.text.find(needle, start, end)
+        if index != -1:
+            index -= pos
+        return index
+    def consume(self, count=None):
+        if count is None:
+            count = len(self.text) - self.pos
+        newpos = self.pos + count
+        self.line += self.text.count("\n", self.pos, newpos)
+        s = self.text[self.pos:newpos]
+        self.pos = newpos
+        return s
+    def remaining(self):
+        return len(self.text) - self.pos
+    def __len__(self):
+        return self.remaining()
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        if type(key) is slice:
+            size = len(self)
+            start, stop, step = slice.indices(size)
+            if start is None: start = self.pos
+            else: start += self.pos
+            if stop is not None: stop += self.pos
+            return self.text[slice(start, stop, step)]
+        elif key < 0:
+            return self.text[key]
+        else:
+            return self.text[self.pos + key]
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.text[self.pos:]
+def _format_code(code):
+    lines = code.splitlines()
+    format = "%%%dd  %%s\n" % len(repr(len(lines) + 1))
+    return "".join([format % (i + 1, line) for (i, line) in enumerate(lines)])
+def _parse(reader, in_block=None):
+    body = _ChunkList([])
+    while True:
+        # Find next template directive
+        curly = 0
+        while True:
+            curly = reader.find("{", curly)
+            if curly == -1 or curly + 1 == reader.remaining():
+                # EOF
+                if in_block:
+                    raise ParseError("Missing {%% end %%} block for %s" %
+                                     in_block)
+                body.chunks.append(_Text(reader.consume()))
+                return body
+            # If the first curly brace is not the start of a special token,
+            # start searching from the character after it
+            if reader[curly + 1] not in ("{", "%"):
+                curly += 1
+                continue
+            # When there are more than 2 curlies in a row, use the
+            # innermost ones.  This is useful when generating languages
+            # like latex where curlies are also meaningful
+            if (curly + 2 < reader.remaining() and
+                reader[curly + 1] == '{' and reader[curly + 2] == '{'):
+                curly += 1
+                continue
+            break
+        # Append any text before the special token
+        if curly > 0:
+            body.chunks.append(_Text(reader.consume(curly)))
+        start_brace = reader.consume(2)
+        line = reader.line
+        # Expression
+        if start_brace == "{{":
+            end = reader.find("}}")
+            if end == -1 or reader.find("\n", 0, end) != -1:
+                raise ParseError("Missing end expression }} on line %d" % line)
+            contents = reader.consume(end).strip()
+            reader.consume(2)
+            if not contents:
+                raise ParseError("Empty expression on line %d" % line)
+            body.chunks.append(_Expression(contents))
+            continue
+        # Block
+        assert start_brace == "{%", start_brace
+        end = reader.find("%}")
+        if end == -1 or reader.find("\n", 0, end) != -1:
+            raise ParseError("Missing end block %%} on line %d" % line)
+        contents = reader.consume(end).strip()
+        reader.consume(2)
+        if not contents:
+            raise ParseError("Empty block tag ({%% %%}) on line %d" % line)
+        operator, space, suffix = contents.partition(" ")
+        suffix = suffix.strip()
+        # Intermediate ("else", "elif", etc) blocks
+        intermediate_blocks = {
+            "else": set(["if", "for", "while"]),
+            "elif": set(["if"]),
+            "except": set(["try"]),
+            "finally": set(["try"]),
+        }
+        allowed_parents = intermediate_blocks.get(operator)
+        if allowed_parents is not None:
+            if not in_block:
+                raise ParseError("%s outside %s block" %
+                            (operator, allowed_parents))
+            if in_block not in allowed_parents:
+                raise ParseError("%s block cannot be attached to %s block" % (operator, in_block))
+            body.chunks.append(_IntermediateControlBlock(contents))
+            continue
+        # End tag
+        elif operator == "end":
+            if not in_block:
+                raise ParseError("Extra {%% end %%} block on line %d" % line)
+            return body
+        elif operator in ("extends", "include", "set", "import", "comment"):
+            if operator == "comment":
+                continue
+            if operator == "extends":
+                suffix = suffix.strip('"').strip("'")
+                if not suffix:
+                    raise ParseError("extends missing file path on line %d" % line)
+                block = _ExtendsBlock(suffix)
+            elif operator == "import":
+                if not suffix:
+                    raise ParseError("import missing statement on line %d" % line)
+                block = _Statement(contents)
+            elif operator == "include":
+                suffix = suffix.strip('"').strip("'")
+                if not suffix:
+                    raise ParseError("include missing file path on line %d" % line)
+                block = _IncludeBlock(suffix, reader)
+            elif operator == "set":
+                if not suffix:
+                    raise ParseError("set missing statement on line %d" % line)
+                block = _Statement(suffix)
+            body.chunks.append(block)
+            continue
+        elif operator in ("apply", "block", "try", "if", "for", "while"):
+            # parse inner body recursively
+            block_body = _parse(reader, operator)
+            if operator == "apply":
+                if not suffix:
+                    raise ParseError("apply missing method name on line %d" % line)
+                block = _ApplyBlock(suffix, block_body)
+            elif operator == "block":
+                if not suffix:
+                    raise ParseError("block missing name on line %d" % line)
+                block = _NamedBlock(suffix, block_body)
+            else:
+                block = _ControlBlock(contents, block_body)
+            body.chunks.append(block)
+            continue
+        else:
+            raise ParseError("unknown operator: %r" % operator)
diff --git a/lib/tornado/test/README b/lib/tornado/test/README
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2d6195d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Test coverage is almost non-existent, but it's a start.  Be sure to
+set PYTHONPATH apprioriately (generally to the root directory of your
+tornado checkout) when running tests to make sure you're getting the
+version of the tornado package that you expect.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/tornado/test/test_ioloop.py b/lib/tornado/test/test_ioloop.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..2541fa8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import unittest
+import time
+from tornado import ioloop
+class TestIOLoop(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.loop = ioloop.IOLoop()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        pass
+    def _callback(self):
+        self.called = True
+        self.loop.stop()
+    def _schedule_callback(self):
+        self.loop.add_callback(self._callback)
+        # Scroll away the time so we can check if we woke up immediately
+        self._start_time = time.time()
+        self.called = False
+    def test_add_callback(self):
+        self.loop.add_timeout(time.time(), self._schedule_callback)
+        self.loop.start() # Set some long poll timeout so we can check wakeup
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(time.time(), self._start_time, places=2)
+        self.assertTrue(self.called)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import logging
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s:%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-8s %(name)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S')
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/lib/tornado/web.py b/lib/tornado/web.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3beac23
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1488 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""The Tornado web framework.
+The Tornado web framework looks a bit like web.py (http://webpy.org/) or
+Google's webapp (http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/tools/webapp/),
+but with additional tools and optimizations to take advantage of the
+Tornado non-blocking web server and tools.
+Here is the canonical "Hello, world" example app:
+    import tornado.httpserver
+    import tornado.ioloop
+    import tornado.web
+    class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+        def get(self):
+            self.write("Hello, world")
+    if __name__ == "__main__":
+        application = tornado.web.Application([
+            (r"/", MainHandler),
+        ])
+        http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
+        http_server.listen(8888)
+        tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
+See the Tornado walkthrough on GitHub for more details and a good
+getting started guide.
+import base64
+import binascii
+import calendar
+import Cookie
+import cStringIO
+import datetime
+import email.utils
+import escape
+import functools
+import gzip
+import hashlib
+import hmac
+import httplib
+import locale
+import logging
+import mimetypes
+import os.path
+import re
+import stat
+import sys
+import template
+import time
+import types
+import urllib
+import urlparse
+import uuid
+class RequestHandler(object):
+    """Subclass this class and define get() or post() to make a handler.
+    If you want to support more methods than the standard GET/HEAD/POST, you
+    should override the class variable SUPPORTED_METHODS in your
+    RequestHandler class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, application, request, transforms=None):
+        self.application = application
+        self.request = request
+        self._headers_written = False
+        self._finished = False
+        self._auto_finish = True
+        self._transforms = transforms or []
+        self.ui = _O((n, self._ui_method(m)) for n, m in
+                     application.ui_methods.iteritems())
+        self.ui["modules"] = _O((n, self._ui_module(n, m)) for n, m in
+                                application.ui_modules.iteritems())
+        self.clear()
+        # Check since connection is not available in WSGI
+        if hasattr(self.request, "connection"):
+            self.request.connection.stream.set_close_callback(
+                self.on_connection_close)
+    @property
+    def settings(self):
+        return self.application.settings
+    def head(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        raise HTTPError(405)
+    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        raise HTTPError(405)
+    def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        raise HTTPError(405)
+    def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        raise HTTPError(405)
+    def put(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        raise HTTPError(405)
+    def prepare(self):
+        """Called before the actual handler method.
+        Useful to override in a handler if you want a common bottleneck for
+        all of your requests.
+        """
+        pass
+    def on_connection_close(self):
+        """Called in async handlers if the client closed the connection.
+        You may override this to clean up resources associated with
+        long-lived connections.
+        Note that the select()-based implementation of IOLoop does not detect
+        closed connections and so this method will not be called until
+        you try (and fail) to produce some output.  The epoll- and kqueue-
+        based implementations should detect closed connections even while
+        the request is idle.
+        """
+        pass
+    def clear(self):
+        """Resets all headers and content for this response."""
+        self._headers = {
+            "Server": "TornadoServer/0.1",
+            "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=UTF-8",
+        }
+        if not self.request.supports_http_1_1():
+            if self.request.headers.get("Connection") == "Keep-Alive":
+                self.set_header("Connection", "Keep-Alive")
+        self._write_buffer = []
+        self._status_code = 200
+    def set_status(self, status_code):
+        """Sets the status code for our response."""
+        assert status_code in httplib.responses
+        self._status_code = status_code
+    def set_header(self, name, value):
+        """Sets the given response header name and value.
+        If a datetime is given, we automatically format it according to the
+        HTTP specification. If the value is not a string, we convert it to
+        a string. All header values are then encoded as UTF-8.
+        """
+        if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
+            t = calendar.timegm(value.utctimetuple())
+            value = email.utils.formatdate(t, localtime=False, usegmt=True)
+        elif isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, long):
+            value = str(value)
+        else:
+            value = _utf8(value)
+            # If \n is allowed into the header, it is possible to inject
+            # additional headers or split the request. Also cap length to
+            # prevent obviously erroneous values.
+            safe_value = re.sub(r"[\x00-\x1f]", " ", value)[:4000]
+            if safe_value != value:
+                raise ValueError("Unsafe header value %r", value)
+        self._headers[name] = value
+    _ARG_DEFAULT = []
+    def get_argument(self, name, default=_ARG_DEFAULT, strip=True):
+        """Returns the value of the argument with the given name.
+        If default is not provided, the argument is considered to be
+        required, and we throw an HTTP 404 exception if it is missing.
+        If the argument appears in the url more than once, we return the
+        last value.
+        The returned value is always unicode.
+        """
+        args = self.get_arguments(name, strip=strip)
+        if not args:
+            if default is self._ARG_DEFAULT:
+                raise HTTPError(404, "Missing argument %s" % name)
+            return default
+        return args[-1]
+    def get_arguments(self, name, strip=True):
+        """Returns a list of the arguments with the given name.
+        If the argument is not present, returns an empty list.
+        The returned values are always unicode.
+        """
+        values = self.request.arguments.get(name, [])
+        # Get rid of any weird control chars
+        values = [re.sub(r"[\x00-\x08\x0e-\x1f]", " ", x) for x in values]
+        values = [_unicode(x) for x in values]
+        if strip:
+            values = [x.strip() for x in values]
+        return values
+    @property
+    def cookies(self):
+        """A dictionary of Cookie.Morsel objects."""
+        if not hasattr(self, "_cookies"):
+            self._cookies = Cookie.BaseCookie()
+            if "Cookie" in self.request.headers:
+                try:
+                    self._cookies.load(self.request.headers["Cookie"])
+                except:
+                    self.clear_all_cookies()
+        return self._cookies
+    def get_cookie(self, name, default=None):
+        """Gets the value of the cookie with the given name, else default."""
+        if name in self.cookies:
+            return self.cookies[name].value
+        return default
+    def set_cookie(self, name, value, domain=None, expires=None, path="/",
+                   expires_days=None, **kwargs):
+        """Sets the given cookie name/value with the given options.
+        Additional keyword arguments are set on the Cookie.Morsel
+        directly.
+        See http://docs.python.org/library/cookie.html#morsel-objects
+        for available attributes.
+        """
+        name = _utf8(name)
+        value = _utf8(value)
+        if re.search(r"[\x00-\x20]", name + value):
+            # Don't let us accidentally inject bad stuff
+            raise ValueError("Invalid cookie %r: %r" % (name, value))
+        if not hasattr(self, "_new_cookies"):
+            self._new_cookies = []
+        new_cookie = Cookie.BaseCookie()
+        self._new_cookies.append(new_cookie)
+        new_cookie[name] = value
+        if domain:
+            new_cookie[name]["domain"] = domain
+        if expires_days is not None and not expires:
+            expires = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(
+                days=expires_days)
+        if expires:
+            timestamp = calendar.timegm(expires.utctimetuple())
+            new_cookie[name]["expires"] = email.utils.formatdate(
+                timestamp, localtime=False, usegmt=True)
+        if path:
+            new_cookie[name]["path"] = path
+        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
+            new_cookie[name][k] = v
+    def clear_cookie(self, name, path="/", domain=None):
+        """Deletes the cookie with the given name."""
+        expires = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=365)
+        self.set_cookie(name, value="", path=path, expires=expires,
+                        domain=domain)
+    def clear_all_cookies(self):
+        """Deletes all the cookies the user sent with this request."""
+        for name in self.cookies.iterkeys():
+            self.clear_cookie(name)
+    def set_secure_cookie(self, name, value, expires_days=30, **kwargs):
+        """Signs and timestamps a cookie so it cannot be forged.
+        You must specify the 'cookie_secret' setting in your Application
+        to use this method. It should be a long, random sequence of bytes
+        to be used as the HMAC secret for the signature.
+        To read a cookie set with this method, use get_secure_cookie().
+        """
+        timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
+        value = base64.b64encode(value)
+        signature = self._cookie_signature(name, value, timestamp)
+        value = "|".join([value, timestamp, signature])
+        self.set_cookie(name, value, expires_days=expires_days, **kwargs)
+    def get_secure_cookie(self, name, include_name=True, value=None):
+        """Returns the given signed cookie if it validates, or None.
+        In older versions of Tornado (0.1 and 0.2), we did not include the
+        name of the cookie in the cookie signature. To read these old-style
+        cookies, pass include_name=False to this method. Otherwise, all
+        attempts to read old-style cookies will fail (and you may log all
+        your users out whose cookies were written with a previous Tornado
+        version).
+        """
+        if value is None: value = self.get_cookie(name)
+        if not value: return None
+        parts = value.split("|")
+        if len(parts) != 3: return None
+        if include_name:
+            signature = self._cookie_signature(name, parts[0], parts[1])
+        else:
+            signature = self._cookie_signature(parts[0], parts[1])
+        if not _time_independent_equals(parts[2], signature):
+            logging.warning("Invalid cookie signature %r", value)
+            return None
+        timestamp = int(parts[1])
+        if timestamp < time.time() - 31 * 86400:
+            logging.warning("Expired cookie %r", value)
+            return None
+        try:
+            return base64.b64decode(parts[0])
+        except:
+            return None
+    def _cookie_signature(self, *parts):
+        self.require_setting("cookie_secret", "secure cookies")
+        hash = hmac.new(self.application.settings["cookie_secret"],
+                        digestmod=hashlib.sha1)
+        for part in parts: hash.update(part)
+        return hash.hexdigest()
+    def redirect(self, url, permanent=False):
+        """Sends a redirect to the given (optionally relative) URL."""
+        if self._headers_written:
+            raise Exception("Cannot redirect after headers have been written")
+        self.set_status(301 if permanent else 302)
+        # Remove whitespace
+        url = re.sub(r"[\x00-\x20]+", "", _utf8(url))
+        self.set_header("Location", urlparse.urljoin(self.request.uri, url))
+        self.finish()
+    def write(self, chunk):
+        """Writes the given chunk to the output buffer.
+        To write the output to the network, use the flush() method below.
+        If the given chunk is a dictionary, we write it as JSON and set
+        the Content-Type of the response to be text/javascript.
+        """
+        assert not self._finished
+        if isinstance(chunk, dict):
+            chunk = escape.json_encode(chunk)
+            self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8")
+        chunk = _utf8(chunk)
+        self._write_buffer.append(chunk)
+    def render(self, template_name, **kwargs):
+        """Renders the template with the given arguments as the response."""
+        html = self.render_string(template_name, **kwargs)
+        # Insert the additional JS and CSS added by the modules on the page
+        js_embed = []
+        js_files = []
+        css_embed = []
+        css_files = []
+        html_heads = []
+        html_bodies = []
+        for module in getattr(self, "_active_modules", {}).itervalues():
+            embed_part = module.embedded_javascript()
+            if embed_part: js_embed.append(_utf8(embed_part))
+            file_part = module.javascript_files()
+            if file_part:
+                if isinstance(file_part, basestring):
+                    js_files.append(file_part)
+                else:
+                    js_files.extend(file_part)
+            embed_part = module.embedded_css()
+            if embed_part: css_embed.append(_utf8(embed_part))
+            file_part = module.css_files()
+            if file_part:
+                if isinstance(file_part, basestring):
+                    css_files.append(file_part)
+                else:
+                    css_files.extend(file_part)
+            head_part = module.html_head()
+            if head_part: html_heads.append(_utf8(head_part))
+            body_part = module.html_body()
+            if body_part: html_bodies.append(_utf8(body_part))
+        if js_files:
+            # Maintain order of JavaScript files given by modules
+            paths = []
+            unique_paths = set()
+            for path in js_files:
+                if not path.startswith("/") and not path.startswith("http:"):
+                    path = self.static_url(path)
+                if path not in unique_paths:
+                    paths.append(path)
+                    unique_paths.add(path)
+            js = ''.join('<script src="' + escape.xhtml_escape(p) +
+                         '" type="text/javascript"></script>'
+                         for p in paths)
+            sloc = html.rindex('</body>')
+            html = html[:sloc] + js + '\n' + html[sloc:]
+        if js_embed:
+            js = '<script type="text/javascript">\n//<![CDATA[\n' + \
+                '\n'.join(js_embed) + '\n//]]>\n</script>'
+            sloc = html.rindex('</body>')
+            html = html[:sloc] + js + '\n' + html[sloc:]
+        if css_files:
+            paths = set()
+            for path in css_files:
+                if not path.startswith("/") and not path.startswith("http:"):
+                    paths.add(self.static_url(path))
+                else:
+                    paths.add(path)
+            css = ''.join('<link href="' + escape.xhtml_escape(p) + '" '
+                          'type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>'
+                          for p in paths)
+            hloc = html.index('</head>')
+            html = html[:hloc] + css + '\n' + html[hloc:]
+        if css_embed:
+            css = '<style type="text/css">\n' + '\n'.join(css_embed) + \
+                '\n</style>'
+            hloc = html.index('</head>')
+            html = html[:hloc] + css + '\n' + html[hloc:]
+        if html_heads:
+            hloc = html.index('</head>')
+            html = html[:hloc] + ''.join(html_heads) + '\n' + html[hloc:]
+        if html_bodies:
+            hloc = html.index('</body>')
+            html = html[:hloc] + ''.join(html_bodies) + '\n' + html[hloc:]
+        self.finish(html)
+    def render_string(self, template_name, **kwargs):
+        """Generate the given template with the given arguments.
+        We return the generated string. To generate and write a template
+        as a response, use render() above.
+        """
+        # If no template_path is specified, use the path of the calling file
+        template_path = self.get_template_path()
+        if not template_path:
+            frame = sys._getframe(0)
+            web_file = frame.f_code.co_filename
+            while frame.f_code.co_filename == web_file:
+                frame = frame.f_back
+            template_path = os.path.dirname(frame.f_code.co_filename)
+        if not getattr(RequestHandler, "_templates", None):
+            RequestHandler._templates = {}
+        if template_path not in RequestHandler._templates:
+            loader = self.application.settings.get("template_loader") or\
+              template.Loader(template_path)
+            RequestHandler._templates[template_path] = loader
+        t = RequestHandler._templates[template_path].load(template_name)
+        args = dict(
+            handler=self,
+            request=self.request,
+            current_user=self.current_user,
+            locale=self.locale,
+            _=self.locale.translate,
+            static_url=self.static_url,
+            xsrf_form_html=self.xsrf_form_html,
+            reverse_url=self.application.reverse_url
+        )
+        args.update(self.ui)
+        args.update(kwargs)
+        return t.generate(**args)
+    def flush(self, include_footers=False):
+        """Flushes the current output buffer to the nextwork."""
+        if self.application._wsgi:
+            raise Exception("WSGI applications do not support flush()")
+        chunk = "".join(self._write_buffer)
+        self._write_buffer = []
+        if not self._headers_written:
+            self._headers_written = True
+            for transform in self._transforms:
+                self._headers, chunk = transform.transform_first_chunk(
+                    self._headers, chunk, include_footers)
+            headers = self._generate_headers()
+        else:
+            for transform in self._transforms:
+                chunk = transform.transform_chunk(chunk, include_footers)
+            headers = ""
+        # Ignore the chunk and only write the headers for HEAD requests
+        if self.request.method == "HEAD":
+            if headers: self.request.write(headers)
+            return
+        if headers or chunk:
+            self.request.write(headers + chunk)
+    def finish(self, chunk=None):
+        """Finishes this response, ending the HTTP request."""
+        assert not self._finished
+        if chunk is not None: self.write(chunk)
+        # Automatically support ETags and add the Content-Length header if
+        # we have not flushed any content yet.
+        if not self._headers_written:
+            if (self._status_code == 200 and self.request.method == "GET" and
+                "Etag" not in self._headers):
+                hasher = hashlib.sha1()
+                for part in self._write_buffer:
+                    hasher.update(part)
+                etag = '"%s"' % hasher.hexdigest()
+                inm = self.request.headers.get("If-None-Match")
+                if inm and inm.find(etag) != -1:
+                    self._write_buffer = []
+                    self.set_status(304)
+                else:
+                    self.set_header("Etag", etag)
+            if "Content-Length" not in self._headers:
+                content_length = sum(len(part) for part in self._write_buffer)
+                self.set_header("Content-Length", content_length)
+        if hasattr(self.request, "connection"):
+            # Now that the request is finished, clear the callback we
+            # set on the IOStream (which would otherwise prevent the
+            # garbage collection of the RequestHandler when there
+            # are keepalive connections)
+            self.request.connection.stream.set_close_callback(None)
+        if not self.application._wsgi:
+            self.flush(include_footers=True)
+            self.request.finish()
+            self._log()
+        self._finished = True
+    def send_error(self, status_code=500, **kwargs):
+        """Sends the given HTTP error code to the browser.
+        We also send the error HTML for the given error code as returned by
+        get_error_html. Override that method if you want custom error pages
+        for your application.
+        """
+        if self._headers_written:
+            logging.error("Cannot send error response after headers written")
+            if not self._finished:
+                self.finish()
+            return
+        self.clear()
+        self.set_status(status_code)
+        message = self.get_error_html(status_code, **kwargs)
+        self.finish(message)
+    def get_error_html(self, status_code, **kwargs):
+        """Override to implement custom error pages.
+        If this error was caused by an uncaught exception, the
+        exception object can be found in kwargs e.g. kwargs['exception']
+        """
+        return "<html><title>%(code)d: %(message)s</title>" \
+               "<body>%(code)d: %(message)s</body></html>" % {
+            "code": status_code,
+            "message": httplib.responses[status_code],
+        }
+    @property
+    def locale(self):
+        """The local for the current session.
+        Determined by either get_user_locale, which you can override to
+        set the locale based on, e.g., a user preference stored in a
+        database, or get_browser_locale, which uses the Accept-Language
+        header.
+        """
+        if not hasattr(self, "_locale"):
+            self._locale = self.get_user_locale()
+            if not self._locale:
+                self._locale = self.get_browser_locale()
+                assert self._locale
+        return self._locale
+    def get_user_locale(self):
+        """Override to determine the locale from the authenticated user.
+        If None is returned, we use the Accept-Language header.
+        """
+        return None
+    def get_browser_locale(self, default="en_US"):
+        """Determines the user's locale from Accept-Language header.
+        See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4
+        """
+        if "Accept-Language" in self.request.headers:
+            languages = self.request.headers["Accept-Language"].split(",")
+            locales = []
+            for language in languages:
+                parts = language.strip().split(";")
+                if len(parts) > 1 and parts[1].startswith("q="):
+                    try:
+                        score = float(parts[1][2:])
+                    except (ValueError, TypeError):
+                        score = 0.0
+                else:
+                    score = 1.0
+                locales.append((parts[0], score))
+            if locales:
+                locales.sort(key=lambda (l, s): s, reverse=True)
+                codes = [l[0] for l in locales]
+                return locale.get(*codes)
+        return locale.get(default)
+    @property
+    def current_user(self):
+        """The authenticated user for this request.
+        Determined by either get_current_user, which you can override to
+        set the user based on, e.g., a cookie. If that method is not
+        overridden, this method always returns None.
+        We lazy-load the current user the first time this method is called
+        and cache the result after that.
+        """
+        if not hasattr(self, "_current_user"):
+            self._current_user = self.get_current_user()
+        return self._current_user
+    def get_current_user(self):
+        """Override to determine the current user from, e.g., a cookie."""
+        return None
+    def get_login_url(self):
+        """Override to customize the login URL based on the request.
+        By default, we use the 'login_url' application setting.
+        """
+        self.require_setting("login_url", "@tornado.web.authenticated")
+        return self.application.settings["login_url"]
+    def get_template_path(self):
+        """Override to customize template path for each handler.
+        By default, we use the 'template_path' application setting.
+        Return None to load templates relative to the calling file.
+        """
+        return self.application.settings.get("template_path")
+    @property
+    def xsrf_token(self):
+        """The XSRF-prevention token for the current user/session.
+        To prevent cross-site request forgery, we set an '_xsrf' cookie
+        and include the same '_xsrf' value as an argument with all POST
+        requests. If the two do not match, we reject the form submission
+        as a potential forgery.
+        See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery
+        """
+        if not hasattr(self, "_xsrf_token"):
+            token = self.get_cookie("_xsrf")
+            if not token:
+                token = binascii.b2a_hex(uuid.uuid4().bytes)
+                expires_days = 30 if self.current_user else None
+                self.set_cookie("_xsrf", token, expires_days=expires_days)
+            self._xsrf_token = token
+        return self._xsrf_token
+    def check_xsrf_cookie(self):
+        """Verifies that the '_xsrf' cookie matches the '_xsrf' argument.
+        To prevent cross-site request forgery, we set an '_xsrf' cookie
+        and include the same '_xsrf' value as an argument with all POST
+        requests. If the two do not match, we reject the form submission
+        as a potential forgery.
+        See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery
+        """
+        if self.request.headers.get("X-Requested-With") == "XMLHttpRequest":
+            return
+        token = self.get_argument("_xsrf", None)
+        if not token:
+            raise HTTPError(403, "'_xsrf' argument missing from POST")
+        if self.xsrf_token != token:
+            raise HTTPError(403, "XSRF cookie does not match POST argument")
+    def xsrf_form_html(self):
+        """An HTML <input/> element to be included with all POST forms.
+        It defines the _xsrf input value, which we check on all POST
+        requests to prevent cross-site request forgery. If you have set
+        the 'xsrf_cookies' application setting, you must include this
+        HTML within all of your HTML forms.
+        See check_xsrf_cookie() above for more information.
+        """
+        return '<input type="hidden" name="_xsrf" value="' + \
+            escape.xhtml_escape(self.xsrf_token) + '"/>'
+    def static_url(self, path):
+        """Returns a static URL for the given relative static file path.
+        This method requires you set the 'static_path' setting in your
+        application (which specifies the root directory of your static
+        files).
+        We append ?v=<signature> to the returned URL, which makes our
+        static file handler set an infinite expiration header on the
+        returned content. The signature is based on the content of the
+        file.
+        If this handler has a "include_host" attribute, we include the
+        full host for every static URL, including the "http://". Set
+        this attribute for handlers whose output needs non-relative static
+        path names.
+        """
+        self.require_setting("static_path", "static_url")
+        if not hasattr(RequestHandler, "_static_hashes"):
+            RequestHandler._static_hashes = {}
+        hashes = RequestHandler._static_hashes
+        if path not in hashes:
+            try:
+                f = open(os.path.join(
+                    self.application.settings["static_path"], path))
+                hashes[path] = hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest()
+                f.close()
+            except:
+                logging.error("Could not open static file %r", path)
+                hashes[path] = None
+        base = self.request.protocol + "://" + self.request.host \
+            if getattr(self, "include_host", False) else ""
+        static_url_prefix = self.settings.get('static_url_prefix', '/static/')
+        if hashes.get(path):
+            return base + static_url_prefix + path + "?v=" + hashes[path][:5]
+        else:
+            return base + static_url_prefix + path
+    def async_callback(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Wrap callbacks with this if they are used on asynchronous requests.
+        Catches exceptions and properly finishes the request.
+        """
+        if callback is None:
+            return None
+        if args or kwargs:
+            callback = functools.partial(callback, *args, **kwargs)
+        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+            try:
+                return callback(*args, **kwargs)
+            except Exception, e:
+                if self._headers_written:
+                    logging.error("Exception after headers written",
+                                  exc_info=True)
+                else:
+                    self._handle_request_exception(e)
+        return wrapper
+    def require_setting(self, name, feature="this feature"):
+        """Raises an exception if the given app setting is not defined."""
+        if not self.application.settings.get(name):
+            raise Exception("You must define the '%s' setting in your "
+                            "application to use %s" % (name, feature))
+    def reverse_url(self, name, *args):
+        return self.application.reverse_url(name, *args)
+    def _execute(self, transforms, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Executes this request with the given output transforms."""
+        self._transforms = transforms
+        try:
+            if self.request.method not in self.SUPPORTED_METHODS:
+                raise HTTPError(405)
+            # If XSRF cookies are turned on, reject form submissions without
+            # the proper cookie
+            if self.request.method == "POST" and \
+               self.application.settings.get("xsrf_cookies"):
+                self.check_xsrf_cookie()
+            self.prepare()
+            if not self._finished:
+                getattr(self, self.request.method.lower())(*args, **kwargs)
+                if self._auto_finish and not self._finished:
+                    self.finish()
+        except Exception, e:
+            self._handle_request_exception(e)
+    def _generate_headers(self):
+        lines = [self.request.version + " " + str(self._status_code) + " " +
+                 httplib.responses[self._status_code]]
+        lines.extend(["%s: %s" % (n, v) for n, v in self._headers.iteritems()])
+        for cookie_dict in getattr(self, "_new_cookies", []):
+            for cookie in cookie_dict.values():
+                lines.append("Set-Cookie: " + cookie.OutputString(None))
+        return "\r\n".join(lines) + "\r\n\r\n"
+    def _log(self):
+        if self._status_code < 400:
+            log_method = logging.info
+        elif self._status_code < 500:
+            log_method = logging.warning
+        else:
+            log_method = logging.error
+        request_time = 1000.0 * self.request.request_time()
+        log_method("%d %s %.2fms", self._status_code,
+                   self._request_summary(), request_time)
+    def _request_summary(self):
+        return self.request.method + " " + self.request.uri + " (" + \
+            self.request.remote_ip + ")"
+    def _handle_request_exception(self, e):
+        if isinstance(e, HTTPError):
+            if e.log_message:
+                format = "%d %s: " + e.log_message
+                args = [e.status_code, self._request_summary()] + list(e.args)
+                logging.warning(format, *args)
+            if e.status_code not in httplib.responses:
+                logging.error("Bad HTTP status code: %d", e.status_code)
+                self.send_error(500, exception=e)
+            else:
+                self.send_error(e.status_code, exception=e)
+        else:
+            logging.error("Uncaught exception %s\n%r", self._request_summary(),
+                          self.request, exc_info=e)
+            self.send_error(500, exception=e)
+    def _ui_module(self, name, module):
+        def render(*args, **kwargs):
+            if not hasattr(self, "_active_modules"):
+                self._active_modules = {}
+            if name not in self._active_modules:
+                self._active_modules[name] = module(self)
+            rendered = self._active_modules[name].render(*args, **kwargs)
+            return rendered
+        return render
+    def _ui_method(self, method):
+        return lambda *args, **kwargs: method(self, *args, **kwargs)
+def asynchronous(method):
+    """Wrap request handler methods with this if they are asynchronous.
+    If this decorator is given, the response is not finished when the
+    method returns. It is up to the request handler to call self.finish()
+    to finish the HTTP request. Without this decorator, the request is
+    automatically finished when the get() or post() method returns.
+       class MyRequestHandler(web.RequestHandler):
+           @web.asynchronous
+           def get(self):
+              http = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
+              http.fetch("http://friendfeed.com/", self._on_download)
+           def _on_download(self, response):
+              self.write("Downloaded!")
+              self.finish()
+    """
+    @functools.wraps(method)
+    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if self.application._wsgi:
+            raise Exception("@asynchronous is not supported for WSGI apps")
+        self._auto_finish = False
+        return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
+    return wrapper
+def removeslash(method):
+    """Use this decorator to remove trailing slashes from the request path.
+    For example, a request to '/foo/' would redirect to '/foo' with this
+    decorator. Your request handler mapping should use a regular expression
+    like r'/foo/*' in conjunction with using the decorator.
+    """
+    @functools.wraps(method)
+    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if self.request.path.endswith("/"):
+            if self.request.method == "GET":
+                uri = self.request.path.rstrip("/")
+                if self.request.query: uri += "?" + self.request.query
+                self.redirect(uri)
+                return
+            raise HTTPError(404)
+        return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
+    return wrapper
+def addslash(method):
+    """Use this decorator to add a missing trailing slash to the request path.
+    For example, a request to '/foo' would redirect to '/foo/' with this
+    decorator. Your request handler mapping should use a regular expression
+    like r'/foo/?' in conjunction with using the decorator.
+    """
+    @functools.wraps(method)
+    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if not self.request.path.endswith("/"):
+            if self.request.method == "GET":
+                uri = self.request.path + "/"
+                if self.request.query: uri += "?" + self.request.query
+                self.redirect(uri)
+                return
+            raise HTTPError(404)
+        return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
+    return wrapper
+class Application(object):
+    """A collection of request handlers that make up a web application.
+    Instances of this class are callable and can be passed directly to
+    HTTPServer to serve the application:
+        application = web.Application([
+            (r"/", MainPageHandler),
+        ])
+        http_server = httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
+        http_server.listen(8080)
+        ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
+    The constructor for this class takes in a list of URLSpec objects
+    or (regexp, request_class) tuples. When we receive requests, we
+    iterate over the list in order and instantiate an instance of the
+    first request class whose regexp matches the request path.
+    Each tuple can contain an optional third element, which should be a
+    dictionary if it is present. That dictionary is passed as keyword
+    arguments to the contructor of the handler. This pattern is used
+    for the StaticFileHandler below:
+        application = web.Application([
+            (r"/static/(.*)", web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": "/var/www"}),
+        ])
+    We support virtual hosts with the add_handlers method, which takes in
+    a host regular expression as the first argument:
+        application.add_handlers(r"www\.myhost\.com", [
+            (r"/article/([0-9]+)", ArticleHandler),
+        ])
+    You can serve static files by sending the static_path setting as a
+    keyword argument. We will serve those files from the /static/ URI
+    (this is configurable with the static_url_prefix setting),
+    and we will serve /favicon.ico and /robots.txt from the same directory.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, handlers=None, default_host="", transforms=None,
+                 wsgi=False, **settings):
+        if transforms is None:
+            self.transforms = []
+            if settings.get("gzip"):
+                self.transforms.append(GZipContentEncoding)
+            self.transforms.append(ChunkedTransferEncoding)
+        else:
+            self.transforms = transforms
+        self.handlers = []
+        self.named_handlers = {}
+        self.default_host = default_host
+        self.settings = settings
+        self.ui_modules = {}
+        self.ui_methods = {}
+        self._wsgi = wsgi
+        self._load_ui_modules(settings.get("ui_modules", {}))
+        self._load_ui_methods(settings.get("ui_methods", {}))
+        if self.settings.get("static_path"):
+            path = self.settings["static_path"]
+            handlers = list(handlers or [])
+            static_url_prefix = settings.get("static_url_prefix",
+                                             "/static/")
+            handlers = [
+                (re.escape(static_url_prefix) + r"(.*)", StaticFileHandler,
+                 dict(path=path)),
+                (r"/(favicon\.ico)", StaticFileHandler, dict(path=path)),
+                (r"/(robots\.txt)", StaticFileHandler, dict(path=path)),
+            ] + handlers
+        if handlers: self.add_handlers(".*$", handlers)
+        # Automatically reload modified modules
+        if self.settings.get("debug") and not wsgi:
+            import autoreload
+            autoreload.start()
+    def add_handlers(self, host_pattern, host_handlers):
+        """Appends the given handlers to our handler list."""
+        if not host_pattern.endswith("$"):
+            host_pattern += "$"
+        handlers = []
+        # The handlers with the wildcard host_pattern are a special
+        # case - they're added in the constructor but should have lower
+        # precedence than the more-precise handlers added later.
+        # If a wildcard handler group exists, it should always be last
+        # in the list, so insert new groups just before it.
+        if self.handlers and self.handlers[-1][0].pattern == '.*$':
+            self.handlers.insert(-1, (re.compile(host_pattern), handlers))
+        else:
+            self.handlers.append((re.compile(host_pattern), handlers))
+        for spec in host_handlers:
+            if type(spec) is type(()):
+                assert len(spec) in (2, 3)
+                pattern = spec[0]
+                handler = spec[1]
+                if len(spec) == 3:
+                    kwargs = spec[2]
+                else:
+                    kwargs = {}
+                spec = URLSpec(pattern, handler, kwargs)
+            handlers.append(spec)
+            if spec.name:
+                if spec.name in self.named_handlers:
+                    logging.warning(
+                        "Multiple handlers named %s; replacing previous value",
+                        spec.name)
+                self.named_handlers[spec.name] = spec
+    def add_transform(self, transform_class):
+        """Adds the given OutputTransform to our transform list."""
+        self.transforms.append(transform_class)
+    def _get_host_handlers(self, request):
+        host = request.host.lower().split(':')[0]
+        for pattern, handlers in self.handlers:
+            if pattern.match(host):
+                return handlers
+        # Look for default host if not behind load balancer (for debugging)
+        if "X-Real-Ip" not in request.headers:
+            for pattern, handlers in self.handlers:
+                if pattern.match(self.default_host):
+                    return handlers
+        return None
+    def _load_ui_methods(self, methods):
+        if type(methods) is types.ModuleType:
+            self._load_ui_methods(dict((n, getattr(methods, n))
+                                       for n in dir(methods)))
+        elif isinstance(methods, list):
+            for m in methods: self._load_ui_methods(m)
+        else:
+            for name, fn in methods.iteritems():
+                if not name.startswith("_") and hasattr(fn, "__call__") \
+                   and name[0].lower() == name[0]:
+                    self.ui_methods[name] = fn
+    def _load_ui_modules(self, modules):
+        if type(modules) is types.ModuleType:
+            self._load_ui_modules(dict((n, getattr(modules, n))
+                                       for n in dir(modules)))
+        elif isinstance(modules, list):
+            for m in modules: self._load_ui_modules(m)
+        else:
+            assert isinstance(modules, dict)
+            for name, cls in modules.iteritems():
+                try:
+                    if issubclass(cls, UIModule):
+                        self.ui_modules[name] = cls
+                except TypeError:
+                    pass
+    def __call__(self, request):
+        """Called by HTTPServer to execute the request."""
+        transforms = [t(request) for t in self.transforms]
+        handler = None
+        args = []
+        kwargs = {}
+        handlers = self._get_host_handlers(request)
+        if not handlers:
+            handler = RedirectHandler(
+                request, "http://" + self.default_host + "/")
+        else:
+            for spec in handlers:
+                match = spec.regex.match(request.path)
+                if match:
+                    handler = spec.handler_class(self, request, **spec.kwargs)
+                    # Pass matched groups to the handler.  Since
+                    # match.groups() includes both named and unnamed groups,
+                    # we want to use either groups or groupdict but not both.
+                    kwargs = dict((k, urllib.unquote(v))
+                                  for (k, v) in match.groupdict().iteritems())
+                    if kwargs:
+                        args = []
+                    else:
+                        args = [urllib.unquote(s) for s in match.groups()]
+                    break
+            if not handler:
+                handler = ErrorHandler(self, request, 404)
+        # In debug mode, re-compile templates and reload static files on every
+        # request so you don't need to restart to see changes
+        if self.settings.get("debug"):
+            if getattr(RequestHandler, "_templates", None):
+              map(lambda loader: loader.reset(),
+                  RequestHandler._templates.values())
+            RequestHandler._static_hashes = {}
+        handler._execute(transforms, *args, **kwargs)
+        return handler
+    def reverse_url(self, name, *args):
+        """Returns a URL path for handler named `name`
+        The handler must be added to the application as a named URLSpec
+        """
+        if name in self.named_handlers:
+            return self.named_handlers[name].reverse(*args)
+        raise KeyError("%s not found in named urls" % name)
+class HTTPError(Exception):
+    """An exception that will turn into an HTTP error response."""
+    def __init__(self, status_code, log_message=None, *args):
+        self.status_code = status_code
+        self.log_message = log_message
+        self.args = args
+    def __str__(self):
+        message = "HTTP %d: %s" % (
+            self.status_code, httplib.responses[self.status_code])
+        if self.log_message:
+            return message + " (" + (self.log_message % self.args) + ")"
+        else:
+            return message
+class ErrorHandler(RequestHandler):
+    """Generates an error response with status_code for all requests."""
+    def __init__(self, application, request, status_code):
+        RequestHandler.__init__(self, application, request)
+        self.set_status(status_code)
+    def prepare(self):
+        raise HTTPError(self._status_code)
+class RedirectHandler(RequestHandler):
+    """Redirects the client to the given URL for all GET requests.
+    You should provide the keyword argument "url" to the handler, e.g.:
+        application = web.Application([
+            (r"/oldpath", web.RedirectHandler, {"url": "/newpath"}),
+        ])
+    """
+    def __init__(self, application, request, url, permanent=True):
+        RequestHandler.__init__(self, application, request)
+        self._url = url
+        self._permanent = permanent
+    def get(self):
+        self.redirect(self._url, permanent=self._permanent)
+class StaticFileHandler(RequestHandler):
+    """A simple handler that can serve static content from a directory.
+    To map a path to this handler for a static data directory /var/www,
+    you would add a line to your application like:
+        application = web.Application([
+            (r"/static/(.*)", web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": "/var/www"}),
+        ])
+    The local root directory of the content should be passed as the "path"
+    argument to the handler.
+    To support aggressive browser caching, if the argument "v" is given
+    with the path, we set an infinite HTTP expiration header. So, if you
+    want browsers to cache a file indefinitely, send them to, e.g.,
+    /static/images/myimage.png?v=xxx.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, application, request, path):
+        RequestHandler.__init__(self, application, request)
+        self.root = os.path.abspath(path) + os.path.sep
+    def head(self, path):
+        self.get(path, include_body=False)
+    def get(self, path, include_body=True):
+        abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.root, path))
+        if not abspath.startswith(self.root):
+            raise HTTPError(403, "%s is not in root static directory", path)
+        if not os.path.exists(abspath):
+            raise HTTPError(404)
+        if not os.path.isfile(abspath):
+            raise HTTPError(403, "%s is not a file", path)
+        stat_result = os.stat(abspath)
+        modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(stat_result[stat.ST_MTIME])
+        self.set_header("Last-Modified", modified)
+        if "v" in self.request.arguments:
+            self.set_header("Expires", datetime.datetime.utcnow() + \
+                                       datetime.timedelta(days=365*10))
+            self.set_header("Cache-Control", "max-age=" + str(86400*365*10))
+        else:
+            self.set_header("Cache-Control", "public")
+        mime_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(abspath)
+        if mime_type:
+            self.set_header("Content-Type", mime_type)
+        self.set_extra_headers(path)
+        # Check the If-Modified-Since, and don't send the result if the
+        # content has not been modified
+        ims_value = self.request.headers.get("If-Modified-Since")
+        if ims_value is not None:
+            date_tuple = email.utils.parsedate(ims_value)
+            if_since = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(date_tuple))
+            if if_since >= modified:
+                self.set_status(304)
+                return
+        if not include_body:
+            return
+        self.set_header("Content-Length", stat_result[stat.ST_SIZE])
+        file = open(abspath, "rb")
+        try:
+            self.write(file.read())
+        finally:
+            file.close()
+    def set_extra_headers(self, path):
+      """For subclass to add extra headers to the response"""
+      pass
+class FallbackHandler(RequestHandler):
+    """A RequestHandler that wraps another HTTP server callback.
+    The fallback is a callable object that accepts an HTTPRequest,
+    such as an Application or tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer.  This is most
+    useful to use both tornado RequestHandlers and WSGI in the same server.
+    Typical usage:
+        wsgi_app = tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer(
+            django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler())
+        application = tornado.web.Application([
+            (r"/foo", FooHandler),
+            (r".*", FallbackHandler, dict(fallback=wsgi_app),
+        ])
+    """
+    def __init__(self, app, request, fallback):
+        RequestHandler.__init__(self, app, request)
+        self.fallback = fallback
+    def prepare(self):
+        self.fallback(self.request)
+        self._finished = True
+class OutputTransform(object):
+    """A transform modifies the result of an HTTP request (e.g., GZip encoding)
+    A new transform instance is created for every request. See the
+    ChunkedTransferEncoding example below if you want to implement a
+    new Transform.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, request):
+        pass
+    def transform_first_chunk(self, headers, chunk, finishing):
+        return headers, chunk
+    def transform_chunk(self, chunk, finishing):
+        return chunk
+class GZipContentEncoding(OutputTransform):
+    """Applies the gzip content encoding to the response.
+    See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.11
+    """
+    CONTENT_TYPES = set([
+        "text/plain", "text/html", "text/css", "text/xml",
+        "application/x-javascript", "application/xml", "application/atom+xml",
+        "text/javascript", "application/json", "application/xhtml+xml"])
+    MIN_LENGTH = 5
+    def __init__(self, request):
+        self._gzipping = request.supports_http_1_1() and \
+            "gzip" in request.headers.get("Accept-Encoding", "")
+    def transform_first_chunk(self, headers, chunk, finishing):
+        if self._gzipping:
+            ctype = headers.get("Content-Type", "").split(";")[0]
+            self._gzipping = (ctype in self.CONTENT_TYPES) and \
+                (not finishing or len(chunk) >= self.MIN_LENGTH) and \
+                (finishing or "Content-Length" not in headers) and \
+                ("Content-Encoding" not in headers)
+        if self._gzipping:
+            headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip"
+            self._gzip_value = cStringIO.StringIO()
+            self._gzip_file = gzip.GzipFile(mode="w", fileobj=self._gzip_value)
+            self._gzip_pos = 0
+            chunk = self.transform_chunk(chunk, finishing)
+            if "Content-Length" in headers:
+                headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(chunk))
+        return headers, chunk
+    def transform_chunk(self, chunk, finishing):
+        if self._gzipping:
+            self._gzip_file.write(chunk)
+            if finishing:
+                self._gzip_file.close()
+            else:
+                self._gzip_file.flush()
+            chunk = self._gzip_value.getvalue()
+            if self._gzip_pos > 0:
+                chunk = chunk[self._gzip_pos:]
+            self._gzip_pos += len(chunk)
+        return chunk
+class ChunkedTransferEncoding(OutputTransform):
+    """Applies the chunked transfer encoding to the response.
+    See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.6.1
+    """
+    def __init__(self, request):
+        self._chunking = request.supports_http_1_1()
+    def transform_first_chunk(self, headers, chunk, finishing):
+        if self._chunking:
+            # No need to chunk the output if a Content-Length is specified
+            if "Content-Length" in headers or "Transfer-Encoding" in headers:
+                self._chunking = False
+            else:
+                headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked"
+                chunk = self.transform_chunk(chunk, finishing)
+        return headers, chunk
+    def transform_chunk(self, block, finishing):
+        if self._chunking:
+            # Don't write out empty chunks because that means END-OF-STREAM
+            # with chunked encoding
+            if block:
+                block = ("%x" % len(block)) + "\r\n" + block + "\r\n"
+            if finishing:
+                block += "0\r\n\r\n"
+        return block
+def authenticated(method):
+    """Decorate methods with this to require that the user be logged in."""
+    @functools.wraps(method)
+    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if not self.current_user:
+            if self.request.method == "GET":
+                url = self.get_login_url()
+                if "?" not in url:
+                    url += "?" + urllib.urlencode(dict(next=self.request.uri))
+                self.redirect(url)
+                return
+            raise HTTPError(403)
+        return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
+    return wrapper
+class UIModule(object):
+    """A UI re-usable, modular unit on a page.
+    UI modules often execute additional queries, and they can include
+    additional CSS and JavaScript that will be included in the output
+    page, which is automatically inserted on page render.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, handler):
+        self.handler = handler
+        self.request = handler.request
+        self.ui = handler.ui
+        self.current_user = handler.current_user
+        self.locale = handler.locale
+    def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def embedded_javascript(self):
+        """Returns a JavaScript string that will be embedded in the page."""
+        return None
+    def javascript_files(self):
+        """Returns a list of JavaScript files required by this module."""
+        return None
+    def embedded_css(self):
+        """Returns a CSS string that will be embedded in the page."""
+        return None
+    def css_files(self):
+        """Returns a list of CSS files required by this module."""
+        return None
+    def html_head(self):
+        """Returns a CSS string that will be put in the <head/> element"""
+        return None
+    def html_body(self):
+        """Returns an HTML string that will be put in the <body/> element"""
+        return None
+    def render_string(self, path, **kwargs):
+        return self.handler.render_string(path, **kwargs)
+class URLSpec(object):
+    """Specifies mappings between URLs and handlers."""
+    def __init__(self, pattern, handler_class, kwargs={}, name=None):
+        """Creates a URLSpec.
+        Parameters:
+        pattern: Regular expression to be matched.  Any groups in the regex
+            will be passed in to the handler's get/post/etc methods as
+            arguments.
+        handler_class: RequestHandler subclass to be invoked.
+        kwargs (optional): A dictionary of additional arguments to be passed
+            to the handler's constructor.
+        name (optional): A name for this handler.  Used by
+            Application.reverse_url.
+        """
+        if not pattern.endswith('$'):
+            pattern += '$'
+        self.regex = re.compile(pattern)
+        self.handler_class = handler_class
+        self.kwargs = kwargs
+        self.name = name
+        self._path, self._group_count = self._find_groups()
+    def _find_groups(self):
+        """Returns a tuple (reverse string, group count) for a url.
+        For example: Given the url pattern /([0-9]{4})/([a-z-]+)/, this method
+        would return ('/%s/%s/', 2).
+        """
+        pattern = self.regex.pattern
+        if pattern.startswith('^'):
+            pattern = pattern[1:]
+        if pattern.endswith('$'):
+            pattern = pattern[:-1]
+        if self.regex.groups != pattern.count('('):
+            # The pattern is too complicated for our simplistic matching,
+            # so we can't support reversing it.
+            return (None, None)
+        pieces = []
+        for fragment in pattern.split('('):
+            if ')' in fragment:
+                paren_loc = fragment.index(')')
+                if paren_loc >= 0:
+                    pieces.append('%s' + fragment[paren_loc + 1:])
+            else:
+                pieces.append(fragment)
+        return (''.join(pieces), self.regex.groups)
+    def reverse(self, *args):
+        assert self._path is not None, \
+            "Cannot reverse url regex " + self.regex.pattern
+        assert len(args) == self._group_count, "required number of arguments "\
+            "not found"
+        if not len(args):
+            return self._path
+        return self._path % tuple([str(a) for a in args])
+url = URLSpec
+def _utf8(s):
+    if isinstance(s, unicode):
+        return s.encode("utf-8")
+    assert isinstance(s, str)
+    return s
+def _unicode(s):
+    if isinstance(s, str):
+        try:
+            return s.decode("utf-8")
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            raise HTTPError(400, "Non-utf8 argument")
+    assert isinstance(s, unicode)
+    return s
+def _time_independent_equals(a, b):
+    if len(a) != len(b):
+        return False
+    result = 0
+    for x, y in zip(a, b):
+        result |= ord(x) ^ ord(y)
+    return result == 0
+class _O(dict):
+    """Makes a dictionary behave like an object."""
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        try:
+            return self[name]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise AttributeError(name)
+    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+        self[name] = value
diff --git a/lib/tornado/websocket.py b/lib/tornado/websocket.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3c5223a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import functools
+import logging
+import tornado.escape
+import tornado.web
+class WebSocketHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    """A request handler for HTML 5 Web Sockets.
+    See http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-websockets-20091222/ for details on the
+    JavaScript interface. We implement the protocol as specified at
+    http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-55.
+    Here is an example Web Socket handler that echos back all received messages
+    back to the client:
+      class EchoWebSocket(websocket.WebSocketHandler):
+          def open(self):
+              self.receive_message(self.on_message)
+          def on_message(self, message):
+              self.write_message(u"You said: " + message)
+              # receive_message only reads a single message, so call it
+              # again to listen for the next one
+              self.receive_message(self.on_message)
+    Web Sockets are not standard HTTP connections. The "handshake" is HTTP,
+    but after the handshake, the protocol is message-based. Consequently,
+    most of the Tornado HTTP facilities are not available in handlers of this
+    type. The only communication methods available to you are send_message()
+    and receive_message(). Likewise, your request handler class should
+    implement open() method rather than get() or post().
+    If you map the handler above to "/websocket" in your application, you can
+    invoke it in JavaScript with:
+      var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8888/websocket");
+      ws.onopen = function() {
+         ws.send("Hello, world");
+      };
+      ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
+         alert(evt.data);
+      };
+    This script pops up an alert box that says "You said: Hello, world".
+    """
+    def __init__(self, application, request):
+        tornado.web.RequestHandler.__init__(self, application, request)
+        self.stream = request.connection.stream
+    def _execute(self, transforms, *args, **kwargs):
+        if self.request.headers.get("Upgrade") != "WebSocket" or \
+           self.request.headers.get("Connection") != "Upgrade" or \
+           not self.request.headers.get("Origin"):
+            message = "Expected WebSocket headers"
+            self.stream.write(
+                "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\nContent-Length: " +
+                str(len(message)) + "\r\n\r\n" + message)
+            return
+        self.stream.write(
+            "HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake\r\n"
+            "Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n"
+            "Connection: Upgrade\r\n"
+            "Server: TornadoServer/0.1\r\n"
+            "WebSocket-Origin: " + self.request.headers["Origin"] + "\r\n"
+            "WebSocket-Location: ws://" + self.request.host +
+            self.request.path + "\r\n\r\n")
+        self.async_callback(self.open)(*args, **kwargs)
+    def write_message(self, message):
+        """Sends the given message to the client of this Web Socket."""
+        if isinstance(message, dict):
+            message = tornado.escape.json_encode(message)
+        if isinstance(message, unicode):
+            message = message.encode("utf-8")
+        assert isinstance(message, str)
+        self.stream.write("\x00" + message + "\xff")
+    def receive_message(self, callback):
+        """Calls callback when the browser calls send() on this Web Socket."""
+        callback = self.async_callback(callback)
+        self.stream.read_bytes(
+            1, functools.partial(self._on_frame_type, callback))
+    def close(self):
+        """Closes this Web Socket.
+        The browser will receive the onclose event for the open web socket
+        when this method is called.
+        """
+        self.stream.close()
+    def async_callback(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Wrap callbacks with this if they are used on asynchronous requests.
+        Catches exceptions properly and closes this Web Socket if an exception
+        is uncaught.
+        """
+        if args or kwargs:
+            callback = functools.partial(callback, *args, **kwargs)
+        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+            try:
+                return callback(*args, **kwargs)
+            except Exception, e:
+                logging.error("Uncaught exception in %s",
+                              self.request.path, exc_info=True)
+                self.stream.close()
+        return wrapper
+    def _on_frame_type(self, callback, byte):
+        if ord(byte) & 0x80 == 0x80:
+            raise Exception("Length-encoded format not yet supported")
+        self.stream.read_until(
+            "\xff", functools.partial(self._on_end_delimiter, callback))
+    def _on_end_delimiter(self, callback, frame):
+        callback(frame[:-1].decode("utf-8", "replace"))
+    def _not_supported(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        raise Exception("Method not supported for Web Sockets")
+for method in ["write", "redirect", "set_header", "send_error", "set_cookie",
+               "set_status", "flush", "finish"]:
+    setattr(WebSocketHandler, method, WebSocketHandler._not_supported)
diff --git a/lib/tornado/win32_support.py b/lib/tornado/win32_support.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f3efa8e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# NOTE: win32 support is currently experimental, and not recommended
+# for production use.
+import ctypes
+import ctypes.wintypes
+import os
+import socket
+import errno
+# See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738573(VS.85).aspx
+ioctlsocket = ctypes.windll.ws2_32.ioctlsocket
+ioctlsocket.argtypes = (ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, ctypes.wintypes.LONG, ctypes.wintypes.ULONG)
+ioctlsocket.restype = ctypes.c_int
+# See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724935(VS.85).aspx
+SetHandleInformation = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetHandleInformation
+SetHandleInformation.argtypes = (ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.wintypes.DWORD)
+SetHandleInformation.restype = ctypes.wintypes.BOOL
+F_GETFD = 1
+F_SETFD = 2
+F_GETFL = 3
+F_SETFL = 4
+os.O_NONBLOCK = 2048
+FIONBIO = 126
+def fcntl(fd, op, arg=0):
+    if op == F_GETFD or op == F_GETFL:
+        return 0
+    elif op == F_SETFD:
+        # Check that the flag is CLOEXEC and translate
+        if arg == FD_CLOEXEC:
+            success = SetHandleInformation(fd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, arg)
+            if not success:
+                raise ctypes.GetLastError()
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Unsupported arg")
+    #elif op == F_SETFL:
+        ## Check that the flag is NONBLOCK and translate
+        #if arg == os.O_NONBLOCK:
+            ##pass
+            #result = ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, 1)
+            #if result != 0:
+                #raise ctypes.GetLastError()
+        #else:
+            #raise ValueError("Unsupported arg")
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Unsupported op")
+class Pipe(object):
+    """Create an OS independent asynchronous pipe"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Based on Zope async.py: http://svn.zope.org/zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/async.py
+        self.writer = socket.socket()
+        # Disable buffering -- pulling the trigger sends 1 byte,
+        # and we want that sent immediately, to wake up ASAP.
+        self.writer.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
+        count = 0
+        while 1:
+            count += 1
+            # Bind to a local port; for efficiency, let the OS pick
+            # a free port for us.
+            # Unfortunately, stress tests showed that we may not
+            # be able to connect to that port ("Address already in
+            # use") despite that the OS picked it.  This appears
+            # to be a race bug in the Windows socket implementation.
+            # So we loop until a connect() succeeds (almost always
+            # on the first try).  See the long thread at
+            # http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope/2005-July/160433.html
+            # for hideous details.
+            a = socket.socket()
+            a.bind(("", 0))
+            connect_address = a.getsockname()  # assigned (host, port) pair
+            a.listen(1)
+            try:
+                self.writer.connect(connect_address)
+                break    # success
+            except socket.error, detail:
+                if detail[0] != errno.WSAEADDRINUSE:
+                    # "Address already in use" is the only error
+                    # I've seen on two WinXP Pro SP2 boxes, under
+                    # Pythons 2.3.5 and 2.4.1.
+                    raise
+                # (10048, 'Address already in use')
+                # assert count <= 2 # never triggered in Tim's tests
+                if count >= 10:  # I've never seen it go above 2
+                    a.close()
+                    self.writer.close()
+                    raise socket.error("Cannot bind trigger!")
+                # Close `a` and try again.  Note:  I originally put a short
+                # sleep() here, but it didn't appear to help or hurt.
+                a.close()
+        self.reader, addr = a.accept()
+        self.reader.setblocking(0)
+        self.writer.setblocking(0)
+        a.close()
+        self.reader_fd = self.reader.fileno()
+    def read(self):
+        """Emulate a file descriptors read method"""
+        try:
+            return self.reader.recv(1)
+        except socket.error, ex:
+            if ex.args[0] == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
+                raise IOError
+            raise
+    def write(self, data):
+        """Emulate a file descriptors write method"""
+        return self.writer.send(data)
diff --git a/lib/tornado/wsgi.py b/lib/tornado/wsgi.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..de35669
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2009 Facebook
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""WSGI support for the Tornado web framework.
+We export WSGIApplication, which is very similar to web.Application, except
+no asynchronous methods are supported (since WSGI does not support
+non-blocking requests properly). If you call self.flush() or other
+asynchronous methods in your request handlers running in a WSGIApplication,
+we throw an exception.
+Example usage:
+    import tornado.web
+    import tornado.wsgi
+    import wsgiref.simple_server
+    class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+        def get(self):
+            self.write("Hello, world")
+    if __name__ == "__main__":
+        application = tornado.wsgi.WSGIApplication([
+            (r"/", MainHandler),
+        ])
+        server = wsgiref.simple_server.make_server('', 8888, application)
+        server.serve_forever()
+See the 'appengine' demo for an example of using this module to run
+a Tornado app on Google AppEngine.
+Since no asynchronous methods are available for WSGI applications, the
+httpclient and auth modules are both not available for WSGI applications.
+We also export WSGIContainer, which lets you run other WSGI-compatible
+frameworks on the Tornado HTTP server and I/O loop. See WSGIContainer for
+details and documentation.
+import cgi
+import cStringIO
+import escape
+import httplib
+import httputil
+import logging
+import sys
+import time
+import urllib
+import web
+class WSGIApplication(web.Application):
+    """A WSGI-equivalent of web.Application.
+    We support the same interface, but handlers running in a WSGIApplication
+    do not support flush() or asynchronous methods.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, handlers=None, default_host="", **settings):
+        web.Application.__init__(self, handlers, default_host, transforms=[],
+                                 wsgi=True, **settings)
+    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+        handler = web.Application.__call__(self, HTTPRequest(environ))
+        assert handler._finished
+        status = str(handler._status_code) + " " + \
+            httplib.responses[handler._status_code]
+        headers = handler._headers.items()
+        for cookie_dict in getattr(handler, "_new_cookies", []):
+            for cookie in cookie_dict.values():
+                headers.append(("Set-Cookie", cookie.OutputString(None)))
+        start_response(status, headers)
+        return handler._write_buffer
+class HTTPRequest(object):
+    """Mimics httpserver.HTTPRequest for WSGI applications."""
+    def __init__(self, environ):
+        """Parses the given WSGI environ to construct the request."""
+        self.method = environ["REQUEST_METHOD"]
+        self.path = urllib.quote(environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME", ""))
+        self.path += urllib.quote(environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""))
+        self.uri = self.path
+        self.arguments = {}
+        self.query = environ.get("QUERY_STRING", "")
+        if self.query:
+            self.uri += "?" + self.query
+            arguments = cgi.parse_qs(self.query)
+            for name, values in arguments.iteritems():
+                values = [v for v in values if v]
+                if values: self.arguments[name] = values
+        self.version = "HTTP/1.1"
+        self.headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders()
+        if environ.get("CONTENT_TYPE"):
+            self.headers["Content-Type"] = environ["CONTENT_TYPE"]
+        if environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH"):
+            self.headers["Content-Length"] = int(environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"])
+        for key in environ:
+            if key.startswith("HTTP_"):
+                self.headers[key[5:].replace("_", "-")] = environ[key]
+        if self.headers.get("Content-Length"):
+            self.body = environ["wsgi.input"].read()
+        else:
+            self.body = ""
+        self.protocol = environ["wsgi.url_scheme"]
+        self.remote_ip = environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR", "")
+        if environ.get("HTTP_HOST"):
+            self.host = environ["HTTP_HOST"]
+        else:
+            self.host = environ["SERVER_NAME"]
+        # Parse request body
+        self.files = {}
+        content_type = self.headers.get("Content-Type", "")
+        if content_type.startswith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"):
+            for name, values in cgi.parse_qs(self.body).iteritems():
+                self.arguments.setdefault(name, []).extend(values)
+        elif content_type.startswith("multipart/form-data"):
+            if 'boundary=' in content_type:
+                boundary = content_type.split('boundary=',1)[1]
+                if boundary: self._parse_mime_body(boundary)
+            else:
+                logging.warning("Invalid multipart/form-data")
+        self._start_time = time.time()
+        self._finish_time = None
+    def supports_http_1_1(self):
+        """Returns True if this request supports HTTP/1.1 semantics"""
+        return self.version == "HTTP/1.1"
+    def full_url(self):
+        """Reconstructs the full URL for this request."""
+        return self.protocol + "://" + self.host + self.uri
+    def request_time(self):
+        """Returns the amount of time it took for this request to execute."""
+        if self._finish_time is None:
+            return time.time() - self._start_time
+        else:
+            return self._finish_time - self._start_time
+    def _parse_mime_body(self, boundary):
+        if boundary.startswith('"') and boundary.endswith('"'):
+            boundary = boundary[1:-1]
+        if self.body.endswith("\r\n"):
+            footer_length = len(boundary) + 6
+        else:
+            footer_length = len(boundary) + 4
+        parts = self.body[:-footer_length].split("--" + boundary + "\r\n")
+        for part in parts:
+            if not part: continue
+            eoh = part.find("\r\n\r\n")
+            if eoh == -1:
+                logging.warning("multipart/form-data missing headers")
+                continue
+            headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders.parse(part[:eoh])
+            name_header = headers.get("Content-Disposition", "")
+            if not name_header.startswith("form-data;") or \
+               not part.endswith("\r\n"):
+                logging.warning("Invalid multipart/form-data")
+                continue
+            value = part[eoh + 4:-2]
+            name_values = {}
+            for name_part in name_header[10:].split(";"):
+                name, name_value = name_part.strip().split("=", 1)
+                name_values[name] = name_value.strip('"').decode("utf-8")
+            if not name_values.get("name"):
+                logging.warning("multipart/form-data value missing name")
+                continue
+            name = name_values["name"]
+            if name_values.get("filename"):
+                ctype = headers.get("Content-Type", "application/unknown")
+                self.files.setdefault(name, []).append(dict(
+                    filename=name_values["filename"], body=value,
+                    content_type=ctype))
+            else:
+                self.arguments.setdefault(name, []).append(value)
+class WSGIContainer(object):
+    """Makes a WSGI-compatible function runnable on Tornado's HTTP server.
+    Wrap a WSGI function in a WSGIContainer and pass it to HTTPServer to
+    run it. For example:
+        def simple_app(environ, start_response):
+            status = "200 OK"
+            response_headers = [("Content-type", "text/plain")]
+            start_response(status, response_headers)
+            return ["Hello world!\n"]
+        container = tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer(simple_app)
+        http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(container)
+        http_server.listen(8888)
+        tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
+    This class is intended to let other frameworks (Django, web.py, etc)
+    run on the Tornado HTTP server and I/O loop. It has not yet been
+    thoroughly tested in production.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, wsgi_application):
+        self.wsgi_application = wsgi_application
+    def __call__(self, request):
+        data = {}
+        response = []
+        def start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
+            data["status"] = status
+            data["headers"] = response_headers
+            return response.append
+        app_response = self.wsgi_application(
+            WSGIContainer.environ(request), start_response)
+        response.extend(app_response)
+        body = "".join(response)
+        if hasattr(app_response, "close"):
+            app_response.close()
+        if not data: raise Exception("WSGI app did not call start_response")
+        status_code = int(data["status"].split()[0])
+        headers = data["headers"]
+        header_set = set(k.lower() for (k,v) in headers)
+        body = escape.utf8(body)
+        if "content-length" not in header_set:
+            headers.append(("Content-Length", str(len(body))))
+        if "content-type" not in header_set:
+            headers.append(("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"))
+        if "server" not in header_set:
+            headers.append(("Server", "TornadoServer/0.1"))
+        parts = ["HTTP/1.1 " + data["status"] + "\r\n"]
+        for key, value in headers:
+            parts.append(escape.utf8(key) + ": " + escape.utf8(value) + "\r\n")
+        parts.append("\r\n")
+        parts.append(body)
+        request.write("".join(parts))
+        request.finish()
+        self._log(status_code, request)
+    @staticmethod
+    def environ(request):
+        hostport = request.host.split(":")
+        if len(hostport) == 2:
+            host = hostport[0]
+            port = int(hostport[1])
+        else:
+            host = request.host
+            port = 443 if request.protocol == "https" else 80
+        environ = {
+            "REQUEST_METHOD": request.method,
+            "SCRIPT_NAME": "",
+            "PATH_INFO": request.path,
+            "QUERY_STRING": request.query,
+            "REMOTE_ADDR": request.remote_ip,
+            "SERVER_NAME": host,
+            "SERVER_PORT": port,
+            "SERVER_PROTOCOL": request.version,
+            "wsgi.version": (1, 0),
+            "wsgi.url_scheme": request.protocol,
+            "wsgi.input": cStringIO.StringIO(escape.utf8(request.body)),
+            "wsgi.errors": sys.stderr,
+            "wsgi.multithread": False,
+            "wsgi.multiprocess": True,
+            "wsgi.run_once": False,
+        }
+        if "Content-Type" in request.headers:
+            environ["CONTENT_TYPE"] = request.headers["Content-Type"]
+        if "Content-Length" in request.headers:
+            environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = request.headers["Content-Length"]
+        for key, value in request.headers.iteritems():
+            environ["HTTP_" + key.replace("-", "_").upper()] = value
+        return environ
+    def _log(self, status_code, request):
+        if status_code < 400:
+            log_method = logging.info
+        elif status_code < 500:
+            log_method = logging.warning
+        else:
+            log_method = logging.error
+        request_time = 1000.0 * request.request_time()
+        summary = request.method + " " + request.uri + " (" + \
+            request.remote_ip + ")"
+        log_method("%d %s %.2fms", status_code, summary, request_time)