#!@PERL@ # # cnid_maint: A script to maintain the consistency of CNID databases. # # $Id: cnid_maint.in,v 2002-02-09 20:27:45 jmarcus Exp $ # use strict; use Getopt::Std; use vars qw( $APPLE_VOLUMES_FILE $STOP_CMD $START_CMD $PS_CMD $GREP $DB_STAT $DB_RECOVER $DB_VERIFY $VERSION $START_NETATALK $LOCK_FILE $HOLDING_LOCK ); ## Edit ME $STOP_CMD = '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/netatalk.sh stop'; $START_CMD = '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/netatalk.sh start'; # This ps command needs to output the following fields in the following order: # USER,PID,PPID,COMMAND # Below is the example of a BSD ps. A SYSV example is: # /bin/ps -eflouid,pid,ppid,comm $PS_CMD = '@PS@ -axouser,pid,ppid,command'; $DB_STAT = '@DB3_PATH@bin/db_stat'; $DB_RECOVER = '@DB3_PATH@bin/db_recover'; $DB_VERIFY = '@DB3_PATH@bin/db_verify'; $APPLE_VOLUMES_FILE = '@PKGCONFDIR@/AppleVolumes.default'; ## End edit section $VERSION = '1.0'; $GREP = '@GREP@'; $START_NETATALK = 0; $LOCK_FILE = tmpdir() . '/cnid_maint.LOCK'; $HOLDING_LOCK = 0; sub LOCK_SH { 1 } sub LOCK_EX { 2 } sub LOCK_NB { 4 } sub LOCK_UN { 8 } my $opts = {}; my $extra_safe = 0; my $do_verify = 0; my $remove_logs = 0; getopts( 'hsvVl', $opts ); if ( $opts->{'v'} ) { version(); exit(0); } if ( $opts->{'h'} ) { help(); exit(0); } if ( $opts->{'s'} ) { $extra_safe = 1; } if ( $opts->{'V'} ) { $do_verify = 1; } if ( $opts->{'l'} ) { $remove_logs = 1; } print "Beginning run of CNID DB Maintanence script at " . scalar(localtime) . ".\n\n"; if ( -f $LOCK_FILE ) { error( 1, "Lock file $LOCK_FILE exists." ); end(); } unless ( open( LOCK, ">" . $LOCK_FILE ) ) { error( 2, "Unable to create $LOCK_FILE: $!" ); } flock( LOCK, LOCK_EX ); $HOLDING_LOCK = 1; # Check to see if the AppleVolumes.default file exists. We will use this file # to get a list of database environments to recover. We will ignore users' # home directories since that could be a monumental under taking. if ( !-f $APPLE_VOLUMES_FILE ) { error( 2, "Unable to locate $APPLE_VOLUMES_FILE" ); } # Use ps to get a list of running afpds. We will track all afpd PIDs that are # running as root. unless ( open( PS, $PS_CMD . " | $GREP afpd | $GREP -v grep |" ) ) { error( 2, "Unable to open a pipe to ps: $!" ); } my $children = 0; my $processes = 0; while () { chomp; $processes++; my ( $user, $pid, $ppid, $command ) = split (/\s+/); if ( ( $user eq "root" && $ppid != 1 ) || ( $user ne "root" ) ) { $children++; } } close(PS); if ( $children > 1 ) { # We have some children. We cannot run recovery. error( 1, "Clients are still connected. Database recovery will not be run at this time." ); end(); } if ($processes) { # Shutdown the running afpds. $START_NETATALK = 1; error( 0, "Shutting down afpd process..." ); error( 2, "Failed to shutdown afpd" ) if system( $STOP_CMD . ">/dev/null 2>&1" ); } # Now, we parse AppleVolumes.default to get a list of volumes to run recovery # on. unless ( open( VOLS, $APPLE_VOLUMES_FILE ) ) { error( 2, "Unable to open $APPLE_VOLUMES_FILE: $!" ); } my @paths = (); while () { s/#.*//; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next unless length; my ( $path, @options ) = split ( /\s+/, $_ ); next if ( $path =~ /^~/ ); my $option = ""; foreach $option (@options) { # We need to check for the dbpath option on each volume. If that # option is present, we should use its path instead of the actual # volume path. if ( $option =~ /^dbpath:/ ) { push @paths, $'; } else { push @paths, $path; } } } close(VOLS); my $path = ""; foreach $path (@paths) { my $dbpath = $path . "/.AppleDB"; if ($extra_safe) { error( 0, "Checking database environment $dbpath for open connections..." ); unless ( open( STAT, $DB_STAT . " -h $dbpath -e |" ) ) { error( 1, "Failed to open a pipe to $DB_STAT: $!" ); next; } # Now, check each DB environment for any open connections (db_stat calls # them as references). If a volume has no references, we can do # recovery on it. Only check this option if the user wants to play # things extra safe. my $connections = 0; while () { chomp; s/\s//g; if (/References\.$/) { $connections = $`; last; } } close(STAT); # Print out two different skip messages. This is just for anality. if ( $connections == 1 ) { error( 1, "Skipping $dbpath since it has one active connection" ); next; } if ( $connections > 0 ) { error( 1, "Skipping $dbpath since it has $connections active connections" ); next; } } # Run the db_recover command on the environment. error( 0, "Running db_recover on $dbpath" ); if ( system( $DB_RECOVER . " -h $dbpath >/dev/null 2>&1" ) ) { error( 1, "Failed to run db_recover on $dbpath" ); next; } if ($do_verify) { error( 0, "Verifying $dbpath/cnid.db" ); if ( system( $DB_VERIFY . " -q -h $dbpath cnid.db" ) ) { error( 1, "Verification of $dbpath/cnid.db failed" ); next; } error( 0, "Verifying $dbpath/devino.db" ); if ( system( $DB_VERIFY . " -q -h $dbpath devino.db" ) ) { error( 1, "Verification of $dbpath/devino.db failed" ); next; } error( 0, "Verifying $dbpath/didname.db" ); if ( system( $DB_VERIFY . " -q -h $dbpath didname.db" ) ) { error( 1, "Verification of $dbpath/didname.db failed" ); next; } } if ($remove_logs) { # Remove the log files if told to do so. unless ( opendir( DIR, $dbpath ) ) { error( 1, "Failed to open $dbpath for browsing: $!" ); next; } my $file = ""; while ( defined( $file = readdir(DIR) ) ) { if ( $file =~ /^log\.\d+$/ ) { error( 0, "Removing $dbpath/$file" ); unless ( unlink( $dbpath . "/" . $file ) ) { error( 1, "Failed to remove $dbpath/$file: $!" ); next; } } } closedir(DIR); } } end(); sub tmpdir { my $tmpdir; foreach ( $ENV{TMPDIR}, "/tmp" ) { next unless defined && -d && -w _; $tmpdir = $_; last; } $tmpdir = '' unless defined $tmpdir; return $tmpdir; } sub error { my ( $code, $msg ) = @_; my $err_types = { 0 => "INFO", 1 => "WARNING", 2 => "ERROR", }; print $err_types->{$code} . ": " . $msg . "\n"; end() if ( $code == 2 ); } sub end { if ($START_NETATALK) { error( 0, "Restarting Netatalk" ); if ( system( $START_CMD . " >/dev/null 2>&1" ) ) { print "ERROR: Failed to restart Netatalk\n"; } } if ($HOLDING_LOCK) { close(LOCK); unlink($LOCK_FILE); } print "\nRun of CNID DB Maintenance script ended at " . scalar(localtime) . ".\n"; exit(0); } sub version { print "cnid_maint.pl version $VERSION\n"; } sub help { print "usage: cnid_maint.pl [-hlsvV]\n"; print "\t-h view this message\n"; print "\t-l remove transaction logs after running recovery\n"; print "\t-s be extra safe in verifying there are no open DB connections\n"; print "\t-v print version and exit\n"; print "\t-V run a verification on all database files after recovery\n"; }