# AX-ZSH: Alex' Modular ZSH Configuration # correction.zshrc: Setup correction # Always-available commands, for example shell bultin. No need to check for # existence, always define "nocorrect alias". for cmd ( alias command echo print printf type which ); do alias $cmd="nocorrect $cmd" done # Optional commands, check for existence first before creating the alias! for cmd ( apt aptitude brew ebuild gist man mkdir mv mysql pgrep pkg_add pkill sudo ); do [[ -n $commands[$cmd] ]] \ && alias $cmd="nocorrect $cmd" done setopt correct_all SPROMPT="$ZSH_NAME: Correct \"$fg[yellow]%R$reset_color\" to \"$fg[green]%r$reset_color\" [$fg_bold[white]nyae$reset_color]? " unset cmd