# AX-ZSH: Alex' Modular ZSH Configuration # iterm2.zshrc: iTerm2 Shell Integration [[ -z "$AXZSH_PLUGIN_CHECK" ]] || return 92 # Check prerequisites ... axzsh_is_modern_terminal || return 91 [[ -o interactive ]] || return 91 [[ -z "$ITERM_SHELL_INTEGRATION_INSTALLED" ]] || return 91 [[ "${ITERM_ENABLE_SHELL_INTEGRATION_WITH_TMUX-}$TERM" =~ "^screen" ]] && return 91 # Add iTerm2 commands to PATH, when available. [[ -d ~/.iterm2 ]] && path+=(~/.iterm2) # Try to source user-local shell integration installed by iTerm2 itself, # and only fall back to the implementation here when not found. [[ -e "$HOME/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh" ]] && source "$HOME/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh" [[ -z "$ITERM_SHELL_INTEGRATION_INSTALLED" ]] || return 0 ITERM_SHELL_INTEGRATION_INSTALLED="Yes" ITERM2_SHOULD_DECORATE_PROMPT="1" if [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then # Pass escape sequenzes through in tmux(1), see # . TMUX_PREFIX='\ePtmux;\e' TMUX_POSTFIX='\e\\' else unset TMUX_PREFIX TMUX_POSTFIX fi # Indicates start of command output. Runs just before command executes. iterm2_before_cmd_executes() { printf "${TMUX_PREFIX}\033]133;C;\007${TMUX_POSTFIX}" } iterm2_set_user_var() { printf "${TMUX_PREFIX}\033]1337;SetUserVar=%s=%s\007${TMUX_POSTFIX}" "$1" $(printf "%s" "$2" | base64 | tr -d '\n') } # Users can write their own version of this method. It should call # iterm2_set_user_var but not produce any other output. # e.g., iterm2_set_user_var currentDirectory $PWD # Accessible in iTerm2 (in a badge now, elsewhere in the future) as # \(user.currentDirectory). whence -v iterm2_print_user_vars > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then iterm2_print_user_vars() { : } fi iterm2_print_state_data() { printf "${TMUX_PREFIX}\033]1337;RemoteHost=%s@%s\007${TMUX_POSTFIX}" "$USER" "$iterm2_hostname" printf "${TMUX_PREFIX}\033]1337;CurrentDir=%s\007${TMUX_POSTFIX}" "$PWD" iterm2_print_user_vars } # Report return code of command; runs after command finishes but before prompt iterm2_after_cmd_executes() { printf "${TMUX_PREFIX}\033]133;D;%s\007${TMUX_POSTFIX}" "$STATUS" iterm2_print_state_data } # Mark start of prompt iterm2_prompt_mark() { printf "${TMUX_PREFIX}\033]133;A\007${TMUX_POSTFIX}" } # Mark end of prompt iterm2_prompt_end() { printf "${TMUX_PREFIX}\033]133;B\007${TMUX_POSTFIX}" } # There are three possible paths in life. # # 1) A command is entered at the prompt and you press return. # The following steps happen: # * iterm2_preexec is invoked # * PS1 is set to ITERM2_PRECMD_PS1 # * ITERM2_SHOULD_DECORATE_PROMPT is set to 1 # * The command executes (possibly reading or modifying PS1) # * iterm2_precmd is invoked # * ITERM2_PRECMD_PS1 is set to PS1 (as modified by command execution) # * PS1 gets our escape sequences added to it # * zsh displays your prompt # * You start entering a command # # 2) You press ^C while entering a command at the prompt. # The following steps happen: # * (iterm2_preexec is NOT invoked) # * iterm2_precmd is invoked # * iterm2_before_cmd_executes is called since we detected that iterm2_preexec was not run # * (ITERM2_PRECMD_PS1 and PS1 are not messed with, since PS1 already has our escape # sequences and ITERM2_PRECMD_PS1 already has PS1's original value) # * zsh displays your prompt # * You start entering a command # # 3) A new shell is born. # * PS1 has some initial value, either zsh's default or a value set before this script is sourced. # * iterm2_precmd is invoked # * ITERM2_SHOULD_DECORATE_PROMPT is initialized to 1 # * ITERM2_PRECMD_PS1 is set to the initial value of PS1 # * PS1 gets our escape sequences added to it # * Your prompt is shown and you may begin entering a command. # # Invariants: # * ITERM2_SHOULD_DECORATE_PROMPT is 1 during and just after command execution, and "" while the prompt is # shown and until you enter a command and press return. # * PS1 does not have our escape sequences during command execution # * After the command executes but before a new one begins, PS1 has escape sequences and # ITERM2_PRECMD_PS1 has PS1's original value. iterm2_decorate_prompt() { # This should be a raw PS1 without iTerm2's stuff. It could be changed during command # execution. ITERM2_PRECMD_PS1="$PS1" ITERM2_SHOULD_DECORATE_PROMPT="" # Add our escape sequences just before the prompt is shown. # Use ITERM2_SQUELCH_MARK for people who can't mdoify PS1 directly, like powerlevel9k users. # This is gross but I had a heck of a time writing a correct if statetment for zsh 5.0.2. local PREFIX="" if [[ $PS1 == *"$(iterm2_prompt_mark)"* ]]; then PREFIX="" elif [[ "${ITERM2_SQUELCH_MARK-}" != "" ]]; then PREFIX="" else PREFIX="%{$(iterm2_prompt_mark)%}" fi PS1="$PREFIX$PS1%{$(iterm2_prompt_end)%}" } iterm2_precmd() { local STATUS="$?" if [ -z "${ITERM2_SHOULD_DECORATE_PROMPT-}" ]; then # You pressed ^C while entering a command (iterm2_preexec did not run) iterm2_before_cmd_executes fi iterm2_after_cmd_executes "$STATUS" if [ -n "$ITERM2_SHOULD_DECORATE_PROMPT" ]; then iterm2_decorate_prompt fi } # This is not run if you press ^C while entering a command. iterm2_preexec() { # Set PS1 back to its raw value prior to executing the command. PS1="$ITERM2_PRECMD_PS1" ITERM2_SHOULD_DECORATE_PROMPT="1" iterm2_before_cmd_executes } # If hostname -f is slow on your system, set iterm2_hostname prior to sourcing this script. [[ -z "$iterm2_hostname" ]] && iterm2_hostname=`hostname -f` precmd_functions+=(iterm2_precmd) preexec_functions+=(iterm2_preexec) iterm2_print_state_data printf "${TMUX_PREFIX}\033]1337;ShellIntegrationVersion=11;shell=zsh\007${TMUX_POSTFIX}" # Setup iTerm2 command aliases for cmd (~/.iterm2/*(N)); do [[ -x "$cmd" ]] && alias "$(basename "$cmd")=$cmd" done unset cmd