#! /usr/bin/perl # # $Header: /home/ralph/netatalk/rsync/netatalk/contrib/shell_utils/Attic/apple_cp,v 1.3 2001-10-16 18:27:27 lancel Exp $ # # $Log: apple_cp,v $ # Revision 1.3 2001-10-16 18:27:27 lancel # Updated perl. # # Fixed a failing test where $to wasn't a directory, but # didn't check that $from was only a single file, result file to file # always failed. # # Fixed the .AppleDouble variable being sent to the split_dir_file # function, it was mistakenly sending $from instead of $to, result cp # $from $from, same file. # # Revision 1.2 2000/08/09 14:12:06 rufustfirefly # /usr/local/bin/perl -> /usr/bin/perl and portability fixes # # Revision 1.1 2000/08/09 14:08:06 rufustfirefly # Shell utils from http://www.-genome.wi.mit.edu/ftp/distribution/software/Bass/bass-1.29/apple_util/ (initial import) # # Revision 1.1 1996/04/03 02:13:12 lstein # Added all these files because they're essential utilities. # # Revision 1.2 1996/02/09 18:44:44 will # fix to usage string # # Revision 1.1 1996/02/09 18:21:35 will # Initial revision # # $USAGE = < 1) { die $USAGE; } foreach $from (@from) { if (!-f $from) { print STDERR "file $from does not exist\n"; die $USAGE; } if (!-d $to && @from >1) { print STDERR "directory $to does not exist\nCan't copy multiple files into one file.\n"; die $USAGE; } $cmd = "cp '$from' '$to'"; system $cmd || die "error executing $cmd"; ($from_dir, $from_file) = split_dir_file($from); if (-d $to) { if (!-d "$to/.AppleDouble") { mkdir("$to/.AppleDouble", 0777); } $cmd = "cp '$from_dir/.AppleDouble/$from_file' '$to/.AppleDouble/$from_file'"; } else { ($to_dir, $to_file) = split_dir_file($to); if (!-d "$to_dir/.AppleDouble") { mkdir("$to_dir/.AppleDouble", 0777); } $cmd = "cp '$from_dir/.AppleDouble/$from_file' '$to_dir/.AppleDouble/$to_file'"; } system $cmd || die "error executing $cmd"; } # split a file path into a directory and file name. sub split_dir_file { my $path = shift; @path_elems = split(/\//, $path); my $file = pop(@path_elems); my $dir; if (!@path_elems) { $dir = '.'; } else { $dir = join('/', @path_elems); } $dir, $file; }